[BLACKPILL] To all the beautiful normal people visiting this subreddit

975  2018-05-25 by EnBortkastadIncel

Before you read this you should know that this isn't a sob story. I didn't write this to get your empathy. I don't care for your pity. I wrote this for the sole purpose of giving every person that claims that inceldom is a choice a real insight on what inceldom actually is.

I'm a 26-year-old male virgin living in Sweden. I was born here and I've lived here my entire life. I'm ethnically Middle Eastern, I'm 157cm (5'2") tall and I weigh 46kg (101 lbs). I'm balding at an alarming rate and I have a face covered in acne and a huge nose.

When I was 10 years old my father died of cancer, it was discovered too late and there wasn't anything that could be done. He left me, my two-year-old little brother and my mother in a tough situation. Because my mother's salary wasn't enough for her to be able to pay for the rent on her own we had to move out of our two-bedroom apartment in the ghetto to a smaller one-bedroom apartment in the ghetto.

When I was 16 years old my mother was in an accident at work which lead to her injuring her back. She damaged nerves in her spine and started having immense pains in her legs and arms whenever she would walk. Because of this she had to quit her job and stay at home while receiving disability benefits from the social insurance agency. The disability benefits were barely enough to pay for the rent and food so my brother and I couldn't buy anything beyond that. We couldn't buy any clothes, toys or birthday cakes. I lost all of my friends because hanging out usually meant spending money, either on activities or on fast food and snacks. And because we couldn't afford it I had to make up lies and excuses to why I couldn't hang out every time they asked me, and eventually they just stopped asking.

A year later the social insurance agency re-examined my mother's case and decided that she was fit to work. My mother who could barely get out of bed to cook food went to multiple different doctors to try to prove that she wasn't faking her injury. Even though they all sided with her and gave their attestations which said that her back really was injured the decision wasn't up to them, it was up to the administrative official who had been assigned to my mother's case at the social insurance agency. And for reasons beyond me this administrative official really had something against my mother, so her appeals were all denied.

I had seen my mother suffer and lie in bed for a year so I knew that she wasn't faking her injury. Knowing we could face eviction and homelessness I had to make a decision. Even though I had decent grades I dropped out of high school to find a job. I simply couldn't let my 9-year-old brother become homeless or end up in foster care. Because of the fact that I was underage, lacked a high school diploma and my name wasn't the best name to have while looking for a job in Sweden I had a really hard time finding a job. But I finally managed to get a job at a factory. It was an assembly line job, the salary was really bad and the hours very long, but it paid the rent, food and every couple of months I had enough savings to buy some new clothes for my little brother.

Yesterday I realized something. In a little bit more than a year from now I will have finished my mission. My little brother will graduate from high school and move out to study at a university. I however will still be here. I'll be a 27-year-old, 5'2" bald Middle Eastern man without a high school diploma, with zero friends and no sexual experience, who's working a dead-end job and is sharing a bedroom with his mother. If I want to find a partner to share my life with I'll be competing against the average men my age. The average man my age is a handsome socially capable Swedish man who's 6'+, has a university degree, owns his own condominium, has a nice car and a well-paying job, has traveled the world and has plenty of sexual experience . But at least I'll have my shitty toxic personality from all the years of hardships and suffering, and that's all that really matters, right?


101.0 lbs = 45.81 kilograms

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Det är över for you

Det började aldrig.

Fan det är synd om dig, hoppas det blir bättre

hope is the biggest lie, it wont get better, it will only get worse for him from here.

Not if he stops caring and finds interest in attainable pursuits. Yeah, easier said than done, but at least he may not need to pay towards his brother soon, and maybe his brother will help him out at some point. Not everything about his life has to be over.

Jag tror inte at det kann blir bättre för honom.

post this to IT

They will only make excuses.

Excuses for what?

Dude, go bother someone else. Haha

No answer, got it.

Don't care.

They like to make excuses to discredit peoples suffering

The only ones making excuses are incels. There is no magic "they" that are conspiring against you, as much as you wish that were the case.

or ThatHappened, real convenient his account was made today

Sucks bro

I'm an Arab as well. Sweden is the last place I'd visit. I don't want to get mogged by 6'5" Nordic Chad.

This is why most terrorists are Moroccan as Moroccan women are notorious sluts despite looking like rats and this leaves the men as incels. This is why they do terrorist attacks.

Europe made a big mistake allowing a bunch of men into their country who would never be able to compete sexually with the Native men.

Yet Europeans keep travelling to poorer countries like Morocco for sex tourism so fuck off with that bullshit.

Sex tourism isn't about sexual satisfaction, it's about exerting power on someone else. You think Sven travels from Sweden to Thailand to fuck kids because he likes fucking kids rather than beautiful Swedish women? No, he just knows that Swedish women won't let him abuse them and exert power on them, while Thai kids with pimps aren't allowed to say no to him and his sexual kinks.

Well tell Europeans to stay out and maybe people will start talking. Sweden is one of the biggest users of sexual tourism and mail order brides from Thailand. Fix your shit and maybe ethnic will leave.

You dont need a phd to realize IT users are socioeconomically at the bottom of the dumpster


IT users would travel to Incelistan and rape the natives if they could. Stay vigilant.

High IQ comment

Ask yourself: Europe and the US have essentially eradicated "misogyny" and "homophobia" in seemingly no time but still with lots of efforts, racism is strong as ever.

Just go to Daily Mail or YouTube comment section where your every day Steve and John show their true face.

You think Sven travels from Sweden to Thailand to fuck kids because he likes fucking kids

I mean, yes, that's what pedophiles do.

Sex tourism isn't about sexual satisfaction, it's about exerting power on someone else. You think Sven travels from Sweden to Thailand to fuck kids because he likes fucking kids instead of beautiful Swedish women

Do you seriously believe that the average sex tourist has access to a supply of beautiful local women? Or that they're mostly pedophiles? Or that abusing sex workers is the norm?

As someone who has actually been to some poor countries, I can tell you that the typical sex tourist wants exactly what most men want: vanilla sex acts with prettier women than they'd normally have access to. Not everyone is a cartoon villain.

And and also european govts like UK/France helped the neocon run US govt destroy Iraq,Afganistan,Liby for isreali/saudi arabian interests while the european citizens were just standly idly watching their football and reality shows so what did they expect lol?


And and also european govts like UK/France helped the neocon run US govt destroy Iraq,Afganistan,Libya,Syria and creata a ton of chaos for isreali/saudi arabian interests while the european citizens were just standly idly watching their football and reality shows so what did they expect lol?


