Just get an asian gf bro

237  2018-05-23 by SchlomoSilverberg


I can't even get an Asian girl, pass me the fucking rope already.

Bullshit you'd have to legit deformed not to be able to get an looksmatched Asian gf as a white guy


There's my answer

There are none here, it's over for locationcels

you're right.

Why you putting asians beneath white ?

Society puts them beneath. He’s just acknowledging the inequality. In the ideal world all races would be perceived as equally attractive, yet we don’t live in an ideal world.

Well said

Not true at all. It's pretty widely known that Asian females are actually heavily sought after because they are more feminine and in many cases age better. Also they are hard working and less evil than white girls from what I've seen.


I usually find Asian girls better looking than white girls.

You likely just find attractive Asian girls better looking than average white girls. If you live in the West only the best of a certain country emigrate and normally good genes come in packages. I'm sure if you went to asian countries, you'll see that it all averages out.

Nah it's just Asian features in general that I find attractive. I'm surprised people here are acting like they aren't usually pretty hot.

Have you ever considered that the features you find attractive on Asian girls are the same features that make Asian guys incel? Nobody wants to date a petite, feminine looking manlet. So all you're doing here is proving the blackpill; it's over for Asian men.

I blame our media. U.S. media really blows dick and is dictated by a tiny homogenous group of self-interested people with way too much power. They don't like to portray Asian men in a positive light. It's like the 1800s with how Asians are portrayed in 2018 American media. Nonetheless, many Asian features would be attractive on either gender.

I never said I was incel or said I was bitter...

The average U.S. citizen isn't really thought of as attractive in terms of weight and stuff within their control. As for ethnic features, like I said I just like East Asian ones.

You only say this because you are a below average white guy so Asian women act submissive because you are superior to them but you are still lower SMV than an average white girl so they act bitchy towards you.

How white girls act the exact same way towards Chad that Asian girls act towards you.

My girlfriend is white and we both work in the fitness industry..

I have a thing for Asian women. The reason you will always be an incel no matter what you look like is because you are trying to tell other men what Ethnicity women they should prefer. That's incel sociopath shit.

Thank you

The reason you will always be an incel no matter what you look like is because you are trying to tell other men what Ethnicity women they should prefer.

Stop projecting.

Projecting what? I get like 20 matches on Tinder and just don't message them unless I want to get laid

You bring up solid points I never thought about how some girls will straight put on these different faces, like if she is into the guy all the sudden she is submissive and feminine, then if she isn't into a guy she is bitchy and masculine. Seems simple enough, why the fuck didn't I notice that before....fuck

I don't get it. Why are you guys putting down Asian women? Asian women are like the most highly rated on dating apps and I find them hot because in my experience Asian girls let you take control and tend to actually be feminine.


You watch way too much twitch.tv man. Maybe if every time you sat on your skinnyfat ass and watched twitch streamers you went to the gym, you wouldn't be a full blown incel ;) Tee hee

Have you ever been to California? Those 4th generation Asians will not be letting you “take control.”

I don't agree with much on this sub, but it is rather true that in western society we (Asian people) tend to get devalued and reduced to stereotypes. I'd like to see that change sometime, but it's racism, it's probably not going to go away any time soon.

These loser guys getting Asian girlfriends/wives are pretty much just abusing the financial dynamic between the rich white male and third world woman who marries him to escape from poverty. It's sleazy af.

Apply this critical and intelligent lens to all relationships and the blackpill becomes very clear.

It's not about money, it's about RACE. There are more rich Asian females marrying beta loser white men nowadays than the reverse.

"Even" -- dude no one here could get with an Asian girl

future mgtow lol...with those kids...

Literally the opposite of mgtow

ROFL this is good in so many ways. Big props if you made this yourself. Best of the day!

it was made by someone on /pol/ to ridicule some white nationalist figures

Yes that is indeed why it's good, but it is also a mockery whether they know it or not of the retarded liberals too. They are side by side, so different and opposed to each other and yet they are both so much the same. Yet here we white nationalist whitecels be while the MGTOW and Feminazi fuckers be fucking each other and everyone's races and each other and then ragging on us male virgins when we have fucked no races' women nor our own races' women!

Asians girls are not obese, more feminine and actually appreciate White guys. They are the clear choice over White women its not even debatable. Thats not even factoring in higher IQ, White women being “mudsharks” and toxic feminists

Cope. asians will cuck and betabuxx you for that greencard while searching for white Chad using your moneyt.

Don't forget the /r/hapas problem too. Having a son with an Asian woman would result in a ricecel shorter than you are.

If you wanted to use that argument why wouldn't you look at Black crime rates then talk about mixed kids from Black dads/White women ?

