Sorry cunts, you aren't entitled to our seats!

74  2018-05-27 by FireAlarm911


Did she have a ring on her finger?

I’d maybe have given it up for an honest woman.

Hey be aware that women usually bloat/gain weight during pregnancy and have to take off their rings.

COPE. That's a lie spread by feminists so that they can cuck their husband easier.

That may be true sometimes but not always.

It always is. Foids don't get bloated by pregnancy and the weight gain is the fetus, it doesn't go to their actual body.

Feminist created the lie about weight gain it so that foids can turn into fat lazy slobs and have an excuse. And so that they can take off their ring to easier cuck their husbands.


Hey be aware that honest woman is an oxymoron

Damn. You got me. 🤣

You are not entitled to anything. This is core IT principle and yet youre willing to bend it when it's convenient to women? Piss off.

I don't understand. Why sbhould he give up the seat because she chose to get knocked up?

If a woman asked me that I would tell her to quit talking to me before I defended myself.

No you wouldn’t. You’d stand up and give her your seat because 1. You’re socially awkward and 2. You’re too much of a pussy to say anything controversial without the safety of your keyboard.

Why are you so mad?

what did it say?

He was like “no, you would just get up and let her have your seat because you’re a socially awkward pussy.”


Lol that doesn’t make any sense

If you were socially awkward you’d just sit there unmoving like you don’t know the language


Fucking kek

What an idiot. If he were to let her have the seat this while thread would be moot.

Fucking legend

No pussy passes from that fella

I bet she wasnt asking that politely...more like angry face with a high pitch voice pretending to get that seat...

Women doesnt even know what politeness means

remind me of this Hollywood rostie tweet :

the responds are so satisfying though

JFL at the double standards for femoids

Woman fantasies about spraying uterine fluids all over someone? YASS GURL SLAY

Imagine if a guy said something like "NBD, able-bodied 🚇 riders who won't give your seat to a guy who's tired after coming home from work. I'll just stand riiiiight next to your head and pray I fall asleep and have a wet dream."

they are just problematic, always bitching

If only she'd have married her looksmatch instead of getting pump&dumped by Tyrone.

That way she wouldn't be buying groceries with food stamps and relying on public transport

Oh, you poor thing, you must be retarded.

Aww sweetie

And you know she didn't, how?

Oh St. Blackops2cel, thou hast blessed me this day with the purest life fuel. Amen.

Not entitled, whore. That strong independent man has his full body autonomy to remain rested as he is. It's 2k18, no one is entitled to anything.

You guys... assuming you are fit to stand, then yes she is entitled. If the train suddenly stops and she falls, the baby could die.

Ain't my baby

If the train suddenly stops and she falls, the baby could die.

(a): If I'm standing and the train suddenly stops, I could die.

(b): Women and their beta-slaves have decided that fetuses aren't human beings, and as such have no rights. Why the fuck, then, is the fetus' potential death a moral issue?

How in the hell would you die from falling...

Only below a certain number of weeks, before they develop brains/consciousness.

That number of weeks is arbitrary, in Canada killing a full term fetus while the mother is in labor is not considered murder. Canada isn’t always right about everything but I see no reason to disagree with them here

Yea but in Canada more people exercise common decency and hold doors open for people, or give up their seats to people because standing isnt much of an inconvinience over being pregnant with groceries on public transit.

You guys talk about how you cant fix certain things you were born with, well what about money? Clearly this woman would be lower wealth because despite being pregnant she is getting her own groceries and riding the bus. 

Your argument is that Canada has a controversial abortion law that i cant even vouch for its existence, therefore common courtesy that is also practiced by them is cancelled out.

I dont think the baby dying in a possible bus crash woild be the scenario that comes to.mind for me, itd be instead of just helping someone out and practicing empathy for once. Because when you get help from a stranger it feels fantastic, but you gotta be willing to help other people too dude

Yea but in Canada more people exercise common decency and hold doors open for people, or give up their seats to people because standing isnt much of an inconvinience over being pregnant with groceries on public transit.