They were let in to sow social strife. All non ethnic Europeans should gtfo to their own countries and let Europeans pursue their own destiny.

Please leave Europe. We do not want Islamic extremism, or shitty little arabs acting all pissy. I agree that arabs are shit. Please remain in your own shit countries. Don't make ours as shitty as yours.

Go back to where? A wasteland?

There's no jobs, no hope, nothing back in my home country. Which is why I left in the first place.

I'd rather live here as an incel and be able to sustain myself than to live back home and be torn to shreds by artillery fire.

That's really not my problem. Hopefully when the fire rises again within Europe after decades of pointless terrorism and further ghettoization of our countries you will all be forcibly deported. Until then you obviously get no sympathy from me, shitskin.

It's also quite pathetic than an entire race of people can hardly produce a single inhabitable country. Why would we want that in Europe?

You were the ones that fucked our lands, exploiting our resources, setting up un-necessary borders, dissolving the Caliphate (which has held the region economically and politically stable for over six centuries) and placing your puppets to govern us.

It's your fault we're in your lands.

That was because of the U.S at the behest of Israeli Jews. Anyway, don't be stupid. Many peoples and nations have had their ups and downs. Japan, for example, was completely gutted after WW2, nonetheless, the Japanese people have produced a thriving, safe, and beautiful nation. Japanese immigrants do well abroad, and I've never heard of an epidemic of Japanese terrorists. Have you? The same could be said of Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, and even India. At any rate, go home and improve your own culture instead of coming here and shitting up our countries. The perpetual victim mentality is incredibly pathetic.

go home and improve your own culture instead of coming here and shitting up our countries. The perpetual victim mentality is incredibly pathetic.

I help in my way. A good percentage of the income I make here, I send back to my relatives back home.

There's really not much I can do for a wartorn country. I'm sorry dude but I'll just remain here.

I'm sorry dude but I'll just remain here.

Of course you will. But you deserve 0 sympathy from native Europeans, and hopefully some day you will be forced to leave.


Ah man that sucks. Look, I don't hate you personally or anything, but in the spirit of a blackpill thread you need to understand that European men will never look favourably on the importing of millions of unattached young men with questionable educations, and even literacy, into their countries. It can only do harm to Europe.

I intensely dislike how the U.S has used false-flags and deception to turn Syria from a relatively stable country into a blown out hellhole. That's the power of Jews/Israel, and it's the major evil I'm focused on addressing in the world today. What's your opinion on Assad?

Also, I want to give a respectful fuck you.

I'm a graduate student at a University and work full-time as a research assistant for the economics department. I'm beginning my Master's degree next year.

Guarantee I've done more to benefit Europe than you ever did.

Well you're one of a very small minority then. Over 95% of 'refugees' who live in Germany are unemployed.

"Earlier this year, the IAB concluded that refugee employment had risen 60 percent, although the level of unemployment in November 2017 still remained about 43 percent."

Quote text. Amazing source!

That position in which you're squatting could have gone to a real human.

Stay mad white boy.

Just don't keep deluding yourself into thinking your presence in white countries is anything but detrimental.

"Single inhabitable country?"

Like UAE, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Turkey, Oman, Malaysia? All of them are Muslim countries and more-than-inhabitable.

But that doesn't mean someone from Yemen is welcome there more than any European country.

Just because all of those countries have Muslim majority doesn't mean they are welcoming to war refuges. I know that Syrian refugees are treated with about the same hospitality in Turkey with the rest of the Europe, which is not much.

Turks are not whining and attacking refugees, at least. You don't see them obsessing over and spending 80% of their online time being whiny bitches about how "rapefugees" and non-Whites should all go back.

You were the ones that fucked our lands, exploiting our resources, setting up un-necessary borders, dissolving the Caliphate (which has held the region economically and politically stable for over six centuries) and placing your puppets to govern us.

Nah, Western imperialism happened because Islam came out of the desert and occupied much of the Roman empire, putting a hostile middle man between the West and India/China, etc. Europeans to keep from being overrun, with Constantinople and then all of SE Europe falling to Islam, and then being pressured even to Vienna, etc, had to overseas to the Americas, and the rest was history. So, if we're going to play this game, then it is your fault for invading the Roman empire (aka "Byzantine empire"), creating the conditions for the split between Western and Eastern churches, Western European colonialism, and everything that has happened since, if we're going to play the historical "It is your fault" game.

Go back to where? A wasteland?


Where on earth did OP say he was a Muslim? There are many ethnic Arabic Orthodox Christians.

I agree with you on Islamic extremism - I have no time for Islam and consider all Islam extremist. However Islam is not a race, it is an ideology, and assuming that all Arabs are Muslim is dangerous and frankly insulting.

I'm responding to the guy I quoted who said:

>Islam extremism is rising in Europe because sandcels are getting mogged to death by Europeans with no chance of rising the socioeconomic ladder or finding a life partner.

I don't want Islamic extremism anywhere near me, lol. They have to go back.

Dude, Islam might as well be a race and not an ideology, because it's often something that is unchangeable and written on your passport and is given to you on birth. Good luck being an Iranian and not considering yourself Muslim, even if you and your parents have never even been inside a mosque or ever talked to or heard an imam speak.

Dude, Islam might as well be a race and not an ideology, because for most Muslims it is (a) something that is unchangeable and (b) is given to you on birth. For many countries it's even written on your passport. Good luck being an Iranian and not considering yourself Muslim, even if you and your parents have never even been inside a mosque or ever talked to or heard an imam speak.

Nah, Islam is still a religion, because you can convert, or practice another religion secretly, if you're willingly to risk your life or flee to a non-Muslim country.

Shitskins weren't even in europe 20 years ago. GTFO of Europe and you won't be mogged, you human garbage.


"just pull yourself up by the bootstraps bro" - IT so-called liberals who will apply this phrase only to incels but never to anyone else

Literally no one has said this.

They have in many different ways.

Can you say "victimcomplex"?

Dude, can you give me even one example? Lol

Where are the normies and inceltear users?

Remember this women in the west live the easiest lives of anyone in history. They are the most privileged people on the planet yet act like they are being persecuted. Keep up the good fight.

Couldn't upvote twice so I'm just commenting that this is the truth.

Normie here OP I'm sorry you had much hardship in your life but it is still (and always will only be) in your hands to improve it and you can.

You can choose to do night school and finish your high schooling and get job training to land a better job just like you can choose to surrender and be bitter.

