She ghosted me, can't stop crying
167 2018-05-27 by Incelvester
Follow up from my post the other day about possible escape...
So things were going good leading up to today. We chatted throughout the day yesterday, I told her the game plan for our date today, and the last thing she ever said to me was "Yes! That sounds wonderful!"
Woke up this morning and texted her, no response after a few hours. Texted her again asking if shes alright. No response. Log onto okcupid, she's unmatched and blocked me. Check Xbox, shes blocked me on there too. I dont know what happened. I didnt do anything to blow it. We had so much in common, she called dme handsome, said I smelled good, and without warning she just fucking ghosts me.
I feel sick. I can't stop crying. Why does this keep happening???? I dont think I'll ever find another girl with as much in common to me as her again, I really dont want to live anymore. This fucking sucks.
Someone hire a hitman to kill me please. I dont have the energy to do it myself anymore.
1 Revoltization 2018-05-27
1 CuckFestus570 2018-05-27
EWALT: Enough Women Are Like That.
1 bigantennaemay1 2018-05-27
Username checks out.
1 iamhopeless256 2018-05-27
Women will always ghost you when they match with a gentically superior male. AWALT AWALT AWALT
1 Whoknvws 2018-05-27
What does awalt mean? This sub has so many acronyms LUL
1 Zaadfanaat 2018-05-27
All women are like that
Honestly open urban dictionary in another tab while you're browsing this sub kek
1 HipHopCel 2018-05-27
Don't spoonfeed the tourists please
1 Zyklon_Bae 2018-05-27
It means 'google it, fagit'
1 JamesLucratif 2018-05-27
And when they bitch about ghosting what they really mean is Chad didn't call back after he emptied his balls
1 uKnowIsOver 2018-05-27
Lol,you showed your face,that's what happens
1 Zyklon_Bae 2018-05-27
'Everything was going great until I sent her a pic...OMG, maybe her computer crashed??'
1 iwannabehuge 2018-05-27
She’s probably getting dicked down by Chad and his 8incher who messaged her back before you went out.
1 LinksLight 2018-05-27
It's most likely she just met someone else IMO. Ten years ago I was having some nice dates with a friend who had liked me for a while, then a new hot guy joined her college class and she just cut off the dates with me and told me she was interested in the new guy and couldn't see me again.
1 iwannabehuge 2018-05-27
How it that not what I said? You just said it like a little bitch.
1 LinksLight 2018-05-27
more Daddy...
I dunno, I'm just replying to random messages at this point...
1 cookin_breakfast 2018-05-27
She definitely is
1 DEPTHERROR 2018-05-27
Absolute suikek
1 KufoIV 2018-05-27
no, he texted her right when he woke up. That was his mistake. He should've waited longer
1 Zyklon_Bae 2018-05-27
He should have drained his balls into her anus, then ghosted her.
1 AlienSunrise 2018-05-27
Lol i just came here to see what you guys are all about but DAMN you people do not play around. Cut homie right down to the core.
1 Zyklon_Bae 2018-05-27
The bitter humor keeps me coming back, day after day.
1 bigantennaemay1 2018-05-27
The truth may be bitter, but that alone doesn't make it a falsehood.
1 AlienSunrise 2018-05-27
Oh i agree for sure. Im not a sub here and i won’t pretend to know what everyone here is about. But i will agree that tinder makes it too easy and she may very well have gotten a message from someone she’d rather be with. Such is life.
1 AyeThatsAGoodNagger 2018-05-27
Username checks out.
And yeah I had a girl who was getting tinder messages on the first “date” (I recognize the sound) and ghosted me the next day, I figure that’s what happened.
Don’t feel too bad OP. That has happened to many of us. basically, unless a girl says she feels so strongly upon meeting you that she’s deleting her tinder/okcupid/whatever, there is a high probability of this happening.
1 captvic 2018-05-27
1 PetGiraffe 2018-05-27
She is, want me to tell her to say hi?
