119  2018-05-27 by crushTC


This is only proof how one woman reacts. She doesn't speak for all women.

AWALT no exceptions

Yes, there are definitely exceptions.

like what? i never see any guy/girl walking together( assuming they're dating) where the guy is shorter

Enough Women Are Like That.

AWALT doesn't mean there are no exceptions. In fact people think it does then go "oh here's a 5'6 indian with an attractive gf! He is with her because he has a nice personality. INCELS BTFO" when it's one exception in the sea of rejection for short curries.

AWALT means in general women behave like this and your rare exception doesn't mean anything in the bigger picture.

AWALT means in general women behave like this and your rare exception doesn't mean anything in the bigger picture.

Even rare exceptions can be proven to be exceptions until a long enough time period has passed, you're not safe from AWALT until death do you part, there's never a relationship or marriage too long and wonderful to not being in danger of being thrown away for tingles.

Feminists all think the same toxic shit

Not every woman is a feminist.

Never said they were. I said all feminists think toxic shit. Not all women.

You’re an idiot.


Would you date a 5'2" BIJ? Didn't think so. Figures

You're immediately dismissive of my opinions without even listening to me.

There are a ton of curries here that would happily date you, but you will reject them under the guise of misogyny.

Again, you're trying to put words in my mouth. I've never said any of that.

Its what you do that defines you.

Action speaks louder than words.

So would you date/marry a guy who is significantly shorter than you, like 4'11? Provided that he was a good person of course. If so how low would you go before saying "that is too short no matter what"?

People are individuals, not case studies. I wouldn't know until I met the person and interacted with them.

So no?

I agree that not literally every woman will reject a short guy.

But the majority will. Average patterns I behaviour

No, they all will. No cunt would pick a manlet over a tallfag, that's a fact.


Enough Women Are Like This

Welp, guess I’m a joke now (4’11). I thought women liked funny guys, though?

Funny Chads, not just an average funny guy.

Wasn’t there a study proved how Attractive people are perceived funnier, and NOT the other way around where Funny people are perceived attractive.

Laughter is a flirtation response. She isn't laughing at the quality of Chad's wordplay, she's expressing sexual interest with a socially acceptable noise.

Exactly this. When it comes to romantic interest, laughter is more a physical reaction in the presence of good genes than anything else.

I've seen femoids giggle and laugh at the stupidest cringiest shit that comes out of chad's mouth

she’s expressing sexual interest with a socially acceptable noise.

My mind is blown.

Biological black pill.

I owe my entire sense of humor to this. Lol I was 3 standard deviations below average height in middle school and was consistently racking my brain figuring out why Chad's one word answers were so hilarious

then what does it mean when a guy laughs at another guys joke???

He is laughing at the quality of the guy's wordplay.

If you had any experience with social interaction you'd be aware that, at least in some instances, people who are genuinely funny are perceived as attractive. Do you know how many girls want to fuck Larry David? It's not because of his looks. Same with comedians like Bill Burr. They're not attractive, but humour is attractive.

That said, being good looking benefits how others perceive you and react to you in every single way, so obviously good-looking guys and girls get more laughs when they say dumb shit than incels. That's a fact of life that's easily observable as well.

o you know how many girls want to fuck Larry David? It's not because of his looks. Same with comedians like Bill Burr. They're not attractive, but humour is attractive.

No, not funny funny gets the honeys, but Beta money, money: example, comedian Gilbert Gottfried dropped a black pill about how being "funny" never got him laid.

halo effect

I am in the slave zone according to the chart.

Bingo bango bongo. You and me boyo.

4'11? Holy shit dude it's absolutely beyond over



The dravidians really did a number on you.

Even the BlackCels at least got bigger dicks.

Bruh over....

The only way to make up for it is status and MONEY


circus act zone

They like if you provide the jokes, not if you are the joke.

