Am I an Incel Ally?
42 2018-05-24 by incelally
I'm 17, had sexual encounters with 6 different girls. Am extremely jaded about modern women. Sympathise with this sub when I visit. I am 100% self-aware that without good looks and height my life would have been so much harder. At 15 I was what you would call volcel because I was a chubby nerd with no social skills. Then I took "the red pill", got a nice body, chiseled face and everything fell into place.
That said I discovered the true nature of modern women and they're not worth the effort. To my incel friends there are more of us out there in Gen Z. You guys highlight real world social dynamics and mask it using irony and extremism thus feeding the soyboys and landwhales at inceltears their daily virtuous meal. You guys are part of the counter culture and I love it.
1 qwep-mi 2018-05-24
Nah youre just a cuck goodbye
1 Hideouslyric 2018-05-24
Be nice boy, you need all the help you can get.
1 Idk12344482305 2018-05-24
1 trevmon2 2018-05-24
1 ImGoingHomeForThis 2018-05-24
Even your insults are pathetic
1 escapetheinceldom 2018-05-24
Enemy of my enemy is my friend.
1 Pollutacorn1824 2018-05-24
Who is your enemy?
1 escapetheinceldom 2018-05-24
1 Pollutacorn1824 2018-05-24
1 bopoll 2018-05-24
You're not entitled to an answer
1 Pollutacorn1824 2018-05-24
Haha ok.
Maybe this mentality is why people on this sub think everyone is their enemy. Instead of deflecting every question with a witty one liner try having a conversation and people might like you more...
Anyways, thanks for checking my entitlement though.
1 bopoll 2018-05-24
We have conversations all the time with you idiots, it always goes the same way, you say dumb things like "shower more" and "lower your standards" as if we don't know what hygiene is and also have any standards at all.
1 thr0w123away456 2018-05-24
fuck off to /r/mgtow
1 foreignincel4 2018-05-24
nop normies can go fuck themselves incels dont need allys
1 CaptainHoof 2018-05-24
You’re worse than feminism
1 IncelistanWillRise 2018-05-24
Welcome to hell
1 The_Real_Cannaman 2018-05-24
Blackpilled-Chad? I don't understand, if I was a Chad i wouldn't know what reddit even is.
1 Chadown0 2018-05-24
You are wrong.
1 The_Real_Cannaman 2018-05-24
I know a lot of normies who don't know it too
1 Chadown0 2018-05-24
I actually have Chad features and even have women aproaching me sometimes, and if you ask me why am i in reddit instead of fucking some Stacy, i actually always been an insecure freak because i am poor and always tried to hide it with friends or girls, nobody knows, i simpatize with people here.
1 The_Real_Cannaman 2018-05-24
Just fuck'em no strings attached
1 Chadown0 2018-05-24
Thank you man.
1 sailorgangordie 2018-05-24
He used to be a fatcel, he probably found reddit back then and now hes Chad like this guy:
1 whiteopscel 2018-05-24
Jesus that transformation...
1 Mr_StealYoGirl69 2018-05-24
I am a chadlite when looksmaxed. I spend half my day on reddit because work is boring.
1 AcrobaticSwordfish 2018-05-24
You're not our ally. Go to r/mgtow
1 bcat124 2018-05-24
Break women's hearts. Cheat on your girlfriends in a spectacular and humiliating way. Lead women on then tell them to fuck off cuz they're ugly and unlovable. Leave women hanging on dates and text them later that you didn't want to go cuz she's trash and not worth getting out of the house for.
1 Ih8j4ke 2018-05-24
You're seventeen and think you know any women lol
1 Brandojr1 2018-05-24
You'd be surprised
1 CaptainHoof 2018-05-24
Lol if u weren’t surrounded by women at 17
1 BetaChad69 2018-05-24
jesus christ dude, good job I guess
1 thehardertruth2000 2018-05-24
No, you didn't. Comment post history shows you are an avid /r/Destiny fan. Not the game, the manlet beta cuck streamer.
'sexual encounters' okay M'lady.
1 BetaChad69 2018-05-24
If you actually looked at the comments i'm posting i'm blackpilling people outside of this echochamber, something ur too pussy to do. You are also projecting since you are an avid livestreamfail poster
Also your comment doesn't make sense as a reply to mine.
1 trevmon2 2018-05-24
get out chad
1 Snotclot09 2018-05-24
You're just a 17yo idiot. Red pilled lmao. Amusing phrase for puberty.
1 wont_tell_i_refuse_ 2018-05-24
1 t-away3 2018-05-24
“Sexual encounters”
I call bullshit
1 bigman4004 2018-05-24
I am a blackpilled Normie who is married but also knows the true nature of most women is to be superficial and care about looks above all else. When I come on this sub, I rarely speak to the actual Incels since the fact that I have had sex and they haven't only makes them resent me. Rather, I spend my time on this sub attacking bluepilled Normies and Roasties. My contribution is not to humblebrag to Incels but to help them by making as much of the world as blackpilled as possible.
1 TheiWindFelt 2018-05-24
r/mgtow bro. But mgtow are allies of incel. They are just too salty to admit it.
1 cookin_breakfast 2018-05-24
Support enforced monogamy and we'll be friends
1 thumpar72 2018-05-24
only high iq comment i could spot in this thread.
1 iamhopeless256 2018-05-24
Fuck off
1 Dead2fall 2018-05-24
It's plausible he is. I have two kids. I'm blackpilled as fuck. They're all worthless fucking cunts who have zero shame, zero accountability and expect the world from men. They want their fucking feminism but only when it suits them. "women can do anything men can do!" good bitch get the fuck outside and shovel the 24" of snow in the driveway. Then go stick your hand in the shitter to get the shit the kids clogged it with. Treat them like the worthless meat bags they are and blatantly tell them where they stand. They are sneaky, lying, selfish, entitled fucking CUNTS. There's not a single woman in this world that doesn't try to manipulate, gaslight, and extort men for what they want.
They call you creeps? Be a fucking creep then. That cunt at the drive through? Stare in her eyes and touch her hand creepily when she hands you your change. That trashbag in Walmart? Walk by while she's bent over looking at makeup and say "mmm". That slut jogging down the road half naked? Slow down and make sure she sees you're staring. Fuck. Them. All.
1 The_Real_Cannaman 2018-05-24
Just fuck'em no strings attached