1 jaghatarhonor 2018-05-27
You didn't mean shit to her. Just another one of her many suitors that she has and that she can afford to be a picky cunt about since we live in a shitty society where women have all the power. You think you had things in common with her? She has 10 other guys she has shit in common with that you have to compete with and guess what, one of them mogged the shit out of you. It's all completely fucked. Being a man 2018 is nothing but pure shit.
1 LinksLight 2018-05-27
yeah she ain't exactly struggling to find guys to play xbox and listen to metal with dude
1 jaghatarhonor 2018-05-27
Females don't struggle with anything no matter their interests or whatever
1 cookin_breakfast 2018-05-27
So many betas swarm these types of girls
1 imadethistoshitpostt 2018-05-27
I dig your stone cold soul raping brutal honesty.
1 morthond 2018-05-27
this goes for anyone in any sort of relationship with a modern woman, too.
1 balloonanusanimals 2018-05-27
this is true for anyone in any sort of relationship with a modern woman
1 SoonelyDoodely 2018-05-27
This. It doesn't take much to realize how many options women have every step of the way even if they're just gaming. It's why you will always witness girls duoing with whiteknights in Normiewatch (I play overwatch, degenerate, I know) who will try their best in every aspect to potentially score.
1 bcat124 2018-05-27
Femoids typically have multiple plans and then choose at the last moment the one that looks the most promising. I've seen it with my own eyes. You just didn't make the cut.
1 Blade22 2018-05-27
Sorry dude. I'd lie to you if I said things will get better.
1 StBlackOps2Cel 2018-05-27
Oh shit
1 minoxidilcel 2018-05-27
you didn't do anything wrong. maybe you really had chemistry and maybe she really thought you weren't bad looking, but its 2018, women have infinite dating options. she matched with someone she felt was better and ditched you. just the way it is in the modern world.
1 volslayer 2018-05-27
I'm so sorry bro, that must sting a lot. Nerdy cute girl is also one of my dreams. You got your hopes up and they shattered, it hurts a lot I know. If you matched with her at okcupid it can happen again with a similar girl. It can't be your face if she agreed on a date and said you "smell good" maybe your height, or awkardness? I have the feeling it was because of something you can work on. I don't there's a black pill here at all. Hang on there boyo.
1 Loferix 2018-05-27
Played with your emotions and betrayed you. Instead of imo preferable brutal honesty. What a disgusting snake.
1 GeneticCleansing 2018-05-27
Fuck dude, this post speaks to me. My heart goes out to you, I am sorry. I know that feeling of heart-crushing rejection.
1 incelery33333 2018-05-27
I don't feel any sympathy for incels that aren't fully blackpilled, but that's my own opinion.
1 DEPTHERROR 2018-05-27
You got a point but he is getting brutalised in the comments kek, AWALT is still so hard to swallow for people.
1 Zyklon_Bae 2018-05-27
Being brutalized is all part of the process. Grasshopper is learning.
1 GuyFromDaStore 2018-05-27
Internet dating is the cruelest form of dating, because it gives the daters many options, and they will always pick the best option.
Chad wins every time.
1 guerillahubris00 2018-05-27
holy shit that video
1 Ultramegasaurus 2018-05-27
Not the "daters", women and Chad.
1 joeybuns 2018-05-27
Holy fucking based
1 cl0wngang 2018-05-27
Don’t give up! The fact that you even matched and went out means there’s hope, now it’s about trying to get back on the horse
Want to know the worst part? She was using you because she was bored.
1 Currycell92 2018-05-27
True. She was probably using him cuz she was bored and chickened out once she realized that he was looking for serious dating. Once the Femoloid goes into ghost mode, it can be cruel heartless thing.
1 LinksLight 2018-05-27
it's like half the population is starving and the other half have all-you-can-eat free McDs tickets.
1 JelqFrost 2018-05-27
You're not entitled to honey mustard dipping sauce.
