Don't fall for roastie tricks! Take the NEET pill today

76  2018-05-27 by dumb_intj


Could you explain this please? This terminology is confusing

It's really easy to understand. Are you a foid by chance?

What's a foid?

Get out

No, thanks. I do actually enjoy having discussions here

be my gf plz

I love you

Foid confirmed

What is a foid?

Shorthand version of "femoid." It's just another name for women.

Why do you feel you need another word for women?

It’s a female.

Absolutely DISGUSTING post history, jesus christ

Ffs why did I look ?! Is this a fucking transsexual ??? Ffs they should shoot this guy on sight im grossed out

Lmfao wtff

Sure. A cumrag is a reuseable cloth that you can masturbate on multiple times, then wash it on demand. It’s eco-friendly in contrast to napkins.

Everything is good except the cumrag thing. It feels nice when things are clean and smells good.

I definitely agree. I have the cleanest room of anyone I know and I only cum in a fleshlight that I immediately rinse afterward.

I thought I was the only NEET to do this:

Confirmed redditor

This pill is my lifestyle currently and its great being a house hermit

Took the pill years ago before I even knew what all this was. Now I just wait for the cash to run out and rope.

Where do ur resources come from?

It actually really sucks being a permaneet. I am due to a skin condition and chronic depression and anxiety related to it (my name, don't google if you're eating). I'm very jealous of people who work but at the same time the thought of working fills me with anxiety. The only comfort I have is vidya and junk food.

Sounds to me like it just sucks having depression and a skin condition.

The only comfort most wageslaves have is tv and junk food cause they don't even have the energy to enjoy vidya.

they don't even have the energy to enjoy vidya.


I haven't been able to play vidya in over a decade. not shit. I'd just rather stare at nothing, or someone else playing vidya, doing it myself is too much.

Well, it's not the worst, and i took some potato chips and ate them while looking at the pictures. Then again. I'm male, and I'm dead inside.

What is a neet?

A miserable little pile of tendies

Is it an acronym?

Yes "Not in Education, Employment, or Training"

I'm taking it easy.

I would do it if I could mooch solely off the government and not at all off my parents. The state does nothing to lessen the incel problem so fuck em. I’d just become one of many such worthless parasites.

+1. I lived the NEET life from age 13 to 18, now I'm wage slaving 12 hours a day because my parents divorced and I couldn't bring myself to just mooch. I looked into disability filing for being blind in my left eye since birth, but from what I gather they would end up not giving me anything anyways since a) I've now been employed full time for over a year now (thus I'd have to prove why a birth condition would suddenly affect that), and b) it wouldn't pay out more than I earn right now anyways. Maybe someday I'll figure out either a free money generator or an investment-cost-only way to live (without giving up my necessary amenities such as internet, computer, and AC).

investment-cost-only way to live

That’s my dream. People needing to work for someone else for a wage is a relatively recent phenomenon. There used to be other ways to make a living.

Everything's been designed around this monthly wageslave normie lifestyle. Why can't I buy a farm for cheap and just grow my own food and make my own shit and not worry about even things like property taxes. They want you tied to a job, any job, even the most simple basic job ever, they want you in the system and always working in it every month.

It's as much your parents fault as society's that you're an incel. Literally no reason not to mooch off them.

If this is your mentality you deserve your celibacy.

This wasn't my mentality at all up til about age 26. Then I realized it was over for manlets so I stopped giving a fuck about social norms.

He's not entitled to celibacy.

TIL that the key to losing one's virginity is unconditional respect for parents.

I’ve put them through enough already.

At the risk of being offended by my poor analogy, maybe hear me out on this bad joke: All pills are roofies, even the black pill. You'll just wake up one day all butt-hurt if you take them. I propose instead of pills, we go with the old Royal Society coat of arms motto "Nullius in Verba" (on nobody's word) and ascertain the answers for ourselves through our life experience and tools of reason to the best of our individual abilities.

I came up with the analogy because my impression when watching the Matrix was "this looks suspicious" seeing Neo follow this Morpheus creep into his drug den on the outskirts of the ghetto. As soon as the pills came out, I said to myself "I freaking knew it!" :D

As much as it would be a good idea to seek wisdom out for yourself, you can't deny the infinite potential utlity of other people's experiences. But maybe using "pills" for this sort of thing isn't the best idea in the world since they are pre-packaged systems of values that have a life of their own and can possess you, or to use your offensive analogy, are roofies that make you fall asleep.

What's the "endgame" referred to above? Death? Homelessness? The downfall of society?

Death. Nothing matters after you die anyway, especially if you're incel.

