It's been good lads, but I'm roping myself.

157  2018-05-26 by Kimchicel

Even though my account is new (my previous account was banned) ive been lurking and commenting on braincels and incels for like 4 years. I'm Asian, so my parents expect me to to go to a good ivy league or something. But instead I've been rejected from most of my apps (despite being tenth in my class of 600), and I haven't committed to any schools yet cause I know that I'm not going to live till next year. All of the roasties I know are going to UCLA or ucsd or something, continuing to live their pure ecstacy of life while being cunts to everyone for at least another ten years. My life is basically screwed, cause I'll either die a virgin or betabuxx some used up slut. I'll ultimately just end it, just because I'd rather die a virgin than die a beta bux. I know femoids wholl never give me the time of day will out of no where tell me I'm loved or some shit, so just don't even try.

I bought my rope like 2 months ago after I was rejected from UCLA, and I have everything prepared. I'm not going to go over my whole life or reasons to kill my self but just think for a moment. An ugly Korean immigrant whose 5'5, has strict awful Asian parents, is a kissless virgin who never had a gf, and doesn't even live up to the meme of being smart, and it shouldn't be to surprising. To make this even worse I have two younger sisters who always brings white Chads home when my parents aren't home and fucks him on MY bed (because mines bigger).

It's been a good bad run, even running kpop game didn't work. I'm glad I was at least blackpilled at a young age.


Saint Blackops2cel will be waiting for you at the gates of Heaven.

To make this even worse I have two younger sisters who always brings white Chads home when my parents aren't home and fucks him on MY bed



See you on the flip side , dont do it though

why not just go to community college then transfer? thats what i did. also going to uni is not everything. i got stem degrees and im still a retarded incel

Its not about the education for the future, it's also about the experiences that I could live while in college. Like I said, I'm most likely going to beta bux but I'd rather die instead

if ur NT you can get sex. just because u dont get any in HS does not mean u wont in college. besides i went through uni with no sex and basically no friends and the only thing i regret is not talking to my professors to work for them everyone else can go fuck themselves

Give yourself more time to think about this. You may be committing a mistake that you can never undo. Finish undergrad first.

if it means anything, i went to ucla and no one even distinguished between transfer students and 4-year students. i knew plenty of transfers in my social circle who joined fraternities or whatever and still got the full "college experience." plus as you probably know even a chimpanzee could transfer into even the best uc schools with the way the transfer process is set up

incel is incel, but a lot of your grief seems to be college-based and you can still make that shit happen

Good luck dude

Thanks nigga

STEM will only make you more incel. Join Hollywood as comic relief so that you can increase your social status. Maybe eventually you'll land a foid like Abby Nierman who will accuse you of rape after a year, for giving her the wrong type of wine and after she sucks your dick twice.

Aiming for Hollywood will make you poor since he is ugly and he also happens to be a ricecel. STEM will make him money at the very least.

run Kpop game


do it

Wait, can you transfer all of your money to my paypal?

If you have become so apathetic towards life why not just live life on the edge instead - Ride a motorcycle through a mall, break into cars and then joyride them through open fields before abandoning them, buy some weed and then sucker punch the dealer.

I'm thinking of driving to a different state to buy a gun, Idk where to shoot tho

That's not how being suicidal works. All of that means NOTHING to a suicidal person. It's as appealing as watching dirt move to someone suicidal.

JFL at normies' lack of ability to comprehend how suicidal people think

I was once suicidal now I switch between death wish and optimism depending on the day.

I've been living that same way one day at a time the past 20 years straight. I try to live for the benefit of other people and try to make everyone I meet better off for it. It only ever got more and more difficult for me as the years progressed, but I kept getting stronger as well.

I know those young years are the part where I just barely made it by the skin of my teeth. I can't say the future will be an easy one; it's a nightmare. But I regret nothing having steeled myself for it and having taken pride in the fact that I'm going through life on nightmare mode.

I'm proud of you for having gotten this far in life, the decision is yours alone to make and I hope you are at least well informed and certain that you're making the right choice.


Have you thought about youth in asia?

What do you mean?

Have you considered becoming a monk?

becoming a monk is impossible if you're doing so to cope away from being a normie

Good luck

Thanks nigga

What about traveling to Korea for a while, youd have the similar culture, be away from your parents and have better chance with women there. I knew an Asian kid from Australia that all the girls in my highschool loved for his accent

I've went to Korea like ten times and I hated it, I actually think American femoids aren't as bad as korean foids for a lot of reasons. Going to Korea won't change anything

I'm White and much prefer Asian women. Maybe its the grass is always greener concept, White women always treated me like shit despite me being polite and courteous. I was even spit at by a White feminist once for holding the door open for her, another with a Mexican bf in college laughed at and ridiculed me when I was just in the library minding my own business trying to study.

Both women are awful, it's just the korean foids are more materialistic

Thanks for that blackpill.

