Results of the r/Braincels race poll

484  2018-05-27 by CanadianAsshole1


Damn, fourty percent are fakers.

The whites and blacks?


I'm white and I'm probably more of a truecel than most of the minorities here.

Visit asia. Its a land of beautiful women who will drop to their knees for any white westerner

I'm going to Thailand next week, so I'll get to see if this is true first hand.

Good luck!

Let us know how it goes, and how many of them had dicks.

Don't do children

Doesn't always work. Even there you have to be at least a 4 or a 5. source: white man who live in China for a little bit.

Very different demographic in comparison to the population poll for That's interesting.

the one was a much larger sample and the people were selected by the mods based on how active they were to prevent trolls from fudging all the numbers.

There are a lot of whitecels too who troll as hapas/asian/curry since they have nothing better to do in life, lmfao.

what was it like on

I've only seen screenshots from posts, since I don't have the patience to join forums outside of reddit. They seem to in the past have had violence-advocating posts and multiple posts celebrating certain recent murders. Don't know if such posts are bannable offenses in that forum.

i meant to ask about the demographics poll.

Ah okay. I recall it having far more "White" and far less Asians.

I was still only at about 50% whites

That’s not a whole lot for an apparent alt right group (according to the media), lmao


Don't know if such posts are bannable offenses in that forum. They are.


what about

From what I remember: had far more "white" and far less Asian.

This poll is bullshit and anyone who believes it is low iq. The narrative being pushed here is that this sub isn't just a sub with far right , white supremacist misogynists. The very fact that such a poll need be taken is indicative of this. The sticky on this sub for a while ,too , was that this sub is welcoming to minorities. In truth , it's riddled with racists and I have been called a nigger countless times .

What you had was a bunch of white trolls anawering that they are rice and curries, again, to push that narrative.

Do it over. This time use photo verification and only on accounts that aren't throwaways. did one and it was majority white. Curries and rice barely registered. Black was 12% . I can guarantee its actually 60% white here.

If photo verification is needed then attractive members would be overrepresented. I.e. self-selection bias.

There are no attractive incels

There are no attractive incels.

Ya, I misspoke. I meant "the less unattractive" members. I.e. mentalcels, tallcells, etc.

I doubt incels wouldn't take their picture. They already know theyre ugly

Plenty of mentalcels posted selfies here. Also a shortcel with an attractive face.

My point being that by requiring photo verification, self-selection bias happens because like you say many incels are not willing to take their picture and much less give it to a stranger on the internet.

You'd have to be a fucking moron to willingly submit your own picture to a forum that is currently being paraded on the mainstream media as a terrorist organization. Use your brain fam

In a private message

People could take pictures of the back of their hands with their usernames written on them. Unless people are self conscious about their hands I see no reason anyone should take issue with it.

Okay that would allow you to discern people who have white, brown or black hands.

That wouldn't allow you to know whether or not they are Indian, etc. Keep also in mind that pigmentation due to exposure to sun also affects the color of the hands.

Make sure to report them.

You were probably called that because you act like one. Noone gives a fuck about your tears or being called a word online, loser.

Noone gives a fuck about your tears or being called a word online, loser.

The irony.

“Do it over”

Yes, my Lord. We exist to meet your demands.

Run it

"People think r/Braincels is made of mean white guys when it's actually a horde of suicidal indians."

So, it was partially true.

75 respondents. Sample size is way too low imo to truly represent the demographics.

There are lots of Indians on Reddit in general

Theres lots of indiands on earth

Yes but considering reddit is for the most part an english site based in america, and most americans are white you would think most reddit users are white males.

Indians are like smoke they slip through into everything

Someone link this comment to r/NoContext I'm laughing my ass off.



Yeah but are you funny but

It's much harder for intelligent shitskins to find sex than white Americans.

and most americans are white

should somebody tell him?

As of July 2016, White Americans are the racial majority


Perhaps they represent the most vocal part of incels.

People always say this. Do you even know how to calculate statistical power?

Yesterday the post with the mixed baby was FILLED with racism and white supremacy, the mods removed those comments.

As much as you guys hate on mods, without them your sub would be banned.