Simple googling will tell you about Canada's lax abortion laws (the only caveat to my statement is that there are very few doctors in Canada willing to do a third trimester abortion, though they are within their rights to), what studies have shown Canadians are more willing to show common courtesy than Americans?

itd be instead of just helping someone out and practicing empathy for once

I give the empathy I'm shown, or if I happen to feel like it. I'm shown no empathy by a woman asking for my seat, and I'm sure she doesn't give two shits about the pain of inceldom. And in this theoretical situation I don't want to get up from my seat

Because when you get help from a stranger it feels fantastic

Yeah and so would a blowjob, but we're not going to be getting any help there

A study researching the relative niceness would be a waste of time. Of course not all Canadians are courteous, ive met dickbags in Toronto and Montreal alike. But that doesnt mean I havent had my car dug out of snow at 4 am by neighbours out doing the same countless times or having them open the door for or thank me when I do so. Its obviously subjective but its what I think based on my experience here, and my albeit limited trips to the states (NY, Cleveland, and Florida)

I understand giving what you get, but what happens when everyone else it doing the same so your not-so-nice refusal to let this woman sit would illicit an obviously negative response. I dont know anyone that would think "Dude just gaver a pussypass" for giving up a seat to a pregnant woman.

"And in this theoretical situation I dont want to get up from my seat"


I understand giving what you get, but what happens when everyone else it doing the same so your not-so-nice refusal to let this woman sit would illicit an obviously negative response.

People do treat others badly, and people do largely treat others without concern. The only reason why it would stand out when I do it is because people remember when ugly people do something bad. That's why I so enthusiastically thank people who hold doors open for me, because I've gotten them slammed in my face plenty of times

I dont know anyone that would think "Dude just gaver a pussypass" for giving up a seat to a pregnant woman.

You don't know enough people

How in the hell would you die from falling...

You could bang your head on the floor, or hit something on the way down. This isn't that rare. People die from it all the time.

Only below a certain number of weeks, before they develop brains/consciousness.

There is literally no scientific consensus for when an unborn child becomes a human being. Saying "heart" and "consciousness" is purely an emotional argument without any sort of logic behind it.

It's awfully convenient how whores who want to keep their child use the word "baby" but whores who want to kill their child will perform mental gymnastics in order to make out it's not actually a child. I guess the idea of killing another life is too bitter to swallow, so they have to rationalize it away somehow.

It literally hasn't grown brain cells dude it can't think

So why are we so worried about it?

Because the scenario is heavily pregnant. At that point, it has.

A) bullshit

B) Nonsequitor

that’s not a nonsequitor. Whether or not a fetus can even be hurt is an issue in this discussion, and according to the law in most nations it cannot

Death=/=pain death can be painful, but doesnt have to be.

Undesiered termination of pregnancy =/= death

Both true

Conversation was never about that and all of that is irrelivant when you consider under those same laws a person can face seperate charges along with assult if they for any reason induce stillbirth or miscarriage. beyond that the OP leads me to believe that the women may have been third trimester which in most countries, is where the laws youre citing no longer apply.

No, the real issue here in this conversation is a gross misuse of terminology, and a disregared for the point over bullshit legal semantics. A women who losses a pregnancy to an unfortunate accident will be traumitized in the exact same way a person is when a loved one dies unexpextedly. Which is what matters to me and the majority of the world, not abortion laws.

All that being said i can endorse abortion and still consider a fetus alive.

Hey, luminushumanus, just a quick heads-up:
seperate is actually spelled separate. You can remember it by -par- in the middle.
Have a nice day!

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Actually, in Canada’s it’s exactly as I said. There are no laws regarding when a woman may have an abortion. It could be the latest point in the third trimester you could possibly think of

Sure a woman who loses a pregnancy to an accident will be hurt, but that’s how many people feel about many things I think are stupid. There were women who committed suicide when Jackie Chan got married and there are Liverpool hooligans who probably feel as bad as the theoretical woman with the miscarried baby this morning. I wouldn’t criticize anyone who laughs and thinks those two types of people are stupid and crying over nothing, because that’s how I feel about the woman and her clump of cells

Whatever cupcake, but that lack of authentic empathy is why youll probably never have a meaningful relationship with someone.