I wish you good fortune and hope you don't give in ,but beyond that you have a lot to work through.

Just destroy your remaining mental and physical capacity by allowing yourself 2 hours of sleep a night bro. It's that easy to lift yourself out of poverty bro.

God, I really can't believe the gall of some people. Normies really aren't capable of empathy.

It's always better to fight to improve so you can have a better/easier future or are you actually going to fucking argue that he's better off staying in a dead-end job status?

You know what's easier than pretending that you care whether this guy succeeds or not in life? Not commenting at all if the only thing you were going to do is spout bullshit.

Fuck, normies are unbearable.

Ironically, the only one spouting bullshit are the ones using terms like "normies." How does hating women and encouraging suicide benefit anyone? Least of all yourself.

There's nothing to benefit if it's already over, bruv. That's what inceldom is about at its core. There's no point in living as a low value male. If, as a man, you're ugly, short, and poor, you should do the world a favor and kill yourself.

It's pretty clear that the world works like this. I don't understand why normies expect low value males to feel any differently. Especially since normies and women are the most eugenic-loving people to have ever existed. Worshiping six foot tall white men, revolving your whole sense of self-worth based on consumerism and wealth, etc.

inb4 omg cant u see the irony u fucking retard incel.

Lol at least he was giving OP some kind of advice and perspective. All you do is bitch about how OP's situation is only the fault of evil women. How is that going to help?

Normies really aren't capable of empathy.

I'm not sure this is true.

My experience is that there are times for anyone when they are overwhelmed by life, and need a hand to get moving again.

There are also times when effort, skill or lucky breaks give us a boost into a better situation.

Then there is that terrible condition called learned helplessness by psychologists. I think I see in browsing this sub that many here have been driven by hardships into that state of having no more energy to fight.

This dude's been living 27 years working his ass off in a fucking Nordic country, where statistically he should have gotten a lucky break, an effort earned promotion, or learned skill by now. He hasn't. He's still fucking miserable, and he's fought all his life just to keep his family with a roof over their head.

'Learned helplessness'. Fuck you normshit.

This dude's been living 27 years working his ass off in a fucking Nordic country,

That is why I replied.

**This guy is a hero.* He provided for himself, his mom and brother by hard work and sacrifice. They don't come much better than OP in my opinion

where statistically he should have gotten a lucky break, an effort earned promotion, or learned skill by now.

I agree. I suspect he is paid better now than when he started, but since he hasn't told us one way or another we don't know.

He hasn't.

I don't see any evidence one way or another for this claim.

He's still fucking miserable,

And he is at the point where he has a chance for this to change for him as he now will only be supporting himself and his mom.

If he has the strength and ambition to strive a little longer he may get his lucky break or an opportunity.

and he's fought all his life just to keep his family with a roof over their head.

this makes him a hero to me

'Learned helplessness'. Fuck you normshit.

You don't think continued rejection leads to giving up?

It also seems to lead to hostility or hostile outbursts (in your case) which virtually guarantees that any person who sees this (defence mechanism?) will find it easier to ignore you than want to spend time in you presence listening to your attitude.

Fuck off and let us rope in peace.

Lol wtf is this bullshit. This guy is struggling and it is not his fault. Women are just cruel and you should accept that.

I never ever said it was his fault but it still lies with him to improve his lot, it's shitty but it's all any of us have.

You are full of shit. Women are the problem here and you know it. Women should improve themselves instead of being parasites.

Just lift, bro.

I already lift. Nice try though.

Oh you can afford the gym, fatcat? Everyone, look at this normie. Get out of here, invading our space. God, you normies make me sick.

I am not normie. I am incel because I look like taliban ugly man.

Oh, you haven’t been so poor you have to eat your own penis for protein? Don’t talk to me fatcat. Talk to me when you’ve REALLY suffered.

You are not a good troll. I speak the truth.

You speak the crybaby.

I speak the truth women are scum and I cannot wait to get a wife from a poor country so I can make her life hell.

You won't do shit about fuck. You're a poser who talks big on the Internet, nothing more.

I am a brown guy my friend. I can go to Morocco or India for a bride. Money talks in poorer countries.

Money can’t overcome cowardice. And you’re a complete fucking pussy.

I am a completely functional person. I have a job and my female manager likes me and thinks I am a great person. You can keep coping, but I can make it happen. You should feel very sorry for my girl though. She deserves hell for how women have treated me.

Uh-huh. Your female manager is nice to you, so some random woman deserves to suffer. Got it.

Not some random woman, that is my wife you are talking about. She is faking being nice. No femoid can be nice to me as I am too ugly. I hate all femoids and they hate me.


It is the truth my friend. That is why I have a right to treat my wife like shit because she is a fraud.

Dude was dealt a bad hand; I think normies, incels, chads, staceys and anyone else would acknowledge that. Sucks for him but how is this the fault of women? Why are females more obligated to act charitably than anyone else? Except for exactly two people on the planet, we're all better off than someone and worse off than someone else.

Just as women could forego other prospects and couple with OP, so too could men of means choose to buy him groceries, work at the local soup kitchen or donate to UNICEF. Hey, what you spent on Starbucks last week could've fed some starving African for a month. You monster!

Back in reality, most normal humans try not to dwell on the fact that the world is full of misery. We do what makes us happy, try to help others sometimes and don't beat ourselves up over having better luck than the next guy.

I don't understand what sort of 'improvements' to women would solve OP's problem. Are you suggesting that they should prefer to be with a short, balding, poor guy who lives with his mother? Do incels prefer conventionally unattractive women with sob stories? Are women somehow obligated to sacrifice their own happiness in order to improve his lot in life? Do first-world incels spend all their time helping the less fortunate?

Calling involuntary celibacy a 'choice' is horseshit. On the other hand, blaming women seems like pure hypocrisy. No one owes anyone anything, right?

I'm a normie and I feel for the OP. I've been through lesser hardships and they nearly broke me. No idea how I'd handle what he's been through. Anyways, I reckon that the majority of the people on this sub haven't been quite so unlucky.

You are a stupid piece of crap. This is why incels have a right to hate women. Women seriously need to pay for our oppression and trying to push us to suicide.

So, women want to fuck the best looking mates they can find. As do incels, chads, normies, etc. Yet somehow women are to blame for incel oppression? Makes zero sense to me. If relationship dynamics were reversed, it seems like most of the people on this sub would treat less desirable women exactly as they themselves are being treated now.

