life is like a card game. some people get good cards and lose, some people get bad cards and win. it's not about the cards you get but how well you can play with them. for example in poker can be a lot like life. what do you do when you got bad cards...?

65  2018-05-25 by mathproblemsolver



High IQ post


That text under Idol is fucking perfect for black pillers.

Also 0 attack and 0 defense.

Its thousand eyes are able to see and expand the negative influences in an individual's soul.

Holy shit fucking glorious lmao

One eye examines canthal tilt, one eye examines jaw shape and size, one eye detects soy levels...

Some of us don't even get invited to the game.

U ain't entitled to invitation to the game

What do you do when the cards you get don't even belong to the game you're playing? I think Monopoly's get out of jail free card is the best example of a card an incel might be dealt in a game of poker.

lol you are right. I feel like I am playing uno with pokemon cards

Or you be pro read the cards and bluff to fuck and back and win that prize money.

life is like a game with open cards though since everyone can see them. if you bluff with open cards you are gonna get rekt

Nah all the cards arent open. If that were the case everyone would get wat they want shit hands or not. We all got some aces and other trump cards no matter what. Use what you got and bluff the rest. What people here dont talk about is how everyone loves to be lied to. So be the BEST liar you can be.

This post is so High IQ i can finally understand Ricardo and Mortimer.


I've got a seven two...fuck

You can also bluff

Fuck, I was dealt napkins

"Just play the hand you're dealt" ...Chad is holding a Royal Straight Flush and we're playing with two MTG lands, a Get Out of Jail Free from Monopoly, a Papa John's coupon and an old school UNO reversal.


Fuck off loser speak straight

Nah all the cards arent open. If that were the case everyone would get wat they want shit hands or not. We all got some aces and other trump cards no matter what. Use what you got and bluff the rest. What people here dont talk about is how everyone loves to be lied to. So be the BEST liar you can be.