I am actually not capable of understanding this mentality. If I try going a whole day and not get any work or chores done I would feel so useless and pathetic that I'd immediately start doing something just to make that feeling go away. I can't stand messes, I see them as if they were signs that remind me I'm not done with my chores yet. I can't stand living without a job, the crushing feeling of absolute purposelessness, the bottomless black void that is life without a direction.

That miserable, gut-wrenching, absolutely deadly feeling of potentially not making something of myself and that maybe it was my fault is a feeling I would not wish on my worst enemy, but is avoiding that feeling really worth the loss of my self-respect and dignity? This keeps me up at night sometimes.

What do you do for work? Maybe you're a doctor or something that really matters, but the vast majority of people can only ever rise to minimum wageslavery. Working these kinds of jobs makes people feel more worthless than if they did nothing, because they don't get to choose how they spend their lives. Us NEETs do whatever we want all the time, and time spent how you want is never wasted.

Perhaps you just never thought to figure out what you really want because you were always doing what someone else said you should do. Jfl if you think it's gonna be different when you retire...if you even get to.

Perhaps you just never thought to figure out what you really want because you were always doing what someone else said you should do.

No, I've work on things even in the absence of others. I'm too callous to have other people be my motivation for my effort. I've never felt that strongly about any job I've had, I've never really respected my bosses (and I let them know that), I actually hate my family and wouldn't work hard for them even if my life depended on it, my girlfriend doesn't really mean anything to me, it's not money either, and it's not even prestige. But still, I've worked like a machine and I've outworked almost all the slackers they stuck me with.

I think I do it mostly to show myself I'm better than other people, and to satisfy my feeling of responsibility to myself, like a voice in the back of my mind whispering "I can do better than this". As if I promised myself I would realize as much of my potential as I possibly can, like I owe it to myself.

And I can tell you right fucking now, I'm not retiring a day before 80, going to keep myself as healthy as possible to make that happen. I'm going to be the kind of old codger who stands straight and tall like a statue.

Thats because you think work defines your worth as a person. You somehow convinced yourself that working hard makes you a better person. Thats just BS if you really think about it. You're just another drop in the sea that makes no difference whatsoever. Even if you work hard your end will be the same as a neet.

If you stop for a moment and think of all the people you respect and admire, just for a moment, stop and look at the things they seem to have in common.

I think thats what your definition of a better person is, and they're almost always exceptional individuals, and being educated and working hard and out-competing everyone else and providing utility to society as a consquence is one way of doing that.

And you might say that nothing you do matters and all actions are equally worthless, and at the same time in this void of meaninglessness you've mustered enough conviction to actually reply to a stranger over the internet with a coherent response. If nothing you do matters, then why do anything at all if you can't distinguish between things you would rather do and things you would rather not do? So you're not acting like it makes no difference whatsoever. And even if you make the claim that ultimately it doesn't, right at the moment you started writing you were spontaneously engaged and captured by it, so you necessarily thought it made a difference to you.

If nihilists acted like nihilists they would all collapse into heaps of biomass and die due to the inability to distinguish between infinite sets of equally worthless courses of action.

f you stop for a moment and think of all the people you respect and admire, just for a moment, stop and look at the things they seem to have in common.

I really don´t envy hard workers.

I think thats what your definition of a better person is, and they're almost always exceptional individuals, and being educated and working hard and out-competing everyone else and providing utility to society as a consquence is one way of doing that.

I dont see that way. I don´t think a person is better than other because or that person is exceptional in working harder and produces more. That´s a pure materialistic view on the matter.

And you might say that nothing you do matters and all actions are equally worthless, and at the same time in this void of meaninglessness you've mustered enough conviction to actually reply to a stranger over the internet with a coherent response. If nothing you do matters, then why do anything at all if you can't distinguish between things you would rather do and things you would rather not do?

Good question. My answer is nothing really matters. There are no fixed rules about what makes a person better than other. And I think that´s a liberating thought.

If nothing you do matters, then why do anything at all if you can't distinguish between things you would rather do and things you would rather not do?

By doing things that makes me feel good. Working hard does not make me feel good. For me is useless suffering and pain. So I rather not do it.

And even if you make the claim that ultimately it doesn't, right at the moment you started writing you were spontaneously engaged and captured by it, so you necessarily thought it made a difference to you.

Because it´s fun talking about this. It makes me feel good discussing this kind of ideas.

If nihilists acted like nihilists they would all collapse like sacks of potatoes and let themselves die due to the inability to distinguish between infinite sets of equally worthless courses of action.