Just LMFAO at thinking you're helping by saying this. You're actually just reaffirming his desire to kill himself LMFAO. Asian women are literally race betrayers; they HATE Asian men. Asian will do anything for white cock, even date the lowest of white men. The reason you don't have any success with white women is because white women aren't as desperate as Asian women. They have larger egos and will only date 8/10++ Chad's. The reason you don't have any luck with white women is because you're probably around average looking, which is clearly not good enough for hypergamous white women, but it's acceptable to westernized noodle whores. Honesty just lol, JBW theory confirmed. According to OKCupid users, Asian women prefer white men and Asian guys about the same.

women preferred men of their own race  but they otherwise penalized both Asian and black men

Asians are at a disadvantage. Fact.

Yes, otherwise. Asian women did not penalize Asian men because they're of their own race. In fact, in the year in which they posted this (2014), they preferred Asian men 6% more (24% vs 18%).

that's because yellowcunts on okcupid are looking for a betabux they're not in their prime looking for a fuck. If you want to know their real preference, look at asian foids in college and shortly after.

Do you have any evidence that Asian female OKCupid users are looking for betabuxes? The other data is similar to the other dating site they mentioned.

I can confirm this after talking to an Asian mudshark/white worshiper.

I'm White and much prefer Asian women

the memes write themselves man

you're racist

you're the racist one if you like really, really think about it.

He'll be one of those guys that imports a Thai hooker and marries her.

and make little hapacels.

You are racist for assuming theres anything inherently wrong with hapa children. You are no different than a 1 drop rule racist 150 years ago in America.

cunts like you make hapas. gtfo.

Fuck off you 1 drop rule racist punk bitch, I'll date whoever the fuck I want and you won't do shit about it but cry on reddit

You could try Black women, some of them really like Asian guys

The black women in la are either ghetto or are white worshippers, it doesn't change man

Guess its really over then.

It's ogre

Cope or rope. Suicide is a permanent solution to a persistent problem, but you’ll miss out on all the copes.

blessings of st.blackops2cel upon you bro

Good luck next life bro

Good bye

Wait send me your money don’t let it go to waste 😁

Love you fam

I had the same concerns in high school. Thought college was about partying and meeting women. Newsflash: its not. College is about setting yourself up to have a fat ass paycheck in 4 years. Do not fuck this step up. It costs a lot of money, and you'll want to make the most of it academically. Being well off is very euphoric even without companionship. You can buy lots of drugs and flex on other niggas.

bye anon. Hopefully I am as strong as you one day. I plan to sudoku in 2 years too.

Goodbye Kimchi.

My brother, I didn't catch this post early enough. I hope you managed to reconsider.


i'm sure no one opposes this man's canonization?

Praise St. Kimchicel

At least wait for fuckbots, in a few years you can live in the forest with your mechanical waifu.


get your LoL koreans together and hunger strike for pussy

Do what you have to do my man... i hope the afterlife is better for you than the one you were given on Earth.


It's crazy how rarely you see responses like these to posts about suicide on this sub. It is truly a toxic cesspool of self-hate, regular hate, and the occasional rape fantasy. Zero value but to drag the psychologically vulnerable deeper toward OPs like this. Disgusting.

I've never seen this group before today but this post made me feel very sad.

It makes me feel so sad as a person to see this level of hopelessness.

Cool. Because most of us do feel this hopeless.

Try living with hopelessness for 30 years.

Hope only leads you to depression when it inevitably gets crushed.

We don't give a fuck about your pity. Leave us alone to die off in peace.

There's a low tolerance for bullshit platitudes here because incels have been forced to learn in the most painful way possible how misleading, cruel, and useless they are. People who prefer cliches can visit literally any other sub or forum on the Internet.

This is a sub for finding company in shared misery, not helping each other. Most of us are beyond help.

Fair enough. But it seems to, consistently, lead its users down a path to a - significantly - lower quality of life. Or worse, open hatred of others and discourse and narratives so grotesquely anti-social and amoral that literally ANY alternative to participation in it is probably preferable.

If it was just a safe-injection site for self-pity and validation through shared experience, that's be no problem, even healthy maybe. But this is a garden for growing ticking time bombs of suffering that spreads into IRL communities.

No, it's the other way around and we all know you'll never admit that so go away.

People come here because IRL communities reject them sexually and otherwise. This is so deeply humiliating to the male psyche, and to a happy human life and any positive sense of self, that many kill themselves. You are putting the cart before the horse. People don't get unhappy because of incels. People don't stop chasing women because of porn. Video games don't cause violence.

I am not at all saying Incel communities create the monsters. Without question, society, broken cultures, ludicrous norms, and yes, a deepening cruelty among women, create them. Repeated cruelty by others, which is rewarded out there, creates them. I am 100% with you all up to that point.

But then what happens when those cracked creatures get here? Catharsis, of course, at least initially. Validation. Belonging. All good things. But then what? Assimilation into what? Maybe users in these communities don't care about being better monsters than the ones who created them. But they very quickly become as bad or close. And they should at least be self-aware about that hypocrisy. Any high ground they had when they arrive here is gone in a matter of weeks and months.

Normie logic truly is the worst, lol.

