"Men are the shallow sex", "Men are more superficial than women" = Absolute bullcrap

91  2018-05-27 by EvilBananaManRD


'Chads' are more superficial. That's what they mean because Chads can be picky. They don't include untermensch incels as 'men'

That's what they call the Theory of Invisible Men. Most men aren't aggressive, dominant, careless, controlling, abusive, cruel or promiscuous but Chad is and women only pay attention to him, so it makes then think all guys are terrible.

"Why can't I find a guy like you?" = Your personality is great but you're hideous and no one would ever even consider having children with you.

No, even Chads aren’t tha superficial. A Chad would bang a 6/10 girl, but a Stacy wouldn’t even come within 5 feet of a 6/10 male.

Why do I look at this sub? Fuck man! I would prefer to just live an ignorant lonely life, rather than try and be seen as creepy.

Yeah, it can get pretty depressing if you're here long enough. Although it's also very addicting however.

Enough blackpills to last you a week

I'll need a glass of soymilk to go with these blackpills...

Women's sex drive is NOT LOWER than men's, it's just that when it comes to looks women are pickier.

Let's see IT argue this. Oh wait, they won't.

Someone just end my pathetic life, what is the point in living anymore

There's more to life than women. Male compansionship, becoming a leader in a social group, those things are fun ways to interact with humans, even though theyre not of the opposite sex.

good luck doing that being ugly/short lmao

Men dont hate other men for being ugly or short.

giga cope

Drop dead

If someone ever robs me at gunpoint, I'm not going to comply.

Yeah man. Be a vigilante right before you rope.

More like a martyr.

Or that. Sure.

Free sui-sleeps for all!

But women have different tastes right? What if she actually likes bald, short guys?

What if leprechauns really lead you to their gold? What if unicorn blood really cures cancer? What if Hitler actually loved jews?

Men have preferences, women have requirements.


I think all those myth of the male shallowness and polygamy meanwhile the innocent loyal female are kind of psychological manipulation to miss lead them, but unfortunately the sexual revolution after the invention of the birth control helped there true nature to came out and its not pretty.

That's how all girls think

I can't tell if your a normie or incel.This post of yours has me confused.

you just spotted a rat like whoring

why would an incel post on IT

I just need to figure out how

What about one bullet in ur head

Devastating blackpill. These are not isolated incidents. These are merely cracks in the dam. The wall is leaking and these are but a glimpse of what is behind it. Slut culture is going to flood the West like when a dam collapses and unleashes the water into a valley.

good luck doing that being ugly/short lmao

Drop dead