[M]e on the left from 2015. Me now after respectfully lifting my therapist in the cold shower for 3 years. If I can do it so can you!

354  2018-05-27 by TallBench


I prefer the left teehee

Left has a unique appearance that will sure get some girl to like him teehee

very striking face, like benedict.

You forgot this:


What's the meaning?

It’s something roasties say when they’re lying, and they know you know they’re lying, but they get away with it because everybody pretends it’s truth


When a woman says a platitude like "I like short guys!" (She has never dated short guys) she would say teehee.

But not me. I'm already dating Chad teehee

Damn, what did you do to improve your personality like that? Just respect women theory confirmed.

Femoids would reject guy on the right for his asymmetric eyes tee hee

That's just because of the angle.

his gonal angle is less then 30? he is no more than 3/10! - average lookism.net user

Mentalcels lol

So normies were right

if the guy on the left got rhino, a lip lift, corrected his bite and dyed his hair blond he would actually kinda look like gosling.

Just get a face transplant theory.

Just get a face transplant bro, stop being a bitch.

brutal eye area pill for gosling

"Alright, son, what can I do for you today?"

"Give me the Gosling, doc. And hold off on the anaesthesia; I need to feel my personality transforming."


Amateur. My therapists is the same woman who gives me haircuts.

Hair dye maxxing

Hair cut really helped bro 👍




It is cope to hope when there is rope.

No mogs me? Ok mogs me!!

Mogs me more.

I guarantee that 95% of you are better than left, and could be at least a 6/10 with diligent work towards self-improvement. I think what's holding a lot of incels back is they're angry at an unjust world and don't want to exert themselves until they get everyone to acknowledge that they've been wronged, or that they are disadvantaged. Look, I totally agree that it sucks when an objectively beautiful 8/10 Stacy GENUINELY BELIEVES that she's oppressed by society, and suffers worse than an incel because of her gender, and it sucks when every facet of power within society backs her up, and when all of her peers are in total accordance with her.

Yes it sucks to know that no matter how much lifting you do, how healthy you get, and how many showers you take, there will be men who mog you into the grave. Sure. It could be a lot worse though, and the vast majority of you could improve to the point that you have a fair shake.

You don't know us. So many of us incels have already bought into the self improvement meme for YEARS because the black pill was just too bitter for us. So many of us worked out, dressed better, got hobbies, got a haircut, etc. and did our utmost to improve ourselves, and it didn't work. We didn't leap to the blackpill. We crawled there, broken and miserable from years of rejection even after trying our best. We truly are repulsive beings. Just take the blackpill.

I'm just as blackpilled as anybody here. I know all about inceldom, and I know how you feel. I think I acutely understand the psychology behind your condition and I've been there myself.

> So many of us incels have already bought into the self improvement meme for YEARS because the black pill was just too bitter for us. So many of us worked out, dressed better, got hobbies, got a haircut, etc. and did our utmost to improve ourselves, and it didn't work.

You know what? I don't believe you. This is like obese people who claim they've tried dieting for years and it never worked. It never worked because they didn't actually adopt a healthy lifestyle, and didn't actually put in the effort. Can you genuinely look yourself in the eye and say that you've done your full duty to yourself, every day, for a prolonged period of time? If you can then you have my sympathy. Some people really are beyond the pale, but it's such a small minority.

This is like obese people who claim they've tried dieting for years and it never worked.

No this is not the case! Because if you eat less, you will lose weight. That much is simple. But a five foot bald Indian dude with cystic acne isn't going to get laid just because he dresses better and starts working out.

I can say that more or less I have done my full duty. Obviously 100% is almost impossible, but I would say I have done like 90%. And I don't think my life is going to drastically change if I dress slightly better or get slightly better at one of my hobbies or get slightly more in shape. I've done the vast majority of what I've been able to, afterwards it just kind of becomes diminishing returns.