It's ridiculous to say that this sub is responsible for creating human monsters and hurting people because it's insufficiently positive. Do you think incels invented fatalism? That the miserable people who come here would never have read about or even been aware of the existence of any sort of amoral, negative narrative or philosophy if they hadn't see it here?

The majority of the men posting here have been shut out of a hugely important part of the human experience for reasons beyond their control. They've been driven to mental illness by the combination of a desire for relationships, intimacy and sex that is natural, biological and inescapable, and the fact that they will never have any of it. We can't have it but can't stop wanting it. Every day we see people who do, but when we dare to say that we want what everyone else does, we're called entitled. It's absurd to expect people in this situation to be responsible for the psychological well-being of others.

See my response above. I don't disagree with anything you just said. I've experienced some this first-hand, though certainly not to the extent many here have. Still, I'm very sympathetic to arguments like the ones you just made.

What I take issue with are the things that manifest and grow from the culture here, which began simply enough, but seems to have evolved into something more militant, ugly, acidic. I understand the desire is NOT betterment, acceptance, or normalization. But sure that mean that degradation and further derangement are acceptable outcomes of long-term exposure to this culture?

What I take issue with are the things that manifest and grow from the culture here, which began simply enough, but seems to have evolved into something more militant, ugly, acidic

Give concrete examples, where it is clear the context is not satirical or hyperbolic

The impressions you mention aren't totally off-base. It's probably the case that when your views are negative enough there isn't much difference between explaining and advocating for them (which everybody does; everyone wants to be understood and validated) and "cultivating viciousness".

It's also not exactly news that people who feel mariginalized or humiliated sometimes lash out, or at least try give back a little of the shit that they've taken. (Please note that I'm not justifying physical violence here.)

There's nothing that can be done to fix our inceldom, so we do the only thing we really can: share our experiences so we can briefly feel a little less alone. As for "acceptable outcomes": who cares? I'm not a fan of the word "cuck" that gets used here, but it's hard to imagine anything more cuck than worrying about the approval of people who've made it clear that you are unwanted.

boohoo I can't get my dick wet because I'm an asshole and have impossible unrealistic standards waaah

I read your comment and now I am a 8/10 Chad lite with a Veronica. Thanks for posting. You may leave now. No need to come back.

Substantive and super quippy! The point was not that anyone is here to "save" anyone. The point was that, hey! What if this community focused on shared experience and wasnt infested with quippy, sociopathic, parasite-twats who can't even pull off "snarky, angsty clever" with any originality?

Be that change - leave this place.

Coming from a person who writes shitloads of pointless dreck with no substance that is rich.

Oh shit! Well, I never anticipated running into Philip Roth, himself, in the bowels of r/braincels. Sir! I have nothing to say for myself.

Haha. I'd say I, at least, match - and typically exceed - the substance of the discourse on this shit-fueled, hate-scow of a community. But really, that's not a super high bar. And what is it that you add, boss?

Funny thing is that you think you are being intelligent and witty but in all truth, I've no fucking idea what you're trying to convey.

How about we take turns beating your ass

You can't scare me. I gave birth to two babies back to back with no pain meds, bruh.

I'm not trying to scare you

I don't want to argue with you. I wish you well.


What a shocker, another woman that thinks you can find a partner just by living your life. Women will never be able to understand loneliness, they have had men begging to date them since puberty.

He has barely scratched the surface of what life has to offer. He's a kid not even old enough to buy a beer.

I'm not interested in having a contest to see who has suffered more. I'm not pretending to have suffered.

I'm saying he shouldn't kill himself. Are you saying he should? Shit.

And as for finding a partner, a lot of you all are still kids who need to figure out how to be healthy, secure, and able to provide for a family before you start thinking about having a partner.

He has barely scratched the surface of what life has to offer.

I think we're all aware of this. Personally I am going to rope because every day I see how much the world has to offer, so many things to do and see, people to meet, it's all really complicated and interesting, the things people have done are amazing, so much to think about and experience. But I just get to observe that shit, being a subhuman looking through the glass at what life has to offer, rope is the only answer for a lot of us

And as for finding a partner, a lot of you all are still kids who need to figure out how to be healthy, secure, and able to provide for a family before you start thinking about having a partner.

Case in point about af/bb.

Ya know. Most of the time I hate the fucking black pill, but when these wenches outright state:

you don't get in on the fun until you're "responsible" and older and can provide for me and my children, for now I'm going to hop on the fun carousel with attractive guys until you get "responsible"

I'm thankful we all know the bullshit game they're playing.

NO HYMEN NO DIAMOND. If that means no marriage, then nothing changed.


I love incels. Impossible standards + little to offer women + horrible attitude.

impossible standards just want a virgin just like we are

The older you get the more ridiculous that is. It has zero impact on your potential relationship. That's like me saying I need a car my whole life would be better, it's all I need. Honda civic? Go fuck yourself, I want a Mercedes. Just fuck whomever is into it and have fun.

I would but no one is into it and probably no one ever will be

How old are you? I didn't get laid until I was 19. Probably would have been a lot longer but got really lucky. Didn't start getting regular sex until 25. Things change. I changed. Slowly. Still sucks.

