Lesbian pretends to be a man, experiences brutal rejection as an incel and becomes a misogynist as a result

321  2018-05-26 by Ugly_Racial_Subhuman

From the book "Self-Made Man":

"I thought dating was going to be the fun part, the easiest part. Certainly as a man I had romantic access to far more women than I ever did as a lesbian, and this felt like the best of all possible boons. I could partake at last in the assumption of heterosexuality and ask out any woman I liked without insulting her. Of course, I was in for a mountain of rejections, and the self-hatred that came with being the sad sack pick-up artist, the wooing barnacle that every woman is forever flicking off her sleeve.

Sadly, that's how it went for Ned most of the time at first when he tried to meet strange women in singles bars. As I would soon learn, that'€™s how it went for most guys. It was just the way of things in the wild when you were male. You were the eager athlete, the brightly colored bird doing the dance, and she was the German judge begrudging you the nod."


"As Curtis and I said goodnight and walked away, I found myself thinking about rejection and how small it made me feel, and how small most men must feel under the weight of what women expect from them. I was an actor playing a role, but these women had gotten to me nonetheless. None of these interactions mattered. I had nothing real at stake. But still, I felt bad.

So how must men feel when it's a true encounter and everything in the game seems stacked against them? They make the move, or the women bluff them without tipping their hands €”into making the move. The guys step out (stupidly, it now seems to me) into the space between, saying something irreversible and frank, €”a compliment or an outright indication of interest, €”and most of the time the women step away, or laugh disdainfully, and the guys are left with their asses in the wind. That's the sport, and men are the suckers. Women guard the gate and men storm it. Natural selection is brutal, and women do, in the immortal words of Jim Morrison, seem wicked when you'€™re unwanted."


"Dating women as a man was a lesson in female power, and it made me, of all things, into a momentary misogynist, which, I suppose was the best indicator that my experiment had worked. I saw my own sex from the other side, and I disliked women irrationally for a while because of it. I disliked their superiority, their accusatory smiles, their entitlement to choose or dash me with a fingertip, an execution so lazy, so effortless, it made the defeats and even the successes unbearably humiliating. Typical male power feels by comparison like a blunt instrument, its salvos and field strategies laughably remedial next to the damage a woman can do with a single cutting word: no."


This is why lesbians are so angry and gay men are happy. Dealing with femoids is torture

High IQ

no, it's bc men have testosterone and care about fucking like rabbits and women don't. this is why gay men have literally an average over 900 partners in their life time and the highest rates of STDs than any other demo. this is why men complain of sexless marriages to women. and women are not addicted to porn. men care about their cummies, women don't. the only reason women act slutty is bc they are trying to snag a chad to pairbond and breed with, not bc they care about cummies. and as for this artcile, gee, I'm so suprised women don't wan to date a 'guy' the looks and acts like a girl. that's like a dude dressing up like a women and bitching about all the rejection he got from men

I'm so suprised women don't wan to date a 'guy' the looks and acts like a girl. that's like a dude dressing up like a women and bitching about all the rejection he got from men

sounds toxic masculine but ok

also gay men have higher rates of suicide and mental health issuess than straight men. so no.

also gay men have higher rates of suicide and mental health issuess than straight men. so no.

That seems to be false. Some gay men have higher suicide rates than straight men but many do not. Adult gays do not have higher suicide rates than straight men.

Based on the studies that I've read, teenage and young adult gay men have higher suicides rates than their heterosexual counterparts but the segment that has the highest suicide rates are those that conceal their sexual orientation. If this segment is not taken into account, young adult gays do not have higher suicide rates than heterosexual young adults. https://cola.unh.edu/sites/cola.unh.edu/files/student-journals/P12_Schaaff.pdf

Sexually active gay men are, on average happier than sexually active straight men in spite of being more likely to have mental issues. https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/love-inc/201302/are-gay-men-happier-straight-men-1

a study based on 87 people. lol pushed by progressive magazines. do people even look at methodology anymore? these are the same people btw, that say there are 88363622 genders, and that we need to teach males not to rape. I don't doubt that there is a difference between outed gays and repressed one. and obviously men who are getting lots of sex are going to be happier than men who aren't getting constant sex. which happens in the gay community. you have a constant stream of constant fucking and hook up sex for basically all gays, bc they're all men. and women, believe it or not, put on the breaks for sex bc they care more about intimacy and pairbonding. which is why there are not even close number of STDs or partners amongst lesbians as there is gay men.

