"Every woman Is Different"

224  2018-05-26 by completeutterbuffoon


They're all the same.


women are hivemind beasts connected to their momma saturn.


Chads only

God help fathers today. I couldn't live with myself if my daughter turned out to be one of these creatures.

just do what preislamic arabs did. just burry your daughter alive bro

Yeah Arabs before Islam were messed lol

They're still messed.

Not all of them. Some are good some are bad.

No, unless they were born and/or raised in the Occident or States, they are fucked up and will always be since they are carrying their brutal animalic traditions.

Uhh okay If you say so. Nice generalisation.

Incel complaining about generalisation. Lmao.

I'm not an Incel...

Cope. Even ones in the West still are animals

An incel complaining about brutal animalistic traditions?

Not an incel. I am however agreeing and empathysing with some peoples opinions around here and enjoy browsing this sub. Yet that has nothing to do with my opinion about arabs.

How? They seem to have had the right idea.


I said “How? They seem to have had the right idea.”

Haha very funny.

Would you like to explain why you think 'they had the right idea?'


I understand why honour killings exist. I don't condone or support them, but I understand that there's a coherent rationale.

I'm starting to come around.

dude keep thode thoughts in your head

no one have the right to kill a life

The state technically does.

well no man prison maybe but kill someone thats like ending a whole existence

A Whole existence, eh? What’s the exchange rate on ‘em these days?

no one's entitled to life

No one has the right to kill a life? Technically everyone does. It's just the law not to. If people didn't have the right to kill then a lightning bolt would come from the sky to stop soldiers shooting at eachother.

You seem like the type of guy to see a sad post on facebook and roll up your sleeves as say 'Sending all my prayers'.

well your logic is flawed mate.

low iq.


Well his first 3 sentences are right.

"Noone has a right to kill a life"

And yet we have a booming meat industry

A war industrial complex


Fuck off normie. You'd murder and rape your own kids if you were bored enough

do you know who you are talking to?

It's indefensible, but you can believe they deter people from cheating and acting like THOTs.. there has to be a middle ground between that and how things are in the US.

This is art

That's why the most insulting thing you can call a woman in this day and age is "typical woman".

lmfao u guys all just got doxxed

You can doxx these nuts, you fat bitch.

im serious u really got doxxed

That's cool. You know that you're fat right? You are a fat woman. You can call it "thicc" or "phat ass white girl" but those are just copes. You. Are. Fat. Now go eat some more to forget how sad those ebil incels made you feel :^)


Lmao that's how you spot these bitches: Nose ring, choker, tasteless tat, colored hair. Red flags

they might not be all the same but they sure as hell all care about height

I married a man a full foot shorter than me. Height is overrated.

Height is overrated.

it clearly is and most women are absolutely obsessed by it.

You are biologically determined to use height to judge men, your husband either has other physical attributes to compensate or he's just beta.



Living sex dolls

I don't get it. Can you explain?

Y'all know a girl drew dis, right?

Y'all 🤠

(I am a bot beep boop. Yall count: 109)

PM me Suggestions!

"How dare you generalize all incels, we're not all like the ones you read about."

a foid drew this

live laugh love tee hee hee

Every woman I've met is different. I'd recommend paying closer attention and spending more time with them. Generally speaking, hand drawn pictures aren't the most reliable source of valid information about the world. I mean, in one picture I saw a kid play with a stuffed animal that came alive. P sure they don't do that.

Props to the artist though, that's p well drawn.

It's over when you look like a bald goatee version of one of the far left background bitch.

top fucking kek

Since discovering this sub and applying it to situations I've been seeing in my dating game experiences.. I can totally understand why countries control female populations like India. Women are honestly the downfall of cultures. We are living in a culture where almost no good women even exist anymore if they ever even did. In the 1980's... maybe even 1990's.. a 'betabux' could have a woman and have some decent % chance of her not cheating 24'7. But now.. even an ugly girl can go get fucked up the ass all night after a couple minutes on a dating app. Womens standards and social value are going up completely undeserved simply because of technology.. while their looks are going down.. This leaves the absolute bottom of the bunch of women for the other 80% of men unless they have lots of money. It's always been this equation.. but now it's exponentially worse due to technology.