The most conclusive, definitive study on tinder. The black pill can not be denied.

56  2018-05-27 by ThinPersonality8


This means that the Tinder economy has more inequality than 95.1% of all the world’s national economies.

Let that sink in.

Bad bot

good bot actually. “Let that sink in” is such a low-iq generic normie phrase, practically “It’s almost like...” and “y’all” tier.

lol yeah i always see numales say it after “destroying” republicans on r/latestagecapitalism

80/20 confirmed once again.

IT real quiet on this one


Wow guyz this is like soooo sexist. I can feel the misogyny from this study uuugh

These charts and numbers have such a bad personality! Are these non sentient and completely factual tables on an FBI watchlist?! I can't even IT...

And you all are seriously acting like this is some sort of forbidden knowledge that "normies" deny and try to bluepill out of or whatever terminology you use.

What else would you expect? It is a HOOK UP/Time sink app, where people rate people a mostly binary YES or NO depending on if they like their face, pictures, and maybe something in their bio but that's typically a tiebreaker in certain scenarios.

Everyone wants their casual sex to be with the person who most fulfills their primal carnal urges. Most women are to some degree desirable to men, and, unfortunately, men who aren't viscerally physically attractive and don't seem to have much interesting going on aren't going to get as much free easy sex, unless they convince the less desired women that they can give them the intimacy they desire.

Life has no obligation to be fair to anyone, the 6'1 jockbro who doesn't have much going on will get fleeting casual encounters with conventionally attractive women, but probably not much else - I know several less conventionally attractive but more valuable men with beautiful high value partners who would never settle for the jockbro in a service job that basic college girls bang it out with then leave.

The “Tinder is a hookup app” meme. Yawn. 90% of young people use it grandma, it made online dating acceptable to everyone, and it made the dating market so efficient that today there are essentially no young female virgins, while the number of male virgins doubled.

The “Tinder is a hookup app” meme. Yawn. 90% of young people use it

Hook up/ time sink. If you're trying to use it to hopefully find Waifu, you're gonna have a bad time. I occasionally use it, as I do okcupid, to invite women to events/social scenes I have a good sense they will enjoy and connect with others.

and it made the dating market so efficient that today there are essentially no young female virgins, while the number of male virgins doubled.

Wanna cite these metrics I would bet you pulled out of your ass?


That was actually very interesting, thanks for posting it - it pretty much tears down the incel narrative that Chads are taking all the sex and Stacy's are hooking up with Chads instead of pairing up with you self described low value guys, and reaffirms what is really happening - Between socioeconomic woes, and a devaluation of the institution of marriage and organized religion more broadly, young socially conservative guys like many of you who would typically get married to a life partner with the approval of your community/church, aren't doing that, and a lack of economic opportunities has more people living with their parents, putting a damper on motivations to seek out sexual intimacy.

Might I quote?

the top 20% of the most sexually active never-married young men have about 50-60% of the sex

It actually does affirm the theory of the most attractive men having most of sex.

A) That is significantly off of the 80/20 narrative the angry bitter manosphere purports,

B) All of you act like it's a zero sum game and the fact that the most sexually successful people are having a bunch of sex means you're losing out on something you would otherwise get. Sexually successful people have repeated, ongoing sexual encounters, because they provide their partners with consistently pleasurable sexual experiences, or they have enough money to keep them around (wealthy, not the most physically sexually desirable men are amongst this 20% because they pay thousands of dollars a week to keep their paid girlfriends around) if you guys succeeded in killing off half of the top 20% of men and then got excited believing you'd get half the sex those guys get because the sex has to evenly redistribute, you'd be sorely disappointed because it would trickle down mostly to the rest of the most sexually desirable people (men and women, something you all consistently miss out on is more and more women are openly bisexual and will have sex with a woman who can make them feel desired and reach orgasm over a bunch of guys afraid of sex and ashamed of their bodies)

The only solution, is to improve Yourself, raise your value as a person, and be honest with your first partner about your lack of experience, so they can guide you through it and teach you how to please a woman.