Lol time to get stilts or move to midget land

are yiu a grown man

I’m 18, but stoppedgrowing a long time ago. I have facial hair so I know I’m pretty much done with puberty

I had a turkish guy in my class, short as heck around same as you, he had a super personality and was funny as hell. He smashed like crazy - Swedish tall blondes too since it was in Sweden - and me and my pals were a bit jelly at him, short turkish Chad I guess lols.

If you are funny and got a good personality you get gals.


LMFAOOO proof or gtfo

I ain’t posting my pics here, but I really am 4’11

Yeah...the thing is that I’m commonly known to be an idiot who mistakes sarcasm to be the real deal. The only jokes I can do are really bad puns, and even those are usually taken from the internet. I’m basically the most boring and serious person you’ll ever meet.

oh. I physically laughed.

Not even 5 feet keem

God thats terrible, where you from? Dick size average or small too? Maybe you can find a short asian girl but its probably over

Lol at least you can work in the Circus

That's one woman's opinion and she was clearly a bitch.

That’s all femoids opinions

My mother got married to a short ugly and he was the one that cheated. You just tell yourself that all women think that way as a coping mechanism Bec you're a huge clown pussy.

I’d move boyfriend material to 6’2”

But that’s the only change I could make.

No its real. Its takes literally 10 mins for them to match with a 6'4" Chad on Tinder.

I live in germany and I'm 6'2". Even I get self concious about my height, because being 6'2" here is pretty much normal.

Hey, SendMeYourSheetmusic, just a quick heads-up:
concious is actually spelled conscious. You can remember it by -sc- in the middle.
Have a nice day!

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Damn. This makes me want to rope.

You’re self conscious about being 6’2? Tf

You faggots are soft, you have no idea what actual problems are like. I wish there was a way I could make whiny tallfags experience the absolute hell manlets deal with every fucking day.

I bet most couldn't make it a week before they literally kill themselves.

There is it's of truth to this

The average woman’s height in the USA is 5’4. I’m not going to lie and say height doesn’t matter, because it does matter. But most women are okay if you just a little taller; meaning 5’6 and up are not ‘out of the running’ by any means (assuming she is 5’4). But yes, the taller a girl gets, generally the taller she wants the man to be.

Unfortunately being under 5’6 does put you at a disadvantage with a lot of women. It’s even worse if she likes to wear heels.

Wizard the Dwarf checking in.

ahahahahaahahha lmao

For a 5'4" woman you need to move all the rankings down 4 inches. So 5'8" would still be potential sex partner.

I’m 5’7 and I’m a dwarf when I stand next to women... It’s OVER.

This is NOT a tall girl. Very normal height for a female, I would say tall for a female starts at 5'10.

It sounds to me like women are significantly more shallow than men are.


So guys aren’t into big tits and fat asses?

Their just a plus, not make or break. Men have vastly way more preferences, hell personality is more attractive than body. Whereas women have requirements not preferences.

I wouldn't call a woman a servant fir having small tits.

No guy would reject some cunt for having a flat chest or no ass.

No. I think men are quite shallow too. The main difference is society constantly tries to claim that women don’t care about appearances; so it can be an ugly surprise when it turns out that women do care.

Most guys can't afford to be shallow in the first place. It isn't comparable.


Shortcels on suicide watch.

They don't care if you're taller than them. They only want men who are taller than other men. Just being taller than the femoid is not enough.

TFW 5'6" 🤗🔫

All women want to be able to wear heels. If you're lucky, she'll tolerate you being the same height as her in heels, but most want you to be taller even then. Not all need to wear 4" heels with platforms, though. 3" would be a safe bet, so you'd need to be 5" taller to have a noticeable difference, or 5'9" to have a chance with an average height woman.

We're a hive mind


... of your league?

Go make out with a reticulated python

5'4" to 5'8" can't be the servant zone. Have you ever seen a male waiter that short? Bus boys, sure, but that's more slave tier.

I used to be a male waiter lol I'm 5'7

Yeah I might have seen 2 or 3 in my 29 years of life.


