I'm a Chad I guess, but I'm also relatively short (5' 7"). Short women love me, but if every girl acted towards me the way "tall" girls do, (5' 10"+)... I would honestly be bitter as fuck at the world.

84  2018-05-27 by 188321

I don't know if this sub is supposed to be restricted only for self-labeled incels, but please read, to the end. I think there might be a lot to glean here.

Based on your guys criteria, I'm probably a Chad. I have sex consistently via Tinder/Run-ins/etc. Genetically I literally have model looks, I lift and have a extremely aesthetic body.I'm not trying to suck my own dick, but I'm being completely honest with you guys as to who I am.

I'm kind of short at 5' 7", but I have really good posture (which I think I unconsciously improved specifically due to that) and I'm really confident, muscular, etc. And due to all those things cumulatively I guess I must just project the equivalent being of a relatively tall person because if the girl is shorter than me, she's usually attracted.

Now comes my revelation you guys will relate to, If a girl is taller than me (usually has to be at least 2-3 inches before "it" starts taking place), then the response I get totally fucking changes.

If a girl is into me, she's submissive, accommodating, agreeable, eager to please... I'm not an asshole, but if I were I could easily insult her (any girl in said spectrum), tease her (relentlessly if I wanted to), order her around, ask her for favors at will, and dollars to doughnuts she will basically comply.

However, at a certain point (for me it's only based on height, because it's essentially the only plausible weak link in my chain, me being attractive, confident, successful and intelligent).

This happens within One Second of me meeting the girl, I either fit the criteria or I do not.

And how she perceives me within that one second (which the one factor I could "fail" at being my height, I cannot change) will literally dictate how the entire conversation will go and essentially our entire relationship etc.

If i Do Not fit the criteria...... holy fuck. It's rough. The girl will almost literally try to verbally dominate me in conversation and sometimes straight up talk shit. If it's beyond in passing conversation, I will always shut her down completely and make her look like a cunt, but our relationship, even within the minutes of this discourse will be horrible.

All because she doesn't find me as a sexually suitable mate.

Now, luckily for me this doesn't happen that often. Maybe once a night if I run past a relatively tall girl. I also am way more attracted to short girls, so it's not a big deal.

But.... I know that this doesn't just work off of height, guys who have fucked up faces, bad posture, low confidence for whatever reason (this one is extremely rough because it's like a double down), or are in the wrong category whatever, etc. etc.

The reason I posted this is because I can legitimately see why you guys, in a world that puts so much market value/insistence on female companionship, why you guys would be angry and bitter (which I know some of you are, some of you aren't, but I would be honestly)

I guess in closing, I do see your guys anger as someone who gets a glimpse of it from time to time, and simultaneously see the insane advantage of being attractive.

I honestly feel a little ashamed of our society, but I realize how much better I get treated sometimes, by some people, literally just because I look different than you.


Show a pic please or else I don't believe you being a Chad.

This is my alt. account.

With all fair respect, your guys image isn't so hot right now. To be completely honest with you I have a social media following and open commiseration with incels would be virtually social suicide.

It's fucked up, but it's how our society is. But as brutally objective as incels are, I hope you guys understand.

Coward much. I am the incel who showed his pics the most here. And if you were to see me, you will be wondering why I am incel.

He's 5'7. Combined with model tier looks, that's enough to get him over the line.

That's because 5'7" is the minimum height to be considered a man apparently in the eyes of females.

Cough 5'9

I think you need a really good face if above 5'5 and below 5'11.

Being 5'3" is terrible. If you want I can send you my newest pics I've made today.

Well, that's below the threshold. Smaller than the average girl. It's fine, I know what you look like.

Lol I kind of feel the same way

You have nothing to lose, he does.

Don't be a dick. We both know the only reason you show your pics is because you think you're good looking and want to brag about this self-perceived attractiveness, not because you're not a coward.