My lack of empathy isn’t strange

It’s the same lack of empathy others show to me and it’s the same lack of empathy you and I would show to the theoretical Liverpool sadboy

The classic IT surrender when they've been backed into a logical corner: "Ugh no wonder you're incel"

Your so woke.

And you're pathetic. Browsing this sub desperately trying to convince yourself you are so above us JFL

I dont think im above you, i feel sorry for your bitterness and i wish i could help you see past your owm inferiority complex, but even there you project it on me.

This a strawman, and you havent forned a sound logical argument.

Liverpool’s loss to Real Madrid was shocking! Gareth Bale scored two bangers though

You saying people don't die from falling over? You're literally lying.

... No the comparison is bullshit because the probability you die versus the peobability she looses a kid is pretty vast, and you infered the wrong thing due to your own ignorance.

She's not losing a kid, there's no kid here.

Thata a subjective point of view

Sure but if you think there's a baby and not a fetus in there this discussion is going to get a whole lot messier than just whether incels are being assholes

My personal viewpoint is more abstract than is it a baby, a kid or alive.

Its undeniably alive, youre just a clump of cells that suddenly decieded it needs meaning If life is the need for meaning then no its not but niether is a tree because it never cared

So since a fetuse is no more or less alive than a tree its alive, its human. Regardless of your definition my definiton of when "life" (which most of the time is actually meaning, sentience or meaningfulness) the fact is that mother already attributes value and meaning to her fetus if she intends to keep it, to her its alive, a person, there for she will feel grief, and likely those close to her will feel greif, and that, in my opinion is about all any life is worth, the ammount of meaning another person attributes to it, as well as if possible the meaning they can attribute to another. It is at no point necessary for this meaning to be recognized or observed by either party, sentience is not life, self awareness doesnt make you alive.

Okay so I 100% disagree with point A but 100% agree with point B so I’m not going to upvote or downvote this comment

We are under no obligation to defend another woman's child. She is not entitled to anything.

Yeah but you're just being a dick. If someone needs the seat more than you and you don't give it then that's pure selfishness. You're also under no obligation to protect disabled people but you should still be giving up your seat.

I'd be doing the world a favor. One single mother down and one incel in the making saved from a life of pain and suffering

I need sex more than most other men, does that mean I deserve sex?

If you have a partner willing to consent to have sex with you, yes. You deserve sex. But you're not entitled to someone else body without their permission. This argument isn't relevant to the original issue at hand.

This argument isn't relevant to the original issue at hand.

Yes it is, I'm not entitled to a non-willing person's body just like how anyone including a pregnant woman is not entitled to my seat on the bus.

lol how are these fucking retards not getting it? Literally teams of cucks trying to tag team this shit and they can't see the corollary.

It's almost as if their idea of entitlement doesn't actually make sense. Fucking IT morons

Oh it makes a lot of sense. If it benefits them it isn't entitlement, if it doesn't benefit them or hurts men more than it benefits them, then it's entitlement.

How can you possibly compare giving up a seat to sex?! They're NOTHING alike. Giving up a seat is just a nuisance. Having sex with someone you don't want to is disgusting and traumatic.

They're NOTHING alike.

They're both chores you're expected to do by society

Giving up a seat is just a nuisance.

It's a health risk on my part too. I could get seriously injured if I fall

Having sex with someone you don't want to is disgusting and traumatic.

So is getting screwed by society's expectations of "common decency"

Nobody in the western world has sex because it's an "expected chore". They do it because they want to, unless they are forced or are trying to make money.

Presumably you are strong enough to hold onto a bar and not fall whereas a pregnant woman is not.

Being thought of badly by strangers on the tube is not disgusting and traumatic.


No but some things are just common decency.

You're not entitled to common decency

If you want to be an asshole, go ahead, but don't be surprised when girls don't like you.

Hahahaahhahahahahhahah jeremy meeks wants to have a word with you

Well... some people are idiots. 99% of the girls admiring his looks would never actually go out with him irl

Yeah, just because you want to believe it.