1 bigantennaemay1 2018-05-27
I've only been on one date my entire life, thought it went pretty well. Messaged next day to say what a good time it was, never heard back. It's soul-crushing, is what it is. Makes you lose all hope for the future. Of course, I wasn't fully black pilled at the time, so my hope came back, eventually, but still...
1 doctormaye2 2018-05-27
prob got a free meal, shes fat so she knows what thats like kek
1 lifeisbullshit95 2018-05-27
You need to work on your personality bro
1 CuckFestus570 2018-05-27
It was his musogony.
1 Flipcel 2018-05-27
1 grenilda 2018-05-27
My heart goes out to you. I can't imagine what you must be feeling right. Given a glimmer of hope only for it to be crushed.
1 richardbankz 2018-05-27
I feel for you bro. Try to cope with something else, this type of shit happened to most of us. Be strong and don't choose the rope yet.
1 bigantennaemay1 2018-05-27
He should choose the light of St. Blackops2cel, the void reality of the black pill, and the hatred of femmorhoids world over. They want us dead; live to spite them.
1 raspectwahmen 2018-05-27
Fucking lol I knew this shit would happen.
Feels bad man, but you should have fucking known better.
1 FinalFantasycel 2018-05-27
this is why I stopped talking to girls online truth is she found somebody better and instead of slowly distancing herself and making you feel even more like shit she just blocked you and made it instant AWALT
1 itsbeenover 2018-05-27
lol give up boyo
1 Incelvester 2018-05-27
I think I will
1 MagratM 2018-05-27
You did nothing wrong. She was the one who did it, for whatever reason (and unless it's her being dead, it's not a good reason).
Cry all you want. There's nothing wrong with you. When you have cried it out, blow your nose, wash your face, look at yourself in the mirror and tell yourself it was not your fault. Because it wasn't.
1 bigantennaemay1 2018-05-27
No, you're right, it's not his fault; it's the fault of his genetics, and he'll see that clearly when he looks in the mirror.
1 MagratM 2018-05-27
Stop being horrible. The guy did nothing wrong here, and it wasn't his fault.
1 bigantennaemay1 2018-05-27
Where did I say it was? Our genetics are not us.
1 utopista114 2018-05-27
Plot twist: girl gets killed in school shooting by crazy dude that has not had sex in ten years.
1 Incelvester 2018-05-27
Go fuck yourself you fucking prick, she unmatched me and removed me from everything I was talking to her on out of nowhere
1 utopista114 2018-05-27
Calm down. We all are on this boat full of shit. You are not alone. Just don't loose your marbles yet. From a 40+ year old dude to an anonymous soul on the Internet: does it get "better"? Nah. But I'll damn go to visit every corner of Earth, watch every good movie, eat every piece of good cake and enjoy every second of sweet sweet air before giving up despite my undercurrent depression.
Yes, it sucks. But then, life is like that and somehow extraordinary at the same time. Take a book, some cheesecake and seat in front of a lake on a spring day. "Love" is not in the cards? Who gives a fuck anymore. Enjoy, because every minute wasted on that thing is one minute less to plan my next trip.
1 abbybabbymaddy 2018-05-27
Question. Why would I guy keep me on SM after ghosting me this weekend?
1 Incelvester 2018-05-27
1 abbybabbymaddy 2018-05-27
Just looking for advice
1 Incelvester 2018-05-27
I don't understand the question
1 abbybabbymaddy 2018-05-27
I got ghosted this past weekend but the guy is still on all my social media. When should I delete him?
1 Incelvester 2018-05-27
I dont know dude, whenever you want
1 Matthew15651 2018-05-27
IT will make a post about how you made all the wrong moves and crying about it is for babies. They’ll also side with the female and probably think you raped her. But in reality... Yeah, that fucking sucks. Fuck what women say.
1 bigantennaemay1 2018-05-27
He sees you when you're sleeping, he knows when you're awake, he knows if you've been bad or good, so be good for roasties' sake...