Amen to that shit

Pics or fuck off.

just fucking lol. exposed and gtfo

exposed.... because you can't get certain information about me.

Literally the opposite of exposed Einstein.

Yeah dont take pics and out yourself as someone who empathesizes with incels. Someone from either IT or here will dox you(real name reveal), because either sub has reasons to dislike you, and that would be social suicide.

most people don't know who incels are, social suicide? In that kind of society it is ascension

I beg to differ. I know many Canadians who know of incels.

fuck them, maple syrup eaters, Saskatchewan Zamboni drivers

Sorry Goyim, I can't afford to be seen with the likes of you. Back to banging Short Stacies and such. Sucks to be you. HOLLA.

Lol I had to chuckle at Short Stacies.

I literally had a girlfriend named Stacy, she was short and Asian.

...If you aren't going to man up and take a stand and actually try to help societys problems, don't post on this board. You being a coward is a part of it.

chad ally? can you go share this story with r/inceltears?

Inceltears would fucking hate me because I agreed with a lot of your guys introspections.

Why the hate though? Just on the basis of me being honest with you? If you're angry at people being shitty to people to other people for unfair reasons, surely you could see you're doing it to me right now.

If you're angry at people being shitty to people to other people for unfair reasons, surely you could see you're doing it to me right now.

Because those unfair reasons are what benefit you for the most part? I'm guessing you're aware that people don't like being talked down to one way or the other?

I didn't create the system brother, I'm just living here same as you.

Hating me because I'm attractive, is as sensible as a black person hating a white person because of their race.

I'm just living here same as you.

While getting to enjoy most of the benefits while the people here rot unless they take drastic measures like plastic surgery, which could potentially backfire. Gee, thanks for your opinion.

Hating me because I'm attractive, is as sensible as a black person hating a white person because of their race.

Implying I hate you. You're just annoying because, congratulations, you acknowledge that shit sucks while not being affected by it in a major way so it's all the same to you. Do you want a cookie or what?

I'm not trying to suck my own dick

Proceeds to make a post where he continuously sucks his own dick

Look man you just seem super adversarial.

I get that being a incel is obviously fucking terrible, but I also would expect people who are as attracted to the objective truth to know insulting someone over and over who is trying to have a fair discourse as a shitty thing to do.

I'm sure people have done shitty things to you, but projecting it onto me for whatever reason is kind of bullshit.

insulting someone over and over who is trying to have a fair discourse as a shitty thing to do.

Don't care.

but projecting it onto me for whatever reason is kind of bullshit.

Not projecting shit. Posts like yours are dime a dozen and are getting annoying as fuck. You are taking that as me attacking you for being attractive, which is kind of stupid.

Maybe you're an incel, and maybe not, but your personality could easily do the trick.

Sure thing, bro. Now how about you skedaddle to wherever you came from. Yes, we get it, you're hot and short and the short part sucks, but not so much that it really impedes your romantic or sexual prospects because you're still hot. Nothing new has been learned. Face > Height.

I mean I've learned a lot. From other people on here.

You haven't learned shit.

I mean I've learned a lot. From other people on here.

Good for you. Still doesn't change the fact that being ugly blows, while being attractive does not.

You haven't learned shit.

Shit like what?

VonMagnar isn’t incel. He’s a normie bluepill cuck tear that somehow managed to become mod of an incel subreddit.

oh. Well that makes sense. He seemed pretty awful.

Honestly Incels seem to be pretty cool in terms of talking about shit. A lot better than a ton of other subs. I was a little hesitant to post this because a lot of your guys posts are supercharged and angry, but I get that it comes from a legitimate place of anger.

He’s a normie




cuck tear


Lol what a fucking baby, so bitter at the world. Honestly glad you can’t reproduce and fuck up the world even more

Another Personality-Bro?

No. Just No.

In all fairness VonMagnar IS being a dick for no valid reason.

Yeah, he does that.

You disagree with everything incels say while this Chadhole from Elysium wanders into our hell hole and immediately recognizes the Black Pill.

