[Lifefuel] femoids get so pissed when the topic of sex dolls come up

142  2018-05-26 by Kimchicel


That “woman” has the approximate IQ of a potato if you ask me,

That's an insult to potatoes

Potatoes are certainly more versatile than some sexist twat that can't differentiate between "you are" and "your."

Strong cope, but funny and true.

Potatoes are actually useful..you can eat them, turn them into wodka, or put them in your anus.

Potatoes are the truecel vegetable.

Reddit level joke.

Newsflash: you're on Reddit

Women are not interested in the kind of men who own a sex doll anyways. On the off chance chad buys one "wow chad youre sooooo kinky teehee"

JFL at foids.

Of course not, but that's not why they're mad. They're mad because it means that lower tier men won't have as much motivation to give them attention in pursuit of sex if they can just get a sex doll.

Any attention I give foids ends in arrest for being to ugly and retarded to be allowed to even look at one.

They’re worried about losing their betabux relationship after they hit the wall.

Even their jobs are at stake, just lol if you don't see how women abuse their SMV in the workplace to get further

and hopefully will stop betabuxing

Whether women admit it or not, they thrive on male attention- even from old men and incels. If every guy that sees her on a given day doesn't check her out or look at her boobs while talking to her.. she will feel like something is wrong.

She will then finally feel like us

unfeeling, uncaring machine


They aren't worried that sex will stop. They will never even think of having sex with the low quality men who will resort to sex dolls.

It's the things that come with the male pursuit of sex/relationships that are in danger.

Male Worship- Even if she never has sex with any of the betas the worshipping and flattering manner in which they address and interact with her will go.

Useful Idiots- Those that will do any kind of favor for her in the hopes of getting in her good books and hoping for something to develop in future might not bother to do the effort.

Free Stuff- Men might not bother to buy her all kinds of things.

So much loss. Imagine the horror that men might not be motivated to slave at 2 jobs, bend over backwards for her smallest whims etc etc just so they could be worthy of her time and attention.

She doesn't want you to give up. She is the rpize for your sufferings, get back to the chase and work!

While this is MGTOW shit, it's a bit funny.

It's the things that come with the male pursuit of sex/relationships that are in danger.

George Orwell level IQ

You already bolded it, but this cant be repeated enough.

we need to have like an IQ levels -

0 - John Green

50 - Wesley Crusher actor

75 - Jake Rapp (forced cuck husband of nintendo hooker alison)

100 - Arthur Conan Doyle

150 - Dr Jordan Peterson

200 - George Orwell

250 - black ops 2 cel

Fuck. I didnt know John Green was such a cuck. He seemed like such a smart guy. Then again, most of his audience is female, so I guess it makes sense he not bite the hand that feeds him.
I endorse this list btw.

That could be the answer- instead of enforced monogamy, you could have therapeutic sex dolls issued to all incels. Problem solved: quiet female who doesn't say no.

Haven't you heard the screeches of TERFs who think that giving sex dolls is also objectification of women?

I think I had my earplugs in.

Those are useful around those women, yeah.

Yes, we are soulless beingswho drink blood and sleep all day.

Not funny,but at least you're trying to be self aware

One blackpill most people agree on: women can't be funny


Sex dolls are better humans than women.

If women are that bad why dont you get a sex doll and stop blaming women for not sucking you 3 inch micro penis you dickhead. Atleast this shitty sub wouldnt exist

How about you stop coming here then

Jokes and laughs. Pure entertainment

You just seemed a little triggered over there

You know why? Cause a while ago i posted about sex dolls and incels bashed me because they want love and affection . Your hypocricy makes me angry be consistent

Sex dolls might be a good source of short term pleasure, but ofc people would get angry if you suggest they use them as a SUBSTITUTE for real human love and connection.

Pretty much any woman who uses a dildo would also tell you to fuck off if you told her "well if you like dildos so much why aren't you content with being alone for the rest of your life then"

Wtf op says sex toys are better than real women . Do you even know what you want

they're talking about advanced sex bots. Not the ones currently available

Ok then why do you complain?? I dont understand if women are that bad why do you spend most of your time talking about them?smh

why do feminists complain about men all day?

I dont claim men are worthless and dildos are better than men but you do


Almost like this sub is comprised of many different people with varying opinions.

You can already purchase a sex doll and shut the fuck up you dont cause you wamt validation you little brat

you aren't even a good troll. Like wtf does what you said have anything to do with anything I said.

Anyone who says he prefers sex dolls over women can get a sex doll amd shut the fuck up . Is that so hard for your retarded brain to understand?

Jokes and laughs. Pure entertainment

Yeah you're definitely not upset.

Ok retarded dumbshit lmaooo

You are so filled with anger that you make poor attempts to trash this sub by posting on trufemcels thinking you are so funny and no one goes to that sub JFL.

Humor comes from true suffering dear, you will never be as funny as a ugly manlet living a life of pure suffering.

Life is pointless as a whole . You think females are going to recieve attention all their life? Male attention is only for teen and early 20s then you have no value . Its a shitty life atleast do what you want

Hey, sabadr, just a quick heads-up:
recieve is actually spelled receive. You can remember it by e before i.
Have a nice day!

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Life is pointless as a whole

Cope. Living the life is the point of life.

You think females are going to receive attention all their life?

Youth is the time for love and romance for everyone. Stop dancing around the fact that some will never get it.


Im having a hard time believing it. Name an action that is not done for our survival and reproduction?

Youth is the time for love and romance for everyone. Stop dancing around the fact that some will never get it.

