It is totally not filled with pathetic submissive incels in deni ...

157  2018-05-23 by bcat124


LOL lack of empathy. all we want is dating to be looksmatched instead of corrupted by female greed.

Here's what I don't get when it comes to the whole normie "women aren't everything" bullshit normies spout: without having a family with a loved one, what else is there? For the average person with no remarkable gifted skills like virtually everyone on reddit dot com, a 9am to 6pm job is what we can expect, so that's your whole day. so do that 5 days a week with little time to unwind when the sun goes down, and that's your whole life.

So what the hell else is there besides that miserably grueling slog of a life without a family to give you purpose?

Reading helps. I have broad interests in science, mathematics, history, and philosophy. It's a cope, but it's a good one.

I have broad interests in science, mathematics, history, and philosophy.


LMAO what they mean is they watch shitty pop science/history documentaries on cable.

Sharing your time with friends?

advocate for more realistic female standards of attractiveness

Do you think insulting women is going to change their mind about who they find attractive?

What a random question. When did I ever claim that insulting women is the way to advocate for more realistic female standards of attractiveness

Just answer the question.

look at the btfo'd normie trying to regain some dignity

btfo'd normie


If women weren't so dramatically lookist, none of this would be an issue.

How do you intend on changing that?

People have natural in group preferences. Should we accept racial discrimination on these grounds? Morally? Lookism affects women too, just not to the same degree.

I'm asking you specifically how you think that this situation can be changed.

Do you think that people posting insulting memes on this subreddit is going to make women change their views?

We come here to vent because things very obviously haven't changed.

It shouldn't be hard to literally just not keep going for the top guys all the time. It's bad for women too - women are sabotaging relationships by going after more attractive men, who will invariably use them for sex because...he's more attractive and he can afford to.

We come here to vent because things very obviously haven't changed.

That sounds a lot more accurate than "advocating for more realstic female standards of attractiveness"

It shouldn't be hard to literally just not keep going for the top guys all the time.

Do you think that women would be more likely to stop pursuing "top guys" after visiting /r/braincels?


I already mentioned MRAs, who essentially try to make feminists live up to their own rhetoric about equality for all and no one having their cake and eating it.

Are you actually blaming us for not...what? We can't force their minds to change. We jus expose what's happening so people can't deny it. Which they do. What would you have us do?

I already mentioned MRAs

That doesn't answer my question. Do you think that /r/braincels does anything to advocate for realistic standards for attractiveness? And if so, do you think these efforts are actually going to work?

Are you actually blaming us for not...what?

I'm not blaming anyone. I'm just asking if you really think that posting memes and calling women whores is really going to change anything.

What would you have us do?

Answer a question directly instead of dancing around it.

We're reacting to the world, an unfair world which barely anyone else acknowledges, as it is. We are a tiny subreddit on a website which the vast majority of people haven't even heard of. This is coping with a shitty reality. Some weirdos want White Sharia. Others want lookism to stop. We make memes for cope. We can't do everything.

I can understand the venting. I think that's an accurate description of what most incels do here. What I dont understand is how venting gets turned into "advocating for more realistic attractiveness standards."

If anything, it seems like visiting this sub would make women less likely to change their views on the subject.

Do you think that venting here is going to change anyone's mind about who they find attractive?

Because not everyone is going for that. We're only reacting to what's in front of us, but our solutions and ideas are many. We aren't a hive mind.

our solutions and ideas are many.

What are they? What kind of ideas and solutions have you come up with?

Do you think a woman would change her views on who she found attractive after visiting /r/braincels?

We're lonely, depressed virgins reacting to cold harsh reality for the very first time. When you see the absolute shitshow that is modern politics, we actually look pretty normal. It's not like they're trying to convince anyone. You're expecting us to be perfect and if we're not then it's all our fault. You don't get to do that.

You're expecting us to be perfect and if we're not then it's all our fault. You don't get to do that.

No. I'm not. I'm just asking questions.

Going back to more conservative values, a society where sexuality is more restrained

How would this change who women find attractive?

Railing against lookist discriminaation by raising awareness about it.

Do you think that a woman would change her views on who she found attractive after visiting /r/braincels?

You are though. I don't own this site. Not everyone thinks this can even be resolved - many have simply given up.

I think education is the key

women need to be educated from birth, have it pounded into their minds, to go for a looksmaxx

chads should be kept away from them, let chads have one 10/10 stacy they don't need more than one

chads should be kept away from them

Where would you keep all the Chads? Would there be like a Chad island somewhere?

Suicide is the only solution tbh, or it's a lifetime of loneliness

Why do you feel like those are the only options?

There is one other option

What is it?


You are though.

No. I'm not.

It would maybe force them to settle for a looksmatch

How? How would going back to conservative views on sexuality force women to settle for their looksmatch?