Incidentally, women aren't trying to push anyone to suicide. They care about you as much as anyone cares about some random acquaintance (i.e. not all that much). Humans are selfish creatures and some are luckier than others. Being incel doesn't automatically make you more virtuous than the rest of us. From what I've seen, plenty of you give approximately zero fucks about those who are even worse off, for whatever reason.

Incels have it worse you little shit. I have a right to hate women and wish nothing but the worst for them. Women are clearly evil and you know it.

I'm aware that incels have it worse than most folks. My point is that there are people on this planet that have it even worse than you. Do you spend all your time trying to throw them a bone? If not, why would you expect charity from people who are better off than you are?

Obviously, you have a right to hate whomever you want. I'm just pointing out that it's both hypocritical and counterproductive. Well-adjusted people further up the food chain don't waste their time hating on their luckier counterparts.

So your mum is an evil whore?

What are you talking about? OP never even mentions women but you just throw a "women are cruel" line in out of nowhere

Well it true and you can extrapolate this from that post.

Not in the slightest. I got "women are cruel" as much as "Sweden has rainy weather"

This is an incel subreddit. We hate woman and this post was proof of that. Now go away from this subreddit.

"This is a Vegetable subreddit. We hate meatloaf and this post was proof of that."

No, it was neither. Feel free to hate women or meatloaf or whatever you want but you don't get to blame them for things they have no control over.

Women are to blame for all problems. Read my post on women being responsible for ISIS and you will see the truth.

Thanks for your post. I've tagged you as a troll.

And that, folks, is a R E A C H

No there is a clear connection as women are shits who hate ugly incels.

You're delusional and you should accept that.

Are you fucking kidding me. Go back to your apartment your parents bought you and get off this sub

Or I'll go to the home I earned? You guys literally think your suffering is the only suffering so everyone must be talking down to you, grow up.

Don’t fucking assume anything about me. I just understand where these guys are coming from and are sick of you fucking scum vilifying them for things out of their control. So like I said, fuck off xx :)

Ps. “bRuH jUsT dOnT bE pOoR”

Don’t fucking assume anything about anyone. Just lift, bro, and take some personal responsibility.

Hey, at least you’re not in war ravaged Syria where it is a chore to not be killed by bombs or missiles.

I’d rather get fucking blown up st this point.

This world is fucking garbage and non of us deserve to live

No amount of Friends, drugs, success makes me happy anymore. The only reason I haven’t killed myself is my dog and my nieces. I walk riskily across roads in the hopes of getting hit by cars

The fucking gall on this dumbass. Go to your nearest homeless shelter and say the same things to the people there, you privileged fuck.

You don't know me, I'm not privileged I was simply laying out the truth and it's true for all of us equally.

You can call me all the names that you want but we're all dealt what we're dealt and the only person who can make you bitter or give in is yourself.

I wasn't mocking his situation I've been broke as fuck too and suffered all kinds of shit but not giving in to dark thoughts is healthier than doing it. Striving to make your day better so in a few years it's less shitty IS a good choice and I sincerely hope he makes those choices because it sounded like he was resigning himself to always being in a dead end job with no prospects and I've friends in spots like that try to kill themselves and it's terrible.

Read my post again I'm not shitting on him from my platinum throne at all and I don't see how it reads that way for some.

Women are so privileged they get to be attacked for not wanting to have sex with you. Yet there are probably women you would turn down. So really only men are allowed to have preferences in this fantasy world. Youre either gonna compromise or die a virgin.

In the west crime rates are overstated. You are so delusional. Also I can get an arranged marriage if worst comes to worst so I do not have to change.

You must buying crackb in bulk

Jeez. Incels don’t have options sweetheart. And who attacks women? Are you drunk?



I think what you are missing here is the incel community is more than happy to compromise. They are willing to treat the 1s 2s and 3s like absolute goddesses. However the problem is even with those compromises, even for them settling for someone most people would turn their nose at, they are still left in the cold. I'm happily married to my 7, but I understand, rather than dismiss.

What does this have to do with OPs story?

OP: Story about the bad circumstances in my life

theuglyincel: women in the west are the worst!


This is true. No women wants him because he is short, ethnic and ugly. No personality can fix this. It proves that women are terrible.

Who said anything about women? Or personality? And what does your personality have to do with women being terrible?

"Apples taste tart so I hate slinkies!!!"

Women are responsible for his problems by not having sex with him. They hate him because he is an ugly arab dude. That is all.

He would look exactly how he looks whether or not women existed; women have nothing to do with his appearance. Yet you have this weird agenda that "women are to blame" when his dad died, his mother was injured, and he had to quit school to work. Yeah guess it wasn't any of those things right? It must've been the those damn WO-MEN!

And what would happen if he had sex? Would he suddenly have a job? His dad come back to life? His mom become uninjured? What kind of delusion do you live under?

If he had a woman than he would be much happier. Instead now he is miserable because woman want to kill him by pushing him to suicide.

How do I know if I'm an incel? This whole thing is new to me and I can't tell

If you are ugly and women look at you in disgust then you are incel.

If this image makes you feel ugly, you are incel https://i.imgur.com/UbmVFSm.jpg

If he had a woman than he would be much happier.

This is not my experience.

it is a myth that a change in circumstance will change long term happiness.

once you are "out of poverty" and "have a small circle of friends" the biggest determinant of happiness seems to be our internal attitude.

Him being an incel is what is making him unhappy and women are to blame for it.

Who this? Who that? What???? What???? Huhh?????

God you normies are fucking boring and predictable. Can't have a real conversation, have to resort to stupid tactics like pretending to not understand anything.

One day, you'll be able to have a normal conversation with people, without using words like "normies." But that day is not today. Best of luck to you my young friend.

Fuck off back where you came from

Funny. That message applies to you more than anyone here. You are choosing to aggravate the people here.

Get the fuck out or stayed offended like the overreactionary piece of filth you are.

Fuck you. You smug condescending shit.

Normies is not an exclusive incel term. Fuck all the assholes who upvoted you. All of you are just unaware of how you all are provoking easily agigitated users.

You, are not fit to help anybody in this subreddit with that kind of shitty approach and response. Just stop.

You can say fucking "alt-right, neckbeard fedora" whatever and be considered normal by these fucks. It's no biggie.

Almost no one uses these dumb terms (and it's telling how you politicize it). And the only people obsessed with and talk about being "normal" is you guys. You seriously need to grow up. And that's not some dumb incel joke: it's saying you need to become more mature with your thinking and stop thinking there's some conspiracy out there conspiring to keep you a virgin. It's frankly embarrassing. That's why subreddits like IT exist, because your posts are rife with self imposed drama and hyperbole.