1 incelery33333 2018-05-27
Damn, sorry to hear that. This same thing happened to me a little under a year ago, beginning of June. I met someone awesome, called me good looking, got worried when I was busy and didn't respond for like 30 minutes, and I responded and they said "I'm so glad you replied" EVERYTHING went well. This girl was a virgin, young, lived in a mansion on their own, seemed to like me, but I got ghosted. Two other women ghosted me this same week.
But I also remember how much of a cuck / whiteknight you are, so I have zero sympathy for you. Fucking good for you. You called me a fakecel when I made this account. HAAAAAA. Not sorry anymore, I take it back.
1 Infinite_Return 2018-05-27
She matched with a better looking person that she can display to her friends and family without shame. People on this sub don't pay that much attention to that aspect of the female psyche.
1 Incelvester 2018-05-27
1 Brazierlord69 2018-05-27
This is why you fucking avoid females you fucking retard
1 Currycell92 2018-05-27
The femoloid used its personality radar and found out that you post on incel subs.
1 bigantennaemay1 2018-05-27
1 Nancy125 2018-05-27
show its picture
1 Incelvester 2018-05-27
1 Nancy125 2018-05-27
1 bigantennaemay1 2018-05-27
Probably against sub rules, and you're coming off very strongly as an IT false-flagger.
1 Nancy125 2018-05-27
don’t pester me newfag
1 laligneedesbatards 2018-05-27
Beta till you die, they only thing you do is crying ans ask yourself what YOU did wrong, beta beta beta
1 Mpandingare 2018-05-27
Neurotic fuck stop crying you chickenshit
1 kodoku2 2018-05-27
It happened to me it happens to million of guys arpund the world. If you're ugly just don't try
1 LinksLight 2018-05-27
I've tried to date 2 women in the past 2 years, both ten years younger than me (I don't go for younger women - I don't go for anyone, I just happened to make friends with them). It went wrong with both, the second one just realized I was creepy and ghosted me, but the first wanted me to be a friendzone and chat about how bad her much older (older than me) tough bf was.
1 bigantennaemay1 2018-05-27
That part of me died. I mourn him, but I do not allow it to stop me from going forward.
1 mittrinilli 2018-05-27
Buy $ROPE this monday. Stock is set to soar on Sunday's news. Don't tell IT though they'll probably short it
1 justforlulzandkeks 2018-05-27
Brutal suicide fuel
1 schizo_frog_haha_lol 2018-05-27
1 suicidal-pothead 2018-05-27
I'm sorry mate, so sorry.
1 TheGodPlant 2018-05-27
I told you in the other thread it’s over when she matches with video game Chad. Unlucky brother.
1 BasedIncel 2018-05-27
Ah yes, these are the kinds of stories you'll never see on cucktears. I feel so bad for you,bro. Take some time off this sub for a good bit to get your mind right. God bless ya.
1 bigantennaemay1 2018-05-27
And take a picture of St. Blackops2cel with you, if you're of the spiritual persuasion; it will give comfort even in the darkest of times.
1 Crackcel 2018-05-27
Online dating is terrible for incels. Even if you somehow manage to match with a girl who has the same interests and doesn't care about your looks as much, the moment one of the thousands of guys more attractive than you messages her your chance is out the window. The stupid cunt threw you out of the window.
1 tropical_cockonut 2018-05-27
Bahaha, you thought you had a chance? I’m sorry, but you deserved this.
1 ApatheticAlways 2018-05-27
Fuck, I'm sorry. I'll never understand why women can do casually waste someone's time like that. It wasn't your fault at all.
1 photographypersonguy 2018-05-27
you get desensitized to it after awhile
3 girls bailed on me this week who i planned to meet with
1 doctormaye2 2018-05-27
wow 3 girls talked to you in 1 week. i think 3 girls talked to me in 2 years
1 Anonku 2018-05-27
1 fastasyoucan1 2018-05-27
It fucking sucks, but it happens. Just live your life. She’s obviously doing just that. Concentrate on you.