21, it’s not a matter of me being too young it’s just never going to happen

Quote of a generation, thanks for that

Give me a break! I've been with my husband since I was 18 years old. 20 years, one man, five kids. That's okay, keep being miserable. I'm sure that'll work out great for you. Honestly, I think a lot of you guys are actually gay but in deep denial about it. You claim to want women, yet you hate women, and then obsess about Chad. Why don't you just admit that you're jealous of women because they are getting Chad when you want him for yourself.


Maybe homophobia should be against the rules?

I’m not a conservative what so ever...but they have a point.

Why should they be virgins and lose it to a non-virgin?

Look, I get it.

Many these guys are virgins probably late teens and early 20s, I was an incel then too so your claim that they can’t expect to find a virgin themselves and be 25. can see the resentment there at least can’t you?

LOL they just want us to fall in line and pick up the scraps

He has barely scratched the surface of what life has to offer.

Life has nothing to offer for an incel, dumbass


Is there no point to life besides finding a partner? For what, sexual gratification? A need to show them off as some kind of proof of having self-worth? You talk about understanding loneliness, yet you’d rather encourage suicide than be there for someone who really needs someone to talk to.

incels get rejected in all facets of life not just relationships. TRUECELS will never be taken seriously because of how physically unsettling they look. it effects, work, social life, hobbies etc. the rabbit hole goes much further than just being undesired by women. truecels are merely fillers in this society.

Think how much the world has changed in the last 100 years and extrapolate another century into the future. Kid is not even 20; who knows what sort of life-improving developments will occur in OP's lifetime? Dude could be living it up on the Holodeck before this thing is through.

Also, what's so bad about the 'beta bux' life? Posters on this sub suggest that only 10-20 percent of males are 'chads'. Is popular consensus that the remainder have lives not worth living? Doesn't a short, ugly US citizen in the top 2% of his class have better prospects than the vast majority of people on the planet?

Hormones are out of control at that age and the acute pain of being alone is at its worst. As time passes, OP will (a) become more desirable (even if only for all the cynical reasons that incels harp on) and (b) care less about getting laid. There are worse things than "betabuxx[ing] some used up slut". After seeing people persevere in the face of massive tragedy all over the world, doesn't it seem weird to give up on life over a sexless & lonely adolescence?

Stop telling yourself and other people that you’re a filler in this society. I’ve known plenty of attractive people I would consider “filler” to society, and opposite of that, a ton of physically unsettling people that have created/contributed great things to this world. No doubt it can be painful when you’re discriminated in all aspects of life based on physical appearance. In no way does that mean you are worthless. I’m not going to feed you some bullshit saying you can fix being treated worse in society by getting a gym membership and a haircut, but you can still accomplish awesome things with less than ideal genes. We’re all on an equal playing field here on the Internet, and the only people I find disgusting are the ones endorsing a person who’s clearly in pain and hurt to end their life.

Look, High School suuuucks. Puberty sucks. Teenage girls are generally fucking bitches.

For ugly guys. Chads have no problems in high school, college or even after that.

For chads, highschool and college are the best times of their life. This whole "highschool sucks" is one gigantic cope.

get the fuck out of here. OP would rather commit suicide than listening to a foid.

Downvoted this trite garbage.

Take your platitudes and piss off, roastie.

Shut the fuck up normoid.

What a fucking joke, college is fucking worse than high school, this guy has nothing, he's short as fuck and asian, if he failed when he was competing against some teenagers he stands no chance against college men. I tried killing myself in senior year, every single day I regret my failure.

Don´t go out alone. It can be dangerous in the dark.

Rope is such a waste though.

If I was keen on rope, I'd blast so much heroin. I'd be a giga-junkie.

Blast heroine, rape, murder. It's all fair game.


Damn your sisters fuck chad on your bed? Where is your asian honour lmao.

in Asia.

Asians don't have "honor" in that sense. If it was Currys or muslims, there would be some "honor" to reckon.

Sweet retribution in the form of stoning

honour forced seppuku

Rip brother, another truecel killed by roasties and normans

Rope seems like a terrible way to go tbh. Seems painful af

most reliable after guns though.

Try sodium azide. Go on 8chan Sui board for info

I read that it causes seizures, convulsions, nausea, vomiting and loads of other shit though. Thinking of using fent because the symptoms seem no where as bad

Fent is def better if you can get it. Good luck man. I actually took a sip of some azide today 200mL of distilled water and 2mg of azide. There is definitely nausea and so on but the idea is that it knocks you out quickly. A gun is the best way but bleh. It's all about access and I live in a cucked state.

You don't even seem to be that bad compared to other Asian guys that I know. I can dm you my Discord username if you want to talk.

oh shit man these posts scares me because i dont want in any way to have anything to do with the fact that you will sui cause i dont want to go to hell.

you sure there is no alternative to your one and only life you have?

Got any advice for a 15 y/o kiddo like me?




Try to clear your mind of whatever opinions you've picked up from here and just enjoy your childhood. In 10 years (actually probably even just 5 years) you will cringe hard at anything you've written at 15.

