Protip: If the problem only affects men, it's never a real problem and nobody will ever care because men are disposable

70  2018-05-26 by yuyuyuyuu

And therefore if you complain you're just a horrible loser.

You're welcome.


Funny how 50% of human population don't get to complain....

Historically, men have had it better. They've had the right to die to further the ends of the ruling classes, to be press ganged into an arduous life at sea or to give their health to the fields to feed the state.They've had the pleasure of building the wonders of the world and the honour of laying their lives down to pave the way for countless kingdoms and empires. A vanishingly small minority of men have even managed to rule kingdoms and empires as well as manage FTSE 500 companies. Feminism is borne of capitalism's dusions; they've been as duped as everyone else into believing how much capital you can produce is a measure of who you are and that the game isn't rigged to guarantee people stay at the bottom. Feminism benefits the ruling classes and the average woman isn't getting happier.

The word is "allowed" not "aloud".

Consider this. Female hormone replacement therapy has been a thing for years for post menopausal women, with newer drugs being made everyday, with fewer and fewer adverse effects.

On the other hand, most docs don't even know the normal range for serum testosterone for men, let alone the need for prescribing testosterone therapy.

Right. . . and there are how many drugs for ED? Do we really need 20 different options for hard on drugs? The idea that is some way big pharma is ignoring the needs of men is patently false.

these exist because they make money

Sooo. . . you need them to develop more drugs to make your balls finally drop?

how could you possibly think that was funny?

So men need 20 different dick hardeners and women get. . . the pill. . . for cramps, acne, endometriosis, POI and ovarian cysts. They literally haven't come up with anything for women in nearly 50 years to deal with problems that nearly every woman faces and we got 20 dick hardeners?

Dick hardeners are there to please women.

High IQ

Men's problems don't matter to society at all

Aww. . . poor widdle muffin. Life is so hard. Melt, Snowflake: Melt!

Does this make you feel good about your life? Mocking guys with literally the lowest self esteem possible?

Separate yourself from the Blackpill ideology I mock.

Your opinions aren't very relevant tho lets be real

yes, so you agree with my post, right?


You would have to be pretty self absorbed to think you should be exempt from the same conditions everyone faces.

Honestly, men do have problems: divorce court, traditional provider roles. . . blah blah, but I would never trade for a woman's problems. No fucking way.

And what are these so called woman’s problems?

Rape, wage inequality, access to employment, access to education in third world countries, health issues related sex and motherhood, lookism.

Kek, lookism only applies to men. Men can also be raped. Wage inequality is not a thing. Women are hired more now because of stupid diversity quotas, women have equal access to education in first world third world does not apply as we don't live there. Body dismorphoa affects men much more, a sub like this for men exists, and a sub not existent for women proves this as well.


Wow, what a convincing counterargument.

I bet you get laid a lot. There is a high correlation with being a low iq idiot and getting a ton of pussy.

Wage inequality lmao. Do you understand basic economics?

Take a look at this and maybe you will understand


Rape is just one category of violent crime. In all other categories, men are vastly overrepresented. But you don't care about that, since men are disposable.

wage inequality

kek people still believe in muh wage gap

access to education in third world countries

We're talking about the West here, fuckstick.

health issues related to sex and motherhood

Don't have sex then? If you want to fuck a new Chad every weekend and you're concerned about STDs/pregnancy, then that's not really society's fault, you're just a nasty little roastie thot.

And besides, society pays far more attention to femoid health (e.g. breast cancer) than men's health (prostate cancer).

lookism and body dysmorphia problems

Jfl, any thot will receive constant social and sexual validation regardless of how she looks. Men don't. Men are the real victims of lookism.

Feminists: Men's feelings are valid! Fight gender roles! Man: Okay, here are my problems caused by sexist steteotypes Feminists: Awwh, you poor little thing. Have you got your feewings hurt?

"1 in 4 homeless people are women"