fuck go back

319  2018-05-26 by f0vlpeqvm0u1


rip, god mod and made some pretty good music too

He was a musician?

it's a joke because his name is similar to avicii, a swedish DJ who died recently

Organize a mutiny now ffs

Bitch_Gaming as a mod on an incel sub is a disgrace

High comedic value post

/u/azavii come back

wow his last comment page. defending us with his last breath. a true hero. what have we become?

i really do miss him a lot. almost teared up reading his last comment. i hope he's okay wherever he is

Witnessed his last stand against the Norman tides as it happened, guy was an absolute legend.

He died in battle defending those who he cared for greatly.

The greatest general and hero we’d ever seen.

/u/board_gaming is NOTHING in comparison


She is probably 5 times his size though, guy was ripped.

RIP Azavii


She’s black... Which makes her real name, “Porsche”

I hope she is circumcised

her nickname is minivan

Our head mod is a fat ghetto sassy black woman... let that sink in.

JIHAD NOW! Who's with me?


Is she cute?


you mean Precious.


I don't get this. there are other mods too right? why can't they just kick out boardaming

Too busy trying to get her attention and escape Inceldom

You can't really see it but she actually does a pretty good job removing post that could lead to the end of that sub.

I understand users not wanting her here but she is a mod for purely technical reasons.

I believe top mod is sub owner, can't be kicked save for direct admin Acton, which they almost never do.

It's possible the sub could be shut down like all other incel subs

This reminds me how females always think they can find someone better

They all think they're Meghan Merkle waiting to happen.

I prefer board gaming in it proves women are too lazy to be sociopath moderators

azavii was the pedo dude inceltears is always crying about

They just get their hoard of thirsty good to do the killing for them.

Rip Avicii.

Azavii was a terrible moderator who got the old sub banned.

The only reason he is liked was because the whinest incels could get anyone they wanted banned by crying to Azavii. He radicalized the sub by removing dissent.

Lol stfu cuck


insulting god moderator azavii

may blackop2cel have mercy on your soul

Holy shit boyo. Reddit being a cucked up "racist vs feminist" echo chamber is what got us banned. Godzavii simply gave a voice to those who weren't allowed one.

Now we are ruled by an autistic obese fermoid.

Always funny when incels throw out insults.

Always funny when those who have nothing better to do than browse incel forums somehow think they are above us.

Lol. Cope.

How is it cope to call a fish a fish.

You are posting on wow and incels, you are at best a low tier normie in denial.

Lol. Cope.

It's a cope to believe that everyone who calls you out for your bullshit is some pathetic feminist normie who let's Chad's bang their girl. It's literally the most pathetic copes incels have.

PS. I believe in the blackpill and I like a lot of the evidence based posts on here. It interests me. But I'm in a long term relationship with a girl. And Avazii was terrible for getting the blackpill to the masses. He and incels like yourself only push people away.

Azaviis job wasn't to get the blackpill to dimwits like you, his job was to let incels talk in peace without being harassed by those who see themselves as better because they are okay with betabuxxing, whale hunting or born with better bones(those guys rarely ever come here though). You having an LTR is literally irrelevant unless your GF is in her early to mid twenties and of healthy weight, if she is both of those then you posting here is the most pathetic waste of time I have recently witnessed.

Whale gaming is clearly failing that responsibility.

She is 23, 105 lbs and makes more money than me.

And believe it or not, I have time to shit post on Reddit too. I'm in a fucking hotel burning time right now.

It's always so funny how the social reject variety of incels have no idea what a normal life is. They just assume normal people are out socialising 24/7.

Avazii providing protection for the retards of this subreddit like yourself is what killed the old subreddit.

I never harass incels except to respond to the combative idiots like yours truly.

105 lbs




It's not about not having time to shitpost for fun, it's about not having time to talk to virgins about a thing that is literally irrelevant to you. You clearly come here to flaunt your amazing sex life, you come here to feel superior

You never harass incels? literally your first response was how funny it is that an incel would insult someone, that's virgin shaming one response in.

