Heard a woman scream for help was about to but then I remembered

54  2018-05-25 by lexlotorxp

Women are strong and independent it would be misogynistic to help her


She isn't entitled to our help. tee hee

Besides she's not entitled to your body and your help.

You're not entitled to vajeen bro.

Ok, then you're not entitled to my time then. Just stand while Stacylite cries.

how rude of her to expect help! so privileged smh. stay in your place foids

Chadlite and his buddy Normie will save the day. Go on about your business.

She was a HUMAN who needed help, you twat.

Women don’t need help you mysogynist pig

If she was screaming for help, she needed help. If a man was screaming for help, he needs help.

If a man was screaming for help, he needs help.

Yet no one would help.

Yes they would

No they wouldn't.

Yes they would

Like all those videos where the woman is abusing her man and no one does anything?

Sure, it happens. But if you sit here and tell me that that happens way more often than people HELPING OTHER PEOPLE, with the MANY videos, news stories, articles, etc. then you’re delusional. I’ll sit over here and be happy in reality while you sit over there and be miserable in incelism world. I’m sure it’ll get you real far.

My evidence vs your baseless whining to the contrary. Incels 1, Normtards 0.

Because you seeing a couple videos on YouTube is based on the entirety of the human population, sure. Incels 1? You incels will never win. We win. All the time. You whine about it enough that us normies are privileged, you HAVE to agree we’re clearly winning.

We win. All the time.


Those are obviously manic laughs due to your miserable state of mind. Get some help, man.

those are "talking to a retard" laughs.

And I’m sure you have evidence to prove that too, right?

yeah, scroll up.

btw, we don't think normies are privilege, we think chad, the cream of the crop of men privileged. You guys get divorce raped, cheated on, generally looked down upon by humanity at large (like us!). Normies get the table scraps of life, chad gets the main course. We get nothing.

And this, right here, is proof that your evidence is literally made up.

Well this was fun! Keep complaining, you’re further showing me incels are the scum of the earth. I just hope your delusions don’t end up in you running over women with a van because you can’t get any pussy. Cheer up, life isn’t that bad.

And this, right here, is proof that your evidence is literally made up.

Uhhh, care to elaborate? Or are you just interested in getting th last word?

I’m over it at this point dude. You have proof I’m a retard based on a simple conversation that literally shows no legitimate proof of mental retardation.

And I’m glad we can agree on something!

You have proof I’m a retard based on a simple conversation that literally shows no legitimate proof of mental retardation.

that's the most retarded thing I've ever heard. You've said retarded things, therefore the evidence is right there fore everyone to see.

Ok, I am wetawd, r u happeh


btw, these videos don't exist in a fucking vacuum.

My God you're an idiot. I'm guessing 17 years old. I was an idiot at 17 too. Please don't be a grown man.

Being called an idiot by you is the best compliment I could receive.


how quick you resort to personal insults

I would help to the best of my ability.

keep telling yourself that.

And you keep telling yourself we are to blame for your lack of getting some.

Yes? Have you managed to prove otherwise?

Lolololol so typical. You’re a funny one.



Your a special one :/

Aww thank you!

They resort to insults whenever they don't have any counterpoints to make. It's like clockwork at this point.

Dude. You’re absolutely wrong. I had a guy almost plow his truck into my car while driving because he started having a seizure. The first thing I did was get 911 on the line, got bystanders to help me get him out of the car, cleaned the puke out of his mouth, put the blanket I keep in my car under his head to protect him from bashing it on the ground, and then got someone to start CPR while I directed 911 to our location.

People care.

She was probably screaming because she is a strong, independent woman who doesn’t need your pity.

Or she was screaming because she was being attacked, someone was robbing her, she lost a child, etc. You know, logical reasons.

Screaming for help is not affirmative consent to receive help.

Exactly, he could have physcially touched her without her consent, violating her bodily autonomy.

IT are so dense they need a /s to understand anything

We’re HUMANS who need twat.

you're an ugly, undersized and nihilistic pussy, what could you possibly do to help anyone?

Shut the fuck up bitch

He could call the cops. But she is not entitled to him pulling out his phone to help her

I am only ugly. As a gymcel I could have helped easily

Well, fine. In words of Heavy Weapons Guy: "CRY SOME MORE!"

If he couldn't do anything to help in the first place, what's the problem?

Implying that most incels dont gymcel.Lmao soyboys calling us weak.

Continue being a garbage human being.

Just don't expect to be treated like anything but garbage.

Oh shit, IT came to this post for a skirmish.

I'm so glad you animals opted out of the gene pool.

No they wouldn't.

those are "talking to a retard" laughs.

Aww thank you!