93 2018-05-27 by bcat124
1 lifeisbullshit95 2018-05-27
1 Idk12344482305 2018-05-27
1 MosesFPS98 2018-05-27
They all want CHAD!
1 GREYnRED 2018-05-27
He will get your bitch(dogfemoid) too . It's over for petcels
1 jewishsupremacist88 2018-05-27
id be more mad about chad mistreating a 4 legged bitch than him slapping a stacy
1 NewestNightmare 2018-05-27
He has no chin
1 cool144 2018-05-27
predict ~250 upvotes by tomorrow
1 harambeazn 2018-05-27
Wow, he's so good with animals teehee
1 guerillahubris00 2018-05-27
literally every normie looks exactly like him
1 GrinchBear 2018-05-27
Just have to treat them right
1 Alexdelarge4794 2018-05-27
This guy is italian, average giro, average-shitty house, average life (if you are American probably a average south usa guy)
1 captvic 2018-05-27
1 lifeisbullshit95 2018-05-27
1 Idk12344482305 2018-05-27
1 MosesFPS98 2018-05-27
They all want CHAD!
1 GREYnRED 2018-05-27
He will get your bitch(dogfemoid) too . It's over for petcels
1 jewishsupremacist88 2018-05-27
id be more mad about chad mistreating a 4 legged bitch than him slapping a stacy
1 NewestNightmare 2018-05-27
He has no chin
1 cool144 2018-05-27
predict ~250 upvotes by tomorrow
1 harambeazn 2018-05-27
Wow, he's so good with animals teehee
1 guerillahubris00 2018-05-27
literally every normie looks exactly like him
1 GrinchBear 2018-05-27
Just have to treat them right
1 Alexdelarge4794 2018-05-27
This guy is italian, average giro, average-shitty house, average life (if you are American probably a average south usa guy)
1 captvic 2018-05-27