Just 3 simple steps

127  2018-05-26 by PM-ME-YOUR-UNDERARMS


After - looks like Justin Bieber. lol

St Biebercel

You forgot that the "+ smile" should include "+porcelain veneers + smile".

IKR OP basically photoshopped the imperfections off his face

I want to meet him so bad. I just want him to whisper in my ear “It’s over boyo” and lead me to the golden rope.

No not the rope.

We need him

Nearly pass for your average San Francisco hipster working for some tech startup. While Chad the venture capitalist makes all the money off you.

His maxillary width increased. lol

Who actually is this wtf??

St blackops

It’s complete heresy to post a cucktear post about st blackops on this sub

Funnily enough, IT seem to be the only people that you can have rational conversations with. There are of course exceptions before you start trying to argue.

Finding rational convos on either sub is a retarded notion. Is all about the memes.

Haha fucking hell they actually unironically said that his problems are his lack of showering despite it being a photograph with no way to tell how often he showers

Who’s Brad aha?

Patron saint of incels dummy

The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

He is all that has passed, all that is, and all that will be, peace be upon him.

just get perfect dense shiny nw1 hair and perfect teeth/skin bro

Except it's pretty obvious that his facial features changed throughout the pictures.

thats the point boyo


Let it flow over you, boyo.

His hairs isn’t thick enough for that haircut

Hair products. We've come a long way in 2018 in hair care baby! If black people can get their lamb-wool-like hair did good and stuff, this guy's hair is a walk in the park. I also like to practice talking with my stylist, she's a total MILF.

hes still ugly look at his nose

Stop self pitying and just give yourself a lower and more square hairline, change the direction your hair grows, change the thickness of your hair, increase your zygos width, and change the shape and position of your teeth (the guy clearly has a narrow palate so his smile would look completely different). Whatever IT user that made that is a complete eejit.

ye just stop balding LOOOOL

it's still over

how dare u defile our God.

Even with looksmaxing he's still a framecel

That's not his hairline

was this posted unironically by inceltears? if so it's funny how it would only prove how they don't know what they're talking about as that's not his actual hairline and the smile is shopped as well

jfl @ any normie who took this picture seriously, it's over for you

Hair cut

Hair transplant. You can't "cut" your hairline lower/straighter.

Haircut ?

hair fucking transplant


he suddenly had a smooth skin and lighter complexion


he suddenly have fucking have a perfect teeth .

Stop being a cuck , dont turn this to a fucking r/nofap where you think making “small changes” will make a difference .

When its actually . Not 3 simple steps:

  1. Get a hair transplant
  2. Get a lighter complexion by bleaching your face and taking retinoids
  3. Buy some cool shirt
  4. Get some braces
  5. Wear that fucking *brace for 2 years *, and get that perfect smile .

You think thats easy? Your a cuck if you think its easy

Haha.. and even then still he'd only have a chance with gay guys because his frame and body language is weak as fuck.

Forgot step 3, change exposure to image

You forgot shower, pimples will instantly disappear

he looks beatiful. seeing our Lord happy truly is a gift.

Just get photoshopped bro.

And if you’re bald or balding, you’re fucked

forgot the frame for +photoshop

He didn't kill himself like incels believe. From my sources in a government agency he is actually alive and well. He spearheaded a research and development team that is on the brink of rolling out the prototype for a sentient "sex doll" that will rival the hosts in WestWorld. He didn't die for incels or for women. He saved incels and is going to destroy women... more to come.