jus put urself out dere

302  2018-05-25 by jaghatarhonor


Exactly. I love when people act like the answer is just going out into society because they have no concept of what is like to constantly be rejected.

You DO NOT know how much other people have been rejected. Seriously you guys act like you're the only people with burdens when the truth is everyone has been through shit.

Then other people should better understand us and why we don't want to go places where we are treated like shit.

The thing is people would understand and be more empathetic if the group didn’t have misogyny all over the place. I know some is just venting and not all incels hate all women but there is enough evidence here to give anyone a bad first impression. I also think the advice given is usually sincere. I don’t think anyone is trying to be mean to you when they give dating advice. I think most people want to try and help.

There's nothing misogynist about saying that women have it easier when it comes to dating, getting sex, getting compliments, and social lives.

The problem is that the advice people give is so trite and overused, and then when we say "hey, yeah we've tried that it doesn't work" the person giving the advice gets angry at us and nothing gets done.

I didnt say there was something misogynistic about saying women have it easier in finding dates. It’s a stretch to say easier in dating because dating more dangerous for women but that’s not the point. It’s misogynistic to say women are the sole reason for evil on the planet, that there should be force monogamy, that women shouldn’t have been given the right to vote, and the list goes on. I think it comes down to social skills. Because from what I’ve read in posts incels self identify as not having social skills correct? So the advice should work for someone who has normal social skills but not so much if you didn’t learn those skills early on. That’s just a theory though and I’d love to know your take on that. (Disclaimer: I don’t think all incels lack basic social skills. I only mentioned it because it’s been mentioned in several posts and comments from incels. ) I get being frustrated. But it’s also good to keep the positive mindset of “they are just trying to help”. Maybe I’m too naive about it, but idk

Social skills can only help you if you pass the minimum looks requirement, which many incels don't. The amount of social skill you need decreases in comparison to how good looking you are.


Yeah lolz am i right?! You can't get laid my son is fucking dead we all have problems and we all have to bear them, acting like it's impossible to handle living makes you sound like children.

what the fuck does your son dying have to do with being rejected by society??

Holy shit really? It's burden to carry.

different circumstance

And? The point is you carry what you're given and do your best to make a good life for yourself. That's all any of us can do.

both are too different to compare

No, it makes sense. A bad thing happened to him involuntarily. It's just like being born with bad genes.

Stop whining. You are not entitled to your son not being dead. Nobody is entitled to anything.

Were you trying to prove something with that I was highlighting one of my burdens to show that everyone has serious shit going on because incels act like everyone else is living lives full of sunshine and rainbow kittens when the truth is we're all suffering.

Also if no one is entitled to anything are you suggesting incels aren't entitled to sex? I thought that was a significant pillar.

Nobody is suffering more than incels. I've had family members die, so what? The only thing that I felt was: "thank god that wasn't me" and "damn that funeral is going to waste a lot of my precious free time".

Also nobody is entitled to anything is just a true fact of life. If you have power you can force other people to do your bidding, but nobody is ever entitled to anything.

I bet you have people there for you. We go through something tragic, no one would give a shit.

No, everyone hasn’t. There is a difference between being rejected a few times, that’s a normal life. It’s another thing to be rejected almost every single time, that’s being a social outcast which most people don’t go through. Now fuck off with your “everyone has problems” bullshit as if everyone’s are equality and minimizing our struggles cunt.

When I go out into society people act like they want me dead.

Just try harder tee hee.

Can't go wrong with Eric Andre.

Just got rejected again by the worse of females and it really does feel like a bullet...

A shrek?

I posted a picture of it

Don't be a bitch. Once you realize how little the world cares about your specific rejection a sense of freedom washes over. Everyone gets rejected, not just you. It means so little in the grand scheme.

Everyone (except attractive people) gets rejected, but not by everyone.

Even attractive people get rejected

Not if they only ask out people who they are compatible with.

Which is impossible to know without first asking them out at least

by the worse of females

Then why fucking worry about it?

yo, IT where you at?

They're ghosting us. :(

Rejection is a part of life everyone deals with.

There you go, be outraged

Rejection is THE ONLY part of life INCELS deal with.

Fixed that for you.

