“We don’t advocate violence”

42  2018-05-26 by throwaway6007955


He's cranky. He is on a withdrawal from Soylent, his wife's boyfriend is on the way with a 12 pack though.

What a loser

Daily reminder: according to the American left, criticizing women is a crime deserving of capital punishment, but MS-13 gang members should be shown compassion.

Nothing more terrifying than impotent rage

That’s really uncalled for and I’m an IT user. I hope this guy got banned or something cause saying something like that is really unacceptable. Despite all that really crappy things about women and chads I’ve read in this sub.

He’s not even angry at incels most likely, the reason he’s so mad is because the blackpill showed him the real reason why he’s a loser, and he couldn’t accept that he was genetic trash as well as some people can, thus he responded like this. Pretty much why IT even exists

"You cant judge a whole group based on 1 individual. They don't represent IT." -IT members

"Every incel is a horrible mysoginist who wishes rape on people" -same IT member

Funny. I was banned from askMenOver30 for taking part in r/braincels.

Imagine being so triggered by an incel post that you'd actively message people with this copy pasta trasg. Yikes .