Anyone else feel like you're too far gone at this point?

53  2018-05-26 by Jsm96


For the last decade.

End me.

yeah. im not blackpilled but i can never trust people. at all i cant even have a froendship

be my gf plz im trustworthy

if you were a girl and lived near me irl, sure. otherwise no


your volcel for not going gay


Absolutely. It's truly over, there's no rehabilitation via prostitution, there's no beta bux ending, just a question of how soon I can die alone,

The stress will kill me before too much longer.

What's the point of a hypothetical. It won't happen and never did so who cares whether it would have worked.

I am too far gone because of my disfigured body and face. My body will never be normal and any woman would instantly get disgusted at the sight of it.

The only option left for me is to copemaxx

I'm an oldCel and after struggling for so long I've given up. Females aren't worth it.

How old? Tell me your story of how you became an oldcel

"He was so ugly that everyone died. The end."

I cannot trust females anymore and I would not be able to trust a girlfriend to not cheat on me behind my back


same here


I am only comfortable with dogs at this point. They love you no matter what.

dog fuckers supreme master race.


they only love you because you feed them. there is no unconditional love.

A girlfriend can help

Or make things far worse. My last relationship was it for me. I dated a lot from 18 to 36 with 3 serious long term relationships. At least I can say I experienced love.

But my last one, it broke me. I think the only thing I regret or feel disappointed about is I did want to be a dad, I love kids and wanted to experience that.

But life doesnt give you everything you want.

I no longer date, and I have zero plans to. It makes life lonely.

To be truthful, aim just biding my time until my parents are both gone, then Ill be checking out of this life. Id do it today if I knew it wouldnt destroy them... and they were really good parents.

But yea, my last ex... she literally showed me just how evil people are. I trust no one. And other than my parents I dont give a shit about anyone anymore.

Tbh you sound more of a mgtow guy than an incel.

A relevant comment in this thread was deleted. You can read it below.

Or make things far worse. My last relationship was it for me. I dated a lot from 18 to 36 with 3 serious long term relationships. At least I can say I experienced love.

But my last one, it broke me. I think the only thing I regret or feel disappointed about is I did want to be a dad, I love kids and wanted to experience that. [Continued...]

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It's a shame if you feel that way. Come back to earth. Learn to meditate.

I think that if I ever found a woman who wanted to have a normal relationship, it would be my depression and anxiety that would ruin it, not the blackpill.

I'm incapable of trusting them, or anyone.

My life hasn't changed before knowing women hate me and now after

Just now I know I am seen as subhuman garbage to these whores

The black pill is arsenic. It slowly poisons you while being addictive.

I just cope fantasizing about having a different upbringing, a different high school life, basically I live in an utopic past seen with rose-tinted glasses, while everything around me slowly crumbles. I miss not being blackpilled and being an optimist teenager. Life as an adult when you had a bad childhood is cold and dehumanizing.

I never can get into a relationship because I am an ugly ethnic. I still want a gf though. But it looks like the only scenario in that will happen is by being betabuxx. And honestly, the thought of being in a sexless, loveless marriage as betabuxx is a fate worse than rope IMO