I don´t agree with that one. Nihilists will do enough to survive and will obey their biological survival urges. But its true that many give up about competing in the rat race. They see that as an useless and pointless painful activity because it doesn´t really matter if you work hard or not. You can be perfectly happy without doing much, or at least doing the minimum possible. Everything else is just an illusion or a trap rapidly destroyed by an always present hedonic treadmill.

I really don´t envy hard workers.

I'm not saying you should, I'm saying that I'm no exception to the rule that everyone wants to feel exceptional. But the way I go about it is by developing my character, because at the end of the day that's the only thing nobody can take away from you. As far as I'm concerned that leisure is a necessary element of life but in excess it's a hurdle to a bigger and better you, and at the end of the day I would rather toil away miserably for the rest of my life than relax in absolute luxury while eating cake and being merry if it meant I had pain-staking carved myself into a strong, sturdy, tall, beautiful, and well-formed pillar that can hold up society.

I think my real motivation here and I think this is the core of where me and you differ; I would rather be strong but miserable than be weak and satisfied. That I would choose authority and control over being happy if I had to make that choice.

I'm not saying you should, I'm saying that I'm no exception to the rule that everyone wants to feel exceptional.

But why do you want to be so special and exceptional? What difference does it make? Its the validation and recognition of others?

in excess it's a hurdle to a bigger and better you

What´s a bigger and better me? What defines that? According to your metrics maybe. But those metrics are entirely subjective. There are no universal rules for that. A frugal monk in a monastery can feel being special and happy only by meditating. For most people thats strange and they would´t consider themselves better by meditating. There are no rules for that. The rules are imposed by ourselves.

I would rather be strong but miserable than be weak and satisfied.

The core issue here is that you´re trying to project your own definition of being strong on others. There are no universal characteristics of being strong. What you consider a strong and special achievement I can consider it completely useless and vice versa.

That I would choose authority and control over being happy if I was forced to make that choice.

We are always in control of being happy. It depends totally in your expectations, goals or metrics of happiness you impose on yourself. I rather live a peaceful life of low expectations, low ambition and enjoying the little simple things. I don´t give importance at all at professional goals, corporate ladders, having more money or measuring my happiness on the quantity of time I work.


Lets first ignore practical uselessness of this phrase. What you actually mean is satisfaction.

> The core issue here is that you´re trying to project your own definition of being strong on others. There are no universal characteristics of being strong. What you consider a strong and special achievement I can consider it completely useless and vice versa.

This is simply absolutely wrong. There are universal definitions of strong. Being more healthy makes you stronger than if you were less healthy. Being taller and having more muscles makes you stronger, within a reasonable measure.

There's also obviously power over yourself and the ability to make your sense of freedom turn on itself and eat itself, freedom to not be free, freedom to discipline yourself and impose your freedom on itself and make yourself do things you would rather not do.

Then there's obviously social power and authority, formal and informal. Power is deciding hirings and firings. Power is looking someone straight in the eyes and telling them whether or not they can afford to start having kids or buy a house. Power is knowing if you didn't go to work in the morning nobody would be able to get anything done.

I'm not saying these decisions come easily or that they shouldn't be handled carefully, but the ability to carry that weight of responsibility IS power, and it makes you a real beast to contend with, someone people can't just brush aside easily.

Lets first acknowledge the practical uselessness of this phrase. What you actually mean is satisfaction.

Ok so be it. The word satisfaction suits my idea as well.

This is simply absolutely wrong. There are universal definitions of strong. Being more healthy makes you stronger than if you were less healthy. Being taller and having more muscles makes you stronger, within a reasonable measure.

When you talked about being better and strong I interpreted it as psychological characteristics as emotional well being, satisfaction, resilient to negative or depressive moods, etc. I wasn´t focusing on a physical level. Of course that being physically healthy is important to being "strong". But that depends on your health habits, which doesn´t depend on being hard worker or ambitious.

freedom to not be free, freedom to discipline yourself and impose your freedom on itself and make yourself do things you would rather not do.

That´s deep. But the meaning of that sentence is entirely depending on you. What is freedom for you? Imagine you freely decide to set the bar high on your ambitions and you fail and you feel miserable and anxious about it. Are you really satisfied, aren´t you being enslaved by your own goals, ambitions or expectations? Are you really more free than a neet guy that doesn´t really care as long his basic needs are met?

Then there's obviously social power and authority, formal and informal. Power is deciding hirings and firings. Power is looking someone straight in the eyes and telling them whether or not they can afford to start having kids or buy a house. Power is knowing if you didn't go to work in the morning nobody would be able to get anything done.

Being free to choose if you want those responsabilities that you call power for yourself or not, for me is what I value. That´s part of being in control for me.

I'm not saying these decisions come easily or that they shouldn't be handled carefully, but the ability to carry that weight of responsibility IS power, and it makes you a real beast to contend with, someone people can't just brush aside easily.