You're an idiot. Everybody uses these terms. You suck at gaslighting.

Used completely ironically and, humorously, literally, because the guy has an actual neck beard.

Once again, you suck at gaslighting.

Fam why didn’t his mother just go out and find a beta man to suck funds from? Many on this sub assume that’s as simple as walking out onto the street and asking am ugly stranger if he’d like a husband

If you can read this story about a mother busting her ass to provide for her kids and getting screwed by the government programs designed to assist those who are unfit to work, and your reaction is “women are generally evil”, I can give you a hint why you might be incel

Btw, I feel for OP. This dude seems like an awesome person. But I don’t understand how any person could read what he wrote and have an instant gut reaction like this

And for reasons beyond me this administrative official really had something against my mother, so her appeals were all denied.

When people use the term woman they mostly mean young, pre-wall able-bodied, White women, her mother probably had none.

So women are terrible because they want to produce better offspring?

how would OP be better of if he were a woman? Would he suddenly get a college degree or a better job out of nowhere?

My guess is she could marry a rich man

/s ?

Maybe if he was attractive. You think a rich dude would marry an ugly girl with a terrible living situation? He can find more

he could betabux

Women can do anything and get paid. Women live life on tutorial mode while incels are on hard difficulty.

This guy's mom is an exception to this though

If his mom was born in the west she would have fucked white chads. She is just another whore.

Just fuck your mom bro

nice personality

Occam's razor.

This is the most depressing sub

This is the most real, truthful, revealing sub.

It is the realest shit on Reddit.

Truth is seldom happy and joyous. Truth is often ugly, scary amd something we would rather not look at.

...Truth is often incel in its own metaphysical way.

Not even close. You want depressing? Go visit r/happa. They really hate themselves

You're a good person. Regardless of how shit the hand life has given you, you are a good, strong and true person.

Females will post this to facebook and squeeze out a few tears shortly after having FWB cum inside them

Oh but how could he possibly be? He's an incel, that means he's a misogynist and a terrorist right?

That’s not what he fucking said! He just said that despite everything, he is still true and strong. Where the fuck did you get that from?

You obviously don't understand sarcasm.

Well I was under the assumption you are an incel.

I am, I was mocking the idiotic assumptions some people make about us.

Based off the delusional assumptions incels have on “normies.”

Those aren't delusional assumptions, I've literally seen incels called that those things on a daily basis.

I meant that incels assume all women are thirsty whores that just want attractive tall rich men, and that if you have sex, your life is perfect.

Well there are definitely women who fit that description but not all of them. And sex gives people pleasure so it would make their lives better at least temporarily.

Yes, having sex provides pleasure, but it doesn’t mean you can’t have a terrible life.

If you are having sex on a constant basis then you have a regular method of stress relief and pleasure. I'd think it would make your life atleast partially more enjoyable, although I wouldn't know because I never have and likely never will experience it.

And since you never have, you don’t understand that it doesn’t fix problems.

I never said it fixes your problems, I said it probably makes your life atleast a little bit better.

Quit the bullshit. Tons of things make life a little bit better. Why is sex the only thing incels strive for?

It's not just sex, it's love and companionship. Imagine going your whole life without either of those things, it's not fun.

Stop hating women then. Try to be a nice person and go out there and find someone.

I don't hate women, I'm a nice person but being nice doesn't get you a girlfriend.

Yes it does. The girls that date “douchebags,” most of the time they aren’t really douchebags, just jealousy talking.

Wonder why so many women are abused if they supposedly don't date douchebags 🤔.

That’s a fraction, not the whole demographic. Obviously I can’t speak for every girl. But that’s just a self-esteem problem for women. Most of the time, being a nice person will help getting a girl, what’s hard to understand about that?

Being nice may help attractive people(not that they need it) but generally if you are unnatractive being nice ain't gonna help you.

I have seen ugly guys with good looking girlfriends in high school. And no they weren’t rich, nor were they involved in drugs, or super buff. And no, the girls weren’t desperate whores.

Okay? They are outliers. The exception, not the rule.

You don’t know that...I have seen nice handsome 6’+ men on sports team get rejected. It happens, they aren’t fucking outliers, I see it all the time.

Exactly, because some women have ridiculously high standards that even a handsome tall athlete will get rejected. You just proved my point.

No you fucking idiot. I have seen the same girls date guys that aren’t as impressive. And I’ve lived in several different cities and I’ve seen it everywhere.

Foids do not define your worth.

The beautiful people the beautiful people

It's all relative to the size of your steeple

You can't see the forest for the trees

You can't smell the bullshit or roasties

There's no time to discriminate

(Hate every moderator that's in your way)

An honourable truecel. I wish I was a richcel so I could help you.

It's all rigged. I can see why normies would avoid you and would see your life experience as baggage not as struggle. I'm sorry, bro

Are you Afghan?

You know Afghanistan isn't in middle east right?.....

technically true, but a lot of us refer to ourselves as middle eastern on this sub for simplicity sake.

It's part of the greater Middle East.

The irony of your post is that Afghans are the actual Aryans in history. Even Afghanistan's ancient name is Ariana. Go to the Northern provinces of Badakhshan and Nuristan. You'll see plenty of blue/green eyes, blonde, Northern European looking types.

That's Iran(Ancient Persia), not Afghanistan.

Not quite. Ariana encompassed Bactria as well, which is modern day Afghanistan, geographically.

The Greek term Arianē (Latin: Ariana) is based on Aryan, a term found in Iranian Avestan Airiiana- (especially in Airyanem Vaejah, the name of the Iranian peoples' mother country).

The term was based on the the Iranian term which they used to describe themselves in the beginning. You're right that Afghanistan was a part of the Persian empire, but the word Aryan, which itself was based on a sanskrit word, was made by them and it was used to refer to the Iranian people. Thing is, Afghans are an Iranic people, similar to other ethnic groups. So some Afghans are part of that group. However the "actual" Aryans would be the ancient Persians because they're the ones who started using the term.

I am persian, from badakhshan . I am not blonde or anything. But I don't meet the afghan stereotypes at all. People often mistake me for being from another country

Bacheem stop embarrassing us Afghans in every post here. You were just not lucky with the genetic lottery. My friend and brother are also Afghan and the western women here go crazy for them.

