When people still reproduce knowing they can pass on detrimental genes

71  2018-05-26 by nerocon


The Middle East is the last stand for inceldom.

yes you can get a hot wife so long as your hardworking and pious.

WRONG, polygamy is common in the middle easy so Chads get like 50 wives

Look how many people marry their cousins in the Middle East. And the genetic problems it causes. Australian nurses go to ME countries in order to see heart defects that are common there due to repeated cousin marriage and unheard of over here.

70% of marriages are between cousins in some Muslim countries. I even see it here in my Muslim city (the couple are the same height same face same coloring).

Apparently 30% in Pakistan which is where the study I was reading was done. 70% makes it worse.

It's not just about choosing the partner, its also that they have consequences for cheating and hypergamy over there i.e. getting stoned to death or honor-killed, so the women are less likely to be THOTs for that alone.

I'm not going to say islam is the solution, far from it, but there has to be a good middle ground between that and the absolute hedonistic degeneracy that is ruining the west.


the question is how

If she didn't fuck him, she would be beheaded

IT Cope

I can see it now, her fake smile hides the fear and disgust

copest coper

This is how all marriages should be!

So...you don't want ugly people to reproduce...think you're ugly...and trying to get a woman to let you put your schlong in her clussy?

Seems legit.

Their son will be a trucel once the middle east collapses and western society takes over. Feminists will not spare him.

That doesn't excuse the conflicting logic.

I know. But it is our parents fault for not giving us testosterone and HGH at age 12 to allow us to reach our genetic limits. They are partially responsible for inceldom.

No. Because your parents aren't responsible for their genetics, using creepy products on your kids to make them look better is bad parenting and teaches superficial behavior and finding love is not a bad thing, having children is an expression of that love...usually anyway. Nobody is at fault for the fact that life sucks.

No, they knew inceldom exists and chose to ignore it. Looksmaxing at puberty was the only way out and they fucked that up as well.

They can't control which genes you'll inherit. Your life is a gamble, Russian roulette. You're nothing in this infinite cosmos and have no significance just like everyone else. All life is a mistake and that isn't anyone's fault.

using creepy products on your kids

You're beyond stupid.

Resorting to name calling in place of an actual arguing case is just proof that you gave up...just like you did on your sex life.

just like you did on your sex life.

wow a roastie resorting to sexual shaming to try and win an argument, how very novel.

I thought that's what we were doing now. So we're going back to facts and backed opinions I would assume?

Sexual shaming me? How cute of this hypocritical slut lmao.

I'm a guy...and a man whore. Get your fucking facts straight.


I'm gay.

Even better.

How so?

lol, its funny how doctor are giving little kids estrogen and hormone blockers, but testosterone is the devil if you wanna gain a lil muscle.

The victim mentality is strong with this one

creepy products

lmao, helping your son reach his full potential is 'creepy'.

It is with products that can potentially backlash and make things worse off.

Sex doesn't lead to kids if you use connies, low IQ fuckface

Pfft. Like anyone actually critically thinks about safe sex.

You can have sex without reproducing we live in the 21 century

Refer to my previous comment about safe sex.

legalize euthanasia for ugly people and all our problems are solved

That's called suicide and you can do that anytime you want.

so without guns, high buildings, no hardcore meds, how the fuck do I kill myself 100% ? I mean without failing and ending up as a vegetable or locked up in a mental hospital ? why is it so hard to legalize that shit so that people can end their suffering peacefully ?

There is Litterally zero peaceful ways of ending it. A bullet to the head isn't as instant as you think. You either die painfully quick or painfully slow. Take your pick.

are you against euthanasia ?

My view are a lot more complex than yes or no answers. I believe if the situation calls for it...like with serial killers.


You have to work to pay welfare for all the single mothers. Escape is not an option.

Yes,I don't want ugly people to reproduce because no one if given the chance to be born ugly would choose to.If ugly people stopped having kids their will be less incels in the future.

Two beautiful people can have an ugly baby. Google it.

But its less likely for that to happen.

Not really. Genes don't always mesh together well. It's been commonly known that two ugly people tend to make gorgeous children and vise versa.

tend to make? example please.

Incels might be ugly but they're not literally deformed-face tier. Incels want a looksmatch.

Deformities can appear in anyone's children...even Chad and Stacy's kid.

Okay? Chad and Stacy's kid has borderline negligible chances of being born with a deformed face. It's exponentially more likely for your children to end up deformed when you possess deformities yourself like the OP.

But stopping people with deformities from reproducing won't stop deformities so the whole idea is fucking stupid.

It is will significantly decrease their prominence though, you retard. Down's syndrome can also manifest randomly, therefore Downies should be free to donate to sperm banks, right?

They do keep records of people's conditions when it comes to that so sure.

It would minimize it significantly.

Not really. That defect usually appears in the children of people who eat processed and genetically altered foods as well as environmental diseases or random genes that decided not function properly seemingly out of nowhere (a mutation). Your plan would make about as much of an impact as a grain of rice to a brick wall.

