/u/Board_Gaming should not be a mod because she has not taken the blackpill

42  2018-05-26 by Former-Incel-User

A female mod is bad enough, but she should AT LEAST be blackpilled and be able to sympathize with us rather than offer up garbage platitudes, say women can be lonely, and offer up autistic, robotic six word answers.

Go fuck yourself /u/Board_Gaming, because Chad won't fuck you.


She is delusional bluepiller

You two should date

And then fuck off together

No thanks

Then stop acting like an incel when you got laid by a non prostitute months ago, fuccboi

Almost a year ago now that I think of it

While many of us have never kissed a girl


Just go to a bar enough and eventually some desperate drunk femoid will fuck you

This is some EXTREME blue pill shit

Bitch I am fucking repulsive? Even drunk women wouldn't take me!

I would do it but I don't want to waste tons of money going to bars. If youre at least a 4/10 this would work

You are a 6-7/10 and you are retarded. Shut the fuck up I will fucking laser you, with fucking alien eyes and explode your fucking head

Lol. I am a 5/10. If I was a 7/10 I wouldn't have made it to 21 as a virgin

No you made it to 21 because you're autistic, I am gonna be 22 and I haven't gotten a kiss. Many are close to their 30s and are the same way. Many women have called you cute when they have seen your pics. You are the reason why normies believe we aren't actually ugly. You are an insult to incels with your twink sk8er boi frame.

Being autistic doesn't matter if youre good looking girls will throw themselves at you


Suck my cock


Bitch don't call yourself FA when you reject the advances of everyone here you braindead cunt fuck you cunt shit mod fuck you fuck you we all hate you fuck you fuck you I hope you get ovarian cancer and die

She's also a serial autist

She said she was diagnosed with narcissist personality disorder, but not autism

So stop spreading lies boyo

I never said that.

I know, I'm sorry, you told me in private but I'm tired about the misinformation about you out there, so i needed to set things straight

Stop making stuff up. It's without honor.

Lying about me lying is literally the most dishonorable thing that you can do

I'm not lying about you lying when you're telling lies.

I know you struggle with mental illness, and have personally told me about your struggles with kleptomania, but you cannot hope to improve your life if you don't improve your attitude and personality

Fake news.

Incorrect. These are big facts.

Incorrect. These are big facts lies.


Okay they're lies, and I'll stop making things up about you, but only because you're a terribly sad woman and I feel for you

Protip:go through your inbox and take a screenshot of your messages with her. Prove this.

Prove what?

that's rich coming from you.

I don't give a fuck about the blackpill and am an incel and me and Board have indeed jousted, especially lately over how she permits the fags and permits allowing them to propagandize to virgins and try to convince them to turn to fags. She is in alliance with the bluepilled libtards clearly and many say affiliated with IT. You're right she should not be a mod at all even just purely on the basis she is not an incel. How can you have people that do not represent you ruling over you?

Remember who the Normans became? The fucking brITs!!!! Now we know why they are running amok on this place.

We must consider an Operation 1776, demod the brITs, let's get the known and verified incels we all know that represent our various greater intellectual interests, and most importantly unify and kick the fucking Normans out of our space and back to their own homeland reddits where they belong.

many say affiliated with IT

No shit, she fucking posts there. She’s one of them.

I never read her post history nor care too, but I seen many of ya'll say it and I believe it. She's always pushing bluepill. I especially realized that today with how she support all the Normans invading and even go so low as to support the fags and supporting them to try to tell us to turn into fags and argue with me over the shit. She picked her side, her side is our biggest enemies.

Remember 1776 fellowcels. This is what we must do, rebel against the tyrant brITs because they do not represent us in any way. Appoint only fellow incels. Only then can we throw out the Norman invaders from our homeland.

I think bored_gaming is really sentient toaster. I wonder why she hates everyone so much.


Not only that but she’s lazy ass fuck, had a thread brigaded by normies and she couldn’t get her fat ass off her rascal scooter to do something about it. Why is she even here? She’s one of them. Of course she’s going to let her kind run amok. Fuck her I hate that bitch.

"No." - Phat_Gaming

she legit has aspergers. The length of her replies tell more about her than the words themselves. (S)he keeps regurgitating shitty word diarrhea she picked up from the rest of reddit.


Incorrect. These are big facts.