One that everyone else also deals with

"Not to the degree incels do" was my point, are you that dense?

No, I just learned early on that rejection for anything is normal and not really something worth letting ruin your life unless it's something you absolutely need , by which I mean something that prevents you from getting medication or treatment, or housing you need.

You clearly haven't been rejected enough if this is your outlook. We're talking about being rejected by everybody. No friends, no relationships, nobody who cares. Is that something everybody deals with?

Eventually, yes, granted probably not all at once. And I've been rejected most times I expressed romantic interest in someone and over time people I've thought to be my friend's eventually just stopped talking to me or just flat out told me they thought I was a freak, which is understandable since I'm not exactly normal. But it's my outlook because while I at times realize that I'm profoundly lonely, I effectively choose not to dwell on it and let it bother me. What does it matter to me that I have all of 4 friends I see maybe once a month, or that I haven't had a significant romantic relationship since I started college like 2 years ago? It doesn't

What does it matter to me that I have all of 4 friends I see maybe once a month, or that I haven't had a significant romantic relationship since I started college like 2 years ago? It doesn't

Lol I don't have any friends. I don't remember the last time I went out in a social setting, without counting obligatory family gatherings. Must've been over a year ago. I also have it good compared to other incels who've never had friends and have never been invited to anything.

Lol @ you thinking that mentioning that you have 4 friends that you see once a month would make us think that you're lonely. You're quite normal from what I've read.

What yointjonk about my social life doesn't really matter because I rarely see the people I actually like being around and don't go outside except for work. Having a few friends you sometimes see doesn't mean you can't feel lonely.

Then forget about feeling lonely. Even the most popular person in the world could feel lonely, but talking about this completely misses the point of what I was saying and I think you know that. "Lonely" was a bad word to use, I'm talking about being alone. Nobody that cares about you outside of family ties, that is assuming those in your family even care about you. Maybe they don't.

You talk about having 4 friends who you see once a month and you think this means you understand what we feel like. You must have specifically mentioned this situation in yours in an attempt to show me how you also deal with the type of issues that we deal with, but your social situation sounds much better than mine.

They just want to put on the guise they help when they do the exact opposite for goodboy points.

Who they expect to give them a reward for their goodboy points... I don't really know.

You get a hit of dopamine whenever you virtue signal. Soycucks and betabux know the deal. Women get it not only from v-signaling, but also from rejecting men (that's why they go out and pretend no one wants them) until they hit the wall.

Have you considered seeing a therapist?

Is the therapist gonna give you free shit or suck your dick? Than they're a useless faggot. No wonder women love the fake science of psychology

Just get counseling tee hee.

Pay a hooker for therapy on yo dik

No argument there.

When do normies go out anyway? All normies do is work and shit.

You go to an anime con and its thots and dumpster garbage that isn't even pretty enough to take just burn

You go to board game nights and there's maybe one autistic girl who CLAIMS to be a lesbian. How convenient for ms. Useless vagina

You go to work and your co-workers are roasties.

So where the fuck are you supposed to go? Outer space?

Church . Animal shelters . Local sport leagues. Food bank volunteering

Sports leagues the fuck? You can't just join a sports team you goober

Church? WEW LAD I can tell you from experience the women inside churches need to be raped and locked in a dungeon most of all

Food bank? Well while I do think its great your feeding some down trodden homelessness, id rather eat a burger infront of a homeless woman. Not that there's such a thing as a homeless woman as a homeless woman in the West just means a house wife who leeches off hubby

Women pretend to care about animals but don't know the first God damn thing about them. Nature is misogynist. ducks have cork penises to rape female ducks, male cats have thorns, and of the queen bee isn't accepted as grand Chancellor Stacy...they eat her. We are below the animal kingdom in efficiency

you're a meme lol

If you were born into the animal kingdom you wouldn't be raping. You'd be cowering to some alpha sniffing the spot he was sitting so you could get a whiff of the fuck he had the night before. This sub loves to make comparisons to the animal kingdom without thinking about where their place in that world would actually be. There are no safe spaces. I am saddened by you.