If people can get over their natural racism, then they can get over lookism

That's true in regards to stuff like employment and discrimination in the criminal justice system. Ugly people shouldn't have a harder time finding a job, for example. But I don't see how you can change who people find attractive or who they choose to be with, especially through venting, insults, and memes. It seems pretty futile and also like it actively hurts your chances of achieving the change you want.

I'm not even talking just about ugly people. This goes across the board. Women go up. This applies for average looking people too. It just fucks over ugly or lower status men the most.

About a conservative society, as said, casual sex is frowned up and people are encouraged to marry early. There's also a culture of match-making, not enforced by law but social custom.

Women go up.

Men date up when it comes to long term relationships though.

About a conservative society, as said, casual sex is frowned up and people are encouraged to marry early.

Just because it was frowned upon doesn't people didn't have casual sex. People had just as much sex in the 50s as they do today, they just didn't talk about it.

people are encouraged to marry early

Do you think that's a good idea considering that most people in their late teens/early 20's can't support a family with their current income?

There's also a culture of match-making, not enforced by law but social custom.

What do you mean by this? Are you talking about arranged marriages?

As I said, I'd rather confront lookism than go back to old times, I don't know why you're holding me down for every user on this site.

Higher status men, maybe. Not much comfort for the single/incel guys.

just pull up bootstraps bro

Look. Men go after hot women a lot more than the less attractive women. It's normal. I actually have extreme social anxiety from trying to make everyone comfortable and happy. It usually keeps me from going to parties and hanging out with friends and meeting new people pretty often. It's kept me from making more money when I babysit or tutor people, too, because I want my client to be happy and unstressed.

But this is where I draw the line. Women, just like men, have the right to date whoever they want to, as long as that person returns those feelings. Neither one should have to "settle" for someone they're unattracted to or uncomfortable with. I'm sorry if it's slightly skewed in women's favor. But nobody is gonna date/fuck someone out of pity.

Attractive people get more matches. No one is disputing this.

But when you look at men and women as a whole, women are a lot pickier. Average men vs average woman, for instance.

Look. Men go after hot women a lot more than the less attractive women.

Thats debateable. Average looking girls are approached way more cuz hot girls are intimidating.

It's the same with hot men, though. I'd never approach a male model.

I feel like incels would be less aggressive to outsiders if they just accepted that dating is stacked in women's favour. Women have choices, men have chances.

I agree that women have the advantage. I just don't get what they're trying to do. Women aren't gonna suddenly start dating men they're unattracted to, if they can be with people they are attracted to. So being bitter and aggressive just lowers any chance they get with anyone. Because personality really is important. Appearances are too, but if you're unattractive, but youre nice/funny/positive, then there's a better chance you'll find someone. Most people wouldnt want to be with someone that's negative and mean, no matter how hot they are.

They're years past having given up all hope of anyone ever finding them attractive and that is what shapes their bitterness. The niceguy meme is testament to how simply being nice isn't what makes someone attractive to women. Telling them to put on a confident facade comes across as condescending as well and, to people with virtually zero self-esteem, pulling it off is out of the realm of possibility anyway.

Most people wouldnt want to be with someone that's negative and mean, no matter how hot they are.

Really, all they need to do is look at the amount of abusive men in relationships or the amount of women that talk themselves into staying with cheaters to disregard that.

The reality is that these are people who have never been loved or shown any degree of affection, I don't think telling them it's their fault and that they have to change, especially in this atmosphere of feminists telling everyone that women should be loved for who they are, is going to do anything other than further entrench their bitterness.

Feminists have a lot of points, as it's a group of people who have varying opinions, just as any large organization does. But I think the main issue feminists fight for is body positivity, which is directed at society, not forcing men to date them, as well as fighting for respect in different career fields. There may be some extremists who think men should date them no matter their weight or appearance, but it's not mainstream at all. But I understand if you've gotten that impression, as you know the most extreme opinions are often the loudest.

But your point about abuse is interesting. My friend just left her cheating husband a year ago. They married really young. And I rememeber meeting him, and I though he was great. He was sweet, was always hugging her and making sure she was okay. They seemed perfect together. But obviously some people are really great at hiding things. And when a couple has children or have been together a while, or the one who wants to leave has no friends/family nearby to help support them, it can be hard. If you haven't lived through it, you can't say what you would or wouldn't do. If you were to show them what would happen at the beginning of the relationship, I'm sure most of them would leave.

I don't have a problem with feminists, but they're biggest problem is definitely the loud psychod and, rspecially when people are in a particularly strong mindset, confirmation bias makes the minority of psycho feminists a hyper-reality.

And I rememeber meeting him, and I though he was great.

This is, I think, the ultimate source of incels bitterness. You can talk about women wanting nice people, but what attracts them is the facade of a nice person. Someone who is genuinely nice, but both physically unattractive and doesn't have the self esteem to pull off any degree of outward confidence has no hope no matter how good of a partner they have the potential to be.

I think the problem is that it's hard to tell if someone's genuinely nice or it's just a facade. But you're right, and I can see how that'd be frustrating.

