
282  2018-05-27 by Dingus_Incel


Good looks Money Status

Normies, argue against Chris Rock. Go on.

Objectification of women isn’t love. Just because someone wants to fuck you doesn’t mean they love you.

This isn't just sex lmao. Men need money, good looks or status.

Also lol at "objectification." Imagine being that privileged. No woman will ever objectivity me.

I dont see many homeless ugly women getting “loved”. Women needs to be attractive and not deadbeats just as much as men do in order to find love (or else settle for another trashy person).

Lmao. Funny you should say that, I'll get a link to something. Hold on.

I’m excited tbh

“Any presentable woman can attach herself to a man”

The converse is not so for the male tramps. Didn't you read the quote?

Presentable. If you’re poor and ugly you are not “presentable”. Period.

Presentable just means cleaned up.

Orwell was quite clear that celibacy and poverty was almost an epidemic for men, not so for women.

True that more men are homeless than women, but that doesn’t mean a homeless woman has a better chance and finding a partner than a homeless man.

They literally do lmao. Men are more willing to take a chance because they're more likely to find a lower tier woman attractive.

So men being okay with fucking homeless women means all women are shallow when they choose not to fuck homeless men? Men having no standards means women are shallow?

Having no standards? That seems awfully contemptuous. Insults the women too lmao.

Yes, saying you would fuck a homeless woman means you have NO standards.

There are more shelters for women than men. Only 1/4 of homeless are women anyway and its usually because of huge substance abuse problems or mental retardation.

Irrelevant, those women still aren’t being “loved unconditionally”

Always gotta defend them women, huh?

Gotta point out the hypocrisy. You people say women will find partners no matter what. But you say “homeless women and ugly women don’t count lol”

Just ignored all the replies that proved otherwise huh? Just ignored the fact that a woman tramp will get someone to pair with her eventually, although the same is not true for male tramps. Just ignored all the tinder experiments and flat out statistics showing that most women, ugly or not, get into relationships, compared to a significant proportion of men not getting into relationships. This isn't to say most men are single. Just that the men that are expected to be single are (ugly men), while the ugly women are not.

Says who? George Orwell? Damn, his quote is literally fact, huh? Homeless women are NEVER single. And I’m not sure what you’re referring to with tinder profiles... you mean incels making an “ugly woman profile” and thinking that every troll who dms her “send nudes” means ugly women aren’t really forever alone?

jfl 'None of those guys are ACTUALLY interested in her.'

And you know what, when it comes down to George Orwell and you, I'm probably gonna pick George Orwell. I dunno bruv

How stupid are you? Chris Rock said ONLY women CAN BE loved unconditionally, not ALL women ARE loved unconditionally.

Only men will obsess over worthless women. Women are evil because they won’t love you when you’re a deadbeat. Is that about right?

Being a deadbeat doesn't make you worthless. You could just have had a rough life.

Being a deadbeat, man or woman, makes you a worthless partner. But apparently only women are evil and shallow for not putting up with it.

If someone has had a rough life and ended up on the streets, it doesn't make them worthless, you deeply heartless person. People can change, people can climb out. Especially with help.

I said it makes them a worthless partner. They have nothing to offer and will only be living off of you until (if ever) they get their shit together. A person is not heartless for not wanting to date a homeless person and be their parent until they get heir life turned around.

And if they need your help to turn their life around? Smh.

No one owes a homeless person shit. No one roams the streets looking for a homeless person to take home. If that’s what you want in a partner then fine. It’s one thing to stick with a partner when they fall on hard times, it’s another to want to date a homeless person. But of course I would have to explain to you guys why not dating a homeless person doesn’t make you shallow.

Not dating a homeless person because you think they're worthless...seem clear to me.

I said they are a worthless partner. A homeless person is a burden on whoever takes them in, period. I would refuse to date a homeless person because I can’t be their mother and they’ve done nothing to make me love them.

You are proving Chris Rock right lmao.

Capitalist brainwashing at its finest! The value of a person's life isn't the work they do or the capital they've accrued, man or women, many of the very worst scum on earth are not what you would call "deadbeats".

I want an unhealthy looking shut-in perma NEET deadbeat girl to be my gf though desu

It's just that since I'm too ugly to be the Prince Charming that drags them from NEETdom they don't want me

Plus foids literally objectify themselves. Men just being sexually attracted to women is considered “objectification”.

Are you retarded. What does this even mean?

Just because someone wants to fuck you doesn’t mean they love you. Are you retarded?

Sigh. I can see you are simple minded.. i want to know how this applies to the post dipshit.