Your body is not fully developed at that age, so you may still grow well during the last years.

can you share a picture of your pet rope?

Make sure you livestream it and post the link here

Stop right there! If you really want a girl, go to a country where the majority is black. They love asians.
Secondly, if you were smart enough to be tenth of your class, Im sure you have other prospects.

"just go find a jungle dweller bro"


Why not just go bruce lee on peoole

You're evil

I’m too OCD to see posts like this and not freak out. Now I feel like I have to do something to save this guy, but I don’t know exactly what strategy to use.

Just pm me plz

Make a list of things that would prevent yourself from self harm and then do them as long as they are less crazy than killing yourself. You want to take a year off and work out every day until you're Bruce Lee equivalent? Do it. You want to start a business where you give attractive models free massages? Try it.

Just live your life to the fullest.


u/Board_Gaming you should lock this

fuck off bastard


just be okay with being subhuman trash bro

But like? I think it's better to find happiness through other things than just ending any chance at happiness at all. He's smart, he CAN find happiness. It may just not come in the way he thinks it will.

just find happiness in being a lonely, ugly loser who will never be the object of a woman's desire, just work hard in school without any positive reinforcement in the way of romance or friendship, just live a cucked, miserable life and die of old age, unloved, and most importantly, quiet so you don't offend women who have everything you have, for some reason

I don't remember him saying anything about not having friends? Why bring that up?

Also, If you set goals for yourself and reach them you activate the reward center of your brain. Which makes you happy. If he were to set goals for himself academically and reach them then his own biology would give him positive reinforcement.

If he makes a lot of money then he can spend a lot on himself and live more than comfortably. He can have friends. He could make himself happy. I'm not suggesting he just work at McDonald's for his whole life till he dies. He graduated tenth in his class, he's smart and could make something of himself. There are some incredible things you can experience in life besides just a romantic relationship. Validation is important but there are other forms of it than just being desired sexually.

I don't know why you're so determined to make someone go through with suicide? Especially someone so young. He hasn't even had the chance to experience freedom from his parents. There are many ways to take control of your own life other than ending it. He hasn't even truly had the chance to try yet.

just cheat your brain into releasing chemicals that make you happy bro, just work hard in school (even though you got rejected), even though you don't have any positive reinforcement by way of companionship, romance, intimacy, passion, and commitment bro, just make a lot of money and buy frivolous things bro, just buy a nice house and live completely alone in it, buy nice clothes and a car and have everyone look at you and realize you're just compensating for your subhuman looks bro

just keep trying to make your life more hollow, more worthless, since everything is a cope to cover up the fact that you're a subhuman and dating is a losing game for you bro

rip st.kimchicel, rip st. stagetail, rip st. blackpill98, rip. st.shuaiby

lookism is a bitch

He's like what? 18? When I've seen people here that wouldn't even consider him incel yet he should just rope?

He could have friends in college, and lots of people go through college single. That's assuming he would be single though. As much as I'd like to say anyone can find love I think if it's to the point he's suicidal over it I shouldn't give lines that are often repeated over and over again. So instead I opted to point out there are literally other things that you can live for. He could find a purpose, maybe that's through work or hobbies or heck maybe he'll find his calling doing something like raising abandoned puppies. There is always something to live for. Always a goal you can accomplish. Always something to drive you. If you look for it.

And honestly? if looks are so important that someone that can't get a girlfriend should just kill themselves,(and yeah this is kind of one of those "just___ bro" things) why is plastic surgery cope? Especially for someone that could go to school and make a lot of money in their career and pay for high quality plastic surgery? Because "they should love me for me"? Girl's "fall in love" with Chad's face, which isn't "him" it's a product of his genetics. The only difference is Chad didn't pick his face and the person with plastic surgery did. So what. If the only thing worth living for is attention from women then why not try that last resort before roping? If there's that chance at happiness why not even try?

But really, what are you getting out of this? If this were your post I could understand, but this isn't about you. Why are you trying so hard to make this guy kill himself?

Just have friends and watch them do better with women than you ever will bro. Just make it through college without female companionship in a non-platonic way bro. Just make it bro, even though it might be hard to get top grades and deal with crippling loneliness at the same time, but just make it bro. Just be selfless and raise puppies and hope it covers up the void in your heart left by hypergamy, degeneracy, and lookism bro. Just fill up your life with empty copes and goals bro.

Just change your face bro. Just go to school, as hard as college might be when you have no support, and then just get a job, as hard as that might be with lookism being as relevant as it is in the workplace, bro. Just dedicate your life to getting plastic surgery without knowing if you have issues that can be fixed with surgery bro.

Rip. Kimchicel

You aren't answering my question. What are you getting out of trying to make someone commit suicide? Why are you glorifying it? Why are you acting like suicides are like martyrs? They aren't.

Your main argument is literally "it's too hard why bother?" Because life is hard, it's hard for everyone. Everyone struggles. Friends are cope, romance is cope, love is cope: to make living easier and give our lives meaning.