But many people don´t want to be a real beast. They don´t really care. They just anonymously want a simple life. They dont want to compete with anyone. They don´t care about respect or recognition. By your standards those people are inferior, but truth is life doesn´t give a shit about anyone standards. There are no winner or losers in life. 100 years from now our destination will be the same, we will be dust. So why don´t we enjoy our ride peacefully and joyfully by our own standards?

But many people don´t want to be a real beast. They don´t really care. They just anonymously want a simple life. They dont want to compete with anyone. They don´t care about respect or recognition. By your standards those people are inferior, but the true is life doesn´t give a shit about anyone standards.

I am happy lazy people exist so I can be competent, because you're only ever competent in comparison to other people. But the desire to live meaninglessly while not bearing the burden of anything IS weakness, but its a welcome weakness.

The unwillingness to leave your mark on the world because "what if it gets scratched off?" is the sign of a weak will, a yielding and surrendering will. Not only can you not dominate any pursuit, but you aren't even willing to dare desire or hope or imagine yourself doing such a thing is weak. But only in that landscape of weaklings can the strong rise.

So by all means, don't study, don't be ambitious, don't work hard, arrive late, go home early, smoke weed, take welfare. I'll do all the work and you stay at home. People like you make it easier for me to become successful, so I'm not sure why I would try to persuade you into doing otherwise.

I am happy lazy people exist so I can be competent, because you're only ever competent in comparison to other people. But the desire to live meaninglessly while not bearing the burden of anything IS weakness, but its a welcome weakness.

Im happy for you being happy. In your own standards I really wish you reach the competence you wish. That´s the rule you made to yourself, that´s what you value. In the reality you made for yourself if you´re winning and be satisfied, that´s perfect. I´m happy for you man ;).

The unwillingness to leave your mark on the world because "what if it gets scratched off?" is the sign of a weak will, a yielding and surrendering will. Not only can you not dominate any pursuit, but you aren't even willing to dare desire or hope or imagine yourself doing such a thing is weak. But only in that landscape of weaklings can the strong rise.

But people don´t live according to your own reality. They are weak just for you, but that actually means nothing. There are no winner or losers in life. There is nothing to win. That´s just a delusion you made for yourself to give some meaning to the absurdity of your life and existence. But if that delusion works, that´s perfect man, you´re enjoying and that´s what really matters.

So by all means, don't study, don't be ambitious, don't work hard, arrive late, go home early, smoke weed, take welfare.

I never said I will do those things. But even if I did it doesn´t really matter. A paid job doesn´t define the value of a person. And besides, we´re approaching really fast toward a world without paid jobs for everyone. Automation is real. Very soon our society will have to learn fast to live without jobs and we will have to reach a new paradigm of the importance of work in our lives. And that´s great.

I never said I will do those things. But even if I did it doesn´t really matter. A paid job doesn´t define the value of a person. And besides, we´re approaching really fast toward a world without paid jobs for everyone. Automation is real. Very soon our society will have to learn fast to live without jobs and we will have to reach a new paradigm of the importance of work in our lives. And that´s great.

I really doubt that would happen in either of our lifetimes, and even if it did, what makes you think the typical person would be satisfied with that? Now its obvious neither of us is close to the typical person when it comes to work ethic, with us being on two opposite extremes, so neither of us can say with certainty what would happen. But its clear people who don't have a job or occupation or a purpose of any kind, even if their financial needs are met, typically become very dissatisfied with the situation, especially if they're conscientious. Not to mention there would still be a hyper-conscientious subset of the population that would work regardless, and these are the sorts of people generally who are ambitious and would try to design world in their image or they might even revolt against it in the absence of the ability to do so! These people are also persistent and organized by nature and would push above their weight, going up against a population of mostly spoiled passive slobs so I'm not sure how a world of automated leisure could come about or that it would even sustain itself across time. You would have to pacify these hostile actors, you would have to destroy the essence of their being, their essentially human, all-too-human desire to change the world in order to maintain your stupid automated utopia.




Working is cucked. I spend 40 hours a week doing things for other people and repressing my emotions. It's horrible.


Take the tatapill

Go full rich bastard

Elaborate, comrade

they don't even have the energy to enjoy vidya.


I haven't been able to play vidya in over a decade. not shit. I'd just rather stare at nothing, or someone else playing vidya, doing it myself is too much.

This wasn't my mentality at all up til about age 26. Then I realized it was over for manlets so I stopped giving a fuck about social norms.

He's not entitled to celibacy.

TIL that the key to losing one's virginity is unconditional respect for parents.