Lol I've read a lot of books over the past 5 years, because I'm a student. Just off the top of my head

Plato's Republic

Canterbury Tales

Discourse on the method - Descartes

The Souls of Black Folk - W.E.B Dubois

Reflections on the Revolution in France - Edmund Burke

*Demian - Hermann Hesse

The Leviathan - Thomas Hobbes

City of God - Saint Augustine

The Fire Next Time - James Baldwin

  • Our Band could be your life: Scenes from the American Indie Underground - Michael Azzerrad

The Inferno - Dante

The Illiad

The Odyssey

Confessions - Saint Augustine

The Decameron - Boccaccio

The Histories - Herodotus

Oresteia. - Aeschylus

The Aeneid - Virgil

The Symposium - Plato

On Violence - Hannah Arendt

*Rip it up and Start Again: Post Punk: Simon Reynolds

These are all from the past two years. There are probably some I'm leaving off the list. The starred ones are the ones that I read for leisure. In high school, I read a lot more, as well, so this is largely incomplete. Please ask me more questions to determine whether I'm a truecel or not. We can make a game out of this.

Alright, well I was thinking more like 100 books a year, but if you're a true cell then I'm genuinely sorry. If it's any consolation, you can spiritualcell yourself to the acknowledgement that this life is but fleeting and your true destiny has nothing to do with your current physical body.

Also, as a truecell, this place can do nothing for you. Imagine if this guy had sat around on his computer all day complaining that he was short, bald, and ugly.


Keep in mind that list is not all inclusive. Plus 100 books a year is extremely difficult, especially when you're reading long, dense philosophical texts. Do you know anyone who reads that much? Plus, how much would reading like 20 more books a year really improve my chances of getting laid? Probably not at all. Girls aren't going to give a fuck about some dude who reads 40 books a year vs 20 books a year, considering that the average American male barely reads at all and yet astonishingly gets laid pretty frequently.

Plus, Gandhi WAS married, mainly because he lived in India, where a lot of people are short, and shit was just different back then. It didn't matter if a guy was ugly, since women pretty much had to marry or face poverty. At least on /r/braincels I meet people who understand me and can sympathize. The main thing I want is for normies not to make sweeping generalizations and assume that all of us are lazy slobs who do nothing all day. The average incel here has done a lot to try to improve his situation, but has failed because of lookism.

You need to read about 100 pages per day to read 100 books a year. I've hit that target many times.

Plus, how much would reading like 20 more books a year really improve my chances of getting laid? Probably not at all. Girls aren't going to give a fuck about some dude who reads 40 books a year vs 20 books a year,

Well, in my experience you'd be surprised. But, if you really are a truecell, and I'm taking you at your word, it probably won't help much. It will definitely help you in relation to your life and well-being.

At least on /r/braincels I meet people who understand me and can sympathize. The main thing I want is for normies not to make sweeping generalizations and assume that all of us are lazy slobs who do nothing all day. The average incel here has done a lot to try to improve his situation, but has failed because of lookism.

I get that, but I definitely don't believe that the average incel has tried all he can. The average normie has hardly tried anything. I mean, as truecell as you are, you could be ripped and absolutely shredded. Are you? Probably not, right? I mean, I'm not. Not that I think it'll help with truecell, but there really are things that can be done by everyone right now that will improve their chances.

Anyway I'm sorry, but my general points are directed at the average incel who I consider to be largely volcel. I acknowledge that truecells exist, and they have my sympathy.

OK, I still massively disagree with the book thing, lol. First of all, a lot of the books I read were significantly longer than 100 pages, and very dense philosophical stuff. Secondly, you could be spending all of that time learning other shit. I would say that reading something like 20 books a year is probably a good place to be, because then you can go to the gym, learn new skills, etc. in the time that you would normally spend reading more. Most hobbies in their impressiveness and attractiveness to girls work on diminishing returns. A guy who learns how to cook, play the guitar, woodwork, draw, and read to an alright level in one year is going to be more attractive than one guy who just reads a ton of books and does way less, you understand? In terms of hobbies and interests, it's about being a renaissance man, not a hyper focus.

I think that you should always assume an incel is a truecel unless you have valid suspicion otherwise. It's kind of insulting to just automatically assume that incels are lazy and don't try, not dissimilar from calling poor people lazy.

