Daily reminder that if you are incel you are stuck on only level 2 of basic human needs. No matter how much of the basic needs you have, you will NEVER have fulfillment in life and ALWAYS be worse off than those who have the third level.

117  2018-05-27 by 488Koala


wasn't sex in the physiological needs category

roasties got ahold of the pyramid of blackpills

women on twitter say Maslow was pro rape because of this.

It gets worse. Having sex (as opposed to intimacy) be a fundamental need was pushed by people like Wilhelm Reich in order to entice Stacy to go out and screw every Chad in town (under the pretext of “checking for compatibility”) and destroy the family unit.

..why? what motivated him? this some "protocols of the elders" thing?

Probably just plain Marxism. At that point it had become clear to the left that simple class baiting wasn’t enough to turn over the world to international communism. So the family along with the nation was put on the chopping block.

As a species it obviously would be. On the other hand, as a species - it's actually statistically likely that it won't be on the table for the majority of sub-prime genetics.

I was reading about Maslow's hierarchy of needs and came across this study https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Minnesota_Starvation_Experiment

They used the point of the experimental group losing interest in sex as they starved to show that the needs at the bottom overtake those at the top so I don't think sex would be at the bottom.

Regardless without intimacy and close friendships it is still extremely difficult to be a happy person.

IMO it's more representing sexual release. I tend to have at least 1 solitary emission per day, so as far as Maslow is concerned, that need is met.


Do you post this in the hopes that someone kills themselves?

You're not even incel, are you? Is this entire group just people who bully others into death and then a bunch of misguided loners who don't realize they're being tortured to death?

I am incel and ethnocel. I have been part of braincels since our old sub was deleted, and I was a member of the incels sub.

We’re past the point of feel-good remedies that help nothing. This is pure self-awareness that 99.9% of the population will never experience.

But the constant reminders. We all know it so why the "daily reminder." It's like the bully in high school never left.

Does it even matter?

If we stop reminding ourselves we might start thinking there's still a chance, and once that hope is dashed against the rocks, kill ourselves en-masse.

Accusatory comments are against the rules. Please be more civil.

I can't even get the "Rest" part correctly. Fuck me, man.

It’s over

It never began. Maybe i'll have actual rest in my grave

I am working on the second level

There is no self-esteem without intimate relationships.

Sort of. It's definitely an easy short cut. But if you get to a point of thinking fuck everyone, your own esteem can get a boost. Such as if everyone is like an IT stereotype, supporting hypergamous women and their promiscuous lifestyle for approval, and you reject that out of pride, its liberating and shows you have self respect.

Anecdotal example, but my confidence increased when i gave up and became a misanthrope.

not gonna lie, this made me feel great. 4 out of 5 could be worse. lack companionship is not that bad to get over but I know that is not for everyone.

not telling you all not to care or see it that way.

its over

Make up your fucking minds bruh...don't you incel niggas hate psychiatry but then post shit made by psychiatirsts and shit.

A crude question crudely asked. Psychology isn't perfect by any means, but it holds some truths.

We don't agree with therapy.

Then why is this post here? Hypocrites my nigga....hypocrites

Therapy is only a small part of psychology dumbfuck. You pass high school?

Lol but based on stuff like this post. Where's your God now bruh? Fucking dumbass nigga.

I lol at how stupid you are. Maslow's pyramid of needs has nothing to do with traditional therap. Therapy is some jew telling you how to cope.

Bruh Maslow was a Jew . Fucking dumbass.

He was one of the good ones then.

Why not?

Therapy doesn't make your life better, it just makes you cope with the shitty life you have.

Depends what kind of therapy you have. CBT (cognitive behavioural therapy) is about changing both your thoughts and your behaviour, so that you live a better life. For example, learning how to sleep better or practice mindfulness so that your negative thoughts are dealt with in a better way, or pushing yourself to be in situations you wouldn't normally be in such as going to places to meet new people. There isn't a magic one-size-fits-all therapy, but there's always something new to try. So many of the people on this sub have just fallen into an echo chamber of their own thoughts, and it makes it really difficult for them to accept that they need to change their thoughts and behaviour

Therapy is helpful if you have legit chemical imbalances or mentall illnesses, but the vast majority of people today are depressed because of life reasons, and therapy doesn't solve that.

That's not true. Anyone who has real depression has a chemical imbalance. And if it develops from life situations (like most stress, anxiety and depression does) then therapy can help you gain a life that you're happier with. I'd recommend that everyone on this sub seeks medical attention, even if they don't believe in therapy then it's likely they'll be able to try antidepressants (unless you're 18 or under, doctors don't like giving them to developing people).

Nah, I'd rather live in the real world than let some jew give me drugs so I become delusional and think I'm happy when I'm not.

"some jew" wow

oy vey goyim, can't criticize da jews, they're da chosen people.

I'm guessing you're American or something cos most of the doctors in my country aren't jewish so i don't really get how that plays into it? Also Jews aren't chosen people their just normal people, I don't understand how anti-Semitism still exists

Yeah, level 4 and 5 don't seem to matter without level 3. Just like level 2 is worthless without level 1.

There's nothing stopping you going out and getting friends to fulfil the third tier.

Friendships can’t replace romantic relationships.

But they are equal on the hierarchy, ergo of equal value. So a friendship is equal to a romantic relationship when it comes to meeting that particular need step on the pyramid.