I regularly date girls taller than me. The secret is giving women the one thing they want more than anything else...attention.

Thats why the internet is full of women doing hardcore pussy selfies, its not because they're horny its because they're dying for attention of any kind.

That sounds like the kind of advice that will land me in jail

bad soy boy.

Hey man, stay behind the keyboard I will be scooping up the tall pussy in the meantime. yeah they're clumsy yeah they're geeky and yeah they don't look like completely normal women, but...

bad soy boy

Just give her attention bro.

Absolutely brutal

Servant zone... It’s over

u think 5'11 gymcel is enough?

Should be


5'4" and below is in the joke zone tbh. We're either at or below the average height of femoids, which makes us a joke to them.

Six feet tall? I’ll fucking put you six feet under, whore.


What the fuck...

This is why I'm actively hostile and rude to roasties. I'd rather them hate me then think they can use me as a door mat

Everyone knows women like height. Everyone. If anyone says otherwise they're so delusional about one of the most basic facts of human behaviour that they are probably incapable of thinking critically about anything and shouldn't even be spoken to. I feel bad for shortcells, but there's nothing you can do about it, and dwelling on trying to prove this to everyone is just pointless. Nobody is ever going to apologize to you for the world being unfair to the extent that it is. A lot of people won't even acknowledge that it's unfair. I know that's what you want to hear but it's never going to happen. Ranting about "blackpills on height" every day isn't fucking good for you. It can't do any good. You are not going to get normies and Stacies to be like "oh, I never knew, I'm so sorry". They're too stupid to ever understand.

Sorry for the rant, lol. I really do feel for you guys.

Sad to see that Im only 5'17, just another friend. Check out my channel thoughhttps://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-EtjG6t7mPRYBvMYjU0gBw

ye and that girl definitely looks like this (and was able to create this)

Yup a girl totally wrote this, the color pink is the giveaway, fucking women Amirite


How ugly are you?


Coulda put white skin first and stop right after.

am 5'6 woman

have dated 4'11 men

enjoyed it


am 5'6 woman have dated 4'11 men enjoyed it

Enjoyed the free meals/drinks/entertainment, from multiple 4'11 men, even though just finding one would seem somewhat hard/odd, but strangely, didn't marry any of them. Gee, it is almost as if your life experiences just confirm Alpha/Beta, redpill/blackpill, dual female mating strategy.

I usually bought him shit, I paid on most of the dates we went on. I am legally not old enough to marry anyone at the moment. The relationship ended on his terms, and I'm seeing someone else now. We still keep in touch though, and are pretty good friends.

So basically you’re younger than me (I think). Yeah nvm, if you’ve dated 4’11 guys then it was probably in like middle school. That doesn’t give me much hope since I’m much older

I'm at the end of my third year in high school. This was less than a year ago. I haven't grown height-wise at all since then. He hasn't either. If anything, I think I actually shrank a little bit. He is a year younger than me.

Yeah, he'll probably grow. I just graduated High School and haven't grown since the 5th grade.

I hope you’re being legit. What race were they if I may ask? And what kind of personalities did they have? Any chance that you might have connections with some of them still? I’d love to get some tips from some other 4’11 guys

Well, he was white, and he was really sweet and really funny and creative and an all around super respectful dude. We stopped dating a while ago, (more on his terms than mine,) but we're still pretty good friends.

> have dated 4'11 men

Who cares? Did you let these men into your "sacred temple"? (tee hee) Because that's all that matters.

I did.

Yes, I did.

I randomly subbed to this subreddit so i dont know if this is troll or not, but im 6.2 or 188cm 23y/o and a hermit or a hikkikomori since i was 15.so..

It’s not necessarily a direct relationship though; there’s a sweet spot between 6’1’’ and 6’6’’. 6’7’’ or over is just as repulsive as 5’5’’ and under

Daily reminder all women are pieces of garbage and should be treated as such.


Conan O'Brien is definitely boyfriend material

Coulda put white skin first and stop right after.