So young and it's already over

This legit made me cry. you can already tell this kid is self aware of his deformities at a time when his appearance should be the least of his worries

A life of bullying,rejection,and bs platitudes await him.

If his father married a pretty woman why can't he? He will unfortunately face a lot of bullying though, sad.

His parents are probably cousins. Not being sarcastic, cousin marriage is extremely high in ME countries, especially when you can't marry the guy off to anyone outside the family.

Nowadays a Le Fort Osteotomy can remove that excess bone between the eyes. Just have to have the money for the surgery.

Just googled and I've been seeing some good results. I hope his parents get in contact with a physician who can do a real assessment.

what the fuck dude

those genes shoulda been eliminated

Feminists want to hunt him to extinction

As they should. People like him should not exist.

It's in Persian, Translation;

Beauty is not important A beautiful face is not important, a beautiful personality is more important, do you agree?

farsi*. Persia does not exist anymore.

The correct name for the language in English is still Persian though.

I have Iranian friends, they often ask "Do you speak Farsi?" Persian is how you describe a person, like "She's Persian."

Just fuck your cousin bro

In all seriousness though, the negative effects of fucking one's cousin are dramatically overstated. In certainly isn't genetically optimal and shouldn't be the norm, but we simply don't hear about all the instances where cousin marriages produced perfectly ordinary children (Queen Victoria married her first cousin and all her children were fine). It is, however, genetically optimal to procreate with one's second cousin, i.e., the hereditary risks are no further decreased should one choose to procreate instead with a 'stranger' (provided said stranger is also a member of the tribe -- else it is actually better to mate with one's second cousin), and yet there is still a stigma around that also in Western cultures.

just fuck your cousin bro

If you turn down your cousin does that make you volcel?

Once isn't too bad, it doubles the risk of deformity from 2-3% to 4-6%, but in the Middle East, they have repeated cousin marriage where multiple generations in a row marry their cousin and the rate skyrockets.

If you have attractive female cousins, then you're lying if you say you never had an inappropriate thought about them.

guy should be in fucking prison for that

HAHAH wait so he's to be pitied and made an example of female shallowness and hypergamy when he isn't getting any and when he is happily married and makes the choice to reproduce he is to be punished?

You all are not just invested in the idea that men suffer due to women, you demand that they suffer to reaffirm your self defeating narratives


It's not genetics, it's development and living in misogynist environment

The Middle East is by far the most inbred area of the modern world. This is an absurdist painting. The need to fuck and reproduce is viral in nature.
Just stop breeding if you are extremely inbred for the sake of humanity

Almost posted this here but to antinatalism instead

He looks like a melted Billy Mitchell.

This is where Abrahamism/Middle Eastern cultures fuck up royally. They'll keep producing these genetic abominations because YHWH told them "every life is sacred" or some shit. Eugenics is morally necessary, I am proud of my Pagan people for having realised this (it is because life is sacred that people shouldn't suffer for it unduly), despite our current insistence on denying it.

This is where Abrahamism/Middle Eastern cultures fuck up royally. They'll keep producing these genetic abominations because YHWH told them "every life is sacred" or some shit.

Don't lump Islam in with Christianity, or even Judaism, as "Abrahamism." Inbreeding is unique to Islam, because "the Prophet" permitted it, whereas Christianity made every effort to forbid marriage to close relatives, although curtailing royalty/nobility and their urge to consolidate power was much harder than the common folk.

Don't lump Islam in with Christianity, or even Judaism, as "Abrahamism."

That's a universally accepted classification. They are revere the god of Abraham, hence they are Abrahamic.

Inbreeding is unique to Islam

Re-read my comment. I wasn't referring at all to inbreeding, but to the Abrahamic perspective on the sanctity of life. Certainly its consequences are more pernicious in the Islamic world, because its peculiarities, but they underlying ethicomoral and metaphysical structure is the same.

Why would you be proud of dustbin of history religions, when they obviously couldn't compete in survival of the fittest (eugenics)?

You have a fundamental misunderstanding of the Christianisation if you think it was anywhere near as cut-and-dry as this. Paganism didn't go anywhere, it merely adopted the verneer of Christianity (Catholicism). (Compare the high Catholic traditions to the original Judaic Christian sects if you doubt this.) And now that Catholicism is dead in the West, 'real' Christianity (Protestantism) is dying a swift death and will surely be resigned to that dustbin of history you speak of. Paganism, on the other hand, is only growing.

He should’ve never been allowed to breed that’s so fucked

Picture is fake lmao

"your personality is terrible. you gotta learn to be more confident and some woman out there will like you"

Deformed people should be sterilized at birth..

In Judaism and Islam there is a shocking amount of incest and cousin marriage going on. The result is a laundry list of genetic diseases specific to those folks and retardation at much higher rates than among Christians.

Shouldn't incels give up then

are you against euthanasia ?


just fuck your cousin bro

Once isn't too bad, it doubles the risk of deformity from 2-3% to 4-6%, but in the Middle East, they have repeated cousin marriage where multiple generations in a row marry their cousin and the rate skyrockets.