So if someone doesn’t have anything to eat, you’ll just tell them that they can have a nap and fulfill the first step?

Food is a basic need, not a psychological one. There's a difference.

What Maslow says is that until all the criteria on one step are fulfilled, you can’t advance to the next one.

Oh well.

I think the pyramid is a bit screwed then, because I get prestige and feelings of accomplishment despite being single.

I mean, Maslow is mot necessarily right, and you absolutely can. But do really think friendships can substitute romantic relationships?

They can certainly give you a load of validation as a person without the emotional roller-coaster that relationships can be. They are especially good for a feeling of belonging if you cohabit, like room-mates. My brother lives with me, which certainly makes life considerably less crappy with the lack of romance in my life.

I mean, having friends is nice and all, but the purpose of all life on this planet is to procreate and have their genes live on. If you go against millions of years of conditioning, you will probably have a bad time. I’m not saying you can’t be happy childless, but the majority of people certainly can’t be.

I wasn't given the choice. I don't have kids. Couldn't have kids.

Friends of my parents were childless too. They used to spend a lot of time during their retirement out doing things and going places. Usually with my parents after we left home.

Life is what you make it.

I’m sorry to hear that, but if you had the chance to have kids, would you not want to have them? Just asking.

I did want them, and to find out in your early twenties that it's not possible is crushing, but you pick yourself up, dust yourself off and just get on with it. I started making some very elaborate Christening gowns for friends who were all having kids around that time, and took pleasure in cuddling the babies, and then handing them back when they started to smell like a change was in order...

I really emphatize with you if I might say that. I always wanted kids, and since I’m unattractive, this might not come true. I’m not saying it’s the same as your situation, just I get the feeling. And I’m sorry about it. At least you found things to bring you joy, I hope you’ll find lots of these.

And I hope you find things that bring you as much joy too. So many of the guys here are missing out on a lot of things because of their obsession over relationships and so on. They're so fixed on what they don't have that they neglect to take care of the rest of their lives.

Friends are very important, and it's never too late to make new ones. It's not too late to take up new hobbies or pursue interests that you may have had lurking for a long time. My mum is a good example- she returned to school when she was the age I am now, as a returning adult, to do music lessons. At the age of 45, my mother took up percussion. At the age of 75, she has her own (growing) drum kit, plays in two bands, and loves it.

My parents taught me a lot about life...

You’d be surprised. Lots of people here have a lot going on with their lives. But even if you succeed in something, it feels empty without the thought that you’re appreciated by someone else close to you.

It's funny you say that- I do a lot of sewing, and I have made a few christening gowns in my time. I once made one that took over 15 metres of fabric, was over 50" long, and had more than 300 pearls hand stitched onto it with gold embroidery between them. I showed it to my then-husband, whose only comment about it was: "It's a dress" in a flat monotone. I think in that instance, I would have been happier without the comment from him. It completely destroyed my confidence in what I had made. I am now extremely hyper-critical of my own work.

I'm not trying to say that all relationships are like that, and my friends absolutely loved the gown, and thought it was fabulous. I know my then husband was a complete git in more ways than one. It was just the bit you said about a partner to appreciate things- I would have loved one, but unfortunately ended up with that instead.

With the rise in social media though, our friends are always around to help celebrate the little victories in life, but yeah, it doesn't compare to someone who will grin at you and give you a hug while telling you "well done".

It’s always amazing how much redditors “fucking love” science until it starts to go against what they already believe.

I wish it was, but it's really not. But as a womyn you don't know anything about that.

As a single woman, yes, I do know about that

Friendship is not equal to a relationship. A relationship fills a void that a friendship never can. Many incels have kept female friends, if it's as fulfilling as a relationship why are they all still here? Friendship equal to a relationship, just lol. This is why we don't take wymyn seriously.

Oh dear. You don't get it, do you? You can still go on to the next level of the pyramid with just friends. Relationships are still good, but not as essential as having a good network of friends at the end of the day. I have friends but no relationship, and still manage to achieve the next two tiers of the pyramid.

Relationships are still good, but not as essential as having a good network of friends at the end of the day. I have friends but no relationship, and still manage to achieve the next two tiers of the pyramid.

Don't you think that you being old and dried up is a big contributor to you thinking like this?

I wouldn't say so, no, because even when I was younger I managed feelings of accomplishment without needing validation from a partner, because I had friends and family supporting me.

while agreeing that sex, companionship & intimacy are extremely important this sub does an awful lot of assuming Maslow is correct - there are criticisms of his theory should anyone be motivated to google them

Ha I don’t have safety so it doesn’t matter

And you need the middle to advance to the top. Without it the pyramid collapses

Are you saying that rich people can have problems too?? That just because to pay for food and rent is not an issue, I still feel incredibly unfulfilled and broken as a human being??

we are utter filth to society

Cue the IT idiots: “I hear the jury is still out on ... science.”

Hey dipshits this whole pyramid is about the fact that you can always reach a higher level. There's no limits here

This is a gross neglect of human rights. Wow I can't believe this

Maslow's pyramid is unfalsifiable pseudoscience anyway

I lol at how stupid you are. Maslow's pyramid of needs has nothing to do with traditional therap. Therapy is some jew telling you how to cope.

Bruh Maslow was a Jew . Fucking dumbass.

oy vey goyim, can't criticize da jews, they're da chosen people.