Daily Reminder on why noone will never take r/IncelQueers seriously

177  2018-05-26 by hardcore-sinner


True af

Reddit is the 3rd most visited site in the world ..Real normies hang out here all the time

Yeah they hang out on default subs. Not r/inceltears which most of reddit doesnt even know about

If you know what the word incel means, you're probably not a real normie. If you actively spend time here to "research" or "collect data," you can't use the word normie, and you're probably more socially awkward than most incels tbh

You couldn't be more further from the truth.

If you know what the word incel means, you're probably not a real normie.

A "normie" to you is someone who doesn't take the time to learn anything in life or watch news? I and most people only found out about incels through news articles that we stumbled upon. Lol, you're just making up excuses here.

Unlike most people you decided to dedicate a chunk your time into researching what is no more than losers projecting, most normal people would read the news articles and move the fuck on.

Of course most people don't care to read all the news they see lol. That's always been true. I took out a very small amount of time to read an r/outoftheloop answer on what incels were after I saw people pointing out their horrible views on Popular. It wasn't exactly rocket science lol.

We are talking about the IT guys who visit our sub on a daily basis observing the posts more carefully than every truecel here and screenshot our shitposts just to repost them for virtual internet points. That's what you would call well-adjusted normie behavior?

Yes, that's the same behavior that drives subs like r/iamverysmart and r/im14andthisisdeep. The only difference is that incels are more likely to kill people.

Eh. I guess you're right..

Lol exactly. I never even knew what Intel's were until I saw people talking about it on Popular. It's very hard to live under a rock on reddit unless you purposefully go out of your way to avoid any sort of news.


Amd masterrace.

They're surprisingly based too, which is cool

Legit all the Redditors I know in real life are geeks. Normies are on Instagram

This, Reddit is for socially awkward nerds and subhumans. No coincidence that every "normie" who comes here has a post history full of Hearthstone or some other nerd shit, we're all at the bottom of the social totem pole.

Normal people if they're bored talk to their friends on Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat...

why do people with stunted social skills and limited experience engaging other people assume they know and understand so much about "normie" human behavior?

I know plenty of conventionally attractive women who browse reddit, and knew about it prior to 2012, because they're nerds too.

I think all the pics of hot women and men on this site beg to differ, are you literally retarded?

It's 13th not 3rd and almost all of the users are using the top 3 websites

It's their cope. They just come here to feel better about themselves.

This subreddit sure makes me feel better about my life.

Oh how I wish I could be a normie

Just hold frame

Just pass shit tests brah

Just go to space, brah

this is so true, it hurts

Because you're an IT poster?


Because it's literally bashing IT, why would it hurt to YOU?

Im agreeing with Op its just a figure of speech

Oh I thought it was only used when it's true and not in your favor

low iqcel

Hmmmm .. Where is the 3rd category. The one where the guys is neither of the 2 pictured and stays at home playing video games all day long and waxing his carrot to free ladyboy porn and Christy Canyon does anal.


Living the dream, man, living the dream.

Wait, so people who have sex and are going to parties arent on reddit? Lol

very few people know about reddit. my sister has never heard of the site and most of the people I know in real life only browse the internet on phone apps

reddit is bigger than amazon

it's a niche website. go and ask random people at a local dinner, supermarket, or gym if they know what reddit is


No it isn't sweetie

lmao yeah reddit is so underground XD


How do you explain this? is this starterpack actually true

The canadian normies I know, know of the incels

Like you fuckers are any better, die in prison genetic trash

So true, look at the normie having fun laughing with an 8/10 Asian girl next to him while the /r/inceltears poster is an actual fat cuckold that eats cum from his wifes cunt. LOL

IT are incels in denial, not normies.