I prefer this Blackpill-swallowing Chadhole over you NormieMod.

You disagree with everything incels say

Yeah sure lets go with that.

this Chadhole from Elysium wanders into our hell hole and immediately recognizes the Black Pill.

Good for him. He still gets to reap the benefits, so what's it to you?

I prefer this Blackpill-swallowing Chadhole over you NormieMod.

I shall go to weep in the corner now, for I am ever hurt by such a statement.

I prefer this Blackpill-swallowing Chadhole over you NormieMod.

Then you don't appreciate the work that the mod team puts into this sub.

I personally take this statement as an insult as well. Von is a great mod who has done a lot of shit to make this sub a welcoming place for incels and blackpill discussion.

Statistically one quarter of all blacks hate whites simply for being white.

I'm not trying to be shitty. Since you sort of get us, you should go share your life story with the inceltears cucks.

They would be suuuuuper resiliant to it, given the support against inceldom that has been on the news due to recent events.

People like to think that they base their decisions on ethics/objectivism, when most of it is basically informed by what they believe will get support from others with.

But I think the conversation does need to be brought up somehow, I just don't have a great solution off the top of my head.

Just the term incel alone is going to conjure up murderers for most people due to the media, etc. As opposed to images of rejection and hardship that would foster a legit conversation.

Incels need better branding and images of rejection and hardship fit the bill and speak the truth.


Chads and incels should just become an alliance.

Women would despise that more than life itself.

I'm going to be honest with you and it's part of the reason I started poking around on here, is women HATE, the shit you guys put out. They mock it relentlessly, discredit it as much as possible.

It's because it's fucking true. Anything people take so much time to ridicule, fucking scares them.

Basically 100% of women's capital, if we addressed it in the way in which incels/redpill do, their quality of life would be destroyed. Also all these weird advantages they get that are seen as normalcies would disintegrate.

Why the fuck do you have to date women? Buy them food and shit? Court them? If you don't you're an asshole.... why?

Men could easily just refuse to date women. Much in the same way that women refuse to fuck men without strings.

Men run the fucking world. Women wouldn't last a second. I heard a self proclaimed feminist say if she broke down in her car she would "wait for a man" to come and help her. That's what were dealing with here.

Women need this shit to stay the way it is right now bad.

Idgaf the truth is the truth.

200 IQ comment

225 Just like my curl PR.

Damn bro, you on dat dere cell tech? Either way, sick PR.

I was joking.

I've never met anyone who curled anywhere close to that, even on juice.

This can't be upvoted enough. Holy fuck you are a godsend.

Bingo! If the truth about looks became mainstream, they'd lose the favor boys, beta orbiters and ass kissers, and the beta provider dudes wouldn't marry them.

Another Chad ally, welcome brother

That's what's happening right now. Don't believe the media. Women are currently losing stock as we speak. In about five years the Overton Window will have properly shifted to the opposite side.

I'm a femoid that totally swallows the black pill, hence why I browse this sub. I think more women than you'd think believe in it, but just don't know what to call it. I acknowledge that a lot of my luck in life comes down to good genetics and being born to the right family rather than my own doing.

I'm still hated by most incels, though, simply for being femoid... until they see what I look like then all of a sudden they're sweet... which further proves the black pill.

Why? That would be like trying to have a deep, intellectual, philosophical discussion with Cleverbot. Or a brick wall, with a -smiley- frowny face painted on it. IT have their heads stuck so far up their own asses that they just can't accept reality even when it smacks them cold, hard in the face.

They'll come here and read it and refuse to believe it.

Just because you get pity fucks doesn’t make you a Chad.

Those short women would trade up the moment they get a chance.

Scientifically women are optimally attracted to men who are 10-15% taller than them. That's just science. And makes way more sense than women wanting exponentially taller and taller men.

Like do you think every women would want a 10 Ft. Tall giant? No.