From my experience, Afghans in the west either extremely well with women or extremely poorly (me)

And its not always about looks. yes in my case being short, balding and big nose is part of it, but my father was extremely religous and would beat me if I talked to girls or hang around white people. As a results I never developed social skills during the critical period during my youth.

I know some pakistani and arab friends who had the same problem. They had no idea how to flirt or talk to women because they were both ugly and parents wouldnt let them talk to girls.

Hey, KhalilYousuf3, just a quick heads-up:
religous is actually spelled religious. You can remember it by ends with -gious.
Have a nice day!

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Would i slay? I am technically persian but still . Same thing

Wow, lots of AFGcels up in this bitch.

Damn man that is a hard story to hear. I know its hollow coming from an internet stranget but I wish you all the best man. It is clear by your story that you are a great guy with a solid moral compass.

Never have kids.I know your incel,but if you manage to find a lady willing to fuck you don't do it.No one if given the choice would choose to be born incel nor poor.

Yeah, I know. I promised myself to never have kids when I was around 20 years old. Creating another human being who would risk suffering like I have is honestly selfish, irresponsible and morally wrong.

I swear to what ever entity that you're a genius.

Should be common sense, /r/antinatalism

I feel exactly the same way. If I ever want to raise another human being I will adopt.

Black pill taken. Thank you for sharing. Your story is inspiring and I find it honorable.

Sure it doesn’t mean much hearing from a Normie. But your choices in life sound like you’re a very good person. I bet over half the super chads out there would have never put a little sibling first. Good on you brother.

I bet over half the super chads out there would have never put a little sibling first.

What makes you think that?

Because they’re stereotypically selfish. Put themselves first.

I thought Chads were defined by their appearance, not their personality.
I have not seen much Chad-hate on this sub, either. There have been multiple posts claiming 'I hate normies more than Chads.' or 'Chad was actually the one to be nice to me while a bunch of normies talked down to me.'
I fail to see a lack of empathy as an element of the common definition of Chad.

Who, by your (or most accurately, by Incel-)definition, does feel empathy then? Apparently not Chads, not 'Numales' (as synonym for IT-posters), not Normies? And, obviously, not women.

Du är fan en ängel. Det kommer tyvärr inte hjälpa dig med dejtandet, men likväl är du en ängel och det borde du vara stolt över att vara.

this is what an incel looks like.

IT will ignore this and spout the usual all incels are abusers rhetoric

There's already multiple replies in this thread degrading women when OP hardly mentions women. Why do you suppose other users think incels are abusers?

And those replies have little to no upvotes and arent represebtative of most incels

I got into an argument with someone who said they have no empathy for a teenager who was raped and sodomized as a 5 year old just because he was an asshole on the internet. He got upvoted. So all IT users support rape and sodomy of children if they grow up and be internet assholes?

The funny thing is when I told an IT user that I didn't care about a 24 year old whore 'possibly' being molested when she was a kid, they said that I was supporting little girls getting molested. jfl

Yet another rape advocate. This subreddit is swarming with them. I'm going to be screenshotting your post to show when the next person asks why an incel watchdog community is necessary. THIS is why. This right here. Inceltears will not forgive. Inceltears will not forget. We're coming for you.


j-j-join the fight!

hahahaahahah shame lots of people wooshed

Your little brother is going to support you in the future right???

Holy shit bru, i'm so sorry.

It's over boyo

Go home then? why are you in Sweden

Sweden is his home. It is not his mother's home but it certainly is his.

My bad did not see that and just read “I live in Sweden”

Regardless, my point still stands. Sweden is ethnically homogeneous and a middle eastern short bro will stick out like a thumb. It’s completely unfair for him.

Yes it is completely unfair which is why a good 50% of this subreddit is non-white. Us short brown non-white males who are born in white countries competing with tall handsome white guys are absolutely FUCKED

Thought about moving back?

My parents were European immigrants to the USA but fit in ok because of this country being a melting pot and accepting of immigrants

You're aware that a lot of them are born and raised in Sweden? They have no home other than Sweden.

You're voluntarily moving

Kids have no choice in where their parents move. He didn't choose to be born in Sweden.

doesnt make him a swede just a stinky subhuman invader

whitoids are fakecels


Cool it with the refugeephobic remarks.

Loool. For a guy with no high school diploma and I'm assuming English being you're third language. You do write well. You're story is probably true for someone out there just not you son.

Believe it or not, I learned most of my English from watching The Simpsons and playing RuneScape. I also learned a lot of English colloquialism by using reddit. By the way, it's "Your story", not "You're story".

Thanks. I'm well aware of it. But nevertheless I mistake on my account. But highly doubt it's your story, with the grasp you seem to have on grammatically correct English. Not doubting the possibility of someone being in that situation. Just saying it's not you. By the way

I take it back. Mea culpa

Basically the entire population of Sweden is fluent in English.

Dude I'm from a Nordic country(check my reddit comments). And have visited Sweden more than I can count. You can easily tell the difference between someone with an educational background and someone who dropped out.

Eller så är det bara så att det är dina förutfattade meningar? Det finns många som lär sig engelska från något annat än skolan.

Ja det er muligt. Men ikke mange.

Not everyone is a mouthbreather like you. This is probably an earth shattering revelation to you. Oh well back to brushing your one tooth with pabst and mud.

Most of the population in Scandinavian countries speak English as a second language minimum.

Lmao just cause you have the IQ of a typical americuck doesn’t mean other people can’t learn languages rofl

Fucking idiot. Most people aren't as stupid as you.

You're a stronger person than most. I don't think I could have done what you have. What you've done for your brother and mother can't be measured.

As a normie, I wish you happiness.

Sorry to hear about all the troubles. Stay strong and don't give up. God bless you and your family.

Damn man, this just makes me want to give you a hug. No matter what happens, the fact that you were willing to sacrifice so much for others displays a level of empathy far greater than most. All I can say is, I want things to work out for you. Good luck man.

You seem like practically a saint to me. I just don't understand why someone like you would want to associate and share an identity with people who make a spoiled piece of $hit like Elliot Rodgers into their personal Jesus. Why nurture misery? Yeah things are shit but some circumstances change and if you're always looking for shit in every situation that's all you'll ever find.