No, cause they'd be fucking terrified of him

That must be why he got married to the daughter of a billionaire.

Well someone like that has power over him. If he does anything to her, dad will fucking crush him.

Like dating lonely ugly men, it's just common decency

Ah sure because standing for a few minutes is just as hard as dating someone you don't want to.

Oh I forgot, the common decency bill has a time limit clause, must have missed the fine print!

Giving up your seat for a pregnant/disabled person = yes you should

Investing time, emotional energy, and friendship into helping that person over a long period (as with dating) = in absolutely no way obligated

Giving up your seat for a pregnant/disabled person = yes you should

But as you quote elegantly put it in absolutely no way obligated.

Investing time, emotional energy, and friendship into helping that person over a long period (as with dating) = in absolutely no way obligated

Nobody is saying that you're NOT a dick for not giving up your seat. You'd most certainly be a dick, and she could rightfully be upset with you. But she's still not entitled to the seat, just like men aren't entitled to sex.

But if she complains about something she's not entitled to, you're not out there yelling how she must only be upset because she thinks she's owed the seat, no, instead you sympathize with her.

No sympathy for men apparently when they're upset they didn't receive something that THEY KNOW THEY'RE NOT ENTITLED TO. No no no no they must creepy manchildren who think they're entitled to sex!!!!

As a dick, I have to agree. Dunno why it's so hard for some people to admit that they don't care about anyone except themselves.

Why? I paid my fare just like she did. If I wanted a seat and there weren't any available I would just stand and not make a deal out of it.

Yeah but you're not carrying a child are you 🤷‍♂️

But no one is entitled to anything. Always remember this.

No one is entitled to having a baby. If she just worked on herself then she could have saved money and bought a car.

Why should I give a flying fuck about preserving the life of some Chad's kid? Let the bitch fall, God knows when ugly men carrying heavy loads fall and injure themselves on public transportation, all femoids do is laugh and videotape it.

She is not entitled to have her baby live at the cost of the bodily autonomy of someone else. She should self improve so she doesn’t have to take public transportation

Plenty of rich people take public transport because it's 10x more convenient than driving. In central London there's no way you could get around without it.

If you're in central London (or any other major Western capital), there's a 99.99% chance you're a nation destroying cunt, so I have even less sympathy than I had before.

Lol so you suddenly have empathy?

she chose to get creampied by chad without being financially stable. her fault.

How did we get to “she is financially unstable”?? Loads of secure people ride mass transit for loads of reasons.

too bad, so sad

Lol cuck

But what if the baby is an incel?

Lmao when the entitlement meme is pointed the opposite direction we suddenly have a new definition of entitlement

Lmao what right does she have to the seat?

Since she’s so into dicks in the first place, he should have offered her the spot on the floor in front of him so she could get on her knees to do her favorite activity of dick sucking. What an entitled bitch

this was meant to be funny, not for everyone to agree together that her life doesnt matter because shes a woman??? this is a new level

She is not entitled to anything

This is 2018. Gender equality FTW.

No one is entitled to ANYTHING whether it's sympathy or sympathy sex,safety, security or protection.

That entitlement doe..

This sub serves only as motivation to better myself. This is simply wrong. I recommend you take away the same from this, as it’s clear that this is just arbitrary cruelty.

Unfortunately in Cuckstralia it is illegal to do this. I want to get away from here as fast as possible, fuck this bluepilled feminist country.

This must be someone trying to get a reaction from IT, no one is retarded enough to actually believe this unironically

just give her the seat loser, your legs can handle your weight.

She also has legs you dumb cunt stop being a fucking cuck, YOU can give up your seas if you want to, but don’t expect me to fucking do it.

I would proudly give up my seat to a pregnant woman, and you can keep sitting on hour fatass playing your ds.

The shaming tactics are strong in this one I really hope people like you jump off of a bridge for a woman just so you get that tingly feeling from helping a female. I’ll be in my safe house enjoying myself and not being a pussy pandering, insane, cocksucking simp. Also I don’t use a Nintendo DS that’s for chucks such as yourself.

Can you even afford a ds?