That's good for me because I actually am 5' 7".

I don't list my height on tinder so maybe when girls see me they register that I'm 5' 9" in their heads because all of these motherfuckers are lying.

10-15% of statistics are pulled straight out of 188321’s ass

I have sex consistently

A phrase I have never said in my entire life.

Sorry man.

It's fucking unfair. It really is.


i guess so

You guessed right.

Great. If you marry one you are a dumbass. Keep smashing and dashing.

Some girls are cool.

Many, many, many are fucking garbage. It's probably the norm. But scientifically there are outliers in every spectrum.

I'm just being honest with you what I've seen.

Thats fine. Just know if you get married you are putting yourself at a disadvantageous position due to the government potentially requiring you to pay alimony and child support (regardless of paternity).

I’m cool with Chads, they are not the enemy. I only hate the feminist laws that allow women to get away with all this bullshit.

Fuck em and chuck em, Mr. Chadlet.

Yeah I know, The government fucks men HARD on divorces.

I had a friend when I was in the military who ganked himself after his wife took everything. Fucking everything, I read his "agreement" and it was one of the most evil documents I have ever read.

Tbh I hate Chadlet so much but I guess when tons of guys on here are calling themselves subhuman and shit I can't bitch too much.

Thats good you know then. Many men make the mistake of believing women to be naturally good. Even if they are a good person, just having the ability to fuck a guy over and take everything is too much leverage.

Also, don’t be too upset about being Chadlet. At least you have a shot.

Anyone with half a brain already knows that. Only absolute retards still get married.

Damn you're in a very unique position to blackpill people.

People need something.

Women run everything by proxy lol and this is the last thing they want going around the ether.

Also, possibly their most potent characteristic, is that I don't think they are actually cognizant that they kind of dictate society based on their wants/needs/requirements so it makes them sort of impervious to reason. Which if you think about it is actually kind of impressive, while simultaneously depressing and horrible.

I'm short too, but manage to compensate for my elf status with good personality and decent looks and body for my age.

Women are irrational creatures, they don't put a man on some empirical approval graph before deciding on dating him.

Their evaluation process is far more complex and a little difficult to understand, as its based on how they feel at the time, how horny they are, what their present male fantasy is comprised of, and how willing they are to relax their personal standards to achieve it.

Legolas is definitely a Chad.

I'm short too, but manage to compensate for my elf status

Elf, more like dwarf.

You are vastly overestimating womens mating evaluations. For women not in their 30's (past their wall).. the steps go like this:

Is he tall enough? If tall enough, pursue unless facial deformity or very bad health indicators How big is his dick? How well does he use his dick? Fuck buddy at the very least for a few hookups, possibility for several months/years.

Now try being 5'4 with average confidence, average posture, slightly above average muscles and an average face. That's me. I can easily talk to women on Tinder, I get a match sometimes, like 2 a month or sth, I can even set dates but then they ask me about my height and do a 180 degree turn. Taller women treat me like a dog, mock me, or totally ignore me. Girls of my height only use me as a tool at college when they need notes. Shorter girls are just as bad or even worse than tall women. Even ridiculously obese girls treat me with disdain. I only get some resemblance of respect from men because I lift, but that's it.

Women who have "noped" you..... can be fucking mean.

And I recognize that I'm a person who is going to be way more removed from that shit.

It's really very fucked up.

“way more attracted to short girls” that’s convenient

I mean it legitimately is for me lol

I think it has to do that men are naturally attracted to women shorter than them, which makes sense.

But yeah all the girls I was like slobber, hearts in my eyes, wanted to be with were 5' 2" and shorter, and always very petite.

i’m 5’7 but I find tall girls way more attractive. idk, 5’2 looks like a child with short legs but to each their own, brother. how many girls have you slept with?


I'm 5'8 my girlfriend if 5'11 its really not something you can put a science to.

Even science has its outliers.

Lol literally something you CAN “put a science too.” Typically about 3 standard deviations from the mean.

