This post from IT . Seems more applicable if it is “nobody” owes you shit. Women are so fucking entitled that they think the world revolves around them . Nobody owes anyone shit . No. Not women or men or god . Fuck this IT circlejerk. The only shit i owe them is the one i will dump on their doormat.

33  2018-05-26 by StBlackOps2Cel


Women don't owe you SHIT, goyim.

Nobody owes you shit! Not men , not god or anyone! You can die in a hole (hypothetically speaking your IT retard thats gonna screenshot this for “violence”) and the world will just move the fuck on . Women? No ! Women who thinks they are owed shit to are in reality just a streak of shit on the universes asswiped asshole.

Nvm i thought you are IT lol

Big tyrone dont owe you any mercy when hes destroying your asshole in prison

But you have to pay for my abortions, my tax deficit, my maternity leave, my hormones, give me half of your shit when i´m bored of you and die in war for me and teH ChIlDreN. Tee hee

I regret that I have but one upvote to give

pay for my abortions, my tax deficit, my maternity leave, my hormones, give me half of your shit

lol you're a retard. Abortion is covered anywhere, maternity leave isn't mandated, and nobody is going to marry youre dumb ass so your basement of star wars figures is secure lol beta cuck shithead

Back to work tax slaves

Can we finally abolish taxes then (men pay the majority of taxes)? Men don't owe women shit either.

I’m sorry, how do you get the idea that if straight male entitlement to sex was somehow ended, you should stop paying taxes? That doesn’t follow logically at all.

Because men pay the majority of taxes while women are the main beneficiaries. I'm fine with paying taxes as long not a single cent of my tax money helps a woman in any way.

That still doesn’t answer the question. In what way does access to physical intimacy affect whether or not someone is eligible to pay taxes? To your claims that men pay more taxes than women, what socio-economic systems are in place that implicitly lower taxes for women, specifically women with greater access to sex?

Yes it does. Men that are rejected by society have very little incentive to uphold that society. I don't give a shit about the current feminazi regime/society at all.

Men pay more taxes because women are lazy pieces of shit that heavily exploit men.

|”feminazi regime”| |”women are lazy pieces of shit”|

Where’s your proof? Where’s your proof that men are assigned a tax code based on their access to sex? Where’s your proof that men are being subjugated by women? Where’s your proof that you’re being rejected socio-economically at all in a capitalist society that still finds a way to extract profit out of the poor?

Are you retarded or something? Just look up who pays the most taxes and who benefits the most from those taxes. It's especially bad in countries that have a ton of social systems (i.e europe). Men pay in a lot and get very little out of those systems.

Capitalism has nothing to do with it.

Just look up The burden of proof is on you, dude. You haven’t answered any questions directly, and you keep making claims without backing anything up. Why should you stop paying taxes if your obnoxious entitlement to sex somehow ended?

I already told you. Make of that information what you will. I'm not doing your work lol

What about Oprah Winfrey? What about Indra Nooyi (CEO of Pepsi)? What about Marissa Mayer (former CEO of Yahoo)? What about Ursula Burns(CEO of Xerox)? What about Anna Wintour (Chief editor of Condé Nast magazines)? What about Mary Barra (CEO of General Motors)?

Do you really want to make the claim that you’re paying more in taxes than these women? Do you really want to make the claim that these women are lazy? Do you really want to make the claim that these women “exploit” men?

Grow up. Go back to school.

Thanks for providing a list of companies worth shorting (if it weren't for the central banks printing money and propping up asset prices).

Are you honestly comparing individuals to the general population? I'm not even sure how to respond to that.

At what point do you decide that your conspiracy theories about why you’re a victim have breached the point of ridiculousness? At what point will you admit to yourself that your philosophy has failed you and you wish to join functioning society again?

Because so far, all I’ve heard is conspiracy theories about taxes, conspiracy theories about capitalism, conspiracy theories about productivity, conspiracy theories about banks, conspiracy theories about women, conspiracy theories about sex, conspiracy theories about socio-economics.

Stay in school, you might learn something. Read good books. Go outdoors and breathe fresh air.

They are not conspiray theories.

Because if nobody isn't entitled to anything, then you're not entitled to taxes.

I sort of disagree with your way of thinking. Im not some woman-sympathizer or nuthin, but its kind of like the black lives matter movement. They say black lives matter, but they don’t mean no one else’s lives matter. You cant get the same sort of message across with a hat that says “nobody owes you shit” because I do in fact have someone that owes me. Damn Chad owes me like $20 and has owed me for about a year now

does ANYONE actually think women owe them shit? and who the fuck would wear that hat

After xx years without kissing or holding hands I think the universe owes you some pussy

I never fully understood why the idea of "entitlement" keeps getting pushed here like it's some sort of trump card to the blackpill. No one is owed anything by the world, but the very nature of the social contract means that people treat one another with respect and, in return, receive the same basic respect back. If someone feels they are not receiving this baseline respect, then they damn well are entitled to risk the violence of the state and tear up the contract.