Don’t pretend altrightcels don’t exist here because they do, they just can’t express their views without being banned or comments removed.

they aren't even incels (or maybe they are but in denial). they are just recruiting people for 'us vs them', them being feminism, multiculture, left, society etc. I say ban them on sight. I want to enjoy dank memes without grease dripping, fat, low IQ, MAGA hat wearing rednecks.

theyre incels in denial

Not even in denial, they are just lying because being incel and racecoping with white supremacy is cringey as fuck

"good looking chad here with a gf so i'm not incel, just letting you guys know that racemixing is bad"

Lmaoo. I doubt theyre even Chads. Chad doesnt give a fuck about racemixing or politics at all. At best, they're apolitical.

We will never again have monogamy (sexual socialism) without a traditional white society.

Just lol if you think these comments were actually all by white people. Just as many were, but usually the same amount by blackcels, ricecels and currycels.

Kek if you think that racism is exclusive to "white" people. That said I agree with that racism should not to be tolerated on this subreddit.

Stormfrontcels....stop making up random incel terminology where words already exist

Link to the post or archive?

It made it to IT as well. Check my comment history if you want to see it

Yeah that shit made me sad. Roasting the fuck out of the baby for no reason. It wasn't even ugly, I was like tf?

It wasn't even ugly


you foul b


Whatever. A cel is a cel be it white black or your momma's roast beef pussy pink

In fact white nationalist cels are just coping hard because they gotta be aware Stacy is a shithead and no amount of culture preservation is going to change what was already there.

Most cels are mixed race or Indian the data is right there. So you can take your ass back to IT and pretend this site is an extension of /pol/ when clearly it's not

No don’t fking sit here and lie, most cels are white, that’s what ALL the data says. Learn what most means lowiqcel

It doesn’t matter if the white supremacists were coping, most incels upvoted the racist comments anyway

The " data" is bullshit .

nice fake news.

people said the baby was bad looking, thats all. stop making up shit

No the fuck they did not

I saw “nig” I saw “monkey” I saw people saying the mixed baby means it’ll naturally have a lower IQ

So don’t fucking lie to yourself

what post

No, I'm looking at it and they're still there. That post in general was race baiting racism, yet, it doesn't get taken down like my ostensibly race baiting posts are.

But women doesn’t want to believe that because if that were to be the case then it would shine a light that women are racist

I find that people dont want to admit theyre racist when it comes to sexual preference

This poll is bullshit and anyone who believes it is low iq. The narrative being pushed here is that this sub isn't just a sub with far right , white supremacist misogynists. The very fact that such a poll need be taken is indicative of this. The sticky on this sub for a while ,too , was that this sub is welcoming to minorities. In truth , it's riddled with racists and I have been called a nigger countless times .

What you had was a bunch of white trolls anawering that they are rice and curries, again, to push that narrative.

Do it over. This time use photo verification and only on accounts that aren't throwaways. did one and it was majority white. Curries and rice barely registered. Black was 12% . I can guarantee its actually 60% white here.

Im a mutt: black + other. This group does provoke my radar.

Why do you assume it can only be whites who called you a nigger?

S posdible it coyld be a curry or such ,but It's apart of white culture. An ethnic minority has never called me a nigger in oerson. Plenty of whites have.

sup niggah

We aren't talking about IRL though, we're talking about this subreddit. Again, how do you know it was whites who were dropping N bombs on here?

Nigger is still a eurocentric slur. Ypu could be a curry and still be practicing white supremacy by using that word.

I believe it is. A majority of whites ate implicitly racist, even if they don't literally call ypu s nigger.

A majority of whites ate implicitly racist

I know exactly what you're talking about and I've experienced it myself. If you are getting racist abuse on here then just report it, the mods will deal with it and the perpetrators will face the consequences. That's if it's actual real racism and not just somebody calling you a nigger in a banter/joking way

How is that not racism?

Getting called a nigger on here is no more racist than an Indian getting called a currycel or a chink getting called a ricecel. It's just a word. What would you prefer blackcels to be called?

That's ridiculous. It's no way the same

Alright man, you're free to believe whatever you want. Just know that by trying to divide the incel community in this way, you're doing exactly what the roasties, nu-male and cucks want. Bear that in mind

I'm not an incel. I don't like incels because they're hypocrites. I don't like numalesor feminists either. I hate ypu all.


