I’m lucky to be a Blackcel

111  2018-05-27 by ShadowMforce

Being incel sucks but atleast I’m black and not white or Indian while being incel. Roasties don’t treat black incels as bad because they don’t want to be perceived as being racist. Because if they were overly mean to me then the other black people will see it as them being mean to me because of my race and not because of my looks. Atleast I won the race lottery if anything else


Lol damn I like this. You're also a geniuscel clearly lol!

Roasties are racist towards you and objectify you for your BBC (which conveniently works out since men love been objectified sexually). But its true, you won the race lottery and the native americans got destroyed even though they are more american than you are.

even though they are more american than you are

what did he mean by this

They are native to the landmass of North America. Blacks are from the African landmass.

Well whites truly won the race lottery then. Destroying a whole race and enslaving another one all for their comfort while not being even american.

Yeah whites are the winners. Second place goes to blacks.

Ultimately whites won, hispanics are heavily white and even blacks have drops of that ancestry.

jews are a type of white

good one

ashkenazis look european, dumb goy

The transatlantic slave trade was invented by Arab Africans. American Indians also kept slaves...everyone did back then.

Also Europeans purchased the slaves from slave markets, from... Africans...

The slave trade was one of the biggest enterprises in Africa when the first honkies arrived. But Columbus is the bad guy in today's schools.

lol that is pretty cool

bahaha cope if you could become white you'd do it in a split second

Yeah and probably regret it afterward when it turn out it doesnt matter, ugly people are ugly no matter the race

Nigga don't claim any affiliation with any african heritage if you're an incel.

Relax friend, you are nothing special, just another of millions if not billions of blacks. No need to be too proud of that bro.

I was trying to say we have enough problems without incels becoming a thing in the community


bringing shame upon the good african name, lmao

As a black former incel, it took me years to realize my rejection was often due to my race. I felt clueless.

Rip Indians. They don’t get any white privilege and it’s ok to be racist towards them

RIP all currycels

it's OVER for street-shitters!

What about black womyn though

? What’s your point

They don’t have the fear of appearing racist, so they can still treat blackcels as subhumans

Ohhhhh yeah I guess but statistically speaking black women at least prefer black men


BlackCels can also run a low inhibition BBC game. WhiteCels can go to Southeast Asia and get a gf/bride though. It's over if you aren't a cumskin or a shitskin.

I heard whiteboys trying to pick up girls in SE Asia don't have it easy anymore thanks to the sheer number of them (many non-betas) going there now. No idea if that's true or not

Nah it's still pretty easy. Especially if you go to places like the Philippines or Thailand.

Blackcel is volcel bro.

Reincarnated and this comment still stands.

The average foid doesn't see rejecting blackcels as racist. You're just creepy and/or have a bad personality

what about blackops2cel tough.

knowing Reddit, I'm 99% sure you aren't black

I highly doubt youre black

A black guy thinks he won the race lottery..

Look im going to say it here,because I don't make posts about race. But black guys are the most wanted race , they got all the black women wanting them half or maybe more of the white girls wanting them,plus Latinas and Asian love black men. Yeah theres some ugly and nerdy black guys and even really poor black guys. But I say it's a very small percent of their people. Most black guys are naturally built or tall and known to have big dicks. They are really taking over the white people of America it's just a matter of time.

Being black is great for having fun but not as great for being taken seriously

Well I can agree to that somewhat ,they are mostly thought of as bad people unless they are successful.

yeah. am also a blackcel.

I don't know man. I get to experience ridicule for being ugly and for being black. My city is pretty fucked when it comes to race relations. Been called nigger more than I've been called my own name by white people.

Reading what people on reddit or 4chan think also doesn't help. It doesn't affect me personally or anything because I'm a veteran when it comes to the internet so nearly nothing phases me. Still doesn't feel good though. Don't know what life you're living bro.

I was trying to say we have enough problems without incels becoming a thing in the community