HAHAAHAHAHAHAH why would I spend money a piece of trash tech like that? Of course I do, but it’s not worth my time since I’m not a cuck. I’m not even that fond of consoles, i only own a Nintendo Switch and a PC.

I suppose common decency is a concept too foreign for MGTOW, Incels and TRP. When an older person, man or woman, is standing while I have a seat and they look even remotely distressed, I will offer my seat to them.

I suppose it's just this new generation. A lot of people these days simply weren't raised correct, hence the incel fad.

You're right. I don't give a fuck about 'common decency'.

Clearly. Most people on the fringe of society with borderline autistic tendencies do have trouble comprehending and applying common social norms.

Hahahahaha. On top of everything, you also complain about "kids these days" hahahahahaha.

Thats the funniest cherry on top I've ever seen.

You should get out more, if it's really that humorous to you.

It is humorous and I don't see what "going out" has to do with that.

Speaking of getting out more, youre the one that spends all day reading stupid shit on reddit.

My post history says otherwise. Aren't you that MGTOW guy I spoke to a while back? I knew incels = MGTOW.

I was that mgtow that gave logical arguments that you had no counter arguments to. Thats when you just kept (inaccurately) calling me an incel.

I recall you unable to comprehend dictionary definitions and devolved into a pedantic mess that wasn't worth my time. Don't recall calling you an incel but here you are.

Thats really funny. I comprehend dictionary definitions just fine. But I guess you need to make up some excuse for why you stopped giving rebuttals right? Something aside the real reason, which is that you had no rebuttal.

Apparently you didn't know what discrimation was. I gave up on you as you weren't worth the effort to argue with. You were just fine being pedantic and obtuse which wasn't worth my time to help you get passed it.

Much like before, you've proven yourself a waste of time. Once again, please go your own way away from me.

Yeah, saying "I gave up on you" is what you say since you ignored my points. I made so many points that you couldn't address, and you also won't address the fact that you won't address any of my points, and yet you keep insisting that you "won the debate" lol.

Like pretty much all sjws, you assume that people "hate you cause youre a girl" instead of hating you due to you being an obnoxious idiot, which you are.

I could fetch the examples yet again of what I said and what was said to me, but like I already said, you lack the basic understanding to interpret dictionary definitions and can't even acknowledge that sexism is discrimination. You can't argue that. That is just being petty for the sake of "winning" a debate.

You're both projecting and making strawmen. Just keep it to yourself.

Speaking of fetching examples, how about I fetch all the examples of the times where I made a point and you failed to address the point? Itd be easy, given that you failing to address my points was basically our whole conversation.

Oh are you so insecure in the points you tried to make that you want a second chance to try and sway me, this time with a biased audience too? Not interested.

No I don't care to sway people that are immune to logic and reason. I just thought it was funny that on top of all of the other nonsense, youre one of those people that says "kids these days", a telltale sign that someone is mentally disabled.

Sorry if I offended you. It's okay to be a millennial.

You didn't offend me, you made me laugh. Anyone who believes that they are superior just because they are older, or that their generation is the "correct generation", is a complete moron.

Nobody is entitled to common decency. And IT told me that nobody is allowed to feel upset for not receiving something they're not entitled to.

You're right no one is. However you are looked down upon by most of society for not going along. If you sit in a priority seat for pregnant women, physically disabled individuals and the elderly while one who hits any one of those descriptions are standing, if you don't leave those seats, you are seen as an asshole.

I get being on the fringe, being an incel and all, but this is just common courtesy. Surely you are just exaggerating and are not so socially retarded that you think you can draw a parallel between sex and a seat on a bus, are you?

nigga comparing the two situations is to prove the idea that feeling upset over not receiving something that you're not entitled to IS PERFECTLY OKAY AND NOT INDICATIVE OF YOU FEELING ENTITLED TO SEX.

and yet you mongoloids still for some reason cant understand this

jfl at you calling ME socially retarded like holy crap READ THE RESPONSES IN THIS THREAD


Oh. This is pretty awkward. I can't really teach you how to escape such crippling social retardation. That's something you have to observe and apply for yourself.


did you just realize how dumb your comments were? that why you stopped trying to defend them?

you can insult me all you like, it wont get rid of the embarrassment you're feeling ahahahaha

"Hahahahaha. On top of everything, you also complain about "kids these days" hahahahahaha.