Actually a majority of Blacks are racist. Now stop crying and go back to Africa and live among your own people, you clearly can't handle an integrated society.

You are wrong , kid.

You are the real racist here, negro. I reported all your posts for race baiting. Go cry in a corner so i can use your tears as lube, noone cares about your crying.

Maybe because you act like one and race bait like a crybaby. You also have negro in your name. If you didn't announce you were Black how would anyone even know what race you are online to call you that?

When have you been called a nigger? I took a brief look through your comment history and couldn’t find any instances of such an occurance.

On another account.

Which account? You can PM it if you are uncomfortable posting it here.

Bruh, do you know how many ults a nigga has?

Could you post screenshots of the instances?

I reported him too, yet u/Board_Gaming left it up but deletes any of my posts ostensibly disparaging the pervasive amounts of white supremacists on this sub

but deletes any of my posts ostensibly disparaging the pervasive amounts of white supremacists on this sub

Accusatory posts are against the rules. You are not a special exception.

No such thing was done.

Accusing incels of being infested with white supremacists is no different from IT coming over here and complaining about soggy knees.

How'd you feel about te rscist guy though? Are you convinced?

Not particularly; that specific user is somewhat known for being vitriolic.

Yet calling someone a nigger is? Fuck off.

I don’t think you fully understand what the rule against accusatory posts means.

I don’t think you understand what fuck off means.

k then big boi

1 month since last post before this one

Stop samefagging, you race baiting cunt.

I don’t know what the fuck you just quoted, but only a racist, shit skinned, cuck lord would think that having a problem with someone calling a black person a nigger is race baiting.

The mod that moderated that thread seriously fucked up. Shame on him/her.

No lol. Virtually all of the race related posts have racism in rhem and the mods leave those comnents up

Report them.

I completely agree with the the fact that this subreddit IS actually very racist, but Asians and Indians are also hate black people. I’ve gotten called a nigger on my “real” account many times, but I’m pretty sure it wasn’t just by white people.

What if the incel epidemic isn't a result of men being alienated by feminism, but rather simply a function of the fact that South Asian immigration has increased and white women don't want Indian men?

Lol wtf kinda theory is that lol

A pretty good one, considering the data we have.

If I was a Indian I'd want to die

how do you know its not just white incels making shit up to make ethnics look bad?

its over for currycels

Damn life must be rough for Indians

indians are white supremacists

Guess you missed their gathering at the post with the white single mother and her mixed baby

The mods removed so many white supremacy comments that you didn’t even notice.

White supremacist we in this sub in huge numbers, those racist comments had so many upvotes

You missed the comments on the post with the single mother and the mixed baby?????

COVERED by white supremacist comments, the mods removed all of them. They had so many upvotes, yet when it’s convenient for incels they pretend they support equality

You guys are acting worse than IT right now, accept the truth instead of pretending.

yeah.. so indians are white supremacists..

Or LARPING as white supremacists to stir up conflict

So are riceys. They're obsessed with white superiority.

Anyone with a brain can see that this sub is filled with racists.

Sure there is a significant amount of racists. Most people based on my experience are not racist in this subreddit. Furthermore do not mix up racism against mixing with "white supremacy". There are plenty of racists who are not "white".

That was fucked up. i don't think currycells or ricecells posted those comments or upvoted them though. Atleast I hope so.

Yeah lots of Indians like to LARP as white since they have a drop of Aryan blood that's been diluted to shit by Dravidians and Muslims.

I'm arab :D Not many of u samd nogs here I guess

North African here. You guys colonized us so hard we're called arabs lol.

I am Lebanese. Never colonized anyone.

Just joking mate. :P

im an autismcel. oops

turkey here! they call all middle eastern and northern african muslims as arab. no matter their ethnic. no problem for me. LOL.

where are you from?

afghan here. Technically not arab, but I get confused for iraqi often

You look good dude.

You don't belong here one bit. Handsome Af. Afghan Chad.

i dont know Im confused tbh, I dont get any ioi from women. maybe i look too intimidating?

Well, from the picture, you don't seem to me, at first glance, like someone who'd be up for any kind of small I guess? I don't know though. There's only so much I can discern from one picture.