Just be the outlier bro


I know that feel when a girl tries to shut you down at whatever you do. I started touching my friends leg because it was hairy, and i jokingly said it felt like my leg and all legs should be like that in front a couple of girls. And one girl asked me if i have ever felt a nonhairy leg, and i said no, so she asked me to put my hand on her shin, and i did and she then commanded me to stop touching me with a harsh tone, and her friends started laughing.

The whore who told me this, consistently gets her ass groped by random guys at parties, is an absolutely disgusting feminist and hates me. And yeah, no woman has ever seen me as a sexual being.

Sounds like she was joking

Didn't seem like it when it happened. Me and the guy just kind of looked at each other shocked. Like wtf do i do?

Oh well then she sounds like a bitch if that was the case

Pics or GTFO

I already addressed this. Read the thread brother.



I want my 60 seconds back.

Why the hell would they post their pics here lol

associating with incels is literally social suicide and the internet never forgets - his pics will be on here forever

We post pics of Chads all the time. If someone sees his pics on here, he can just claim some random person posted it and that it wasn't him.

Besides, Chads wouldn't be worried about any of that. They'd post it without any consequences.

It’s still risky and people will then say “verify pic with timestamp” or something

dude, everyone cares about consequences of being associated with incels in 2018 after what happened. You are following any twitter or IG posts? I’ve seen so many retweets about incels from normie friends

COPE. Chads wouldn't be afraid of this.

He could always verify it to the mods, who can give him a flair. I doubt they'll doxx him.

That's true. I've posted my pics here countless of times and I haven't been doxxed. I am a legit incel and so far nothing bad has happened.

I don't know if this sub is supposed to be restricted only for self-labeled incels,

If you identify as incel, then you'd better be incel. Otherwise, as long as you're black-pilled, or at least open-minded (not like those one-track-minded blue-pilled IT fuckers), then you're welcome here.

"We are the same height laying down."

Pics of proof or you're ugly.

That's not how that works.

There's a history of delusioned men calling themselves chad. You already said you where short but still a chad. Smells like delusion to me.

Like I said, based on what I've gathered your criteria to be.

If being tall is a absolute necessity for Chad, then I am not. However, I have literally every single other criteria down. So I don't know what you want.

I want proof as you're probably full of shit and exaggerating your success. If no proof is provided I assume you're lying to yourself and us to satisfy your ego.

Thanks for sharing the real truth even though they won't believe it. I had a friend sa.e height as me since a kid to high school ,except when we got highschool. Girls liked him and not me. They said he was sexy. He was white also ,but not like your typical white guy he had tannish skin I can't explain it,he said he had German in his family.

"I'm way more attracted to short girls"

So you'd probably fuck a tall girl but not have a relationship with her? A tall girl could just as easily say "he was really into me until he found out I was taller" about you.


I like what I like, but I see your point.

Everyone likes what they like, it's just the way it is. It's unfair and ugly people get treated worse, I just don't think women are the only ones to do this. Most men will have sex with anything but for relationships they're just as picky.

I'm 6'0 and I find tall girls fucking gross. The taller they are, the more feminine they need to be for me to want to pursue. I actually grimace when I see those big volleyball chicks.. fucking EWWWW.

You're entitled to your opinion/preference just like everyone else. I find chubby girls disgusting.

post a pic. let's see your Chad qualities.

I went from ugly to good looking and will never forget just how DIFFERENT women treated me. I grew up thinking it was "normal" that trying to talk to women was extremely difficult. Not only were they distant, but often quite rude, and sometimes outright hostile! That treatment was all I ever knew or understood. Thought they treated everybody like that. Turns out that's not the case. It's just how they treat guys they feel have nothing to offer them. Coming to that realization was a very disturbing experience.