Like I said. I respond to the combative ones.

They deserve to be mocked. As anyone combative does.

And virgins are people too. Don't know why you think I wouldn't talk to them.

You literally said it's funny that an incel would insult someone.

We don't want to talk to you if all you do is flaunder your sexlife. Go to forever alone if you want to impress virgins

It is funny that someone who thinks he is trash would call others trash. It's irony. Get over it.

The only reason I even brought up my sex life was because you made a retarded comment questioning it.

Seriously how stupid are you? Is this what you consider a positive social interaction?

Did you just equate virgins to trash?

Because all I did was call you trash while admit to being romantically struggling, I would never consider myself trash you dense fuck.

Lol. Nice spin. This subreddit is dedicated to convincing incles they are trash. It's literally it's only point. It's not like this subreddit actually tried to help anyone or improve their situation.

It just tells you to rope or LDAR.

Based on your attitude and screaming "REEE Normies get out!!!" I can clearly already see you are going down that path.

A house seems like a trap and obstacle to a bird, the bird simply doesn't have the intellect to grasp the concept of a house.

(For the 50IQ reader, you are the bird, r/incels is the house)


Someone has delusions of grandeur.

lol dumbass

Am I? So far the only ones who disagrees with me are the exact incels I am talking about. The ones who are hostile to outsiders and are pissed they can no longer whine to Azavii to get him to ban me.


Am I?


I’m sure it’s not far off from the real thing. She told me she needs a rascal scooter to get around.

azavii would have never banned me from incels.me

miss that dude

That website is run by faggots.

What was your username? I'll tell you why you were banned and why it was warranted

Oh I remember you, retarded dumbshit.

I think I got banned cause I refused to blaspheme against St. Minassian.

There you go. Post the opinions that you shared in our forum here and you'll see how fast you are banned and all the incels that will openly say how you are an outlier and don't represent us.


is knajid and that trap still posting there ?

Knajjd is. As for the trap, if you're talking about StTropez then no, I think he's banned.

he was in discord back in the incel days

with his black trap nipples

black trap nipples

FINALLY we're getting to the good shit.


Basically all you did was talk about BBC. Ryo, who also modded/r/incels, was the one who decided to ban you.

no you fucking dickhead i talked about other thigns but talking about bbc pissed all you racist incels

go suck a fat one and die

Sorry man. I don't wish you any harm and honestly hope that the rest of your life is enjoyable. We had to ban you because what you talked about was upsetting a big chunk of the community and you kept doing it over and over again, even with alts IIRC.


fuck them and their feelings, id rather be banned than to be around a bunch of fakecels and racist cels

and no i dont have alts you dumb fuck

I really fucking hate that cunt

Complete enforcement of E-Sharia law if you make me mod.

by azavii

This is needlessly mean.

We don't want to stoop to the level of the bullies we hate.

Oh yes we do.

A temporary necessary evil in order to get rid of ANY sassy fat woman is no price to pay at all.

we're punching up

What's mean about posting her literal picture? That's actually her, you didn't know that? sounds like you're the one who's mean by implying she's ugly and fat. Muh wamans are beautiful and healthy at any size!

What picture?

The picture on this thread, they think that's what I look like.

She abuses the rules, censors people for personal reasons and is a member of toxic anti-incel communities like IT and ForeverAlone. She deserves to be treated mean - she's a bad person and should feel bad about it.

When our guiding light died out, the darkest of nights began.

Azavii was a true saint. He died for what he believed in.

Witnessed his last stand against the Norman tides as it happened, guy was an absolute legend.

How is it cope to call a fish a fish.

You are posting on wow and incels, you are at best a low tier normie in denial.

Am I? So far the only ones who disagrees with me are the exact incels I am talking about. The ones who are hostile to outsiders and are pissed they can no longer whine to Azavii to get him to ban me.


They all think they're Meghan Merkle waiting to happen.