Why wouldn't I want to associate with them? I have more in common with them than I do other people. We're in the same predicament, we have the same jaded and cynical humor and we've all gone through the same hardships. Although there aren't many of us we're a very diverse group of people, more so than any other community on reddit. This is honestly one of the very few places on the internet where I can go without facing blatant racism and hate for the way I was born. Yeah sure, there are a few morons who write irrational and stupid shit, but show me a subreddit or internet community where that doesn't happen. If anything I'm grateful for the existance of r/braincels, it's a great tight-knit community. And I'm not "looking for shit in every situation", if a person could improve their life by "thinking positive thoughts" there wouldn't be any starving children in Africa right now.

Hey, EnBortkastadIncel, just a quick heads-up:
existance is actually spelled existence. You can remember it by ends with -ence.
Have a nice day!

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Just FYI, a "tight-knit" community doesn't allow for abuse of it's members. If you were an alcoholic and joined another group of alcoholics in order to drink more and revel in your drunkenness and the fact that it's ruining your life isn't being "tight-knit." It's being self destructive. Nothing in this subreddit is going to help you, it will only validate your feelings of worthlessness.

From your OP I can tell you take pride in the fact that you helped your mother and brother and that your circumstances are seriously shitty. But coming here to a community of women haters and jealous-mongers is not only not helping, it's actively dragging you further down with the vitriol that is spilled here regularly. It's one thing to relate to others in a similar predicament, it's another to wallow in your own and other's self pity. The biggest difference I see in incel subs is that no one is even remotely interested in helping anyone else: it's a race to the bottom. Someone posts they got rejected, someone else has to one-up them and post that AT LEAST they GOT rejected because they can't even ask someone.

Your story sucks man, but I don't know what you want to hear. Do you WANT people to feel sorry for you? Do you want people to try to help? Or do you just want to vent? Regardless, this place is good for none of that, as no one here wants you out of your mess. They want you to stay right where you are so they can stay right where they are and know there are others just like them.

Do you think a man that lost his father at 10, sees his mother in pain daily, works a disgusting mind numbing job, is poor and ugly bald and short on top of it really cares about some random faggot cuck on reddit telling him what the fuck to do? How far up your own ass are you to think any of your bullshit matters to him. U are legit retarded as fuck for even thinking a person in his situation cares lmao

I didn't tell him to do anything. I asked him a rhetorical question. But you can see whatever you want.

You're right, a tight-knit community doesn't allow for abuse of its members. And truthfully the few times I've witnessed abuse in this community it's mostly been by outsiders brigading on behalf of r/IncelTears or by users who are promptly told that their behavior is unacceptable.

And you're right, there are misogynists and "jealous-mongers" on this subreddit. But guess what, there are plenty of morons on every subreddit. On r/IncelTears they're shaming virgins, on r/Sweden they're encouraging the hate and disenfranchisement of ethnic minorities in Sweden, on r/BlackPeopleTwitter white people are making fun of other white people, what makes any of those subreddits morally superior?

No matter what happens to you in life it's up to you to choose what you want to absorb and take with you from every experience you have. I simply choose to not absorb the things that I deem to be useless for me, whereas you seem to do the exact opposite.

But we have to be clear about one thing. There's a difference between abuse and banter. Now you may not like the banter of this subreddit, because the banter of this subreddit might be more poignant, grotesque and tragic than what you're accustomed to. And you'd have every right to feel that way. But never assume that you somehow are the arbiter of what's funny and what's abusive. The banter of this subreddit is a reflection of a reality that you don't and hopefully never will fathom. And just because you don't appreciate it it doesn't mean there aren't others that do or that it should be censored. Don't forget that you went out of your way to come here to see things you don't like seeing and tell the people in this community that they're wrong and that if they changed their thought patterns they'd somehow become better and improved people. No one has even made the claim that there was room for improvement in the first place. That's probably the biggest reason this community exists to begin with.

And you're right, misery does love company. But claiming that no one here wants me or other users of this subreddit to succeed in life is just preposterous, I've gotten plenty of support in the comment section, and so have many other users of this subreddit.

Now please, if you're done riding around on your high horse, be gone.

You're right, a tight-knit community doesn't allow for abuse of its members. And truthfully the few times I've witnessed abuse in this community it's mostly been by outsiders brigading on behalf of r/IncelTears or by users who are promptly told that their behavior is unacceptable.

And you're right, there are misogynists and "jealous-mongers" on this subreddit. But guess what, there are plenty of morons on every subreddit. On r/IncelTears they're shaming virgins, on r/Sweden they're encouraging the hate and disenfranchisement of ethnic minorities in Sweden, on r/BlackPeopleTwitter white people are making fun of other white people. What makes any of those subreddits morally superior?

No matter what happens to you in life it's up to you to choose what you want to absorb and take with you from every experience you have. I simply choose to not absorb the things that I deem to be useless for me, whereas you seem to do the exact opposite.

But we have to be clear about one thing. There's a difference between abuse and banter. Now you may not like the banter of this subreddit, because the banter of this subreddit might be more poignant, grotesque and tragic than what you're accustomed to. And you'd have every right to feel that way. But never assume that you somehow are the arbiter of what's funny and what's abusive. The banter of this subreddit is a reflection of a reality that you don't and hopefully never will fathom. And just because you don't appreciate it it doesn't mean there aren't others that do or that it should be censored. Don't forget that you went out of your way to come here to see things you don't like seeing and tell the people in this community that they're wrong and that if they changed their thought patterns they'd somehow become better and improved people. No one has even made the claim that there was room for improvement in the first place. That's probably the biggest reason this community exists to begin with.

And you're right, misery does love company. But claiming that no one here wants me or other users of this subreddit to succeed in life is just preposterous, I've gotten plenty of support in the comment section, and so have many other users of this subreddit.

Now please, if you're done riding around on your high horse, be gone.

Well get of Europe, it's that simple.

Between you and me bro, I'm calling bullshit on this whole thing. You're too articulate to be an Arab living in Sweden. Most highly educated white swedes couldn't type like this.

Well I'm glad you have that here at least; feeling like you belong and that you have a place can mean everything. It can though also become a quagmire where you're just circle jerking your misery around while becoming oblivious to other things that exist out there.. I found myself in a toxic circle of my own years back which I thought was the only place for me back before Incel was a thing.. Thinking positive thoughts doesn't guarantee anything. If there's food to be found, the starving child in Africa who has the hope will be more likely to explore and turn over rocks to find it than the starving child with no hope who just sits there. I won't claim to relate to what you have going on but really just a small shift in outlook could very well be the difference of you finding a partner at maybe 40 instead of an almost guaranteed never. Its not like you have to give up all your cynicism.. If you're already losing what good is there in leaning further into that destiny?

