hating women is a cope
57 2018-05-27 by Throwmeaway13920
Haven't been on here in a while but it seems like the dynamic's changed, and everything now is about hating femoids and calling them out on how shallow they are for not giving someone like us a chance.
Imagine for a second: You can get any girl. The supermodels with a 10/10 face, with ass and tits that you could stare at all day long and not get tired of. That will let you do any kind of nasty shit you want and still cuddle with you at night and make breakfast for you in the morning.
Be honest with yourself, would you go for the 3/10 girl with the bigger nose, or the overweight one, or the one with the weird teeth? You wouldn't even give them a second look because you're busy getting your dick sucked by stacy.
It's literally not women's fault at all, we'd all act the same way if we had what they have. Being angry at them for rejecting us and placing the blame on them is a total cope for the fact that we just got unlucky.
1 Jsm96 2018-05-27
Agreed. Genetics are at fault, not women.
1 volslayer 2018-05-27
This. Why hate women for wanting what they're biologically inclined to desire. It's very low IQ. Women are the first that would like to feel attracted to short and ugly guys, that way they wouldn't feel lonely after rejected most of the beta orbiters waiting for the Chad that never comes.
1 RODEO__ 2018-05-27
ya, fuck nature.
1 incelery33333 2018-05-27
No it isn't.
1 Throwmeaway13920 2018-05-27
lol you're deluded. We get mad when short women demand a 6ft guy, shouting about how it's unfair, but if you had the options available, you would definitely go for the girl with all the features that you desired. Why wouldn't you? What reason would you have to go with someone less attractive if you didn't have to?
1 incelery33333 2018-05-27
Women also treat men they reject like shit. You support it, so you personally deserve that treatment.
1 TreesnCats 2018-05-27
I think of them like rats or other pests. They're just living their lives, trying to find fulfillment but they're still fucking disgusting.
1 wickedword 2018-05-27
More disgusting than you or I for wanting the exact same things, but unable to execute and get them? It's fucking ridiculous.
1 TreesnCats 2018-05-27
They want much more than I do, and they get it. I'd never dream of touching a member of the opposite sex who loves me back but they get to do it every day.
1 talkingtoleafy2 2018-05-27
I'm just a selfhatecel.
1 minoxidilcel 2018-05-27
1 Throwmeaway13920 2018-05-27
lolol cope away boyo - whatever helps you sleep at night
1 raspectwahmen 2018-05-27
l'd go for the ugly girls. I prefer strange looking women anyway.
1 Throwmeaway13920 2018-05-27
yeah because that's what you prefer - to make this applicable to you, you need to think about someone that isn't attractive to you, regardless of what that is - why would you go for something you don't want? You just wouldn't
1 Mpandingare 2018-05-27
Bullshit, if you were a woman we’d all be commenting “tee hee” after
1 raspectwahmen 2018-05-27
Meh. I ain't trying to convince peeps anyway. Not like I'll ever get a woman.
1 throwaway18123455 2018-05-27
I don't hate woman personally, but I do hate the fucked up hookup culture in the west and feminism. And I hate myself for being ugly.
1 Sniveling_Cur 2018-05-27
I wouldn't call it cope, but it's like the second stage of grief - anger(where being a normie is first stage - denial)
1 lonewolf-20000 2018-05-27
i only hate myself.
1 minority360 2018-05-27
I'm bitter because the female equivalent of an incel is a girl who gets pumped and dumped by models and has to eventually "settle" for a 4/10 millionaire. It's not hating women, it hating being a man.
1 RedPillMGTOW 2018-05-27
low reading comprehension
1 Salusa-Secundus 2018-05-27
This is like a chicken-and-egg question - but it's a fact that women are more discriminating on looks in dating. Turns out being lookist and prejudice helps you in life.
1 EverythingIsSoSincur 2018-05-27
No. They're LIARS. They deserve the contempt for being LIARS.
1 Rodaun 2018-05-27
Ugh. The terminology here is so stupid.
1 AcrobaticMaterial 2018-05-27
1 foreveraloneincel 2018-05-27
I agree, it just sucks.
I hate the way some women act, but I don't hate women all together.
I understand they like what they like, but some don't need to be so mean about it. :(
1 lifeisbullshit95 2018-05-27
1 theemperorhirohito 2018-05-27
We have always maintained that genetics are at fault.
1 Vrishkin 2018-05-27
My gf is a 6-7 but I still fuck 4’s because they’re easy
I’ve never gone for far chicks tho. Gross.
1 apoptosiscel 2018-05-27
Hating them for not fucking you is cope.
Hating them for things like manipulation or bullying/treating you like a subhuman isn't and is justified.
1 Throwmeaway13920 2018-05-27
1 Melanin_Privilege 2018-05-27
Yes very true. The anger I have is really the frustration at the ignorance and hypocrisy from most women and mainstream society regarding the blackpill/redpills view on sexual dynamics.
1 SoonelyDoodely 2018-05-27
There's nothing shallow in going for your looksmatch. This post doesn't strike a point, only what ifs.