That's what the original comic is saying, which is obviously stupid. Did you even see the chad on the couch? The whole point is that she's just saying some stupid rationalization so she can fuck chad.
That’s bull shit if a guy tried hard to be the right one for me I would tell him exactly what to do (basically convert to Protestantism and go to church with me) and I would be so happy.
1 Kar98kSnipe 2018-05-25
Later she tells Chad he needs to try to work things out with her but Chad leaves a cum covered mess like she deserves
1 raspectwahmen 2018-05-25
lmfao i didn't even see chad in the back
1 mathproblemsolver 2018-05-25
honesty this is literally the truth. once you open your mind to the posts here, a lot of it is kind of mind blowingly accurate
1 NewLoadsOfFun 2018-05-25
So relationships require no work at all and anytime you come to a problem in a relationship you should immediately break up?
1 mathproblemsolver 2018-05-25
where do you even get that from?
1 NewLoadsOfFun 2018-05-25
That's what the picture implies and you said it was the truth
1 mathproblemsolver 2018-05-25
the picture implies that she will let the right one know when she is interested and this dude will have an easy time
1 NewLoadsOfFun 2018-05-25
"The right one doesn't need to try"
Meaning that she thinks she'll find some literal dream perfect guy who's personality clicks so well with hers they never get into conflicts
1 mathproblemsolver 2018-05-25
no lol tvat is ridiculous interpretation
1 NewLoadsOfFun 2018-05-25
no lol tvat is what it's saying
1 guerillahubris00 2018-05-25
"personality clicks so well", ah yes, is personality now the word you people use for looks?
1 El_dar_ 2018-05-25
That's what the original comic is saying, which is obviously stupid. Did you even see the chad on the couch? The whole point is that she's just saying some stupid rationalization so she can fuck chad.
1 Yankeedude252 2018-05-25
The picture only says that women will fuck Chad behind your back while giving you some BS excuse why she won't commit to a relationship.
Most men who are average or lower have had this happen to them, I'm willing to bet.
1 Mr-5-5 2018-05-25
Maybe femoids don't want a man smarter and kinder than them so they pick aloof Chads?
1 Faresdeathxx 2018-05-25
Chad doesn't even shower
1 terminopia 2018-05-25
Personality has absolutely no effect on anything you do in life, only looks.
1 LoveSlab 2018-05-25
That’s bull shit if a guy tried hard to be the right one for me I would tell him exactly what to do (basically convert to Protestantism and go to church with me) and I would be so happy.