If that's the case then maybe try to smile more or something.

Gymceling doesnt help me either. Im honestly left confused, which has morphed recently into anger. 29 year old virgin.

I honestly see nothing stopping you from finding someone. You're very masculine with a great body. Very fit. Handsome face.

Honestly, you're either too shy or haven't really tried to put yourself out there.

im brutally terrified of rejection I will admit. I already have a low self esteem and rejection would be a huge blow to my ego.

Well, here's a little morale boost

But, in all seriousness, rejection at some point or another is inevitable. It doesn't have to the end of everything. It's their loss if anything.

Did you know that love is not real?

sound a bit like avoidant personality disorder

You need to rope brother

you look fucking great tho dude. you just have to work on your game

29y virgin

How tall are you and where do you live? If you aren't a turbo manlet, I can't see how you are a 29y virgin. Moneymax and move out white majority areas. Being an average face/height/ugly ethnic living in those places is suicide. Always lie about the fact that you are a sandman too. Just say that you are italian, spanish or any "dark" european. Even liberal women are racist/xenophobic.


Being an average face/height/ugly ethnic living in those places is suicide.

Couldnt agree more. I heard montreal women were friendly

KEK. Roosh did a post saying that Canada was easy for ethnics/black guys. Like all PUAfags, he's full of shit.


كاين شي مغريبي هنا ؟؟

naw. No one like mighribies.

So few SandCels, damn.

SandCels live a harsher life than most. Not only are they incels but they also have to deal with the "potential Islamic terrorist" fear people (including myself) have.

There's barely any of them here though.

I'm a SandCel as well. I know all about the dumb shit we have to deal with.

Ya I was figuring that the life of a sandcel is perhaps so bad they don't even visit reddit.

Nah. That's definitely not the reason why.

If I were to guess it's because most of them haven't heard about reddit. Most Europeans, including SandCels living there, haven't heard about reddit. Neither have the ones living in MENA. Reddit is a US centric site, there are very few MENAs in the US or Canada. Fewer people from MENA means a smaller population of SandCels.

There's also a lot of Europeans on Reddit, i think the proportions are almost equal between US and EU.

58.4 percent of users based in the United States, with the United Kingdom ranked second at just 7.4 percent, Canada ranked at 6.3 percent, Australia at 3.1 percent

So Americans are the majority and 75.2% of the users are from English speaking countries. The site isn't popular at all among in Europe, very few Europeans use it compared to Americans.

Toronto is full of sandcels

Canada doesn't have a lot of Middle Eastern immigrants in general. And just because someone is from that area doesn't mean they're incels.

potential Islamic terrorist" fear people (including myself) have

lmao where do you live


People don't have that fear at all. You're exagerating, at least in France.

People don't have that fear at all. You're exagerating, at least in France.

France has a long history of immigration from their colonies. I think that France is for that reason an exception.

Not fear of terrorism but fear of sexual assault.

when was this held? I am a curry and want to vote.

It's over boyo.

You already won

Yo fucking racist incels, why are you racist towards yourself


IMO 75 answers isn't enough to determine with accuracy the demographics of the sub.

But this is still very interesting data OP. We will see if we can make a bigger poll.

You should host an offical poll endorsed by the staff of r/braincels

That's the idea. I will see with other mods.

Lol at curries being bottom of the incel hierarchy.

You could have stick the pool. I did not know about this pool. I would increase 1% of hispanic

Thought you were a jap wrist cutter?

Yo tambien

Sim, no entanto eu falo portugues.

This poll is bullshit and anyone who believes it is low iq. The narrative being pushed here is that this sub isn't just a sub with far right , white supremacist misogynists. The very fact that such a poll need be taken is indicative of this. The sticky on this sub for a while ,too , was that this sub is welcoming to minorities. In truth , it's riddled with racists and I have been called a nigger countless times .

What you had was a bunch of white trolls anawering that they are rice and curries, again, to push that narrative.

Do it over. This time use photo verification and only on accounts that aren't throwaways. did one and it was majority white. Curries and rice barely registered. Black was 12% . I can guarantee its actually 60% white here.

As a blackcel, I'm confident that the majority ethnic group would be white. I also think that there are a ton of curries and ricecels here too.