Black dads white moms is just as bad

The golden standard is to get an Asian wife and buy Chad and Stacy's seed and eggs to plant into your wife.

Why not adopt a kid at that point you fucking aspie?

Don't give a shit they are better than White women. If you are that worried go to another country and don't bring them to U.S.

Then they’ll betabuxx and cuck you while fucking Chang. You can’t cheat the system.

Then you have another Asian few Asian girls you talk to and move on if that happens. Or you date an Asian girl with an established career that has her own money

Hahaha keep coping with your noodle whores boyo.

Will do

Whyte wymyn are prettiest.

No they aren't and everything they have in society is from White mens inventions and hard work

Subjective, really, but I bet men's preferences for race is white, maybe not as extreme as wymyn's, but surely a preference nonetheless. And even then it's a what you can get situation for a guy, this may affect what he says his preferences are since he can't land white wymyn. Wymyn can keep their preferences because pussy.

Thats not an argument.

Yeah just my opinion / thoughts.

everything they have in society is from White mens inventions and hard work

Same goes for Asian women.

Yep but Asian women appreciate White men more than White women do, thats the sad part

white Chads


They are the clear choice over White women its not even debatable

I too prefer Asian women, I think you're onto something.

White women being “mudsharks” and toxic feminists

and there it is.

Well its the truth

Lol cope. Everyone knows that WMAF couples are disgusting. The male and female are all low tier.

Lmao, white women are mudsharks and Asian women are potato chasers. Where's the difference? They're race traitors either way.

Cope as fuck only ugly loser white guys go for asians because they’re to ugly to date women from their own race

If Asian girls looks better on average why wouldnt White guys date them? Dipshit.

Im sorry if u think fish faced asian girls are better looking i guess good for you retard but most people don’t

Sounds like you're pissed because an Asian girl rejected you

only 1st gen asian women have good personalities. Second generation american asians are spoilt as fuck. America brings out the worst in all!

Thats not even factoring in higher IQ, Are you factoring the fact that your son probably will be a manlet and will have 30% more chances of having a mental disease?

Did you personally make up those statistics? Ho check out the rate at which your precious white women use drugs, are obese and have casual sex with black guys then fucking tell me i shouldnt date an asian woman instead

Leonardo da vinci over here wit hthe art

we should be paying to see this

what a time to be alive

everything is free

except women which we are not allowed to have even if we're willing to pay


Both are degenerate.

The wfbm at least might have a chad son. Sons of wmaf are HAPA incels from birth

Coalburning is even worse than ivory poaching.

Coal Burning = President of the United States

Rice Cooking = Autistic manlet incel mass shooter

Don't act like that's typical. Most Hapas probably make way more money than your average mulatto

The average hapa birthed to an alt-righter like him will end up crazy.

yea most HAPAS are just junior elliot rodgers

Most Hapas probably make way more money than your average mulatto

Probably true, but that likely has more to do with the guys asian women end up with being lower tier whites, often in STEM, making good money. It's a wealthier portion of an already wealthier demographic.

or its just the fact that white + asian = high IQ and white + black = lower iq on average

Yeah that's completely irrelevant. Wealthier people tend to have wealthy kids. Whether it's because IQ makes them wealthy or them being so encourages IQ growth in a positive reinforcement cycle is a pointless back and forth about nature vs nurture that those much more knowledgeable than you are still studying and pondering, don't presume "facts" or whatever relevance those "facts" have on the discussion at hand. It's a non-sequitur in any case.

Point OP was making (and a point relevant to incel forums) is the the numerous dynamics of af/wm ends up turning out more unstable incels than ww/bm. Talking about "muh bux" as if money ever made a not chad not a chad or an unstable incel not an unstable incel sounds like a goal-post moving cope.

Point OP was making (and a point relevant to incel forums) is the the numerous dynamics of af/wm ends up turning out more unstable incels than ww/bm

LOL I'm sure if you look at crime rates mulattos would be higher than hapas.

And women love low-inhib crime committing chads more than law abiding incels. Everything you're saying, assuming absoluteness in the worst is proving the OP right. All you're saying is that some assumptions about some statistics about small multiracial groups show Hapas are making more money and commit less crimes than Mulattoes. Best case scenario for you is assuming that they are more productive in society. Ignoring literally all the logical merits and or issues with this statement, all it does is proves what OP and the blackpill strives to spread, the idea that women desire less contributing chads more than more contributing incels. No amount of bux or not committing crimes will change this.

the idea that women desire less contributing chads more than more contributing incels

I never disputed this you retard. I disputed that you said that a good overall representative of the mulatto population is obama when he is clearly top 1% in intelligence for mulattos. obama isn't even a tyrone he's beta

disputed that you said that a good overall representative of the mulatto population is obama

I never said that retard, sailor did.

