176  2018-05-25 by crushTC


Most women are both

Cal and Jack were both Chads.

jack should have let her drown

Brah I can tell your an incel from this comment. A total Chad goes down when it's his time, no sooner no later.

This made me laugh out loud

Remember, three hour long period drama, second most profitable movie in the (western) world just because Jack dies.

Jack?? More like Chad brah. Check your facts.

No one gives a shit about the millions of subhuman dying everyday

There's not a lot of demand for ugly actors.

Even Steve Buscemi plays chad characters.

Women would rather be whores than have a realtionship with their looksmatch

and the looksmatch in this case is an attractive as heck rich guy...isn't that contradictory to your ideology?

Oh boy. idk why but this one cuts deep.

I bet. You virgin nerds will never be able to relate to hero's like Chad in Titanic.

In the movie though the old rich guy she’s supposed to marry is an asshole Chad

https://youtu.be/hiytOnKTbxA yeah the husband uses her as a dog to sniff out good men. If she reacts negatively to a man, the man must be good, and vice versa. Make no mistake, the man is far above her power level.

Beta programming at its finest. Rich chad asshole doesn't get the girl, while she wants beta jack. Total nonsense.

If I was Jack I would have killed this bitch.

Remember the ending where as an old lady she said "there were others of course... a woman's heart is an ocean of secrets". So basically admitted to being a total slut all her life ! That always made me laugh

A woman's heart is an ocean of semen.




That's a super accurate statement. Females are operating in a totally different world, they use different words, and do not openly reveal their intentions. Anyone whose over heard girls/sisters talking to their friends knows what I am talking about....most are lying to you about who they really are and their intentions.

>Entire premise of the movie is a romantic love story for the ages


There were others, of course.

I'd rather be Chad's whore then your whore...in the end she is a whore in both cases😉

Don't worry, she'll be your wife after Chad is done with her. It's what's called true love in the west.

Yep, The life of a bro is a nice life to know.

Everywhere dude

Women would sell us all out for Chad.

Much strong, very independent, cope depleted.

Whats the movie? "The Empowerment Of Women"?

I'm still mad the old cunt decided to dump the jewel into the ocean, thus wasting everyone's time and money.

Keep in mind this was written and directed by James Cameron so most likely sums up the psychology and world view of this man in the 90s rather than modern relationships.