There are a ton of racists and right wingers here. It's inevitable. A sub with this much constant negativity, populated heavily by white males (in general a very conservative group) is sure to have a fair share of idiot race purists and nationalists. From what I've seen though, they aren't encouraged, so that's a good thing at least.

A blackpill is: a hell lot more people than just "white" people are racist against "black" people.

Yeah, that's true too. I succumbed to the typical 'white = racist' bullshit. My bad.

A lot of people don't like blacks. Ricecels will describe our women as ratchet and ghetto, same with whites and Indians, and even some blacks. It's sad. We don't need to hate each other so badly.

A lot of self conscious south asians will shit on black people to feel better about themselves. You can see that a lot on 4chan.

Certainly not 40% .

I've seen plenty of racist comnents upvoted to heaven

Yeah. It's sad. I saw those comments roasting the mixed baby yesterday and I had to take a break. That baby wasn't even ugly and they were talking about it like it was literal garbage.

Saddened me to know that even in this haven, there can be such hate directed towards an innocent. Hate women for all I care, but a baby? And just because it was mixed? smh


I don’t think you realize just how racist Indians are. Check out r/bokchodi

I don’t understand anything in this subreddit. Is it suppose to be racist?

The fuck I wouldn’t be white. I’m black 💯 I’m happy to be my race with all the good and the bad. My family wouldn’t ask for anything else but to be black (brother in the army and my sister is in school. I don’t care if YOU DON’T like being black but a Majority of my friends are and enjoy everything that comes with it.

huh? was like 52% white.

That's almost in line with demographics

I wouldn't call it a majority tough.

Umm, how is 52% not a majority?

It's not a relevant one. If you had a class of 21 students and 11 were women that would technically be a majority but the expectation when using that word is usually a two thirds majority.

Margin of error, I guess

What difference does it make? It's massively over-represented by non-white minorities, relative to any English-speaking country.

This time use photo verification and only on accounts that aren't throwaways.

lol. You could have users take a pic of their skin tone, I guess.

You have no evidence of that.


Dude, minority populations in most western countries is ~10-20%. You seriously believe Incel communities are more than 80% white? lol. The evidence is every poll conducted ever. Women's preferences are racist, and society is racist. That's why more Incels are non-white. You can't have it both ways. Believe that everything is racist every which way.

lol, you expect or want Incels to dox themselves to incelqueers posters? You need to get your priorities straight, and choose your allies wisely.

I never said it was 80.

No, women prefer their own race , even asians. What white women do is irrelevant.


An SJW Incel.


It's not that bad. After moderating that sub for a while I can assure you that most incels aren't racist. We just have a few racists trolls here that keep making throwaway accounts being parasites Report their posts and they will be taken care of , also it's not easy when they make a new account every week.

But you have a good point, we will never be 100% someone will enter his real ethnicity so those polls should be taken with a grain of salt.

you sound like a lunatic

No one likes a victim. Get over yourself.

Rofl wtf

Can you explain "Hezbollahcel"?

And they say incels is a white supremacist group, JFL

Anything that isn't fringe-left is white supremacist apparently

This poll is bullshit and anyone who believes it is low iq. The narrative being pushed here is that this sub isn't just a sub with far right , white supremacist misogynists. The very fact that such a poll need be taken is indicative of this. The sticky on this sub for a while ,too , was that this sub is welcoming to minorities. In truth , it's riddled with racists and I have been called a nigger countless times .

What you had was a bunch of white trolls anawering that they are rice and curries, again, to push that narrative.

Do it over. This time use photo verification and only on accounts that aren't throwaways. did one and it was majority white. Curries and rice barely registered. Black was 12% . I can guarantee its actually 60% white here.

Low IQ post

But it's not, dude. You can't deny that there's plenty of racist comments and posts here from time to time. Personally, I've never been called anything derogatory, but I've seen countless "mudshark" and "coalburner" comments here. Don't get me started on all the anti-semetic shit that goes down in every other post.

This place exists as a place of solidarity for virgins, but the group function stops there.

That's the culture of the sub. It's very similar to 4chan. A lot of the users frequent it too. It's not hatefull. It's supposed to drive out the people who don't belong.

