
248  2018-05-26 by oksidasyon


more like mgtow in the wrong way.




I'm pretty sure standard mgtow is the wrong way

That made me laugh, then cope by trying to "remember" if any of that ever happened to me, then cry because it never did.

Fuck fakecels and mentalcels they drive me to sui

These roasties think they are smart, but we are smarter

IQ and a solid code can defeat any roastie.

High IQ post

this fills my heart with joy. he did good.

This funny fam

Strong LARP but funny

Live action role playing game??


What exactly is a mentalcel? Is someone who is not bad looking but socially retarded? I've been lurking for awhile and I can't figure this one out.

That or someone with a literal mental condition. They often overlap.

I think I might be one. It's over.

just get over it

Truecels probably think mentalcels are the best cel to be, but as you get older and you realize you could've banged a lot more chicks then you did, it's pretty depressing. At least if you're a 5-1 bald guy, you know there's nothing you could have done.

Words brother

You should do a mentalcel flair..

I feel you man. Just remembering those missed opportunities makes me want to rope sometimes.

Yup. No ambiguity either, I had girls physically making moves, spelling it out for me, begging me, all sorts. And I fucked it all up due to being fucked in the head.

So true. I wish I could go back in time and tell my 13 year old self that I'm one of the good looking guys in my school and that I could easily get all the girls I want. Instead I went on as a mentalcel and never developed any social skills. I would be a chad right now if I had just said yes to that the girl that asked me to dance. Fuck I'm depressed.

Before you know it, you're old and don't even care about fucking anymore. I'm not the extreme case where God put an incel brain into Chad's body as a cruel joke, but it does happen. For me, even after I fucked a couple of Becky's, I still couldn't stop being a pussy. Always thought this will be the last time I ever fuck. If you're a mentalcel in your 20's, take drugs or do whatever it takes to get over it because it goes by fast.

I did eventually get a Becky for myself when I was on antidepressants, but that didn't fix my problem either. I still can't have a proper conversation with anyone because the brain pathways needed for it just didn't develop by playing wow alone during the important years. I've tried drugs, therapy and getting myself out there. I'm just lucky that's she's still with me even though I barely even talk to her. It's probably mostly due to my looks. She'll probably be the only girl I'll ever be with. It's just torture seeing girls looking at me and knowing you could've fucked them if you were normal in the head.

I pillmaxxed when I was in my 20's and did better than usual but ironically my dick was operating at like 60%. I knew that was possibility before I did it, but I didn't care.

what's a becky? Is that one step below a Stacy?


Or your average girl

"incel" certainly wasn't a phrase when I was that age, or a thing or whatever. But drugs definitely helped me out. I was a total "mentalcel" until drugs allowed me to at least allow something to happen if a girl was making it happen (that's as good as I ever got, but prior to that, if a girl was essentially throwing herself at my and I wanted it, I'd shut that shit down like it was AIDS)

For me I had no choice with my family situation, there was no escaping the abuse and constant depression

I never stood a chance.

Yeah, I'm not an 'incel' now. But I was OK enough looking through my teens to get some pretty nice attention and I fucked it all up until I was 17 and this slightly younger chick basically wouldn't take no and pretty well just molested me into being her bf. After that, I got slightly better.

But I still never had a one-night-stand or anything, despite loads of opportunity.

I used to just literally freeze when it came to 'closing time' - I wasn't shy or anything around girls, until it came to sex - and even then, on literally when it came to admitting I wanted sex with them - so that's the point I always fucked it up. Usually I'd go from having a girl throwing herself at me, to telling me I'm fucked in the head and never wanting to talk to me again in about an hour.

I'm a below average looking mentalcel (diagnosed with Asperger's at 10), no physical disfigurement to speak of (besides a shrunken toe). Just some asymmetry and... honestly, I don't know. I've been reading about signs of attraction from girls (real signs, not the stupid PUA shit) for the longest time, but no girl has ever taken an interest, and no girl has ever said "yes." That's how you know it's over, no matter who you are; it's all up to the women. They are the selectors, we are just the selection.

I think mentalcel and aspergercel are very different. Mentalcel's know they are fucked up but also know social cues, etc. They just don't like socializing. Unfortunately they also have a functioning penis so they are forced to try to play a game that they have neither the skills nor the desire to play. I guess aspergercels know they are fucked up too, but I think there is some amount of 'ignorance is bliss'. But I don't know. I don't want to say aspergercels don't have it as bad as the rest of us. We are all going to the rope store anyway, so whatever.

I was mentalcel before. I was okay-good looking but couldn't manage to make a move or have confidence in myself even though I had like over a thousand tinder matches and knowing that some cute girls in my class were down for me.

over a thousand.

