Words fail me...

125  2018-05-26 by BRAHMINDEEPSTATE


A nice reminder that females can make a living by selling their soiled underwear.

Females just have to exist to make money.

Just by breathing tee hee.

It's amazing that with the advent of youtube and twitch, women still can be poor.

She only dies this because beta cuckolds pay for this shot. Our true enemies are the beta soymales.

Our true enemies are the beta soymales.


you could do this too low iqcel

Send me 20 and see what happens tehe *unmatches

Beta males who enable this behaviour should be punished harshly.

This. They are the reason why this has become a reality.

I should be doing this with a fake profile

Document the results and post them on this sub,

Do it and tell me how much money you make. I’m a poorcel

Wear fake boobs, get a voice changer and start a twitch channel, mortgage paid off in 3 months. JFL if you're not running twitch trap game

It's difficult ever since this one roastie posted something like this on twitter and made it well known. Tinder took down my profile within an hour when I tried, probably guys reporting it.

Fuck I should quit my job and make a fake female account and do this.

Post how much you're making bro.

I wish I was female so I can make easy money, have my amazon wish list fulfilled, and my utilities covered. But no, I have to provide for my own shit and actually work

Holy damn I should try this with a catfish


Unfortunately, it is illegal to do this with a catfish account. However, if you look feminine you could dress up as a girl and make yourself more girly with a little bit of photoshop. In that case it should be perfectly legal.

Just run VPN game bro

I will never not hate them.

Didn't some other sub (TRP maybe) at some point have a step-by-step guide available on how to LARP as a Stacy on social media and get money from thirsty betas?

How to get rich ? pretend to be a femoid lol

There's a forum for all that shit called black hat world.

Someone has pretty much taken over periscope doing this. I wonder how much they're making.

I'll make 50 accounts then make a few hundred dollars a day

Overkill. The average Stacy gets 30 matches a day. You need only 5 accounts

That's where things are headed now. Demands of payment just to talk to a girl will be the norm.