I'm tried of the "even good things are actually bad waaaaah" mindset you have. You're making excuses not to try, which is a childish mindset. "It wouldn't matter if I tried, I would still fail!" So you don't even try and get no where. I'm not even talking about women but at least you can work hard and if you DO fail you know you tried your best. You can cry to society all you want but society doesn't give a shit and keeps moving forward. It's not going to change for one person and it won't do more than tell you "yeah that sucks dude". If you truly believe all that shit you've been saying what the hell are you doing with your life? Just actively trying to make people kill themselves so you can convince yourself you're "saving them" for a hard life? You aren't helping anyone. This subreddit is fucking toxic and you are a prime example why. No support group would argue that someone should kill themselves.

He could have friends and be happy for them. He could make a point of only making friends with the "biggest losers" that he thinks will never find a girl. He can choose his own social circle. College is hard for everyone, lots of people experience depression and other mental health issues during college: it's very stressful. The amount of people I know that have had numerous breakdowns and are alcoholics is staggering. They have counseling services for students on campus for a reason.

College isn't for everyone, he could go into a trade. Trade schools are thirsty for anybody and everybody. Some trades have great pay and projections. He could actually enjoy the trade more then whatever random degree he'd instead be going for.

Finding a purpose in life can be great. It's something to live for. It makes you feel good. If he's happy who cares if it's "cope"? If he's happy he succeeded.

"Missing out" on some of life is better than missing out on literally all of it. He doesn't have to beta bux. He's young af. I never really phrased my comments with the goal of getting him a girl, because whether or not that happens he should just do shit for himself. Live for himself and if he gets a girl great! If not, then he wasn't planning for it anyway. Living a good life "alone" (ya know with friends and family, but no gf so alone) is better than living a shit life complaining about it.

kimchi is dead, rest in peace

This sub is fucking toxic. It's no support group. All it is is people making themselves and others more and more depressed before telling others or being told to kill themselves. That kid shouldn't have even been here. He was a kid, still in highschool. Had his whole life ahead of him. This is fucking tragic and so many in the god damn comments were just saying for him to kill himself then after the fact being like "wow, look how sad"

RIP kimchicel, these normies never had your back

And you had his back? You were telling this kid to not kill himself? You were hoping he'd make it through his struggles and be happy? You were hoping he'd live a long happy life?

i was operating under the assumption that he was already dead tbh tbh

But like?


Oh no, I've been... Burned. How do I go on with my life after an incel mocked the way I type? /s

Oh my god how can I let others know I'm sarcastic? /s

dumb whore.

Whatever you gotta tell yourself to feel better dude

C'mon man..theres more than one college to apply. Don't lose hope.

Get a hooker before you do anything final brother. Nobody gets a virgin girl so forget that. Don't leave this world without fucking at least once. Just go to a good brothel in Nevada. Save up for it if you have to. Then make your decision. Also on the subject of virgins, if one of you guys happened to land a virgin you would just be guaranteeing that it wouldn't last. NO girl in the history of man kind stays with the man she loses her virginity to. Be realistic guys. Once you accept that then it's just a matter of how many is too much for you. On top of that you can never know if what she tells you is her real number so you have to drop the used up girl shit and not worry about it. Go to a brothel once before you depart.

blame affirmative action.

Stop it man. Probably a lot of people will want to be in your position. Being in the top 10 from 600 is no joke and I hope you stop obsessing about getting a girl, and just try to find things that you'll likely enjoy.

Commit seppuku desu

Women aren't everything, actually, they're pretty close to nothing. Live for yourself, it may be over now but sexrobots are here soon anyway


if you're 10th out of 600 that means youre smart. You'll be rich and successful. You may be unlucky during undergrad apps, but you'll be successful in the future because you're intelligent (med school, software, oil jobs).

I feel physically ill from seeing all the comments encouraging OP to go through with suicide. OP, if you’re still with us, please don’t, I beg you.

Shut the fuck up normie


What if I told you that life is just a endless loop and you will have to live through everything again after death,with no changes whatsoever.


Sorry the world and nature failed you. May you get the right genes in the next life or the after life.

Hey, Kimchicel. If you're still there, I promise to join you when I get the courage.

You sound like a good guy. It's too bad we never got the chance to hang out irl.

I'll see you after I fight the Holy War in the Neo-Crusades.

TBH youre a fucking pussy dude, I understand your pain and even if there is no hope in getting a woman for you... who the fuck cares? you really gonna let pussy control your life that much? pussy isnt even 5% of life my dude.

No, moron. It's not just about pussy. It's about love. And don't fuck tell me "that's what friends and family are for". Family and friends won't give you the kind of love a man desires.

I wouldn't say that cus I understand. But love from a woman is not all there is. Trust me, I know you guys want a gf and a woman to love you more than anything, but honestly it's not very good and I would go as far to say that I would rather be by myself than deal with a woman. You aren't missing out on much, don't need to kill yourselves stop being pussies ffs. You can be the chadest of Chad's and still get cheated on. I understand where you're coming from but trust me it's not worth roping yourself over.

But love from a woman is not all there is. Trust me, I know you guys want a gf and a woman to love you more than anything, but honestly it's not very good and I would go as far to say that I would rather be by myself than deal with a woman.

