The biggest insult of them all

48  2018-05-25 by DecksDark99

Is fat girls with standards. Before dating apps, Facebook and the explosion of the Internet - fat girls had zero standards. The target audience for them was the 10 people she saw in a bar and a half mile radius from their home. Whenever any man approached them, they would immediately fuck - because there was no other options and they had real low self esteem because of their fatness

Fast forward to today. Fat girls now have a 30 mile radius and thousands of guys to choose from as opposed to none back in the day.

Then you have the orbiters, simps and white knights pumping them up - and artificially inflating their ego, hence their standards went way up.

There is only one solution to this problem. Congress needs to implement a law, where Any girl over 175 pounds - can only fuck guys who themselves are a minimum of their weight. That law would immediately fix everything


Congress will ever only implement laws targeting ugly men.

Dating sites are cancer.

The whole internet is cancer. We need to go back in times when it wasn't as much widespread as it is today.

We have no choice

Literally the biggest black pill of all time

Congress should enact a law that states if you are overweight you are put into the 50% tax bracket until you are no longer a big fat fatty.



I don't blame the fat girls. I blame the bluepilled cucks who have no dignity.

Agreed. But it does confirm one fact - that guys literally would fuck anyone, no matter the looks or weight. Indirectly it is their fault

Watch congress implement a law increasing taxes on unmarried men within the next 5-10 years. Notice no change to unmarried womens taxes.

They would rather double down than try to fix the problem. Our shit is fucked.

High iq post. Truly woke.

Being overweight should be illegal. It's even worse for our Eurobros who have to pay for fatties healthcare. But at least they have hookers I guess.

What about obese men?

No woman, no matter how obese she herself is, likes obese men you dumb cunt. Obese women are never lonely. Obese men think about shooting themselves every day.

There are several BBW subs and all of them are highly active. Show me just one BBM sub.

But 175 pounds is very good weight for a man.

A 175 pound women with a 175 pound man is still hypergamy

A “get gud scrub” law would be more effective. If you cant bang at least 300lb’er chemical castration is the punishment. You have until 30 to lose that virginity.