“A man is loved under the condition that he provides something” Letting someone fuck you is “providing something” if a woman doesn’t do that and is a deadbeat ugly slob no man will “love” her. Get it yet?

I'm sure Chris is talking about general love which is why animals are included. You are narrowing it down to romantics. That woman can still get support and care especially if she is heckled and shamed. I get that you are still an idiot.

It means that some men’s affection for women’s bodies don’t really count as love. Let alone unconditional love lmao.

This is true. But using one instance out of many from just one group of "love" providers is pointless imo. It doesn't disprove the quote.

The quote is pretty much the same amount of useless unless you’d like to provide a source of all these one sided relationships?

A source for common sense. I mean I can find a study on woman's attraction and link you if you are actually interested in reading and understanding. Babies come into the world to be care for which in itself is love. And I guess pets can be argued bcuz their value comes from the companionship they are supposed to provide.

Again, not all babies do. Still silly blanket statements.

Okay you aren't interested. Bye.

Bye, have fun in your Disneyland world where all babies are loved and cared for!

I love it how you are tossing aside my silly blanket statements with even more blanket statements...

You mean the one you made?

Damn dude. Holy shit I feel like people feel like they are free to be more dense on a screen than in person... But you may just be trolling me.

I guess you do mean yours?

You are safe, you win lol

Women live on tutorial mode

Debug mode

they literally just sit on the loading screen

Title screen demo mode

Foids do provide some value: holes to stick your dick in.

Tape up a banana peel and stick it in a microwave. Go find a tree knot (dendrophiles are a thing). The tailpipe of a car. A pocket pussy. Sex robots. Women don't provide a unique value; just a warm, fleshy one.

100% true. Men need to have value to get loved. Women are like dogs and get lots of love and attention regardless of how worthless they are

Bro you can't compare dogs to women.

Dogs are loyal and will love you back unconditionally regardless of your looks.

"Women and children first"--there you have it, the double standard is right there in that old cliche. I can understand kids first but adult women should have no priority over adult men.

R.I.P all those incels on the titanic

Follow the link to imgur, and read the description for more rage fuel.

the woman provides the fulfillment of the man's sexual desires, perhaps?

I kind of get it. If I was married and had children and pets: I'd love her, she'd love the kids, I'd love the kids more than I love her, and EVERYBODY loves the pets the most. It's true! If God's real, I know how that must feel. /Points and laughs at the sky, "Sucks to be you!"

A man is only loved under the condition that he provides something

That's not quite accurate. A betabux can never truly be loved by a woman.

Rather, a man can only be loved under the condition that he provides Chad genes.

the blackest pill tend to be delivered only by black doctors.

Absolutely true.

The order is something like this Men love women Women love babies Babies love puppies Puppies love nobody

I get it. And Chris is right in a comedic hyperbolic way. A man who doesn't provide is going to struggle getting and keeping a woman.

But really love for a significant other is always conditional. My mom stopped putting up with my dad shit so he went and got another woman. Happens all the time.

Black twitter always provides blackpills (no racist)

If there's any group of people on the Internet who understand better than most incels about how much of your live is decided by your birth despite your best intentions, it'd be the Black people in America.


"beauty is more than skin deep" lmaaaaaaaao

Only weak dishonest doormats would lie to themselves and tell themselves that they would love someone unconditionally, including his wife and his children. There's no such thing as loving or being loved unconditionally, this is a superstitious delusion. What you have is an unhealthy one-sided relationship where neither person actually loves the other one.

If you actually cared about someone you would expect more from them and not love anyway them no matter how bad they get. Refusing to tolerate their behavior can be the wake-up call they've been needing and you'd be letting them know they individually matter more to you than your relationship with them.

There's also this stupid idea men have that if they give, and give, and give, and don't ask for anything then that will keep a woman happy and interested, when in actuality you're facilitating a lack of investment on her part in your relationship, and barring guilt, there's no reason for her to stay. You're also telling her all that effort on your part is in equivalency with her just giving you her time and attention. So you're setting the standard for a very weak bargaining position and this is a mistake men make constantly! Ask her to do things for YOU and that will keep her around longer because then she feels like she worked on you. Boss her around. This is why the idea of respecting women is actually toxic for relationships. Women don't actually like being respected, they would rather be the ones doing the respecting.

The converse is not so for the male tramps. Didn't you read the quote?

The quote is pretty much the same amount of useless unless you’d like to provide a source of all these one sided relationships?

A source for common sense. I mean I can find a study on woman's attraction and link you if you are actually interested in reading and understanding. Babies come into the world to be care for which in itself is love. And I guess pets can be argued bcuz their value comes from the companionship they are supposed to provide.