Here, I fixed for you (you can say that to a starving person)

But love of food is not all there is. Trust me, I know you guys want food more than anything, but honestly it's not very good and I would go as far to say that I would rather be by myself than deal with food.

That's a fucking retarded analogy. You can't physically live without food but you can easily physically live without pussy.

No, you fucking moron. I've told you, it's not about pussy, it's about being validation as a human being who's worthy of being intimate with. Sure, you can live without affection. Without food you die within weeks, but without love you die slow and torturous death that can last a lifetime. Why can't you normphaggots understand that?

Because it's way worse and torturous when you've had good pussy for a little bit and watch it just fly away as soon as something goes wrong with you (I got a disease that made me lose all my muscle and I'm skinny as fuck now) now my gf is on the verge of leaving me and constantly making me feel like shit and prob cheating on me, I've lost it all and I don't think I'm going to be able to get it back. Ignorance to the experience is bliss. I'd do anything to go back. I can't even jack off without feeling like absolute dogshit it's not the same at all. It's impossible for me to get enjoyment out of even jacking off and now women don't look at me the same at all and just either feel bad for me or think I'm creepy.

I am sorry you're going through this, but nobody says that finding love is a cure for everything. Sure, it isn't. But you can't say it's insignificant based solely on your own unfortunate experience.

You’re probably already dead, but hope you avoid any more pain

Still in high school and you've been reading this for four years? So since you were like 13?

That's really corrupting. A few of my friends were "late bloomers" (kissless virgins until after college), and yeah they probably would have given up if they were absorbing this all through school. You're easily impressionable and have absolutely no perspective at that age.

The internet is really doing work on our society. Please pause and seek help outside of here.

Shut the fuck up normie

Immigrant parents are so fucking shit man.

As an arabcel I can relate, my parents were strict cunts who never allowed me to socialize or party meanwhile white males were allowed to do whatever they wanted and go to parties and get drunk at age 13. The dumbest shit is that they allowed my younger sister to do whatever she wanted, shes probably been pumped and dumped by many Chad's. Immigrant parents are genuine trash yo their Male sons, they want us to be beta bucks and sent prepare us for life in the west. I fucking HATEE my parents with a passion.

bro I still wouldn't kill myself no matter what happens. Society has brainwashed us that having loooove etc. is the only thing that is important and if you dont get that, your life is worthless. I wont deny that living alone is trash but life still has some amount of value while you're alone.

at the very least you should beat the everliving shit out of your sisters and or their boyfriends if they dont stop after you tell them to stop

Hey OP! I’m in SoCal too. Let’s talk? There’s more too life than you’re aware of right now.

Or... You could just ride it out and see what ends up happening. Fuck it what's the worse that can happen? If you wanna die anyway the you don't need to give a fuck what ur parents or anyone thinks cause they will never think worse of you then you killing urself..

So just fuck it go out and live and do crazy shit, save up some money and travel the world alone, try heroin I don't fucking know theres alot of stuff you could do that's better and more entertaining then killing urself

Hey, Showtime1323, just a quick heads-up:
alot is actually spelled a lot. You can remember it by it is one lot, 'a lot'.
Have a nice day!

The parent commenter can reply with 'delete' to delete this comment.


lmao good bot

This is sadly weird, most comments are co-signing or sending him off instead of trying to figure out a solution. You may think suicide is the only solution when it is not; seriously relocate, get plastic surgery, date outside of your race, go to the gym and dermatologist. It’s frustrating to read the comments and it saddens me to read your personal story.

I always keep in mind there is someone in a worst position then myself; starving, being raped, living with stage 4 cancer, homeless, disabled, and so on.

Everyone has short coming but in this day and age if some broke high education level women and men can work their ass to get money and credit for plastic surgery. Or whatever superficial issues people are experiencing then just hustle. So many regular people non-chad and non-Stacey’s alike elevate themselves. Community college, working multiple jobs, whatever must be done if you want better for yourself where the determination and effort to do so?

I creep on this sub because I am sympathetic and frustrated by the POV of a number of the stories and comments I see on here. Idk, I know people like to wallow in sadness, depression, low self esteem but there are answers and you have to find them and actually use them to your advantage.

Too late bro. Sorry. He's in a better place now, hopefully.

ugly 5'5 ricecel date outside your race lmfao

It happens in a lot of cultures, sometimes you’ll find someone more receptive in another race

I hope you find the peace you're looking for. I'm sorry that nature was cruel to you. It has been cruel to me too. Take care, bro! I respect your decision.

You're pretty young. Don't rope yet. Wait till 30 and if its really bad by then. Consider roping then. Either way. If you're really going to rope. Know the probability of popping somewhere else as incel is just as likely.

Why do you have to die because the world is fucked? At least be furious enough to extract pounds of flesh for 50+ more years then see what happens after those 50 years - get rich enough to strategically ruin lives or something idk

You don’t need a woman to make you happy. Whilst you may /want/ a woman, there is so much more to life than sex and relationships. And this is coming from a woman.

Yeah, coming from someone who can get sex and relationships at a whim. Fuck off, roastie cunt.