1 SgtKFC 2018-05-27
jfl "concentrate on you" for what? You can't honestly believe filling your life with hobbies and endless self-improvement "just for yourself" (people are lying to themselves when they say this) are an adequate replacement for an intimate relationship.
"Living life" is a pretty empty experience if you don't have anyone significant to share it with. You'd have to be in complete denial to think otherwise.
Meanwhile, that girl is "living life" by pursuing countless opportunities for affection and validation that she deems are better. It's no comparison.
And don't brush it off as "it happens" as if it was caused by some cosmic mishap of terrible luck. "It happens" every fucking time.
1 MMDT 2018-05-27
Hey man, I feel for you. If you want you can show me some random messages between the two of you and I'll give you some tips on how to improve
1 r4risbullshit 2018-05-27
Sorry to hear that.
I basically went through the same thing with a rando from r4r about 2 years ago. Going through the same experience with 2 other girls changed my mindset, and just made me hate people more.
1 thehardertruth2000 2018-05-27
Judging by your first post.. you fell in love bro... you fucked up. And never say wicked in that context again, jesus.
The reason this girl isn't interested in you is because you are needy. Women instinctually can see weakness and desperation. You are using this fat anime chick as box on your life bingo board instead of feeling like you already got bingo and she's just a bonus.
1 mindmonkey00 2018-05-27
For me that confidence came when I got my first girlfriend :/
1 thehardertruth2000 2018-05-27
That's pretty sad to hear. The idea is that you get into a mental state where you know you are something of value and the woman is just a bonus to your life.
1 SyrusDrake 2018-05-27
We also call that "self delusion".
1 thehardertruth2000 2018-05-27
Eh.. for me I call it having a girlfriend, a job, hobbies, and knowing I look pretty good and can offer good humor to almost any conversation even with a complete stranger.
1 luminushumanus 2018-05-27
Probably pretty fragile and superficial then.
1 BananaPancakeCove 2018-05-27
stupid TRP cope. Chad can act needy as he wants and he will ALWAYS win her, fuck off faggot.
1 thehardertruth2000 2018-05-27
Do you not understand your terms? This guy is an incel/cuck not a Chad. For non Chads to get girls they have to play by rules.
1 raspectwahmen 2018-05-27
I love how, despite you having an infinitely better and more successful life than any incel, you still managed to get triggered enough to do what you did.
1 FF1750 2018-05-27
Yeah I can totally see you sweep a woman who's been taken for years off her feet within minutes and make her leave her husband for you.
Get real...
1 GreyPepe 2018-05-27
Happened to me more times than I can count. Femoids might say things like she said to be polite but their real intentions should never be forgotten. Hang in there bro, I know it sucks.
1 AelizaW 2018-05-27
I’m so sorry.... Please don’t give up!
1 seplul 2018-05-27
This is dating in 2018, get used to it.
Women have a literal harem of men at their disposal and they are talking to and fucking multiple men at the same time. NEVER think you're the only man a femoid is talking to. You put a lot of stock into your interactions with her, but for that femoids you were literally just another number. When a femoid ghosts you like this there is a 99% chance she found someone who looks better than you.
You are a commodity. Women have turned you and the rest of us into objects. You are disposable.
1 Mathematicsduck 2018-05-27
You'll remember her forever. She probably doesn't even remember your name.
1 xjnoodles 2018-05-27
Ouch.. A stinger.
1 Ultramegasaurus 2018-05-27
1 foreignincel4 2018-05-27
she must found someone dont blame yourself
1 VeganRatGod 2018-05-27
Maybe she found something out about you? Like a cringy fb page or insta?
1 imadethistoshitpostt 2018-05-27
Jesus christ man. I am so sorry, I know exactly how you feel.
In my very long road of going to ugly and bluepilled to becoming more attractive and understanding women I was barraged with countless examples of the brutal nature of women.