It's hard for anyone to say for sure if they are a truecel, because some of it can come down to just dumb luck. But you would be the last person to know, because you don't know what the person has been through, so why assume? That's all I ask from you normies, is to not assume that we are unkempt neckbeards with no jobs or ambition.

There are more than 100 days in a year though, lol. If the average book is 365 pages, and you read 100 pages a day, you will finish just about 100 books in a year (400 pages every 4 days = just over one book).

Secondly, you could be spending all of that time learning other shit.

Basically nothing is more important for self-growth than serious reading.

Most hobbies in their impressiveness and attractiveness to girls work on diminishing returns.

You've got to do things for yourself and not worry about effort output to sex yield. Fuck what women think. Most women can't hold a conversation with me about literature/history/politics/anything else I'm interested in. I pursue my own interests for myself.

A guy who learns how to cook, play the guitar, woodwork, draw, and read to an alright level in one year is going to be more attractive than one guy who just reads a ton of books and does way less, you understand?

I can also cook. I work out. And I have hobbies beyond reading. Reading 100 pages a day takes about 3 hours, definitely more if you're reading dense philosophical works, but probably less if you're reading classics, poetry, or other novels.

I think that you should always assume an incel is a truecel unless you have valid suspicion otherwise. It's kind of insulting to just automatically assume that incels are lazy and don't try, not dissimilar from calling poor people lazy.

I've made this same analogy myself many, many times when trying to explain to normies how incels feel. It's not that incels or poor people are lazy, it's that often they refuse to focus on themselves because they feel like they've been dealt an unfair hand. They're right to feel this way, but it accomplishes nothing. Eventually you have to take control and use your own willpower to ascend. I don't agree with you that the vast majority of incels are truecels. I know a few incels IRL (well, they're failed normies, but they're 26 and never been laid), and they are all genuinely volcel. I know this for a fact.

That's all I ask from you normies, is to not assume that we are unkempt neckbeards with no jobs or ambition.

That's not what I meant to infer. I mean that incels are in a bad position. They need to work 4x as hard to get to the same place as normies. That sucks, but often it can be done. A lot of incels also ARE unkempt neckbeards with no ambition, but I acknowledge that this doesn't just occur in a vacuum. People are the result of their experiences, to at least some degree. If you've had terrible experiences, you can retreat into yourself. From there you attract all sorts of negative energy (sorry, I'm an occultcell), and you can't move from your position. Speaking from my own experience, when I was very depressed, all I did was lie in bed and order pizza for months on end. Had some douchebag normie chad told me I was responsible for all of my problems I would have screamed at him, because I was dealing with an iceberg he couldn't have comprehended at first glance. So I get it, I really do, but there are still things that can be done. One step at a time. And it really does start with reading a lot.

You've got to do things for yourself and not worry about effort output to sex yield. Fuck what women think. Most women can't hold a conversation with me about literature/history/politics/anything else I'm interested in. Most women could not give less of a shit.

Then how come you implied that I couldn't have been a truecel unless I read a lot of books? If most women don't give a shit, would it really help you get laid a lot?

I know that you can have other hobbies while still reading a ton, but I think you understand the point I'm trying to make. I'll concede to you that 100 books a year would be possible, though. Difficult, but certainly doable. But I think I probably read like 20 a year (and I'm trying to bring it up by reading more for leisure), which IMO is pretty good, and certainly fine enough for me to surpass the truecel threshold, at least in the books department.

it's that often they refuse to focus on themselves because they feel like they've been dealt an unfair hand.

I could not disagree more. I think that the majority of the incels here arrive to the blackpill AFTER self improving themselves and seeing that it doesn't work. Like I said, most people don't readily jump to the blackpill because it's so depressing. And I'll say it right here, that if you are not attractive because of things you can control (physique, shitty hair, or terrible fashion) you are a volcel. I've heard countless times the people here say how they have started working out, dressing better, etc. to no avail.

Do you identify as an incel?

Then how come you implied that I couldn't have been a truecel unless I read a lot of books?

I implied that you hadn't worked on yourself 100% if you hadn't read a lot of books, but to be honest I expected your answer would be like "I read nothing for five years", because if that were the case it would be a big problem. It sounds like you do read good books, so that's really not an issue for you.