At this point I become happy when I match with bots

Ain't messing with you mate

Really makes you think about a trip to the US. Way easier to kill yourself over there.

Or the worst one: some cute chick I met on snap and sent me nudes basically beg me to drive at her place and come f*ck her but I'm too pussy/nervous to do it

Are you maybe asexual?

not really bro

Flawless victory

This is funny, but being an actual mentalcel is torture. If I was born as a woman I'd be a stacey-light and live without a care in the world.


Obviously this didn't happen but it's definitely an exaggeration of things that do happen. My best friend was a mentalcel. He just had really low self esteem because he's 5'7 and a need. But he's attractive and over the years girls had tried but he completely missed it. One girl actually straight up asked him out at work and it went like this Girl: would you be down to go out with me? Maybe we could do something tonight of tomorrow? Him: I don't have any money... That was it. When he told me I wanted to fucking kill him. He was 19 at this point and believed that no girls would ever like him and here one was asking him out point blank and that's what he said. Luckily 5 years later a girl he worked with that was older and more experienced saw him and knew what his problem was. She literally walked him step by step out of his virginity. He's now married with a kid to a different girl.

I wish I was an attractive mentalcel.

Luckily 5 years later a girl he worked with that was older and more experienced saw him and knew what his problem was. She literally walked him step by step out of his virginity.


It's just evidence that there are women out there that get it and that guys can miss shit.

And that looks > personality

Well it's hard to say because he wasn't the best looking guy in the store either and he does have a good personality if you get to know him. She worked with him for almost 2 years and forced him out of his shell. She told him she liked him because he was the only guy there that wasn't a dick and hadn't tried to fuck her. But who really knows what her reason was. I can definitely tell you that he was the biggest outcast there. He never got invited to any of the parties they threw when they all hung out. He worked with a few Chad type guys that fucked with him all the time and fucked all the counter girls. I personally think she was just a rare girl that had probably had enough assholes.

The normies say we can’t expect a girl to come and rescue us: I guess they forgot the (if you’re not attractive enough)

He got to get an actual unicorn. Good for him. I'm not even being el sarcasmo.

Is there a service like this available? Where I can have a female coach me on dating, sex, and relationships? Or even if it's online. Please tell me this exists.

Well despite what some of you guys want to think this is a true story. So it doesn't end as nice as it started. It ended about how you would expect... BUT, it did lead to him losing his virginity and after recovering from some heartbreak he started talking to girls which eventually led to some other shit you guys wouldn't believe. And some more heartbreak and then finally his wife. So far do good on the wife. I'd say they're looksmatch and happy. I don't know if she's still taking in virgins but she's still out there somewhere. The thing with losing your virginity is it's only the beginning of a whole group of new problems and letdowns but it's still worth it if you ask me.

Are you telling me I won't reach an eternal state of Nirvana once I lose my virginity and get married? Please don't shatter the image and dream I've always held in my mind ever since I watched Ah My Goddess! as a kid and played Final Fantasy X.

Lol jk, I realize that in reality, she'll never be my Belldandy and be able to do cool magic tricks, but I'd still do her. I'd very much like to have teh sex plz, lol. Some guys online I've heard saying they prefer porn to sex, and that losing their virginity was kind of just bleh, since they worked it up so high in their minds. What a bunch of phegs, lol jk.

No but I think I'd like to have a best friend more than anything, someone to talk to and share my life with, and have kids. I wouldn't mind adopting because my gene pool didn't exactly hit the lottery, lol.

It's weird there have been a lot of times I've preferred and chosen to play video games or eat delicious food rather than watch porn. It kind of makes me think that maybe sex has been kind of consciously or subconsciously placed on a pedestal in my mind, and that there are things I'd choose above it, like money, food, video games, lol. I know the Japanese have been there and done that, and a lot of them prefer games and hobbies and activities and interests over having a romantic relationship, and aren't marrying. I'm still pondering these things and what it all means.

But I think that'd be a great business where girls help coach guys on everything from fashion and grooming to dating and business. And where you can pay extra for teh secks lol jk.