> This is why lesbians are so angry and gay men are happy. Dealing with femoids is torture


Men are the stable element in relationships and women are the unpredictable wild cards that constantly need to be pleased and appeased and always believe they deserve better than whatever they are getting. Lesbian relationships are extremely volatile and usually don't last a long time. Lesbian women really want their relationships to succeed and often marry their partners, but as soon as they start living under the same roof, they start having frequent petty arguments and eventually end up breaking up with mutual hatred. This happens because women often don't have the emotional maturity required to make the best of their relationships.

To keep two women together for a long time one needs a man to rule over them and mediate between them. Understandably, Lesbians don't want that.


Ali think it's the gender bender dudes who chop off their tackle that have the high suicide rate.

This is why lesbians are so angry and gay men are happy. Dealing with femoids is torture.


you have a constant stream of constant fucking and hook up sex for basically all gays, bc they're all men. and women, believe it or not, put on the breaks for sex bc they care more about intimacy and pairbonding.

Yes, women do care more about such things, at least in theory. But they are also more emotionally immature than men and are often very selfish and entitled. Men are the stable element in relationships while women are unpredictable wild cards that constantly need to be pleased and appeased and always believe they deserve better than whatever they are getting. Lesbian women really want their relationships to succeed and often marry their partners, but as soon as they start living together, they find out that they have a hard time putting up with each other's presence. Frequent petty arguments, fights, constant bickering are a the norm for many Lesbian couples and their relationships tend to be very volatile and short-lived.

To keep two women together for a long time one needs a man to rule over them and mediate between them. Understandably, Lesbians don't want that.


Yes too be honest I think women might be the reason why society as a whole hates gay men. Women are jealous of how happy men are dating eachother that they don’t have to deal with all the drama women brings and they get mad and try to make being gay wrong. How many times have you been in an argument with a female and she questions your manhood as one of her insults?

Lol this is so true, r/inceltears go to insult is accusing you of being gay.

No, they do that because people here seem so obsessed with chad.

Yeah and thinspo posting girls are closeted lesbians.

I think you might be incorrect

Men also question the manhood of others as an insult. Violence against gays is mostly done by other men.

Highest domestic abuse rates are in the lezzo community.

I'm really happy. Most the lesbians I know are also happy.

Let's see your loving couple

See what exactly? My gf and I were best friends before lovers so we are more than happy.

Show me a pic

Nah, you have been toxic af to me in other threads. I've shown some people my pics here but no chance im sharing them with someone who has shit talked me like you.

Get the fuck out of here you entitled stupid fucking cunt.

You all see how she tries to leverage her appearance and girlishness for niceness tokens like the entitled NiceGirl slut she is?

Can you explain to me what I said that was entitled? Or just using buzz words and stirring the crowd?

Lol I know fr

Yoire a big meanie!!!

same, show me a pic pls

It's gone

No you are not. And you know you all are pretending

I genuinely have never been happier. I'd love to share some with you 💜


At least have the humility to engage in good faith on this sub, on this subs terms, rather than condescend

I try to but thanks for appreciating that


No happy, self adjusted individuals would find the time nor the will to post here, and on multiple occasions .The truth is you have a shit life like every other self called "normies" posting here.

As a shit-life (I'm not joking here, my life IS shit, not my sex life, but my life is fucking tragic - i tried to kill myself a couple months ago), non-incel. I admit - that is Definitely why I post here.

But the other part is, I really am absolutely fascinated by the projection of hate. Like this is somehow someone else's fault and/or problem?

I just don't understand why you hate everyone else, because your life is shit?