20 a year is totally pretty good. I'm just defending 100 as doable.

Do you identify as an incel?

No, I'm not an incel. But I'm not a normie either.

Did you ever identify as an incel? If so, what caused the change?

Honestly, no. When I say I'm not a normie it's because I spend well over 90% of my time alone, and I've binged 4chan red/blackpills since 2007. I agree with the fundamental points brought up on this board, but I've experienced enough to believe that a number of people on this site are volcel to the extent that they should hear some encouragement now and again, that isn't just incessant circlejerking over blackpills. Yes, the blackpills are true, but there's nothing anyone can do about that, right?

yeah, some people here probably are volcel. but them, some, like me, have done all they can, but it won't matter because we are extremely ugly. What can you do...

How did you manage to lose your virginity?

I was relatively attractive when I was 16.

racist (but not to you curries :3)

Why are you racist?

I'm not racist at all on an individual level; I just don't think multiculturalism is very good for social cohesion/the health of a nation. Sorry blackbro, but I've got nothing against you personally. I think you could admit that the large black population in the U.S isn't exactly benefiting the white majority.

multiculturalism is very good for social cohesion/the health of a nation

I fully agree here

Ah, but it's not man. Don't you see race riots in the U.S, and massive racial tensions between Arabs/North African migrants and native whites in Europe? Japan doesn't deal with such problems.

Oh I misquoted you I agree with most of what you said. Can't really dispute any of your points

Reading 100 books a year will get you laid? Did you even think about that as you wrote it?

It's not what I said, but it definitely won't hurt. You should think about developing yourself as a person.

I'm not an incel, and that line of thought is disgusting. Growing oneself as a person should not be dictated by the bullshit shallow desires of women, especially when, as you should know, it won't make a bit of fucking difference. Working out 4-5 days a week, counting macros, intermittent fasting, blowing down pre-workout in order to get shredded for the sole purpose of making girls who are disgusted by you be less disgusted by you is the most degrading thing I can imagine.

Ya... here's a post I made like two hours ago:


> You've got to do things for yourself and not worry about effort output to sex yield. Fuck what women think. Most women can't hold a conversation with me about literature/history/politics/anything else I'm interested in. Most women could not give less of a shit. I pursue my own interests for myself.

Then why are you suggesting that the incels here, even if they've tried hard, haven't tried hard enough and developed hard enough to attract women - and therefore need to read more and work out more etc?

Because most people have never tried very hard at improving themselves. If you don't have the honesty to admit you've never gone 100% (or probably even 15%) at self-improvement, yes, there's probably no hope for you.

That's exactly why your line of thought is disgusting.

You are drawing a straight line between self improvement, which is a journey of self and is pure and potentially fucking enlightening, with attracting women and getting laid - which is a bullshit affair that is arbitrary with respect to who you really are as a man.

You want to impugn those who haven't worked 100% to self improvement yet the very act of you trying to impugn shows you haven't worked 100%

No I'm not you absolute retard. I'm explaining that taking the necessary steps to improve oneself, for oneself, will carry with it added social benefits, because people kept asking me "lol bro how will READING help me get laid".

You want to impugn those who haven't worked 100% to self improvement yet the very act of you trying to impugn shows you haven't worked 100%

I'm not impugning anyone. I'm explaining simple reality. I have never even COME CLOSE to working 100% at improving myself. Do you have any conception of what that means? Working 100% means 16 hours of dedicated focus aimed solely at self improvement each and every day. I'm happy if I can get 25-30 hours in a week, and that's only working 25% as hard as I could.

No I'm not you absolute retard

You need to work on yourself. Ad hominem makes you sound desperate and clueless

And you still aren't grasping the key notion I'm bringing up here. Self improvement is absolutely not strongly correlated with sexual attractiveness for the men on this sub. Reading books and developing a strong and comprehensive philosophy on life, developing discipline, getting in good shape and maintaining healthy habits, showering (lmao) will have an absolutely nominal effect on how much girls want to fuck you for the population on this sub.

