Beta male...

64  2018-05-27 by ThisIzWhyYourAInzel


Is that Victoria Justice?


Fuark, had a huge crush on her when I was a teenager. But yeah if I went in to kiss her that guy would of been my fate too. Hell she would probably kick me in the balls for even daring.

Recessed jaw, no brow ridge, etc. Being "alpha" or "beta" is determined by skull shape, it's over.

he’s also wearing a bra

Emasculation of sub7s is real, just trannymaxx bro.

Cuckboy drank too much Soy.

That’s the guys she’s calls to make herself feel better after every Chad dumps a load in her and ghosts.

If I were that guy I'd tell her that moral support comes with a creampie ... or at least a friendly handjob.

If every orbiter did this, they'd have no choice but to take it or have no handbag boys anymore.

Strategize, my friends.

hurts to watch


Why tf is he wearing a bra 😂

Or he's prolly just her gay bff.

Staged or real?

Damn brutal. She's forced him to take the role of gay bestie.

"He's so cute~ teehee!"

Am i brainletcel if i dont get this at all?

Come on use your brain it's obvious


The fuck did she go in for the hug and then pull away?

Her brain said yes but her vagina said no at the last minute.

He's wearing a bikini, what did he think would happen?

Firing squad. Assemble.

It’s for a tv show lol but yeah this would happen in reality

that’s the co-star from their show and his character was a beta orbiter for her and liz


What the actual fuck? This cuck will get stoned in Saudi Arabia. Glad I live in a sane fucking country

another manlet taking L ,nothing new.

What the fuck is the context behind this.

This happened in my nightmare, without the bra though.

Mogs me and still gets cucked.


I hope this guy is still ok, that destroy me completely.