A) just because the numbers are slightly off, doesn’t make the fact that the most attractive men have most of the sex false. 80/20 was taken from the pareto principle when there was no scientific data backing it, only guesses. 60/20 isn’t that far off considering people dismissed the idea for years completely. If 20% of people controlled 60% of wealth in a country, you would say that’s inequal, wouldn’t you?

B) yes, it is a zero-sum game. You either get sex or you don’t.

Also “be honest with your partner”. Hah. Most women don’t give incels a chance because they can get more attractive men.

Also, self-improvement is futile. Women like men who get results effortlessly. Gym-goers are viewed as try-hards, men with good careers are viewed as conpensating. You can only win if you’re naturally good-looking.

The CDC reports for the age group of 20-24, 12% of women and 14% of men are virgins. If your definition of "winning" is having sex, I guess that 86% of men are naturally good looking.

The secret is that most people have sex with people they are in a relationship with. Its not a game that you "win". There isn't some conspiracy holding you back or secret strategy you could use. Women are human beings; they will enjoy or dislike your company for the same reasons your male friends do (or don't). Don't approach women like a salesmen, talk to them like a human being, and you'll find some who enjoy your company.

Well, if you count marriages where the man and the woman are sleeping in different bedrooms, then sure, those men are winning too. Lol.

Also, no. Women like attractive men. If you’re balding, have a recessed chin and a pointy nose, they won’t even consider looking at you, let alone talking, lmao.

they won’t even consider looking at you, let alone talking, lmao.

They will if you're in peak athletic shape and have interesting stories to tell about travel expeditions you have went on with awesome photos, or if you signal that you have wealth. So you're wrong.

So basically what I have to do is work out 5 times a week with going on amazing vacations and accumulating wealth on my way.

Yea, I’m actually doing all of these, but I’ll probably be 35 when I tick all three.

Ok so just to confirm right here, you understand you just contradicted your claim that self improvement is futile and acknowledge that, if you stick to this path, you will do better with intimacy. That's a good thing, you are just not being very consistent here and contributing to the defeatist attitude that makes people here more sick and unwell.

I don’t do all those three things to get women, I do them to make myself happy, since empty consumerism, looking at my bodybuilding stats and counting the amount of money I have are the only things making me happy nowadays.

Even if those three things did make women attracted to me more, they still have chosen other people instead of me when I was a teen. And since then, nothing has changed, I’m still the same person. In some ways I’m more successful, but they won’t love me because of what I am, but because of what I have.

And I have always, always advocated constructive ways for incels to deal with their problems. Gymceling, moneymaxing, having nice walks in sunshine. I just agree with the blackpill ideology regarding women, and my experiences also confirm it. Nothing wrong with that, is there?

You have a very deep disconnect with reality. I don't know you, so i won't guess on your life experiences, but I have plenty of friends and co-workers who have the faults youre listing (and more) who are happily married. I hope you find a way to pull yourself out of the negative mindset you've developed and see reality the way it is.

I can see how women I never even spoke to look at me, even if I’m perfectly groomed, so no, I do know what I’m talking about.


Do you have any more sources that don't reflect what you're saying to back up your entirely false erroneous claims you use to affirm your self defeating worldview?

Many jocky party bros who drifts by on their good looks and charisma whom I have had a serious discussion about intimacy has confided in me that while they have plenty of one night stands (generally unfulfilling as fuck) and short term flings, they aren't confident in getting into a longer term relationship with a high quality partner, specifically because the women they see don't respect them as a potential long term mate because they see that they are not very committal and aren't consistent hard workers.

Your second paragraph is the definition of a loaded question, and a very bad at that, since what I linked specifically proved that the top 20% of men have 60% of sex. You can argue that that’s off from 80%, but that’s just semantics and being a contrarian. Point is, a small percentage of men have most of the sex. You can’t refute that.

Also, could you clarify which of my points your second paragraph addresses? Not trying to insult you, I just don’t see it.

and be honest with your partner about your lack of experience, so they can guide you through it and teach you how to please a woman.