You forget, average and above guys already do that shit. Self improvement is fucking standard to just play the game. Incels aren't going to out hustle normies and Chad lites and miraculously compete successfully for the existing pool of women.

You need to work on yourself. Ad hominem makes you sound desperate and clueless

Insulting someone is not an ad hominem, lol. See, this is what happens when you never read, you misuse the most basic-bitch fallacy label imaginable because you think it's fancy.

Self improvement is absolutely not strongly correlated with sexual attractiveness for the men on this sub. Reading books and developing a strong and comprehensive philosophy on life, developing discipline, getting in good shape and maintaining healthy habits, showering (lmao) will have an absolutely nominal effect on how much girls want to fuck you for the population on this sub.

You're completely and totally wrong.

You forget, average and above guys already do that shit. Self improvement is fucking standard to just play the game.

No. Average guys are not well-built. Average guys do not read 100 books in a year (they might read 100 in their fucking lifetime... maybe). Average guys are not spectacular super chads. I'm friends with average guys. They have girlfriends. They aren't very attractive; they aren't fit; they aren't well-read; they generally are not particularly interesting.

Incels aren't going to out hustle normies and Chad lites and miraculously compete successfully for the existing pool of women.

You're warped by your exposure to the online world, blackpills, etc. I fucking dare you to walk around outside, downtown, wherever you live, and count couples. You will see an enormous number of out of shape, facially unattractive, balding (maybe not all of these together) men arm in arm with reasonably attractive women. It's not all for giga chad. I've never even fucking met a giga chad.

It's as hominem because you attempted to invalidate my position by saying I'm retarded, so obviously incapable of making a worthy argument, and therefore I'm wrong. Not sure why you you think that's not ad hominem.

Tell me how I'm wrong.

5 and 6/10 and above guys don't need to be particularly well built or well read to completely stunt on an Incel when it comes to getting laid, using the self reported descriptions incels on this sub offer. You are beyond confused if you think being interesting gets you laid if you're Incel ugly - and it's fucking insulting because it suggests incels don't get laid because they're not interesting rather than noting it's because they're just not sexually attractive.

Dude, I was in a fraternity for three and a half years. My body count isn't legendary but i was in the fucking field my nigga I have seen absolute bummy dudes who look good fucking Sprint through entire sororities in a couple years and absolutely fantastic but not attractive guys get clowned by their oneitis.

Giga chad? Who gives a fuck. The reality is there are a fucking ton of 5/10 guys who don't get laid very often and work real hard to try and get laid and will always win out against the legit lowest tier attractiveness men.

It's as hominem because you attempted to invalidate my position by saying I'm retarded, so obviously incapable of making a worthy argument, and therefore I'm wrong.

No lol. I explained why your position was wrong through argument, and then called you a moron. That's just an insult. Insult! You learned a new word today. Use that one instead of ad hominem to avoid embarrassing yourself in the future (reading will really help you with this type of thing). An ad hominem is where you attack the man and not the argument. Since I attacked the argument, I committed no fallacy. Sheesh.

5 and 6/10 and above guys don't need to be particularly well built or well read to completely stunt on an Incel when it comes to getting laid

Anyone who used 100% of their available time to improve themselves in a meaningful direction would stunt so hard on the average person it wouldn't even be fucking funny. Okay, maybe not anyone. Some people are deformed, and some people like blackops2cel simply have no chance, but that's far from the norm.

and it's fucking insulting because it suggests incels don't get laid because they're not interesting rather than noting it's because they're just not sexually attractive.

You're misunderstanding my point. I'm not saying you need to improve every aspect of yourself because that's how normies get girls. I'm saying you need to improve every aspect of yourself because, if you're not particularly attractive, you need to be far beyond normies in every other capacity in order to get girls. But I wasn't advocating self-improvement as a method of getting girls. Fuck women; do it for yourself, and it will eventually open up more social opportunities if you're dedicated. It can't hurt. You'll learn new things. You'll develop new interests. You'll get healthier. You'll look better. You'll improve in every way, and if, after all that time, you don't meet a girl, well, fuck, you're not going to REGRET improving yourself to such an extent. It can never make things worse.