Over time I accepted that women can and will disappear out of your life without a trace for no reason at any point, it sounds absurd to write it down but it doesnt matter if you matched (which if you can believe it I used to think I could just talk to her and ask her out and it would work out ok), got her number, have fun talking to each other, set a date, go on a date or go on several dates she will still ghost you without explanation even if she seemed to be having the time of her life during these steps.
Seriously, I could know a girl for a month and she can act like she loves me but the second she doesn't answer a text I assume I will never see her again, honestly thinking back I still don't have an explanation for this particular behavior, it is completely psychopathic.
1 Goodbye_nagasaki 2018-05-27
Maybe she saw your post history.
1 issagobleen 2018-05-27
You deserve it incel scum
1 BananaPancakeCove 2018-05-27
I'm sorry to hear this brother. I did warn you though. You will NEVER escape this fucked up bullshit, and neither will I. There is simply too much fucking competition man. You are competing against Tyrone, Chad, Chaddaam, Chang, Chadlite, Upper Norman, Normans, Chadpreet, and endless validation and thirst. It is OVER.
1 Mr_StealYoGirl69 2018-05-27
use your brain. She found someone else with a better "personality"
1 Mr_StealYoGirl69 2018-05-27
oh and u probably came off as too thirsty.
1 apoptosiscel 2018-05-27
Fuck man that sounds painful.
I'm wondering why she did it. Don't know if it was just out of cruelty to mess with someone's emotions or she was using you to pay for things on the date (if you did) or maybe she just found someone else.
1 SyrusDrake 2018-05-27
I'm sorry to hear about what happened to you. That kind of feeling sucks so bad... Try to keep going. Just try to survive today and then the day after that and so on. That's enough for now.
1 [deleted] 2018-05-27
1 Zyklon_Bae 2018-05-27
Roasties have no guts or class. She met someone else, and doesn't have the courage to tell you. This is classic roastie behavior. Do not shed tears for a roastie.
1 lonelyfish94 2018-05-27
That sucks bro. I feel you dude.
1 FireAlarm911 2018-05-27
Women dont understand that this is the reason many men get clingy or blow up when women don't respond right away. Because we've been hurt so many times by being ghosted, treated like we aren't even human, deserving of acknowledgement.
1 GetBumRushedMate 2018-05-27
Chances are she matched with a Chad and saw you no longer appealing if at all to dump you so quickly.
1 harambeazn 2018-05-27
just handle rejection bruh and go your own way
1 ordinaryotaku 2018-05-27
1 BBC_theory 2018-05-27
You coldn't bring yourself to kiss her,now she's slurping on big black cock.
1 Graptap 2018-05-27
Brutal Blackpill
1 NewLoadsOfFun 2018-05-27
Women have zero respect for sub 8/10 men so of course they'll ghost
Sucks bro I know what you're going through
1 CuckLife19 2018-05-27
Why u even care about some random girl ghosting you shit happens all the time
1 GrinchBear 2018-05-27
Unfortunately life is very unfair by design. You can either lay down and give up, or pick yourself up off the ground and keep moving.
1 alarm_chrono 2018-05-27
I was pretty upset the first time this happened to me, but that's just how things are now. You get used to it.
1 t-away3 2018-05-27
Women do this ALL the time. And they block you because 1) they already get a ton of messages so they need some way to filter out the ones they’re done with (aka the majority of normies and below) and 2) it keeps them in their safe space where they don’t have to feel bad about being a terrible human being to someone who was nothing but nice to them
1 Singlestick 2018-05-27
I heard that if you start huffing from some kind of tank, you can go out easily. I couldn't find anything like that.
Pass the rope.
1 morthond 2018-05-27
lol @ "escape"
there is no escape.
but, you have oneitis.
this is a ridiculously common thought, and it's always wrong
1 JM645 2018-05-27
Dont listen to these people.... saw and a majority of comments its people with low self confidence trying to put you down to to their level. They dont feel good so you cant feel good.