Thats the funniest cherry on top I've ever seen."

Is this how all incels/MGTOW speak? I have nothing to be embarrassed about. I'm not sure if you're an incel or even MGTOW/TRP (same shit really) but the fact that you can't admit that offline is already an issue.

Between the two of us, I'm sure you're far more embarrassed about what you post on reddit as well as your beliefs than me.

As for the point I made, it still stands. Common decency is a generally agreed upon social construct. It is frowned upon to not give up your seat to someone in need. That's just a thing. No amount of sour grapes, inceldom, etc can change that reality.

I haven't said you can't be upset over not getting what you want, but that's pretty much all you can do. Blaming x for denying you what you want does nothing productive for you. If you don't receive a job, do you blame the interviewer? The company?

You can't really apply the logic in such a way. That's why I claimed you must be socially retarded. You're comparing something that is an actual social construct to something that isn't. It'd be like if I started complaining that some guy on a train didn't give me money when I asked him. Receiving money from strangers directly has no real ground in society and is not a common thing. Therefore it is a foolish expectation and even more foolish to be upset about it.

Being elderly, etc and asking for a seat, only to be denied is seen as unusual, by society. If you do this, you are seen as strange, even morally wrong by others. Hopefully you understand now.

Is this how all incels/MGTOW speak?

lol i dont know, are you sure people arent just laughing at you a lot

I have nothing to be embarrassed about. I'm not sure if you're an incel or even MGTOW/TRP (same shit really) but the fact that you can't admit that offline is already an issue

what? im incel, first off, and mgtow are coping incels, and trpers arent even related in any way to incels, half are normies who think being alpha is what will attract women and the other half are chads who think its their oh-so-clever alpha attitude that gets women (its not).

and im not sure what the offline issue you're talking about even means.

Between the two of us, I'm sure you're far more embarrassed about what you post on reddit as well as your beliefs than me.

obviously im more embarrassed for being an ugly virgin incel lol thats why i come here, do you honestly think any of us are PROUD of being treated like subhuman garbage by women?

As for the point I made, it still stands. Common decency is a generally agreed upon social construct. It is frowned upon to not give up your seat to someone in need. That's just a thing. No amount of sour grapes, inceldom, etc can change that reality.

yeah, obviously, that doesnt make it something you're ENTITLED to. It was also frowned upon 30 years ago for wives to refuse their husbands sex, that was a generally agreed upon social construct. did that mean their husbands were ENTITLED to sex? NO.

I haven't said you can't be upset over not getting what you want, but that's pretty much all you can do. Blaming x for denying you what you want does nothing productive for you. If you don't receive a job, do you blame the interviewer? The company?

good thing this thread isnt all about you haha this is a thread addressing ALL the people who claim that being UPSET over not getting sex is the exact same thing as being a maniac who thinks he's ENTITLED to sex.

You can't really apply the logic in such a way. That's why I claimed you must be socially retarded. You're comparing something that is an actual social construct to something that isn't. It'd be like if I started complaining that some guy on a train didn't give me money when I asked him. Receiving money from strangers directly has no real ground in society and is not a common thing. Therefore it is a foolish expectation and even more foolish to be upset about it.

it would be more like if you were a billionaire flaunting about how much cash you have available and then when a homeless person asking for $10 to stay in a shelter, you dont give them it. You obviously dont owe this person any money, but would it be horrible if the homeless person was upset that you didnt give him any and then vented about this experience with his other homeless friends?

Being elderly, etc and asking for a seat, only to be denied is seen as unusual, by society. If you do this, you are seen as strange, even morally wrong by others.


Sex has been used as a power indicator for many decades. Denying a spouse sex has definitely been prevalent indicator of power for a while, In 1988, this was most certainly a thing. You think it was frowned upon for a woman to do this in the late 80s? You may need to jump back a few decades.

