Wife cheated on husband before getting married. Makes up a "rape" story to justify it.

37  2018-05-27 by billandrade


Story has plenty of red flags. 1. Coworker had made creepy comment to wife yet she still decides to go to his house. 2. Decides to have a glass of wine when shes alone with coworker. 3. She knew that sometimes her medication and alcohol didnt mix well and decides to drink anyway. 4. She doesnt tell husband about it til after they are married even though incident happened when they were engaged. 5. Husband and wife have been together a long time were each others "first". Looks like wife wanted to sleep with someone else before getting married and the guilt of her cheating ate her up so she makes up a half ass "rape" story to confess to husband without him getting mad at her.

People who fake a rape are the worst.

I remember when I doubted a very clearly fabricated sexual assault story posted in here as "evidence for the blackpill" everyone here told me I was a man hating piece of shit.

I agree with you so strongly that i want to explode.

LMAO. You can just tell he is repressing the fact that he knows. He knows what happened, She knows what happened, heck all the other normies know what really happened..but to avoid the painful reality of the blackpill, they won't address the elephant in the room.

He knows and feels something is not right about her story which is why he made the post. He has doubts and wants to see if others see it too.

you cant trust these hoes

She wanted to taste the roastie life for one night with coworker but still stay with husband so what better than a "rape" narrative to ensure you get both

This happens a lot. A death metal band (Decapitated) recently got accused of gang-raping a girl on their tour bus and were detained for a while, ended up with charges dropped because the girl made the story up. She either regretted it, or someone saw her and was gonna tell her boyfriend, so she claimed it was rape to cover her ass (and almost ruined their lives).

Women are willing to make up false rape charges and potentially ruin a man's life just to conceal their own wrongdoing, think about that, then tell me why they should ever be taken seriously.

Oh poor that poor lady, she was clearly there just to have a glass of wine with a friend...it was just that you know...but those damn medication mixed with alcohol made her jump to his dick😊

Omg thats so evil, that pure wuhmen would have never done that if she was sober, like really...a women never ever contradicts herlsef...they arent hypocrites.

Now back to reality how retarded you have to be to believe this crap? Ive taken xanax with alcohol and it doesnt have the effect this guy is describing, actually ivr never heard of a drug that make you jump into a dick unwillingly😉

Idk why would she tell him at all though? It doesnt make sense to make excuses for cheating when the husband didnt even know. Id say shes telling the truth

she probably felt guilty about it, it happens. Knowing that her husband is a cuck she hopes that he will just forgive her

I don't know why bitches can't just live with the guilt. Yea, you fucked up, you should feel bad. But they confess and expect you to make them feel better. I cheated on some girls and never told them. No need to put them through all of that for a relationship near the end anyway.

wtf man, I wasnt implying that she should keep it to herself. Decent human beings have a conscience and dont cheat in the first place

She could've not told him. He would be blissfully unaware with his dignity more or less intact. Instead, she tells him because, "she feels guilty." So she ruined the relationship not by cheating, but by humiliating the guy way after the fact. It would be different if she confessed right away or before they got married but after they got married the decent thing to do would be to no give him that gut-punch of a confession. When girls confess, it's usually because they want you to break up with them. By claiming rape she gets the best of all words, she gets to cheat, gets to be the victim, and has her husband basically eat all his negative feelings because 'it's not her fault' while he has to comfort her. She's sleeping soundly at night while the husband stays up picturing her rape again and again. Fuck that bitch.

Why can't he write more succinctly

This is honestly the perfect cover story. Husband can't confront her about the event and weird inconsistencies without it looking horribly wrong, the guy moved away and she conveniently has no idea where he could have gone, she "wasn't sure what happened" so no rape kit or any evidence whatsoever was taken.