And why would she bother with that?

there are a few women who want, and several (in the tens of millions ) in this world who wouldn't mind being your first sexual encounter. There are very, very few who would want a virgin to lie about it being their first time, and clearly seem inexperienced and wondering if you're inexperienced or just really bad at sexual communication.

there are a few women who want, and several (in the tens of millions ) in this world who wouldn't mind being your first sexual encounter.

Assuming this is true, it doesn't really help. How am I supposed to just stumble upon one of those few women?

By talking to people

Because it's fun!

Well, yea, you think that. But I still wonder how many other people think like you in that matter.

I dunno! I haven't taken a survey. But how many women have said "Ew, teaching a man how to please a woman sounds terrible, I would never ever want to do that"? I'm sure it's been a few, but why do you believe them and not me?

I don't actually know either. If you do some searching online and on reddit, the consensus seems to be that women don't necessarily mind as long as the guy isn't too old, i.e. a virgin over 25 is a red flag. Your "social score" with me gives your word more weight though.

I won't sugar-coat it, it's a flag- but more because of what it might indicate than because of the experience itself. If you end up being a good safe guy in other respects, it can be endearing.

However, I'm firmly on team "only disclose what you want to disclose."

I guess so. It's not really something I would mention right away when meeting someone and when the time comes, I hope they would have realized that it's not the red flag they might think it is.

Yeah you don't want to be an over-sharer. You probably have solid instincts for when it is socially appropriate to say something like that. But I honestly don't think you are under any moral obligation to disclose.

You could also try being upfront about it on some of your dating profiles, and see how that affects your responses.

You could also try being upfront about it on some of your dating profiles, and see how that affects your responses.

I actually have considered this but I couldn't figure out how to word it in a positive way. And at this point, I don't have any active profiles.

Happy to review them in PM if you like.

I don't know a good way to word it, but you want to do it somewhere that allows you a decent amount of space to explain yourself, like Ok Cupid. You're a good writer. You want to maybe say it in your own words, and then scrub it of any trace of bitterness. Like I said, I'm happy to review it for you!

Thanks a lot. Like I said, I don't currently have any active profiles but should I decided to reactivate one or add a new one, I'll let you have a look at it.

I did try OKCupid and really liked it but sadly, it has a few small userbase in Switzerland...

The very next sentence states this is the same for women. Meaning that the most attractive people have the most sex (duh) but this isn't composed of the top 20% of men having sex with 80% of the women.

Umm, no it doesn’t, please quote.

Chads aren't fucking ugly girls who in turn won't fuck us because they are holding out. This is biol1001. As we cap out on the world's population this is part of how things stabilize. In our current globalised world, you are now competing with every man on the planet (not directly obviously). This has raised the "average" you need to be in order to garner what is considered success because success itself has advanced to what is essentially unobtainable heights for most people and even fewer without taking luck into the equation. There's also economic factors at play here along with the more baseline reproductive mechanics often used to describe the black pill. But population density is a great magnifying force in this regard.

But on the other hand, incels are basically wrong in suggesting that virtually all women are promiscuous: female sexlessness has been roughly stable over time

Whatever dumbass wrote that article missed a key point here: If women have always been promiscuous, and they have, then stable female sexlessness would imply they're still promiscuous.

Regardless. Tinder is cruel and unfair. The fact that its .lre unequal than 95% of world economies is baffling. Yet its not an issue for women cause it benefits them. Look at the myriad of Asian and Indian women who exclusively date white guys. Online dating enables women to oppress men of lower status. And u wonder why we want enforced monogamy. And u wonder why previous generations did this with women

Regardless. Tinder is cruel and unfair.

"Cruel" and "Unfair" are nebulous, contrived, meaningless constructs unrepresented in the natural world, that everyone here uses to take pity upon themselves.

The fact that its...unequal than 95% of world economies is baffling.