But onto the point itself, while morally men were not entitled to sex from their wife, the predominate consensus was that it was a thing that was expected. Common decency changes as time goes on, but you have to look at what's being criticized in the context of when it is happening.

Once again, you're missing the point however. I haven't claimed that anyone is entitled to the seat (though priority seats are actually designed for those people, but OP didn't specify). I simply said that not giving it up is frowned upon for what is actually extremely logical reasons. You're projecting the word entitled, as if you are triggered by it.

As for your homeless example, it is a very large exaggeration and hyperbole but I'll entertain it for the sake of this discussion. Anyone can complain about anything. Said homeless man can complain to his friends. It is his right to do so. However if a non-homeless person overhears him, it is also their right to criticize what is being said. That's the point you're missing. You can be toxic with your friends and whine about how women don't like you and how they are all sluts, but it's rather silly to think someone can't call you out for being retarded.

Lastly, and this is where you seem to fail to understand entirely, while the woman is not entitled to the seat, depending on where he was sitting, she has a pretty strong case for taking it. Priority seating is literally designed for people who are disabled or elderly to sit, as it is close to the entrance/exit and sometimes elevated too. This includes pregnant woman and individuals injured, etc. If the "man" is sitting there, he is obligated to move. That is what priority seating is. No one will enforce this and it is not a firm rule, but it is generally understood that you should give up your seat if you are able bodied.

If it was a non-priority seat, you have to then ask a few more questions. Was every other priority seat occupied by someone who actually needed it? If not, then she probably should have asked somewhere else. Was the man disabled in any way? Carrying heavy luggage? Young? This is all excluded in the story.

How far along was the woman in her pregnancy? Was she holding anything too? We don't know.

The issue is, you don't see the morality in this. You compare it to the virgin who was rejected, but it doesn't work. When you have physically disabled people, elderly or pregnant women who want to sit, that is actual, physical distress. It's a simple solution. Stand up if you are well and able. What sympathy does an "ugly virgin" want that he doesn't get? There are lots of support online for single people looking to change that. When the toxicity comes out, they make compassion and sympathy less attractive.

Further more there are tons of "ugly virgins" who are just "ugly" and are dating, even married successfully. In fact, the vast majority of "ugly" people are dating someone or have had sex. Surveys and studies prove that a lot of people do have sex in their lifetime. So complaining about not getting sex is kind of bizarre. Like you can, you just have to apply yourself differently if your current method isn't working out. But incels believe they can't do this and it's out of their control. That's why they get far less sympathy. They'd rather wallow in their cesspool than rise above it. Not every incel, of course, but the vast majority for sure.

This is so hard for normies to accept because it conflicts with their personal made-up definition of entitlement.

Ain't my baby

If the train suddenly stops and she falls, the baby could die.

(a): If I'm standing and the train suddenly stops, I could die.

(b): Women and their beta-slaves have decided that fetuses aren't human beings, and as such have no rights. Why the fuck, then, is the fetus' potential death a moral issue?

We are under no obligation to defend another woman's child. She is not entitled to anything.

No one is entitled to having a baby. If she just worked on herself then she could have saved money and bought a car.

Why should I give a flying fuck about preserving the life of some Chad's kid? Let the bitch fall, God knows when ugly men carrying heavy loads fall and injure themselves on public transportation, all femoids do is laugh and videotape it.

She is not entitled to have her baby live at the cost of the bodily autonomy of someone else. She should self improve so she doesn’t have to take public transportation

she chose to get creampied by chad without being financially stable. her fault.

If you have a partner willing to consent to have sex with you, yes. You deserve sex. But you're not entitled to someone else body without their permission. This argument isn't relevant to the original issue at hand.

too bad, so sad

Lol cuck

But what if the baby is an incel?

How can you possibly compare giving up a seat to sex?! They're NOTHING alike. Giving up a seat is just a nuisance. Having sex with someone you don't want to is disgusting and traumatic.

I was that mgtow that gave logical arguments that you had no counter arguments to. Thats when you just kept (inaccurately) calling me an incel.

Lmao when the entitlement meme is pointed the opposite direction we suddenly have a new definition of entitlement

Lmao what right does she have to the seat?