I don't hate "everyone else" But I do hate all those who made my life a fucking hell, and all of those who comes to my venting place to tell me I deserved it or that I made it up or that I just need to be myself and respect women and other autistic "advice".

I'm happy

I have an amazing life with free time. So I can burn some of it commenting here. Seems like a dark outlook of reddit haha.

You can't be Stacy if you're lesbian. Stacy only applies to heterosexual women.

What am I then? One guy who has seen my pic said I'm a Becky lol so idk

You dedicate your free time to harassing unfortunate lonely men online. That's not something a happy person does, dearie.

I dont harass anyone. I have disagreements but I never attack the person just the argument. Conversation here is confrontational with me but that's what makes it interesting.

"makes it interesting" you say, like we are a fucking zoo. Typical fucking femoids.

Try telling that to all us unwanted curry fags.

Yup, not all fags are created equal

the fuck are you doing here?

Curry fags are mostly virgin Incels.

Even the homopill can't save currycels. RIP

You wish. We hate each other.

He forgot to mention the tidbit where the lesbian found that nearly all attraction from females is mental. It's all personality, she even revealed her true gender and some women still wanted to continue her relationship

Women come to this sub just to tell you that you have "bad personalities." It's like, fuck right the hell off, you know?

I'm just saying man, read the book or watch the documentary

She's about 40. Looks matter much less at that age because everyone looks like shit.

I've got some bad news for you.... lol

It's true.

I'm around 40, looks still matter.

Far less.

Yes, please, keep informing me about how dating works in my demographic lol.

Please keep posting on an Incel sub while posting shit like this: https://np.reddit.com/r/asktrp/comments/75l3o4/how_to_spin_plates/

LOL you went through my post history? Listen kid, I'm black pilled and a norman so I know wymyn better than you by default.

Gay guys basically own the easy-sex game. I can't even imagine how good it must be for an even 'semi-attractive' gay guy who just wants sex.

Dealing with women is torture in itself.

if they weren't all so radical misandrists and more like her we may as well befriend more of them :P.

No, please don't. Even without the misandry, I don't think they're worthy of friendship. Well, most of them anyway.

This should be required reading in some capacity

Slap excerpts on the sideback.

A btfoing for the ages

Needs to be stickied.

I've read the book before, the rest is pretty unremarkable, only the dating portion had any real insights

Even other women are blackpilled on female nature.


Us at Braincels should have her as a big sis!

We already have a gigantic Big Sis..

We need another one a hot one. Both can be out big sis!

A lesbian who is masculine enough to dsguise herself as a man probably isn’t hot.

All we really need is rope, and a place to tie it off.

Damn right. ROPE RIGHT NOW.







What more needs to be said? A woman black pills herself while undercover pursuing her own gender that she has a lifetime of knowledge and experience with. If any personalities are compatible with women, it's other women and look how that ended up...

There's also a bit in there I'm too lazy to look up where she talks about having to set up the date, having to account for everything and having to impress women who were offering absolutely nothing except their physical presence.

You guys really have a lot of anger issues. The stuff you get mad at are the traditional ways of things, which in my opinion, I really appreciate it when a guy puts in effort for a date. There are plenty of men who don’t want to. And that’s whatever. You don’t want it, you don’t want it. Simple. But you also can’t just waltz in, thinking you’re on a high horse and a gentlemen and try to act like one, fail miserably, and then blame it on the girls. There’s a category for that: “the other nice guy”. It’s the fake nice guy who really just feels entitled. Girls see right through that. That’s why for a majority of the people on here that call all girls sluts, no one wants to date you.

If you were actually genuinely nice and didn’t think AT ALL for one second that you “DESERVED” this girl, then I’m sorry, you might have a lot better luck next time. Just keep trying. There’s literally over 7.5 billion people on this planet.

Side note: I’m a heterosexual girl dating a guy. He and I BOTH put in effort to figure out where we’re going for the date and generally we go dutch (as in we both pay for our parts of the date). Maybe it’s because we’ve been dating for a while, I’m not sure, but it’s generally been like this.

Tldr - "I'm not like other girls tehehe."

