Stacys literally want us dead

80  2018-05-27 by LezClarence

I had CPR mouth to mouth training on dolls as a part of PE yesterday and I overheard some stacys having a conversation

Stacy 1 ”This is so gross disgusting imagine having to do This IRL”

Stacy 2 ”It’s not that bad I would save anyone but (insert my name)

Then they both laughed


Sounds like the script to a budget school shooter backstory movie

mmhhmm the pain is real.


I’m just glad sabacc was in Solo or else it would’ve been Aurora 2.0

This is why you should never ever help women....because they would never help you.

Im not entilted to have my life saved

Noone is entitled to even air.

You are not entitled to chest compressions or breath of life

If you want medical assistance during an emergency you should have not been ugly.

Because stupid people find things like CPR to be "eww". Stupid people flap at bugs and squeal at spiders. Stupid, vapid girlies think that making "funny" comments to bully others is "cool".

always remember that nobody is entitled to anything

Reminds me of high school. Then I looksmaxed and those bitches waistmaxed.

This is how you make a school shooter out of a young man.

No that's when a putz decides that someone needing to die is the answer instead of talking to someone about it, going to therapy or literally anything else.

Yeah. Because therapy works.

It does if you're receptive to it. Keep moping around and being all "woe is me and my hatchet face" and life will improve at least a little

Alright. Thank you for your asinine input.

Good luck with constantly thinking you live such a hard life

So, a therapist is gonna make him more attractive? getoutta here

If you think that looking worse than Joseph Merrick is your biggest problem then you've helped prove my point


You're focusing almost exclusively on how all of your problems stem from you or someone else being ugly. It's your own bloody self image and letting other people's view of you warp it that is your fault.

Using the other example of Joseph Merrick, that man was objectively hideous and reviled for almost his whole life until people, high society people mind you, considered him beautiful despite being deformed because he was fundamentally a good person , better than most even

Bet if someone called them out on it they would pass it of as "just a joke" just like the people who were assholes to me in highschool did.

That's what the mouth shield is for you dweeb. What, you thought you'll get a free kiss if your heart stops? Not even in death brah!

I'm a guy and I'd be uncomfortable doing CPR to most people.

I guess I just want incels to die.

How can anyone even be THIS obtuse.. you don't think there's even a hint of bullying to single out OP as particularly unappealing.. or that this translates to how they treat OP in interactions?? Fuck off bully apologist

Engineercels, please hurry up with the sexbot revolution.

How old are you?

We've all been there OP. You aren't alone my friend.

Stacy 2 ”It’s not that bad I would save anyone but (insert my name)

Then they both laughed

And yet, we get shit if we say we'll keep walking if we see a Stacy getting abused or raped (I'M NOT SAYING I WOULD DO ANYTHING ILLEGAL, LURKER FBI AGENTS). More double standards to protect "muh preshus wahmen".

All the other kids with the pumped up kicks...

The idea that someone young enough to be in CPR class (as in, 9th grade) identifies with incels is fucking disturbing

I am in highschool

Yeah, 9th grade. Get off this sub

Lol highschool is not 9th grade dumbass

In all civilized parts of the world, it is.

not true