JBW theory confirmed.

37  2018-05-26 by Moiz1253





BTFO again

she's not black...

She's part black

so she mixed. Not black

One drop.

this is not the 1920 anymore sorry

You really want to use "it's current year!" as an argument in here of all places?

You're right, it's objectively worse socially

In America she is lmao

no she's not its not the 1920s anymore

Go ask a bunch of people in the south what she is lol

you mean go ask the white trash of America sure why not

If you aren't a retard, she isn't.

Friendly reminder what is "moderately attractive" to femoids

10 - chad 9 - moderately attractive 8 - attractive Rope

Why is moderately attractive higher than straight up attractive

I haven't slept in 29 hours so my head isn't in the right place.

I can understand, rest yourself brah.


White incels, GO TRAVEL!

moderately attractive = top 20% minimum

Is that a ricewhore?

I'm a 6'0 White guy and although I'm not incel, no girl over a 5 will even look at you unless you're a 7/10 of more. I can get ugly chicks but any decent looking girls just expect me to orbit so I stop talking to them once it's clear it's going nowhere

It's so fucking over for ethnics.

She's part black

I haven't slept in 29 hours so my head isn't in the right place.

In America she is lmao