I think the problem is that it's hard to tell if someone's genuinely nice or it's just a facade.

There's no doubt about that and it's true for all social interaction, which is why I think the people who come here and suggest women have an ability to sniff out creeps don't get taken seriously either. I don't know what could be done, the internet and especially social media hasn't helped; it has certainly allowed a visible minority of people to be woven into a sort of hyper-real narrative that confirms everything they believe and without real world social interaction with genuinely nice people, it's easy to believe that they don't exist. Ironically the majority of people who come here in an attempt to help often unintentionally confirm their biases.

I agree completely.

No, but respecting them won't change it too.

So all the memes and insults are ultimately futile then?


This is a telltale sign that someone is mad. All it's missing is an moticon on the end to show just how buttmad you truly are.


Yea, you're totally mad. Who hurt you?


I'm a dude lol

Your a roastie at heart

Then you're a cuck


That's the point, Einstein. If insulting or not insulting a woman won't change how they are attracted to then why do you bother with us insulting them? Thanks for acknowledging that doesn't matter how you treat a femoid she'll be always attracted to chad.

What I'm acknowledging is that all this venting and coping isn't going to change anyone's minds, so it's not really "advocating for change" or whatever OP was going for. It's just malicious venting. I personally don't care what you do, just don't act like an asshole and then say you're doing it for some kinda grand social cause. Just say you're being an asshole because it makes you feel better about yourself.

Ok I admit it if you leave this place right after.

It could make them go for their looksmatch if we manage to crush their confidence and self-esteem.


are you talking about yourself dude?

Says the fakecel.


Well, they're not completely deluded about looks. Still wrong about the rape advocacy, misogyny etc, then again, IT going for the low-hanging fruit isn't anything new.

Wrong? Have you never been to because that kind of talk was rife and the misogyny is strong here.

Every group has it's extremists.

The fuck is an East Asian Co Prosperity Sphere.

"was an imperialist idea created and promulgated for occupied Asian populations during 1930–1945 by the Empire of Japan. It extended greater than East Asia and promoted the cultural and economic unity of Northeast Asians, Southeast Asians, South Asians and Oceanians. It also declared the intention to create a self-sufficient "bloc of Asian nations led by the Japanese and free of Western powers"."

So it's basically North Korea, but all of Asia (including Australia for this guy for some reason) and led by Japan.

Guy sounds like an extreme weaboo. Think Nazi lebensraum but for Japan. Being a literal fascist is fine as long as you betray your gender

He's probably asexual or LL

Remember kids: fascism is fine if against a group who is seen as "evil"

He is memeing ww2. Japan wanted to take over east Asia and run it Japan style. The "co-prosperity sphere" was a euphemistic way of saying "basically enslave everyone who is not japanese". The slice of Australia is a reference to the fact that to defend this region of the world, the Japanese had to have airbases that could attack an invading fleet. To do that they had to neutralize air power in northern Australia. Hence, the bombing of Darwin and the invasion of papua New guinea. OP completely whiffed on the joke.

I might be wrong but I think it's a reference to the book "The man in the high castle" by Phillip K Dick, where the Axis powers win WW2. The dude enjoys reading books, apparently.

He is memeing ww2. Japan wanted to take over east Asia and run it Japan style. The "co-prosperity sphere" was a euphemistic way of saying "basically enslave everyone who is not japanese". The slice of Australia is a reference to the fact that to defend this region of the world, the Japanese had to have airbases that could attack an invading fleet. To do that they had to neutralize air power in northern Australia. Hence, the bombing of Darwin and the invasion of papua New guinea. OP completely whiffed on the joke

He is memeing ww2. Japan wanted to take over east Asia and run it Japan style. The "co-prosperity sphere" was a euphemistic way of saying "basically enslave everyone who is not japanese". The slice of Australia is a reference to the fact that to defend this region of the world, the Japanese had to have airbases that could attack an invading fleet. To do that they had to neutralize air power in northern Australia. Hence, the bombing of Darwin and the invasion of papua New guinea. OP completely whiffed on the joke

It wasn't that funny of a joke to begin with.

I laughed

bcat with the BASED reply well done sir

High IQ reply. Hit the nail on the fucking head.

Couldn't have said it better.. +1

I mean I get it. Some people just learn not to prioritize dating. Having a wife/girlfriend/fuckbuddy isn’t always the end all be all.

Amazing reply.



OP completely missed the joke. He is saying he is focused on taking over the Pacific ala imperial Japan.

Holy fucking shit that last comment sums up everything incel in denial so well. Absolutely eliminated.

I can't even enjoy the things I do like because my crippling loneliness always takes over my mind.

Lmao that thread has a very high sodium content


Because not everyone is going for that. We're only reacting to what's in front of us, but our solutions and ideas are many. We aren't a hive mind.

There is one other option

As I said, I'd rather confront lookism than go back to old times, I don't know why you're holding me down for every user on this site.

Higher status men, maybe. Not much comfort for the single/incel guys.