Holy amazeballs Batman!!! My beautiful wife's close friend Rodrigo got me this for NO reason!!! Yes!!! :)

684  2018-05-27 by DiamondPickaxe69


Rick and Morty too? The meme is complete

He analyses Richard and Mortimer while his wife gets plowed.

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Rick's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation - his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they're not just funny - they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Rick & Morty truly ARE idiots - of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Rick's existential catchphrase "Wubba Lubba Dub Dub," which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon's genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools... how I pity them.

*slow clap


So am I stupid for not knowing Russian stuff lol I never seen the show just heard that sad song

Yes, didn’t you read what he just wrote.

Only idiots don’t understand rick and morty. I’ve had my IQ tested and it’s very high, my friends are stupid and they don’t like rick and morty. Stay in school you idiot.

Uhhh whaaat hur hur

i dont like this

Thus sounds pretentious.

It’s a copypasta.

Dude how could you think this is still funny?

Cuckolding is the thinking mans fetish after all

Not just R&M - but using a R&M joke about shitty memes unironically. I mean - something like "Pickle Rick", "szechuan sauce" and Rick's 'Catch phrases' are literally the worst jokes in the show and it knows it and makes fun of the fact the idiots are going to love that shit.

I feel disturbed by the size of his arms

He's bulking bro

That’s epic man! I’ll crack open a glass of wine to celebrate (Dante doesn’t let me drink the beer I buy him :/)

im legit dying. this subreddit never falls short on humor.

every time i step into /r/inceltears to see how the opposition is going, theyre 100% taking our jokes literally and picking them apart.

theyre definitely the kind of people who need knock knock jokes explained to them.

They're just another over sensitive lefties sub. They've built their own narrative and they'll twist reality to satisfy it.

Why do Americans have a "wine is for women, beer is for men" thing?

Not all wine is for women... only sweet wines that offend their delicate sense of taste that has been honed by a heavy steady diet of whatever satisfies them at all times.

Cuckmemers should tone it down.

The note says sorry about your wife?

I feel as if I've missed the joke about him being a cuck

"Sorry I fucked your wife"

he's pickle rick because he licks the leftover cum off of rodrigo's dick

....this has taken a very fetishized turn....

Reminder: these are the guys insulting us on IT

There needs to be a bot that links this image anytime an IT member comments here.

It's 2018, gentlemen. Women are more empowered than ever before. Get used to it. If you're not eating your wife's boyfriend's loads you're on the wrong side of history.

I'm ok with this

It’s gargle your wife’s boyfriend’s balls of go fuck yourself out here, fellas.

I don't get it.

You think alphas buy their cucks presents?

There is a note on the console that says sorry I fucked your wife

Still both makes no sense and isn't funny.

Sorry our subreddit's funnier than anything you could ever come up with, but you don't need to be butthurt about it. Or are you the guy in the pic?

Yeah, the husband buys the boyfriend shit.... That's how cuckolding functions.

What did you expect?

It never even began boyo.

And the commenters usually feel happy for them. Awww so adorable!!


This is so upsetting...

This meme Comes from r/polyamory where a female talked about her boyfriend who bought à Switch to his husband

Wow. Chad was feeling kind to that inceltears dude!

I hope that picture is a parody

If not, just lol



"Batman", a few millimeters of ink away from Bateman

I almost turned into this guy.

why always white

first world liberalism is acid to the human psyche

mayos are retarded

natural cucks

More likely to live a sheltered lifestyle.

the industrial revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race

that “sorry i cheated on you” has to be shopped

Typical numale cuck in today's world

Disgusting what society has devolved into

I think this is kinda cool :) His wife is happy AND he gets a swtich!

Soyboys ruined the Switch

If he's bi its cuz he wants to hit that... It would be politically incorrect to not give it up.


How you guys have an endless supply of pics with fat guys and Nintendo switches


lol. I was thinking Tyrone but that works too

where do these pictures keep coming from?

This numale looks like the biggest faggot pansy I’ve seen this week. He’s that excited about getting a children’s gaming console. What a soycuck.

hes cute (i'm a gay whore okay)

Where do they find these people? they all have the same motifs lol

How does her boyfriend feel about her spending money frivolously like that?

He's fucking her. This is just so he doesn't feel bad when she tell you she's leaving you.

His face seriously looks like his entire family has been killed by viking raiders

"Sorry I fucked your wife"

....this has taken a very fetishized turn....