Until I do something psychotic than you wanna crybaby. Save your fetishes for your fat whore momma. You're lucky you're not a moderator or id already have your credit card info

But you're not a mod...so I couldn't give two rat dicks about you

I'm guessing you are 17.

animal shelters

Hey now that's illegal in a bunch of states

That gave a good laugh. Thank you for that one

Just take Pilates tee hee.

That's a fast track way to get a sexual harrassment charge for looking at a femoid #metoo

Hey, sydneycel, just a quick heads-up:
harrassment is actually spelled harassment. You can remember it by one r, two s’s.
Have a nice day!

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It's getting to the point where an incel can't even check in on the aerobics class. Head-turning is a hate crime.

Any sort of fitness will be off limits to incels soon. Unless they open incel only gyms.

2/10 obese roasties go to anime cons because they know there's going to be literally dozens of thirsty guys hitting on them.

Why do you think the hot ones without bfs go? Think they're hoping they'll meet a rich tech guy or something?

The hot ones without bfs largely don't exist.

You gotta get into an activity that tends to have a community structured around it...think CrossFit but not CrossFit


Lol truth ,fuck you normies

putting myself out there has lesd to nothing more than dissapointment. when you are not attractive, there is also no point

Maybe try going to a therapist to fix your underlying issues

therapy does not work

Have you ever been to therapy?

yes for several years and a multitude of therapists

my tipping point was my therapist telling me to consciously lie to myself and pretend to enjoy things and maybe I'd start to believe it lol

There are good therapies out there, I’m sorry you had some unhelpful ones.

And you are just as unhelpful.

Yeah no shit, I’m not a licensed therapist what do you want from me?

“Go to a therapist” “I have been with many therapists over many years” “Just go to a better therapist”

So just assuming you’ll never get better and giving up on finding any help is the best thing to do?

It’s not the therapy, it’s him.

I mean, more and more school shootings are happening so I guess they're suffering consequences which is good.

Is this that compassion you were referring to in your last comment? Don't kid yourself. No compassionate person would support murder.

This is such a disgusting comment, man. Be sad about your emotionally abusive past, but most people develop the coping skills and evolve from trauma, usually with the help of a therapist. No one on this sub is untouchable romantically or sexually; it's just your personalities (that YOU choose to develop) that make you less desirable to others.

it's just your personalities (that YOU choose to develop) that make you less desirable to others.

Because we chose to be like this for no reason, right?

Yes, you choose every day to hold grudges against an entire sex for the actions of a few. You make choices every day to avoid productive tasks that would benefit your self esteem and confidence. It's not easy to make the right choices, but if what you truly want is to feel good about yourself, the only person capable of making that choice is you. It has nothing to do with anyone else.

Yes, you choose every day to hold grudges against an entire sex for the actions of a few.

I don't give a shit about women. I don't go around cursing them. I, and a lot of us incels, are not the misogynists you picture us to be.

You make choices every day to avoid productive tasks that would benefit your self esteem and confidence.

wow, you don't know me and yet you talk talk as if you have deep insight into what my life is like. The gall that you must have to do that. Unbelievable.

You know what it is? Seems like you're gullible and you bought into every single thing people say about us. You've essentially, in your mind, classified incels as "the other". I mean, would you go up to a random person and start making assumptions just like you did with me? No, but since I'm an incel, you've decided that we are all X (whatever people tell you about us) and so you make all these assumptions about us, thinking you are 100% correct.

You know what’s the craziest part about this. We really do live in a society. That’s so sad. Can we commit the whip nae nae?

With inceldom growing, no wonder there are so many school shootings and male suicides nowadays. So many men are just permanantly locked out of the dating and sex market now, and can't get decent jobs, so just rope it (or go on killing sprees).

You dont understand bro! Just put yourself out there and BAM! It's that EZ.

what the fuck does your son dying have to do with being rejected by society??

Stop whining. You are not entitled to your son not being dead. Nobody is entitled to anything.

I bet you have people there for you. We go through something tragic, no one would give a shit.

Rejection is THE ONLY part of life INCELS deal with.

Fixed that for you.

"Not to the degree incels do" was my point, are you that dense?

That gave a good laugh. Thank you for that one

What yointjonk about my social life doesn't really matter because I rarely see the people I actually like being around and don't go outside except for work. Having a few friends you sometimes see doesn't mean you can't feel lonely.