The point he was making, which was clear if you weren't a brainlet. Is that when people think Muls they think Obama, best from both worlds, chad etc. when they think Hapa they think Er, unstable etc. It shouldn't be that way but our culture tends to see it as such. In general that Muls are more likely to be seen as chads (whether by looks or status) and that hapas as incels. You'd have to be a babbling retard to think with all the context of this sub he's literally saying wf/bm = you president now and af/wm = you spree killer now.

I dont think most people think mulattos = obama

Of course not, and most people don't see Hapas as Elliot. But in generally mulattoes have a chadier image in society than hapas, which was the original point.

The cartoon drawing looks exactly like Laowhy86 but he only has the one kid. Even when his kid was born he was surprised how Chinese she looks (I bet he suspects being cucked).

The deal is even if you get a chineese wife or any asian the child will be born as a gook abomination and the next elliot rodger wich will look nothing like you

gook abomination

I love this.

Chang at it again

The percentage of men raising kids not theirs is rather high. But he would never get a DNA result because if it ends up not being his then he will be deported from China and AFAIK he has no marketable skills to survive in USA. Such is the curse of being a white monkey English teacher in East Asia.

He is the typical beta nice guy who couldn't get American women so he had to go to a different country to exploit his whiteness. That's literally all the guy has to offer.

This is the case for most white American men unless they're born with Brad Pitt genetics. A white American woman, even if she weighs 200 kilograms, knows she's somewhere near the top on a global SMV and only wants Gigachads or filthy rich men (who will let her cheat with Chads).

You don’t mention this the woman he chose looksmatch him



What is she saying?

Seems like gibberish to me, but I only read Japanese.

t. weeaboo-cel

Thanks. I guess its chinese? I thiught it was Japanese tho, lol , cuz of the katanka

Yh it’s deffo Japanese, just could be random katakana characters together

Oh. Im dissapointed that its gibberish then.

It is, but as far as I can tell it doesn't mean anything. ガボケゴザヸ. Gabokegozabi. Doesn't give a single result on google. My guess is someone set their keyboard to Japanese and smashed keys at random.

My guess is someone set their keyboard to Japanese and smashed keys at random.

Good guess, it's most definitely this then. And the artist prob had a fetish for diacritical marks too.

makes it even more funny lmao

ching chong white dong

Cartoon made me fucking giggle

Wait what is she saying in Chinese?

Its japanese. Im almost positive the 3rd and 4th characters dont exist in Chinese. Also the font isnt Chinese.

ガボケゴザヸ? Gabokegozabi? That's not a real word! Hey! I don't think the person who made this actually knows japanese!

it's gu tho


Fake and gay. Behead this cuck.

Those kids don't look angry enough at their parents.


LMAO, it's almost always the racist dudes that go after the self-hating 3rd world Asian girls. Creating more ERs in the world.

You’re retarded

Lazy guys who can't woo the women in their own country so they run away to another country and play up the fact they are white.

Sounds about white

Third-world maxing

So true

Asian gf is God tier


that's Richard Spencer or the average alt-right white nationalist!

'Alt-right' doesn't mean anything.

richard spencer coined that term. Now he doesn't have any followers left. I used to follow him on twitter and a lot of anon accounts. All kinda hate him now. Nick Fluentes is the in thing these days looks like.

He has a devoted, lifetime follower..in me.

Another good example of why this community deserves no sympathy.

White girls are absolutely obsessed with BBC these days, asian femoids aren't nearly as obsessed with white dick. This ain't the 90s anymore

most of those girls are either jewish or lower class white girls.

If you have BWC though, you will be worshipped like a Greek God by a white girl.

white girls don't believe in BWC just BBC

If Nick Vujicic with no limbs or Josh Blue with cerebral palsy can get Asian wives; then anyone of you white boys can get one too. ;)

lol, this is most jewish men. (((We))) cant keep our women under control so we have mutant freaks like mark zukerbergs kids becoming the new norm

hello eurasiantiger

Don't forget the /r/hapas problem too. Having a son with an Asian woman would result in a ricecel shorter than you are.

If you wanted to use that argument why wouldn't you look at Black crime rates then talk about mixed kids from Black dads/White women ?

Don't give a shit they are better than White women. If you are that worried go to another country and don't bring them to U.S.

The golden standard is to get an Asian wife and buy Chad and Stacy's seed and eggs to plant into your wife.

Thats not an argument.

Coalburning is even worse than ivory poaching.

yea most HAPAS are just junior elliot rodgers