More like “Y’all are either gay guys in disguise or need to work on your people skills. Or get a therapist. tehehe xoxo”

She didn't even realize we were talking about a book, just launched right into cliche mode not realizing she was arguing against another woman's experience.

Full virtue signaling mode.

I'm utterly convinced that normies don't even read anymore, they look for what they think is low hanging fruit and just go into platitude-spew mode.

every void should be forced to live as a male for a year.

Agreed. F#cking cosplaying dykes.

Fuck I've been lurking on this sub for a while and I am in a relationship but this right here really shows the blackpill women have all the power in dating and we are one in ten thousand that they can choose from

Yeah, f#ck those thots.

They have more power then you in dating dont let them control the rest of your life

Incels come here... so that they power over us.

Daily reminder that a female has power over all of us in this sub. You can't escape.


Tee hee I'm a lezzielicker and am so happy anecdotal evidence all my rugmunchers are living perfect lives ur just misogynists.

If the IT posters had to even live one month as an incel they would completely change their stance on all of this, as that woman did. They have no idea what it's like, I don't either entirely (escaped long ago) but at least I can empathize.

Every single IT poster IS an incel. They just cover their pain up with gay little video game groups and positive comment karma farming.

There is a fucking reason why there are far more Men2Women trans than Women2Men.

are there any stats on this? i thought it was just me but it seems like 99% is trans people are MtF

It's because autism. A lot of trannies are autistic, and autism mainly affects men.

Also autogynephilia. A lot of men fetishise themselves being women, but women do not seem to do this at all. Autogynephilia is probably the most common reason for men to transition.

what are you doing here?

Explaining one of the contributing factors to the higher proportion of MTFs to FTMs.

Are you a female?

No, male.

fuck off with your agenda

What makes you entitled to say that?

Where are all the Normans?

The effect isn't permanent, she doesn't keep hating women, and does land a succesful date (acting as a man) and even has sex. I know cause I've read the whole book.

She also explains that certain things were easier as a man. But hey, let's cherry-pick, right?

Hey, Girlysprite, just a quick heads-up:
succesful is actually spelled successful. You can remember it by two cs, two s’s.
Have a nice day!

The parent commenter can reply with 'delete' to delete this comment.

If IT users can cherry pick then so can we.

You guys just don't FUCKING GET IT do?

And what exactly was easier as a man?

Not getting killed in a relationship. Men and women both face hardships. Both different. Walking around on the street in the evenings was experienced easier and less threatening as a man, as other men don't keep staring at other men to display dominance (in general), while it is a more uncomfortable and even dangerous experience as a woman.

If we look at hardships beyond the scope of this book, there are a lot of hardships to list for each gender. Women are more likely to get killed by their partner. Men are less likely to get custody of the kids. Women are more likely to be perceived as less knowledgeable and professional at work, men are preceived as less capable as a parent. Men are hurt by lots of rebuffals in the dating scene, women have to keep thinking of how their choices impact their safety (if I take this drink from him, can it be drugged? If I go to his home, will he try something I don't want? If I say no, will he get violent?. If I go along with this flirting, will I ne considered a slut?) What if we could create a dating scene where men don't have to afraid to ask, and women don't have to be afraid to ask and get flirted with either?

Not getting killed in a relationship

LOL I knew this was coming. Holy shit, women really do have an irrational fear of being murdered huh? I hate to break it to you, but 77% of homicide victims are men, and almost 90% of men will be a victim of some violent crime at least once in their lives.

What if we could create a dating scene where men don't have to afraid to ask, and women don't have to be afraid to ask and get flirted with either?

This will never happen.

Women have smaller brains though, it is why they can only make emotional arguments. You know it's bad when logic, science and statistics are frequently considered mansplaining.

What exactly was the emotional part then? Women getting killed more in relationships, getting catcalled more, and so on: is supported by statistics.

Fuck off. Men are just as likely to become victims of violent crime as women. Stop with this bullshit that it is safer for men to walk around at night just because crimes committed against them are less likely to be considered rape.