Dude, I was in a fraternity for three and a half years. My body count isn't legendary but i was in the fucking field my nigga I have seen absolute bummy dudes who look good fucking Sprint through entire sororities in a couple years and absolutely fantastic but not attractive guys get clowned by their oneitis.

So have I man. I'm not trying to deny any blackpills. I'm just suggesting to people that they improve themselves if they want to feel good. I never said this was the ultimate path to get women, but, I'm sorry, it has worked for me.

The reality is there are a fucking ton of 5/10 guys who don't get laid very often and work real hard to try and get laid and will always win out against the legit lowest tier attractiveness men.

I'm not convinced everyone here is the lowest tier attractiveness man. How many of you are overweight? Well you can fix that. How many of you haven't been healthy in 10 fucking years? You can fix that. You'll see big changes in your looks if you improve your health, fitness, mentality, intellect, and spirit.

I think we reached enough of a middle ground here that I'll stop responding - we're not arguing anymore were just agreeing in slow motion

No prob dude. I wish you well.

Get a load of this faggot. Thinks reading will get you laid. What a dumb ass.

It definitely can. You should try it.

Chicks don't care about shit like that. Maybe like fat ugly ones.

Girls with any interests in literature, art history, philosophy, etc, definitely care. I've met some of them and we totally banged; it was cash dude.

No, but it actually happened.

Lol. Wtf are you talking about. Those womeb fucked you because of how you look. The shared interests were just a pretense. God, normies are so arrogant. They think their sexual success is due to their personality. Lmfao

Actually, I'd much rather NOT get a load from a faggot.

To each their own

Yea but you only read parts of the Plato stuff, the parts your professors put in the syllabus. No one reads that shit cover to cover. I’m not going to believe you when you respond back and tell me you did.

We read like 90% of The Republic. Pretty much the entire thing was assigned by the professor. Feel free to not believe me, but I find that kind of shit pretty interesting. Nothing's ever good enough for you guys, eh?

No, you didn’t. And no, it isn’t.

I find it funny that you singled out The Republic, but didn't bring up the Canterbury tales or Don Quixote, both of which are incredibly long and, at times, dry.

The republic is the quintessential philosophy 101 type thing. That’s why it sprang out at me.

Yep, well that's one of the books that was assigned to us in our mandatory philosophy class. We were assigned almost all of it, and I read all of it because I had to write an essay on it.

People read more as students than they will at any other time in their life. Its very difficult to keep up that kind of pace once you have to turn your attention and energies to work.

I'm not saying otherwise, but acting like I'm not getting pussy is because I don't read, and then arguing with me when I show that I do read, is just moving the goalposts.

I didn’t say you don’t get pussy, did I? I don’t even remember. I’m not paying very close attention here. Forgive me.

I read nothing coz it won't make me chad

Big mistake man. It'll improve your life so much.

will my neurocranium to splanchnocranium proportions get more chad

No, but you'll learn a lot about yourself and other interesting topics, you'll develop a more interesting personality, and you'll actually have something in your life to cling to for meaning rather than an empty void of concentrated blackpill.

That guy is one of the 5%, yes.

there's no point in explaining on here that these people use extreme examples. you're either deformed or you're jeremy meeks

Fucking A, he looks like what would happen if nature decided it hated Peter Dinklage more than it already does

here's a picture of my abs:


I'm also however good at rock climbing that you need to be in order to have abs like that solely from rock climbing. I don't even consider myself and incel, but I haven't had sex in at least three years. I'm like a 5, too.

So where's the disagreement? You have a good body, and you're not an incel. The system works.

I've wanted to have sex and haven't been able to have it for at least 3 years. I'm 34 and have only had sex with 2 women. And it's not just sex, it's companionship, love, affection, etc. Starving for it is not pleasant.

pm me your face. I'm curious what your problem is.

The 21st Century. That's his (and puts) problem.

Dude 3 years. With a bod like that. Get stat to Colombia and slash some. You need it.