Low IQ Blackcel

That's what "real" trolling looks like, and as we can see from your and people's reactions to us in general it's worked amazingly.

Lmfaoooo shout out to my curry niggas, keeping it real

i'm Kurdish, oppressedcel

Hey Hewalcel where are you from.

rojhalat, and you kakacel?

for a moment I thought you are from turkey. guess you are from iran.

also wtf is kakacel?

kaka means brother in kurdish.

I thought it was bremin

But I thought incels were all alt right worshipping evil whites!

Currycels are truecels

You know why indians are 40% ?

Cause stupid indians killed their baby girls because they wanted boys now they have to suffer. Karma bitchessss

they also had arranged marriages so low value males could spread their shitty genes

Hmm this is pretty interesting

Poor Pajeets

Teeming with curries. Just as I thought.

Ah, this makes sense. I was wondering why there was a post attempting to call Asian women ugly. That contempt.

Did so many identify as South Asian / Indian because they identify as Aryan?


So, is it possible that Western Aryan brainwashing contributes hugely too this? It’s evident by this Data that these “genetic chads” seemingly are all white guys. It’s like WWI propaganda, The Aryan Blue eyes Blond hair male rescues the Aryan blue haired, blind eyes damsel from the “beasts’. Thanks Nintendo, Thanks Disney

Its more about bone structure than specific features. the more you look like a chiseled modelesque statue, the more you are attractive to the opposite sex.

The incel culture is reactionary to modernist genetic tyranny, it’s becoming more obvious each day, we are airing grievances because intellectually we’ve become aware of these consequences of social engineers tampering with society.

Yes, but it's more a product of domination than anything. Whites have ruled the world for centuries.

Aryanism is Semitic though, the nation of Arya existed in Mesopotamian and the north Indian continent, Aryanism is in truth anti Caucasian.

Aryan is a term incorrectly termed by Hitler, its modern meaning is now defined by Hitler’s mistake.

Not really aryan migration theory existed far before hitler mistake or not.

Anti-incels are racists confirmed.

This poll is bullshit and anyone who believes it is low iq. The narrative being pushed here is that this sub isn't just a sub with far right , white supremacist misogynists. The very fact that such a poll need be taken is indicative of this. The sticky on this sub for a while ,too , was that this sub is welcoming to minorities. In truth , it's riddled with racists and I have been called a nigger countless times .

What you had was a bunch of white trolls anawering that they are rice and curries, again, to push that narrative.

Do it over. This time use photo verification and only on accounts that aren't throwaways. did one and it was majority white. Curries and rice barely registered. Black was 12% . I can guarantee its actually 60% white here.

I haven't seen anything remotely white-supremacist or alt-right in this sub reddit.

I've been called a nigger multiple times

Hmm, still haven't seen any upvoted posts that promote white supremacy/racism.

People here use slurs against one another in a non-derogatory way all the time, pajeets, sandnogs, etc. I don't think that people hate you for being black, rather then use the word "nigger" in a casual way.

I've seen plenty. Comments, not posts.

I don't consider those slurs.

Racism is intrinsic with that words use.

Why is he allowed to break this subs rules with low quality race baits? Is it because hes Black he gets a free pass to blame Whitey and race bait?

You need to be permanently banned for race baiting

Holy shit a lot of curries here

Im not an incel but i lost my virginity in my mid 20s. It basically required that i move far far away. Im a brown guy by the way. Mutt.

Im at an indian resturaunt. The indian host asked if I was indian. Yeah im mutt

I mean I'm technically white but in general Slavs aren't seen that favorably.

So many stupid normies on here. There really are more ethnics/minorities who post on incel sites than whites, and it is easy to guess why. It is because more femoids cater to WHITE MEN than any other fucking race/ethnicity.

Indian janitors UNITE!

5'2 balding Indian janitor

How long was the poll open for? If only for a few hours, time zone differences could make it heavily skewed towards asians and indians.

Also, as a statistician: 75 people is far too small a sample, given that there are thousands of people who subscribe to that sub.

shit, yeah it was only open for a few hours. And at night as well.

The mods are going to do another poll I think

The mods are going to do another poll I think

Why? Seriously, why does anyone care what race those fuckers are?

I'm just curious dude, from what I've seen the accusation levelled at incels as being white supremacists/racists/altright just doesn't add up.

