Being a conventionally attractive single White woman is life on tutorial mode.

124  2018-05-27 by FunProfession

Because of this they have developed the biggest entitlement attitude out of any group.


Stacies are entitled to Gigachads, as Chads are to low for them.

Stacies are the highest tier and gigachads are the highest tier, obviously they match... Very low IQ comment.

Look who decided to show up. A female who loves making fun of incels.

it's a fag, not a foid.

!What's the difference? Oh fags should be killed amd women, enslaved.

Women can't be on the highest tier ever. It's science. :p

Just be white

Could you elaborate on what you mean by tutorial mode? And also what do you mean by "group"? I don't understand how just being attractive puts you into any one group. Other than the being white and single part, that's still an extremely broad range of different kinds of people.

Most women can go in the street drop her pants millions of guys will want her she doesn't have to work also.

Pretty sure the cops would be called if I just went out in the street and dropped my pants. And what do you mean by not having to work?

You don't need to work because lots of men want to give you money.

Actually I can't work because I'm in England on a marriage visitor's visa at the moment and won't be able to work until I marry my fiance. In the past, I haven't worked because of my mental illness and was on disability benefits.

You're a crippled retard and we're still in a worse position than you are. just smash my face with thor's hammer.

I'm happily married and still useless tee hee.

How am I a crippled retard?


Its a monthly allowance by the government if you are unable to work due to physical or mental disabilities

I'm thin and attractive, always worked as do all of my friends. The only way I'd get money is if I prostituted myself out in one way or another and I'm not into that.

i would support you if you would be my loyal wife

You could sell your turds or used clothes for hundreds of dollars. It's hilarious to imagine but it's true and the internet is lousy with women who make a living doing just that.

Well that's crazy to me. Supply and demand though, you'd need to be pretty pathetic to pay for stuff like that. I'd rather work and earn my money.

It doesn't matter how you feel about it. The fact is it's an option for you. And that's why your life is on tutorial mode.

It's only 'tutorial mode' if I choose that path. I choose to earn my money and I work hard for it.

There are multiple reasons why your life is easier. I used that example as an illustration of how you have an abundance of ways to leverage your privilege that men, particularly ugly ones, do not. Fine, you're "choosing" to work hard. I don't have a fucking choice.

Care to tell me some of these reasons?

You need me to explain to you why being attractive and female makes your life objectively easier? lol

Because attractive people get treated better in general, that's no secret. But when it comes to family, jobs, money problems, stress, mental illness etc attractive people still go through all that stuff.

Correct. But, attractive people receive support and validation that many ugly people do not, so even if they are going through difficult life circumstances the trauma is blunted.

I don't deny that.

So what's your point and why are you here?

Because a lot of what you lot say is so exaggerated it's ridiculous. There's truth to some of it. People are more shallow than ever, sex is a commodity, less people are opting for monogamous relationships etc but you stretch it to the point that young men could just give up even trying before they've even begun. Most incels I've spoken to have never even been close to a woman or asked her out. I'm sad for the guys that aren't hateful and get sucked into this way of thinking.

Seems like you're here for attention and to harvest material for spicy IT posts. I doubt you're sad for anyone here in any sincere way.

Browse through her older posts she's a shit human being.

Pretty much this

It's a metaphor retard

Pretty sure the cops would be called if I just went out in the street and dropped my pants

The "pretend to be stupid" approach, or you just have autism.

Well, I am currently in England where public nudity is legal, assuming you're in America however, in most states (also in most other countries) public nudity can and will get you fined or even jailed. It is legal in New York for a woman to go topless, and even most of the police don't know this, a woman went topless for a day there as an experiment and IIRC she was arrested at least three times.

men still work more overall. women do more part-time shit and retire earlier. it's the main reason you earn less in your lifetime

Young women earn more. It only changes because most women are the main caretaker and take time off to raise families.

it changes because the gravy train of education and hiring massively favouring women comes to an end, and men overtake you. and women decide a lot of these jobs are too stressful and difficult. There is a reason, for example, that every big tech company has been started by a guy, and there is no female equivalent to Elon Musk, Steve Jobs, Mark Zuckerberg or Bill Gates

That's not true at all. It's mainly because most women take time off to raise kids.

They choose to work more than men, they don't ever have to work.

Just means it's easier for women to find jobs. You said it yourself:

It's mainly because most women take time off to raise kids.

Unemployed women mainly choose to be unemployed while betabux puts food on the table. Men are just forced into unemployment.

insecure little boys.

Emasculating men and enforcing toxic masculinity as always, dumb normie.

It puts you in the group ”attractive people” obviously

What do you think conventionally attractive white women believe they are entitled to that an ugly women wouldnt be? Or a black or asian woman wouldnt be?