Not really, it's a hook up app. Women, and men, are allowed to honestly swipe left and right depending on their desires. These results are pretty consistent with what we know about desire, but are not reflective of actual human sexual behavior. I am a small framed 5'9 not too stereotypically masculine guy, your 6'1 Alpha Chad jockbro boogeyman, by virtue of being unafraid to put himself out there and being physically larger and maybe somewhat more muscular than me, has a larger dating pool than I do. Do I come here to complain about how "cruel" and "unfair" the world is? No, I work on my passions and projects and better myself through physical activity and hobbies and experiences, so that I actually fare better than the 6'1+ alpha chad boogeyman taking all the Stacys you guys simultaneously resent and pine for. It works a lot better than coping with your fear by posting about how cruel and unfair a world we live in on /r/braincels trust me.

And u wonder why we want enforced monogamy.

Because you want a monogamous relationship, but you don't want to have one with the good pious christian girls at your local church/place of worship, or do not provide both the emotional and financial stability that such a woman wants to form a stable family.

Look at the myriad of Asian and Indian women who exclusively date white guys.

Is your source the pictures of white guys smiling with east asian* and south asian* women that make you angry? lol.

Yeah. Cause your "hobbies" will make up for not being an elite top % looking white guy. If u have any success at all with women its cause u are white and have money.

But what is a poor lower caste minority like me supposed to do? Nothing I can do to escape my looks or socioeconomic status

Like I said, because i'm a relatively small 5'9 150 lbs guy should I bemoan not being a 6'1 180 lbs somewhat more muscular guy since that'd make pursuing sex with women that much easier? Even when I didn't have money, I was doing pretty good, once I forced myself to interact with more people when I was 18 and committing to making necessary changes in my life, just like you can do now, more people were talking to and making friends with me, and by virtue of numbers, your odds improve significantly over your self defeating narrative that you're an undesirable.

There's this dreadhead darkskinned guy Jermaine I know who is probably like 5'7 140 lbs, is somewhat financially stable but does not convey he has any sort of money. The guy has sex with more well to do white girls with money than I have seen any big 6'0+ financebro chump ever come close to. What do you think he does different from you?

Idk you tell me. I've swiped on tens of thousands of women to never get a single reply or like.

If you PM me screenies of your pictures and bio I could help.

The simple honest answer is you do not convey value to potential matches on the app. If you convey value, you will be matched. Even conventionally unattractive men, who appear confident and like they're genuinely having fun in their pics and have something to offer friends and potential partners, will get matches.

So, you have done the same thing over and over again and it isn't working.

Have you ever tried to get some outside perspective as to what you could to change your outcome. If I try to make a cheese cake with bacon I'm also going to fail tens of thousands of time.

For most of the population, they do.

If you actually look at couples when you go out you will see that they are comprised of lots of different people. And not all of them are perfect. Far more are just average.

And somehow all those people did what they had to do to be in relationships.

If you want to use Tinder that's on you for being stupid and using the plan that is least likely to bring success.

Evreyone can date, but if you don't like the presence of women than you are going ot have a hard time.

If you got a date with a dream girl tomorrow, could you handle it. Could you rock that date. Because if the answer is no, then the problem is that you don't have the skills to date. It is nothing about the number of matches.

Could you rock that date.

Lol. And how am I supposed to meet women if women dont even allow me to talk to them? Not like I could just cold approach a random girl.

Um, I did. Sometimes to get what you want you have to go all in.

But how.


"Life has no obligation to be fair"

I'm screen capping this to send to your boss so you gotta suck his dick or else FIRED

Are you done with your thought vomit 🤢 JFL at your fucking paragraphs of cope

Jesus Christ, That looks like a pink Tsunami. It's Dead Over Man. We are as good as DEAD!

Women cant ever in this universe deny that they are picker than men. Ever. Just one of the truths of life we must accept.

That's why we must subjugate them.

uh oh


Well, looks like it's time to finally uninstall Tinder.

Most conclusive how? 27 females interviewed, all the data was self-reported, and in his own words the author admits he has "to assume that in general females find the same men attractive." What does it conclude in your opinion?

lol yeah i always see numales say it after “destroying” republicans on r/latestagecapitalism

I guess so. It's not really something I would mention right away when meeting someone and when the time comes, I hope they would have realized that it's not the red flag they might think it is.