But women are more likely to be raped in such a scenario. Also, men are acting less on risk, and engage in more risky behaviour, while women are more risk averse. Also, when it comes to a domestic setting, women get killed more often by their partner then men. With homocide in general, men are the victim more often.

There are many types of violent crime, and who the perpetrators are and who the victims are really differs per type and setting. Also remember that men are also way more likely to commit violent crimes.

So by definition Chads and normies are more likely to murder you in a relationship but you're still out here spitting on incels?

The point where an incel gets into a relationship he's no longer an incel right (assuming most/all relationships include sex). It does not mean that when we look at grand totals of violent crime, incels come away looking supercool. But hey, if I look at raw numbers I should just avoid all men right? Because they cause most of it.

Look, when we check out violent crime, the perps, the victims, it becomes clear that there are a LOT of factors that play a part, and society could improve in a lot of ways. And yes, society can improve in lots of ways. (Like, stop the missing white woman syndrome already, look it up if you haven't heard the term before) If we'd stop looking down on men who don't conform to classic ideas of masculinity, men get more freedom. Freedom to be a stay at home dad. Freedom to feel sad and cry. Freedom to ask for support and help.

jfl no incel will ever get into a relationship, that's the point ya mook.

Also jfl at a woman who only dates 6 foot tall white Chad complaining about missing white woman syndrome and effeminate men not having the 'freedom' to do effeminate things.

Missing white woman syndrome is the name for this: if a (young) white woman goes missing or is murdered, there is a LOT more news coverage then for murdered and missing men. There is even less attention for men of color who are victims. So yeah,quite often you'll see more men complaining about it, because it affects them negatively.

And I'd think that incels (as in: people in this subculture) would like the idea if we relieve the pressure on men to perform in tightly defined gender roles. You hate that you aren't regarded manly im tje current culture, but at the same time, you want this culture around menhood to stay as it is?

What the fuck are you blabbering about? All I am saying is that men also have to be cautious about crime and personal safety as do women. The idea that men don't have to worry about their safety alone at night is ludicrous.

Go ahead. Be cautious.

Not getting killed in a relationship.


wow … powerful piece of writing. credit to writer for having the balls to step outside the sisterhood and say it


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Yeah and meanwhile guys will usually only approach attractive girls. Is it bad that the attractive girls then go and only say accept the attractive guys? Both are seeking attractiveness. It is an error of judgement to believe that the odds are completely stacked unfairly against women.

Just date wymyn you're not attracted to bro.

And you expect women to date men they're not attracted to?

Yeah and meanwhile guys will usually only approach attractive girls.

If you happen to know any single unattractive women, please send them to this sub. They'll have thousands of desperate men to pick from. Assuming, of course, that they aren't obese or much older than the average user of this sub.

Both are seeking attractiveness. It is an error of judgement to believe that the odds are completely stacked unfairly against men. Try approaching a girl you know is not good looking then see what happens?

It depends on why she is unattractive. If it is because no fault of her own and not because of obesity, many incels would more than happy to date her, even if she is a 2 out of 10. If she is unattractive due to old age, then she shouldn't expect men much younger than herself to show interested in her. Of course, women judge 80% of men to be unattractive and won't date them as long as top-tier men are willing to sleep with them.

do you ever even go outside? i see average looking girls paired with average looking guys and even the occasional couple where the guy is a bit less attractive than the girl. go to the closest major city and walk around for a few hours and see if the idea that women don't date anyione except the top 20% of men holds up.

The average woman finds out out sooner or later that top-tier men don't want to commit to her or marry her. In her mid to late twenties she's likely to look elsewhere if she wants marriage and kids -- which most women want. There must be an incentive for any woman, attractive or not, to lower her standards and stop hooking up with men above her level of attractiveness for the sake of pursuing a long-term relationship. Women will grudgingly date average looking men who have accomplished something in their lives because they need someone to have children with.

Below average men just don't bring anything to the table except if they can compensate for their ugliness with wealth and social status. If they can't, women much rather continue to hook-up with chads than date them.

Slap excerpts on the sideback.

I try to but thanks for appreciating that