The main contrast is between things women are entitled to over men. Attractive and white just gives those women a higher abundance and more entitlement compared to ugly or ethnic women.

Yeah exactly which is why i didnt mention men, i asked what do white conventionally attractive women think they are entitled to that other women are not?

Nothing, they just think they deserve what they want more than lesser foids

Because white women are by far the most stuck up cunts out of any other demographic of females. They are most likely to have princess syndrome and most likely to slut around hard.

You already know the answer, but I can see you'd rather play dumb.

They are the most desired, by males of all races, thanks to western beauty standards. As a result, white women are the most stuck up cunts with the biggest sense of entitlement. They are by far the most likely to have princess syndrome and most likely to slut around hard.

The fire alarm man already told me the answer i just misunderstood. I was confused and thought op was saying white pretty girls believe they are entitled to things that other girls arent, not that their sense of entitlement was the same thing just bigger.

Its weird that you say white girls are most desired, so many guys here are either totally for or totally against white women. Im not really familiar with what princess syndrome means, is that when they expect things to be handed to them easily?

Its weird that you say white girls are most desired

It's not "weird" at all, it's common knowledge. You're just pretending otherwise because you don't like what you're hearing.

Im not really familiar with what princess syndrome means, is that when they expect things to be handed to them easily?

You know more about roasties than you give yourself credit for.

Why are you here? You obviously aren't an involuntary celibate male. What are you hoping to get out of your time here?

What do you mean? Its nice to hear people desire you. Its weird bc its not what im used to, usually people irl and online don't outwardly comment on race and when they do they typically end up being on either end of the extremes. When that stuff isnt in your face you dont really think about it so when its shown to you it is weird and jarring. But i think thats just another point to note that white women dont have to think about our race so that could be an entitled thing too im not sure.

Im here for a bunch of reasons

I agree the attractive women probably have it easier than ugly ethnic women but it's not because of entitlement, blame society for making it easier for us.

ethnic womans on suicide watch

Its one thing to be frustrated over someones entitlement but to die over it? come on.

"suicide watch" is a meme, lurk more ethnic foid.

Im white sorry

Those 3 words are the why the West is in such a shit state

holy shit are you white ? be my girlfriend plz

fucking white slut.... be my gf

Being a woman period is life on tutorial mode with console commands, hacks, and a pro player sitting in for you.

No, definitely not.

You sabotaged yourself by going full whale, yet you could still attract hundreds of men to clean the crumbs out of your waffle. Don’t pretend it’s hard.

I'm not pretending.

Then you're delusional.

Do you realize that countless men have worked their ass off in school, jobs, and the gym, harder than you’ve ever worked in your entire life? And even then they still can’t get a woman because they’re too short or their skin is too dark or their face is too weird. All you have to do is get off your ass and make literally the tiniest effort. It’s so easy for you, and yet you choose to complain and do nothing.

For the most part, I see men actually trying to improve themselves to some degree on this subreddit. There are a lot of gymcels here who have god tier bodies but subhuman faces. They are forced to work much harder than the average person, just to enjoy the same things that a woman can enjoy by simply existing. And they still get rejected.

I don’t think you’re understanding how easy your life is, and how easy it is to improve it. If you made a fraction of a man’s effort to do something with yourself, you would find a boyfriend without a problem.

She already has a boyfriend lol.

Debug mode lol

thanks to tinder.

Must be like standing in front of the worlds biggest buffet with 5 empty plates.

tutorial? WTF do they learn?

Tutorials in games are so easy that it's almost impossible to fail. Op says that white woman can do whatever they want and will never totally fail in life. There's the joke explained for you.

thanks, boy this low IQ really holds me back, duh , IT told me women hate me cause I'm smelly, clothes go clean in the microwave right?

Its as hard as the cuphead tutorial

I often wonder if young women realise how much less male bosses will expect from them, espsecially if they're attractive. On the flip side I've had some older female bosses who were much harder on the women under them; I guess actually putting some work in and seeing other women get an easy ride from male colleagues breeds contempt.

My ex-girlfriend (Sorry, I'm not completely incel) said that every man has more privilege than every woman. This is from an attractive blonde hair blue-eyed girl who went to private school from preschool to grad school and has a million dollar trust fund. They are so completely unable to empathize with the bottom 99%. She compares her life to CEOs and movie stars, apparently.

Being a woman is life on tutorial mode

I wish I was a white woman.

Stacies are the highest tier and gigachads are the highest tier, obviously they match... Very low IQ comment.

Pretty sure the cops would be called if I just went out in the street and dropped my pants. And what do you mean by not having to work?

The main contrast is between things women are entitled to over men. Attractive and white just gives those women a higher abundance and more entitlement compared to ugly or ethnic women.

it's a fag, not a foid.

ethnic womans on suicide watch