You get something really positive if you can early on. Then being cheated on in your 30s and 40s by your husband . Seeing younger females is like seeing chad getting all the women so thats not very different. Men love women for youth and beauty you cant hold on to that for so long realising everyday that your going to lose everything and you cant stop it drives me insane.

Name an action that is not done for our survival and reproduction?

Like I said living life is the point of life. Life isn't a mission with an objective or reward lying at the end of it.

Living and experiencing is all there is to it.

Men love women for youth and beauty you cant hold on to that for so long realising everyday that your going to lose everything and you cant stop it drives me insane.

And that stops you from enjoying the present males attention how?

Living and experiencing is all there is to it.

To pass on a little bit of information(aka dna)

And that stops you from enjoying the present males attention how?

Sometimes it goes in the way of interacting with males or even people in general cause when you know something you cant unknow it and enjoy yourself for real

Sometimes it goes in the way of interacting with males or even people in general cause when you know something you cant unknow it and enjoy yourself for real

Hahaha do you live your life in perpetual fear that you will get old and lose your beauty and youth. That gives me life fuel lol.

But if you play your cards you lock some betabux husband who will be too principled to leave you for a younger hotter babe.

But if you play your cards you lock some betabux husband who will be too principled to leave you for a younger hotter babe.

Why would i be that pathetic . Ill just get the chads sperm and impregnate myself .having a child is the closest way to being immortal. Also i dont get to be cheated on why should i live in fear??

Yea righttt my pussy is touching the ground rn.

Typical roastie!

Dick Shaming

Like roast beef shaming??

What's that

going straight for penis size

Are you even self-aware?

Well you make fun of roast beef vaginas everyday what makes you think its not ok for me but its ok for you?

Micropenis can't be fixed but roast beef looking vaginas can.

Thats not my problem

Okay, then why are you triggered by roast flaps?

Why are you triggered by small dicks

I'm not. Men are shamed for dicks for centuries. Roastie flaps jokes are barely a decade.

Centuries?? How do you know that?lmao .

Of course your dick shaming me because I'm Asian, just JFl at "multicultural" femoids

just jfl

You used two justs in a row


I didnt even know you were asian and honestly i dont give a fuck you started this by shaming vulvas if you do it im gonna do it too boyo.

Really? The "kimchi" in the name is not obvious enough for you? Cucktears are truly retarded

I didnt even read your name. Believe it or not i dont give a fuck about your existence youre not that important to pay attention to.

She says while getting triggered and posting in his thread.

Shiiieet this guy killed himself 3 hours after that comment.

Holy shit are you for real?


He said he was going to rope im pretty sure hes not dead yet... i hope so

3 inches isn't even that small buster

Wow you must have a 3 inch dick then . As far as i know even asians have a average 4 inch penis so 3 inch is really really small. Im sorry to tell you that:(

This dude must be a young punk ass hood rat black dude, he's mad he don't got the bbc and he got ashy lips

When a sex doll rejects me, maybe I'll come back. Until then, go into your ass.

Like women actually would care about you on your deathbed lmao

She will bang the caregiver on the couch while you are in your death-rattles.

looks at the wives of dead celebrities. they have a new boyfriend in under a month

What do you mean by 'new boyfriend'? They were 100% getting dick on the side throughout the "relationship", but just low-key. Because the foids still are not sexually liberated, they gotta wait for a "polite period" before going public with the side-dick.

The circlejerk of the reactions is real

I personally think they are beautiful. I am kind of interested to see if they can be incorporated into the VR or AR technologies.


They only care when Chad gets a sex doll

Actually this isn't true. Women are disgusted by sex dolls (and the guys that use them). Otherwise they wouldn't be bothered or feel threatened and leave comments like this. They will lose their army of orbiters i.e. men who buy them stuff and do them favours. They know that society could potentially collapse if sex dolls became mainstream. At the very least, they would lose much of their power over men, as sex dolls become more realistic

It's not like a woman will care for me now, might as well have a sex doll.

Am married. I have no faith that my wife will care for me on my death bed, and she ALSO doesn’t want to have sex.

Im a normie, but I cant wait for the sex bots to come out. Betas buy the bots, they remove themselves from the dating pool. Result? More options.


Low tier normies become the next incels.

Then they buy sex dolls! And then women get desperate. This strat cant lose

Cope. They would still only want only top 20% men. Chad would just get more pussy nothing else would change.

At the very least they lose the benefits of male pursuit, which some commenter said in this thread.
You should look forward to it. If enough men leave the pool, Im sure incels can become a big fish

women don't feel threatened

When one does something that signals his low status - women are always there to make fun of him. This is what this post is about.

Ive honestly kind of wondered about this same thing. Why women whom wouldn't give someone they wouldnt be attracted to the time of day to call them out on their way of coping knowing they dont have any other options anyways. Perplexes me tbh..

unfeeling, uncaring machine? Is she talking about femoids?

Women are retarded

Redpill retards are coping hard thinking that women are actually jealous of all the 6 inch dicks those robowhores are going to get.

Femoids have objectified men so severely that a majority of men will have to share their beds with literal objects. Femoid hypocrisy is fucking satanic, I don't want a huMAN female, I'll take a robot or a djinni for real... FEMALE NATURE WILL MAKE FEMALES OBSOLETE. They'll still exist, but robot love is better for both genders. Fuck competing for a prize not worth winning.

They know sex dolls are getting better and better.

Feminists worst fear is another spaceship crashes like in 1947 and the technological secrets to build replacement women robots is inside the craft.

Like roast beef shaming??

He said he was going to rope im pretty sure hes not dead yet... i hope so