Yep. I was in great shape in highschool, added 20 lbs and started wearing glasses and not working out as much (so like a body change to +40 lbs fat). Lost all the weight and did jaw/neck exercises and switched to contacts... treatment is completely different. It's the difference between a girl smiling at you while talking to basically avoiding you at all costs. I actually have a really really bad pair of glasses that doesn't fit my face at all and when I wake up and go do chores without cleaning up a little bit I see hints of the bad treatment again.

I honestly play a game nowadays just being as cruel as I can to women. It can range from anything to taking up the entire sidewalk when walking past them to just being downright rude. I figure it's karma for all the disrespect I probably got when I was out of shape. Women truly are just creatures that cannot control their judgments or impulses.

when the race war starts expect alot of incels to go on raping/killing sprees

Hey, jewishsupremacist88, just a quick heads-up:
alot is actually spelled a lot. You can remember it by it is one lot, 'a lot'.
Have a nice day!

The parent commenter can reply with 'delete' to delete this comment.

I'm 5'7" and am pretty good looking, but I guess you're what I strive to be. Chadlet is more than good enough for me.

Lurker here- all i want to say is: As a guy who transformed his looks over a two-three year period, I agree with op and with this community about a guys looks.

dont breed my bitch

Hey virgins, Chad here...

Wear Air Max + shoe lifts. Congrats you're 5'10

My new Tinder bio:

Hope you're tall because I like to wear 10 inch stilettos

Ur retarded, I gave u a proven solution (by me, I go from 6'0 to 6'3) and it's even more critical at ur height combined with your looks

I was just kidding man... I agree with you.

Yeah man any little thing, I also grow my hair fairly tall to add a perceived inch.

So, a Chadlet. Nice.

lol quit your larp subhuman

chad doesn't use reddit you are 7.5 at the very best and that's in a professional touched-up photo

also if you have sex from tinder why the fuck you posting here? suck my dick tbh i'd stone you. jfl at posting here if you ever had sex

"If you have sex from tinder why the fuck are you posting here?"

lol what

That's like asking

"If you have a car then why are you at a classical music concert?"

Are you actually low IQ?

this is an incel subreddit. THERE ARE LITERALLY KHHV people here, never even kissed a girl. i myself have never actually even talked to a girl irl.

and you are here fucking with us? have you no shame or guilt?

(actually i don't really care, this place is a fucking shithole, real incels are on incels.me)

Do you see other successful manlets? Also, do you feel like you have to "prove yourself" more to cunts (or people in general) to get them to be attracted to you, respect you, etc.?

Fucking 5/10s or worse and landwhales doesn’t make you a chad, no matter how many of em you fuck. But congrats on the sex.

Some girls are cool.

Many, many, many are fucking garbage. It's probably the norm. But scientifically there are outliers in every spectrum.

I'm just being honest with you what I've seen.

oh. Well that makes sense. He seemed pretty awful.

Honestly Incels seem to be pretty cool in terms of talking about shit. A lot better than a ton of other subs. I was a little hesitant to post this because a lot of your guys posts are supercharged and angry, but I get that it comes from a legitimate place of anger.

He’s a normie




cuck tear


Sounds like she was joking

Yep. I was in great shape in highschool, added 20 lbs and started wearing glasses and not working out as much (so like a body change to +40 lbs fat). Lost all the weight and did jaw/neck exercises and switched to contacts... treatment is completely different. It's the difference between a girl smiling at you while talking to basically avoiding you at all costs. I actually have a really really bad pair of glasses that doesn't fit my face at all and when I wake up and go do chores without cleaning up a little bit I see hints of the bad treatment again.

I honestly play a game nowadays just being as cruel as I can to women. It can range from anything to taking up the entire sidewalk when walking past them to just being downright rude. I figure it's karma for all the disrespect I probably got when I was out of shape. Women truly are just creatures that cannot control their judgments or impulses.

Lol literally something you CAN “put a science too.” Typically about 3 standard deviations from the mean.

Just be the outlier bro

10-15% of statistics are pulled straight out of 188321’s ass