Some middle-eastern guy living in Sweden posted a story about his tough life there, and how white swedes are considered more attractive than arab migrants. He got a lot of upvotes.

Blacks and asians always talk about race preferences being stacked against their favour when it comes to dating. Upvotes.

There was an image about how all four people on the Bachelor were attractive white guys. Upvotes.

This goes against the alt-right belief of "muh white genocide" and "dae coalburners", basically that white women are going after minority men. This just doesn't hold up to the facts, which are that white people are generally considered more attractive.

I'm no incel, but I think I will spend some time here because it is interesting. It is a strange mashup of

wholesomeness: anti-racist attitude welcoming men of all races, and sympathizing with minorities who are considered less attractive.

nastiness: hatred of women

Indians make up 1% of the USA population... make up 40% of online incels.


And these whitebois say race doesn't matter.

Guess the Indians really ARE all terrorists. Kek

Why are all Indian incels mad just ask your parents they'll get you an arranged marriage lol go to a fucking village and say to the Richest person that you are from a big city he'll give her daughter right away (btw I'm from India ,not an incel)

holy shit this place is 75% non white. i didnt see that coming

Seems legit. But keep in mind, liberals can spin in any way they please. They could describe incels as "self-hating minorities brainwashed into racism by white supremacy".


Is that a thing?



Eh... They don't even need to do that. They're pretty critical of Indians and freely join in with the anti-indian 4chan memes. This is just more support for them to continue with that.


on my worst days i look curry af

/jp/ BTFO

I didn't know of the poll ,I'm white


this result was unpredictable... i thought Indians were Chad

More diverse than r/IncelTears

Proof that incels are not a white supremacy

i don't know how much i believe this

TBH it's probably jealous white racists who try to make ethnics look bad by pretending to be ethnic.

Here's the real list:

Whites are most likely to be incel. Feminism was started by white women because most of them hate white men. whites are ugly so nobody actully likes them except self hating ethnic uglies

Indians i can believe, but indians have indian women lined up. I think 40% indian is just a meme

Asians cant be incel, most asians have an asian girl lined up or a white girl with yellow fever. even asians in africa get african women nutted up all the time. there are 3 billion of u fuckers for a reason

arabs look like white men with actual color. obviously cant be incel

blacks here are the black guys who think theyre taking the high ground by being nerdy black guys, instead of running thug game

Latinos again look good so they can't be incel

online dating is for women looking for betabux. Think about it, how pathetic do u have to be to be a woman and need the internet to find cock?

Not suprised by the lack of hispanics. My experiance living amongt them for years now, is that they, as a culture in the southern US anyway, tend to have pretty low standards for who they will fuck, the men and women. Monogomy doesn't mean much to them either.

Unfortunatly for me, the women barely see white guys as men unless they're loaded. So, you can't really get in on the action unless you're a dark skinned person (they'll fuck black guys). Leads to a lot of akward conversations with hispanic male aquantencis who just assume nonchalantly that everyone is fucking thots on the regular.

Hey, Watsachair, just a quick heads-up:
unfortunatly is actually spelled unfortunately. You can remember it by ends with -ely.
Have a nice day!

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Good bot

I'm surprised for how little Hispanics showed.

Who doesn’t want a little Rico Suave? Latino men have dark features and are generally attractive.


So many Indians. “Thank you come again!”

Irl the incels I see are more white and Asian, Indians seem to do alright on average, since they try super hard to be fit and social to compensate for their race.

Being Indian doesn't screw you, lacking fitness and social skills does.

I'm going to Thailand next week, so I'll get to see if this is true first hand.

Doesn't always work. Even there you have to be at least a 4 or a 5. source: white man who live in China for a little bit.

I wouldn't call it a majority tough.

but deletes any of my posts ostensibly disparaging the pervasive amounts of white supremacists on this sub

Accusatory posts are against the rules. You are not a special exception.

No such thing was done.

Not particularly; that specific user is somewhat known for being vitriolic.

Aryan is a term incorrectly termed by Hitler, its modern meaning is now defined by Hitler’s mistake.

The mod that moderated that thread seriously fucked up. Shame on him/her.

Yet calling someone a nigger is? Fuck off.