I guarantee that 95% of you are better than left

How can you be so confident about that? Just world fallacy. Many of us here are actually genetic trash.

pm me a pic

My neighbor got hit by a drunk driver as he was walking his dog. Dude now has a lopsided skull, with gruesome scars. He talks like a stroke victim. He used to be a normie 7/10 (he showed me pictures, I didn't know him then). I guess he just needs to man up and get a personality! Stop being so fucking sad all the time, bro!

Bonus: his dog was also killed. The drunk didn't have a scratch on him, and fled the jurisdiction after he was let out the next day.

I guess he just needs to man up and get a personality! Stop being so fucking sad all the time, bro!

Does your neighbour even post here? I'm sorry, but I strongly suspect that less than 5% of r/braincels are legitimately deformed.

What do you accomplish by doing this? Self satisfaction to the max

Most incels aren't legitimately deformed.

*fewer than

Solid post.

I don’t even think I’m correct, tbh.

But what’s important is I’m showing someone else up.

Ya, you're actually wrong. Quantities are less than.

It doesn’t matter though.

My ego has already prevailed.

I am not incel, as my comment history will show. I have no idea if he posts here, and don't care. Begone, roastie vermin.

I guarantee that 95% of you are better than left, and could be at least a 6/10 with diligent work towards self-improvement (many of you could be much better). I think what's holding a lot of incels back is they're angry at an unjust world

I work out, buy nice clothes and try my hardest to improve my looks and I still get no matches on tinder

Because Tinder's a fucking joke. Make friends in real life. Be social, and don't make it obvious that your sole aim is putting your penis into a vagina. In general this means actually distracting yourself to the extent that this STOPS being your sole aim, because it's really fucking hard to disguise your intention from human beings who are evolutionary designed to flush out anything weird or antisocial.

Also, as I said in a different comment. You presumably have 16 raw hours per day which you can spend to improve yourself. If you work full-time that's cut down to more like 8, including 16 a day on weekends. I can absolutely guarantee you that you are not using 70-110 hours a week on pure self-improvement. Practically nobody on earth is, so you can always do more.

I understand not wanting to do more because you hate your life and everyone else. That's why I recommend serious reading, to come to terms with the world, and to craft yourself an actual identity.

Tinder is how people date now and I've tried making new friends and approaching women irl

Never said I gave up but get off your high horse and understand you don't have the answers

The guy on the left is probably the ugliest male in the world without an obvious congenital disorder/physical deformity.

I thought Ryan Gossling wasn't attractive? I used his face here once and everyone said he was at most a 6 which is 2 points below 8 which is what you need

Ryan Gosling is known to be very attractive.

this site said he was average

See, incels? If you only respect wymyn, and shower, good things happen!

guy on the left doesn't have any cheekbones and has a set back jaw

Bimax and lefort are his only hope

from incel to incel

Can we please stop using the photos of non-celebrities like this? I read the guy on the left's original submission to /r/amiugly and it was clear he had self-esteem issues due to his looks. Using pictures of him like this with the punchline being how ugly he is isn't enlightening, it's bullying.

I totally agree.

i do see the resemblance.

You guys are fucking assholes bullying that guy. You guys drove him to deleting his account and then you have the nerve to use him as your propaganda.

It really makes me feel bad for this guy when I see him used as a poster for ugliness. I mean obviously he has a hard life already and now it certainly much worse. I mog him and even I want to hide and never show my face to anyone... It's not a random candid photo, he was insecure and wanted people's opinions, like a lot of us would have felt at that age, and now he got the worst possible deal he could have gotten, his face known for the wrong reasons. We should feel more empathy for him.

Ryan gosling is a 4/10 most people on this sub mog him

Gosling is patently overrated.

Gosling is patently overrated.

Good meme skills bro, impressive

Stop posting the poor guy

It’s something roasties say when they’re lying, and they know you know they’re lying, but they get away with it because everybody pretends it’s truth

Then why are you suggesting that the incels here, even if they've tried hard, haven't tried hard enough and developed hard enough to attract women - and therefore need to read more and work out more etc?

I'm not saying otherwise, but acting like I'm not getting pussy is because I don't read, and then arguing with me when I show that I do read, is just moving the goalposts.


When a woman says a platitude like "I like short guys!" (She has never dated short guys) she would say teehee.