Not everyone gets a happy ever after on first dates. Some even take a few more tries. It might seem like its over now and youll never meet someone who will be as perfect as that girl was but believe me, there will.
I had that where i thought i was dating yhe perfect girl, ended up moving away and i thought id never meet someone as good, 2 years later i met my current girlfriend, and were dating for nearly 2 years. I know shes not perfect, and im not perfect. Im not expecting it to be, atm she's the best ive ever had, but thats exactly ehat i thought about my previous girlfriend. In the time searching i tried online dating too, had 3 apps at the same time going, got a couple of matches. Most didnt answer messages at all; why match at all? Some answered and then stopped talking, some planned date and i was stood up, 1 I even went on a date with. This out of a lot of dates. I am by no means an extremely attractive guy, i think im ok, ive been called both hot, and ugly. Fat and skinny (go figure), this is to say. Humans are complex and people will like different things. Most people on this sub, and ive been through dozens of posts and comments to see opinions, are no better than the females they call as one dimensional, some believe in the levels (8 deserves 8) etc. But if you look around you, there are ugly people with good looking people (could be for many reasons) but what matters is that it happens. Imo my current situation is just that. Im in a serious relationship with i girl i consider much better than me in near all aspects, why she likes idk exactly, but i know she does (theres not much to gain by being with me that she couldn't get elsewhere). So keep your head up, yes people are initially attracted by physical aspects, but dating and relationships go further than that. People might eventually downvote this cause it doesnt fit with the spirit of the sub, but as long as you read it and try to see dating differently, it will work out eventually. Only a matter of time. If you close yourself off, youll have no chances at all, keep yourself open and you might just luck out, even if it doesnt seem possible now
1 Rolando_Mierka 2018-05-27
Brother, do what I do, and start ghosting women with Catfish Chad.
1 Westcoastincel 2018-05-27
she probably cant text you back bc shes too busy choking on tyrones dick
1 mazafakaaaa 2018-05-27
Reminds me of one of my friend and his GF. They were talking about how they met (on a dating website) and he was saying that at one point she ghosted him but then ended up talking to him again after a while. I then said out loud that it was because she was talking to better guys during that time and it didn't work out so she came back to him, and she actually said yes LMAO.
1 yuvalbuium 2018-05-27
I am very sorry for you. I hope in the future you will find someone who will love you for your personality. A few years ago I was ugly and never thought I will have any success with girls, and then this one girl came and changed it. Ot was mind blowing for me and I couldn't believe it. It can happen to you to, and I hope that it will. Stay in there!
1 pimpdaddy_69 2018-05-27
i think its because you didn't kiss
you should have been bolder and kissed
you could have gone all the way if you got that far
NOT kissing makes you look like a weak beta and she probably lost interest after the date and looked for other men
when you say you're looking for something serious after it looks to her like you're a timid dude and she's not looking for that
you blew it
better luck next time boyo
1 joeybuns 2018-05-27
Thats fucking horrible mate, I'm sorry to hear that but I've been there before and it's one of the reasons why I have trust issues with women now, because so many times this shit has been pulled on me in the past
1 KolaDesi 2018-05-27
Who knows what she was thinking, surely it's a stupid move.
Moreover people who ghost in place of saying the truth are very bad at communicating. In this sense, you dodged a bullet (relationship are hard work and if she has the instinct to flee away when there's a problem, well, you've postponed a hearthbrake).
Anyway, internet hugs, dude.
1 smurbulock 2018-05-27
Holy shit man, I have a similar story myself, which I may or may not post, makes me so cold to hear stuff like this.
1 blackpillnormie 2018-05-27
Make a chad account and catfish with her, play with her feelings until her self steem becomes inexistent
1 HipHopCel 2018-05-27
Don't spoonfeed the tourists please
1 bigantennaemay1 2018-05-27
Username checks out.
1 bigantennaemay1 2018-05-27
He should choose the light of St. Blackops2cel, the void reality of the black pill, and the hatred of femmorhoids world over. They want us dead; live to spite them.