That all kind of sounds fun and exciting, like a good Anime with drama and ups and downs. Like live action roleplaying. Is that what life is? LOL I want to try out this Life thing, BRB failing but making progress and failing better and better haha! Life is like a live-action video game where I'm the main character and I get to be the hero if I want to. I can go on quests and do stuff. I feel like The Architect of my life, I feel power, incredible power! It takes hard work, I know that, and I'm looking make that shit my bitch! And everything I could ever want to learn I have at my fingertips. How to make a girl squirt, lol. How to dress, talk, eat, how to meet girls, how to find a qt3.14 in Asia that's into Anime. It's a video game, it's all a video game! I just gotta download and read the strategy guides and sometimes I'll lose and get it wrong but I'll get better at the game! LIFE IS ALL A MASSIVE MULTIPLAYER ONLINE ROLE PLAYING GAME! I. HAVE. REACHED. EUREKA/NIRVANA! I AM GOING SUPER SAIYAN 1!!! THE POWER!!! THE POWER!!! I HAVE FOUND THE SECRET TO THE MATRIX!!! HAHAHAAHAHA!!!!!!! HAHAHAHAHAAH!!!!!

Honestly, I think high grade hookers at good brothels can probably come close to being decent coaches. If you can get passed their dick count. At least at a good brothel you know they've been safe and are tested regularly. Those girls know a lot and they deal with virgins all the time. And like you said, a lot of guys will lose their virginity and it will be underwhelming. There's more than one reason I'm sure but I bet some of those reasons are stuff like they don't actually like the girl that much. They only got it once and it was over quick. Maybe she was a boring fuck (which is possible). With good hookers you can pick out a really hot one and not only will she be a pro but you can get it more than once before you leave. I watched a video on YouTube of an incel describing his experience at a brothel and it sounded like the girls were great. They taught him shit and kissed him so he could have some practice. It doesn't solve the having a friend and real relationship problem but it can give some experience and some confidence so when you do actually get lucky you'll be more prepared. In the meantime sex isn't everything. I know guys that avoid women on purpose now because they would rather have the money and free time for other shit like video games and whatever else like you said.

I read it as a reversal of how women’s lives actually are - reverse the genders and it all sounds completely believable, but if you tell it like this you can see how utterly ridiculous it is.


The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.

Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

He did nothing wrong, just like another great man in history..


Hitler did many things wrong. Like invade Russia in the winter instead of summer, and only gassing 6 million.

The wintertime invasion was a result of Mussolini invading Greece, and failing badly. Hitler had to bail his dumb ass out, thereby delaying the Russian attack. Many believe it would have turned out in Germany's favor. Damn Italians again, fucking everything up..

As for the 6 million, it was actually 6 gorillion.


Should have called for sexual harassment.

Recently diagnosed with PTSD. This made my day.

r/mgtow fapfic

he looks like zyros lol

This man is volcel gang, round of applause for ascending

mentalcels are worse than fakecels

Well played niBBa !

What is a mentalcel?


I feel this. Paralysed by mental blocks from past bullying, a fear of the pain of rejection. Call it cope, but I'm moving past it.

Volcel = based

I’m mentalcel because I only became attractive after the age of 18. I went through all the things that incels go through, and then started getting treated better after I got in shape and my facial structure was revealed. People realize that I’m strange within minutes (sometimes seconds) of interacting with me because I don’t act like how I look.


mentalcel=retardcel=me :/

Thank god I’m safe

Tfw a girl that does model shoots now had a massive crush on me in high schoo

hey boss, fuck u mang

Op is jewish

how did you come to conclusion?

just get over it

You should do a mentalcel flair..

Well despite what some of you guys want to think this is a true story. So it doesn't end as nice as it started. It ended about how you would expect... BUT, it did lead to him losing his virginity and after recovering from some heartbreak he started talking to girls which eventually led to some other shit you guys wouldn't believe. And some more heartbreak and then finally his wife. So far do good on the wife. I'd say they're looksmatch and happy. I don't know if she's still taking in virgins but she's still out there somewhere. The thing with losing your virginity is it's only the beginning of a whole group of new problems and letdowns but it's still worth it if you ask me.

Honestly, I think high grade hookers at good brothels can probably come close to being decent coaches. If you can get passed their dick count. At least at a good brothel you know they've been safe and are tested regularly. Those girls know a lot and they deal with virgins all the time. And like you said, a lot of guys will lose their virginity and it will be underwhelming. There's more than one reason I'm sure but I bet some of those reasons are stuff like they don't actually like the girl that much. They only got it once and it was over quick. Maybe she was a boring fuck (which is possible). With good hookers you can pick out a really hot one and not only will she be a pro but you can get it more than once before you leave. I watched a video on YouTube of an incel describing his experience at a brothel and it sounded like the girls were great. They taught him shit and kissed him so he could have some practice. It doesn't solve the having a friend and real relationship problem but it can give some experience and some confidence so when you do actually get lucky you'll be more prepared. In the meantime sex isn't everything. I know guys that avoid women on purpose now because they would rather have the money and free time for other shit like video games and whatever else like you said.