Thank you, but I don’t do the sexy sex.

Chances are they accepted a black dude over you for muh diversity. Feels bad man See you on the other side. Convert to Islam before death to receive 72 virgins

The “fucks them in my bed because it’s bigger” quote sounds familiar, I swear I read it in another post awhile back 🤔

You are doing the right thing. Fuck these horrible people who wish that you suffer eternally

Realizing I didn't have enough money to go to virtually any university I got into was the closest I've ever been to roping.

Farewell brother

Don't do it. Don't let them win. Live well and be the aspect of spite. They want you to die. Flip both fingers at them and live an interesting life. Don't let those cunts define your life. Don't let those cunts define you.

Hey bro do you need to talk



You can be happy without needing roasties. Take the golden pill and forge yourself in the temples of iron. Life can suck and depression can bring you low but you can find happiness in life without the approval of others. I dont know you but I want you to know that there is happiness in this life for you. The blackpill isn't the only pill, there are other options.

Best of luck

To make this even worse I have two younger sisters who always brings white Chads home when my parents aren't home and fucks him on MY bed (because mines bigger).

Man I fucking hate Asian foids. Noodle whores and curry sluts are the absolute fucking worst, you can't even call them human beings anymore. Wretched creatures deprived of any self worth and self respect. I feel so fucking bad for RiceCels and CurryCels. The women who are supposed to have your back have turned on you and now actively participate in the racism against you as well. To make matters worse, whenever any of these cunts tries to be a "champion" for minority rights or talk about how POC need to stick together, they're ALWAYS fucking/dating/married a cumskin. It was good to see that Alek managed to slaughter two wretched noodle creatures and one curry creature in his rampage.

I am so fucking sorry for what you've gone through mate. This world is too fucked for us ugly subhumans, we have no place in it. When I think about it i'm actually surprised that more of us haven't roped. I really wish I had the courage to rope. May death's sweet embrace provide you everything you've sought after in this life. I never got to know you mate, but i'll miss you and i'll never forget you. Say hello to our Saint, all the other incels who roped, for us.

Vai amico libero da fardelli e paura. Requiescat in Pace. (Go forward friend, unburdened and unafraid. Rest in peace.)


Dear god you incels have problems

This post is disgusting. I can't believe you've been driven to such a state.

Insert obligatory 'I'm just a lurker and not an incel' note here.

I don't know how serious you are about this stuff, as in the 5 days that I've known about this sub (or even what an "incel" is) I've seen a lot of jokes about suicide. Also, if u/twinstwicetwinstwice heartfelt advice wasn't enough to convince you to reconsider, then I'm likely wasting my time.

Look, not getting into UCLA sucks, but there's another way. Move to LA, go to a community college near your friends for 2 years, take five honors classes (really easy to get into and do), and then transfer into UCLA. You'll be eligible for TAP certification with the five honors classes. They say this "increases your chances dramatically" but it's virtually a guaranteed ticket in. Do a paid 75 hour internship or two for extra resume padding (and money) and you've eliminated the possibility of rejection.

Yeah, it's not as good as going to the same school as your friends right now. But if they are actually your friends then they'll still make time for you. You can use the ease of these community college level classes to spend additional time working towards meaningful goals; like getting into shape (I've gathered that you guys hate this advice, but whatever), talking to girls who you'll likely never see again (fuck it, what's the worst that can happen?), making some contacts in your desired industry, and becoming excellent at whatever it is that you're wanting to be.

I'm not going to pretend to understand this subculture, or what you're going through. I'm not the right person to help you with depression or advice on women. But PM me if you want some more insight on getting into a University of California school.

Find a Koreaboo. If you are Korean they will fuck you probably listening to some BTS or some shit. Do it for the pussy.

Why was OP's account suspended?

i hope you can see that there is love here in this community, and that we love you bro, just get a good job you'll get good enough women with money

i dont know whats more pathetic these guys that just for some reason couldnt get pussy or these normie retards trying to give craptastic advice

if ur NT you can get sex. just because u dont get any in HS does not mean u wont in college. besides i went through uni with no sex and basically no friends and the only thing i regret is not talking to my professors to work for them everyone else can go fuck themselves

Give yourself more time to think about this. You may be committing a mistake that you can never undo. Finish undergrad first.

if it means anything, i went to ucla and no one even distinguished between transfer students and 4-year students. i knew plenty of transfers in my social circle who joined fraternities or whatever and still got the full "college experience." plus as you probably know even a chimpanzee could transfer into even the best uc schools with the way the transfer process is set up

incel is incel, but a lot of your grief seems to be college-based and you can still make that shit happen

I read that it causes seizures, convulsions, nausea, vomiting and loads of other shit though. Thinking of using fent because the symptoms seem no where as bad

Oh shit! Well, I never anticipated running into Philip Roth, himself, in the bowels of r/braincels. Sir! I have nothing to say for myself.

Haha. I'd say I, at least, match - and typically exceed - the substance of the discourse on this shit-fueled, hate-scow of a community. But really, that's not a super high bar. And what is it that you add, boss?