For what it's worth, you're my new hero dude.

Why wouldn't I want to associate myself with them? I have more in common with them than I do other people. We're in the same predicament, we have the same jaded and cynical humor and we've all gone through the same hardships.

Maybe, but getting out of a situation often works better if you leave the pack behind.

Your level of hard work for your family makes you a hero in my books.

You may have to leave this pack (unless you want to be where they are) and that will mean trading in some camaraderie for a group that will help and challenge you to the next step in the right direction.

I hope those over privileged incel tears savages all Pat each other on the back and feel great about themselves as they belittle and berate this man.

Whos belittling and berating this guy? You are literally making up abuse to justify hating yourself.

Only problem with your theory, I don't hate myself, nor am I an incel. But aside from that, good show old sport, ya found me out.

I'll be a 27-year-old, 5'2" bald Middle Eastern man without a high school diploma, with zero friends and no sexual experience, who's working a dead-end job and is sharing a bedroom with his mother

LMFAO let the refugees in bro they're doctors and engineers!!!

I was born here and lived here my whole life

Fuck off mate

one of the most heart wrenching doses of the black pill in recent memory. Fuck all of those normies out there who are going to pretend like it's your fault.

No one, literally no one is saying it's his fault. No one. If you applied half the effort to this type of shitposting to real life, you'd already be chadincarnate.

If you applied half the effort to this type of shitposting to real lif

I do put in a lot of effort in real life. I dress well, I work out, I joined clubs, I try to talk to people, I'm working on getting an education, I have hobbies, I have interests. What more do I need to do so that I can be "chadincarnate," since you seem to know me so well?

You are contradicting yourself here, as I seriously doubt you've everseen BetUrprocrastinating, so for all you know his situation could be nearly identical to the OP on this thread. All you know is he is an incel. So if it's not the OPs fault, then you have to be able to admit, it might not be BetUrProcrastinating's fault either. So for the coarse of this argument, we may as well talk about them as if they were one person. So, lets analyze this, first you say it's not his fault and nobody is saying it's his fault, then, you implicitly imply that it's his fault for not "applying half the effort." So which is it then?

No. Procrast and OP are two different people. Why would pretending they're the same person do anything useful?

I said nobody said it was OPs fault after Procrast claim people were saying it was his own fault. I then said if Procrast spent less time lying on the internet (making things up in order to make OP feel even worse in the weird backhanded "I agree with your negative assessment of yourself" style that incels incomprehensibly use), he could use his newly free time to better himself into a Chad: his secret admirer and at the same time sworn enemy, so that he could gain access to his most wanted desire and most loathed: women.

Again, how do you know he was in any more of a position to do this than the OP? This smacks of assumption to me. And how do you even know how much time any of us spend on the internet?

I looked through /u/BetUrProcrastinating post history. He has spent almost a year on this account, mainly on incel subreddits. What's strange is that in the beginning, he was making actually well thought-out posts, explaining his social anxiety as the reason for his incel-dom. He seems like a pretty smart, normal guy, looking for advice and doing what everyone does when they have a problem they want to solve. But his post yesterday, after reading OPs story, was to say "fuck normal people."

This is not a normal reaction. No one says "fuck lottery winners" when someone wins the lotto and they didn't. Jealousy is normal, hatred of those people is NOT. And this subreddit fosters that hatred.

Like I said, if he spent his time in actually positive subreddits or going to therapy/doctors who actually CAN help with his anxiety, he could be the person he wants to be instead of the incel that browsing this subreddit keeps him as. This is the most self-destructive place I've seen on the internet.

lol this subreddit didn't do that. The fact that I have alopecia which makes me look like ugly is what pushed me to the blackpill. I was actually pretty good looking before, and I knew that if I just tried hard enough I would eventually succeed.

And it's not like I'm saying "fuck lottery winners," considering I'm not saying "fuck good looking people." I'm saying fuck people who would blame OP for his situation. That would be the equivalent of me saying "fuck people who were born rich who blame poor people for not being rich." You're completely misrepresenting my argument.

That is fair, you are right I got your argument wrong.

However, your pre-emptive "fuck normal people" when no normal person said it was his fault, pissed me off. That being said, look at the highest voted reply to OP. It's a women hating comment when OP barely mentions women. It's hard not to lump all incellers together when that mindset seems to be the most common one, and I succumbed to that assumption with you.

I apologize.

ok yeah your right, I probably shouldn't have been so aggressive in my response. HOWEVER, it's also important to note how many normies try to spin everything like it's our fault, including you, when you told me I could be chad if I "just put in the effort," which is pretty condescending and implies that it's my fault I'm not good with women.

Ok first of all, please drop the "normie" term. This is a cringeworthy 4chan term that immediately makes the reader assume the poster is a child. It becomes SERIOUSLY difficult to take you seriously when this term is used.

Secondly, I don't see anyone trying to spin anything like it's your fault. I see incel users post that ALL THE TIME as if it's an iron-clad argument justifying their replies.

My chad comment was a knee-jerk reaction to your hyperbolic "fuck you" and was uncalled for. I meant it to imply that your time spent on these subreddits is not doing you any favors and is actively working against your better interests.

fair enough. I do think "normie" is a legitimate way to refer to non incels, but which word would you prefer me to use instead?

I don't think there needs to be a term. What's the term for people who don't have red hair? Or the term for people who don't like art? They are just "people." By using terms like "normie" it makes it "us vs them" and serves only to increase the mental chasm that self-imposed incel users use in order to distance themselves from what they both hate and desire most.

What's the term for people who don't have red hair?

red-heads, lol. I don't necessarily think it makes an "us vs them" thing. There are words for black and white people, military and civilians, fat and thin, dumb and smart, quick and slow, rich and poor, have and have-nots, cool and lame, democrat and republican, etc. Why not have a distinction between incels and normies?

The term for people who don't have red hair is red-head?

oh, mb misread, lol. my point still stands, though.

No it doesn't. Do you call non-redheads "normies?" Do you call people who hate art "normies?" Or people who love art "normies?" A democrat and a republican (and the rest of your example) are two sides of a coin. "Normie" and "incel" are not the same in that regard, just like "red-head" and "non-red-head" is not a thing.

but "Jew" and "Goy/Gentile" are things. How is that not the same?

It's reaching but I guess you could make that argument. Thing is, Gentile was a term invented to specifically identify non-Jews within the Jewish community. "Normie" is a term coined by 4chan to refer to people who didn't post on 4chan and has now been usurped by incel users. That alone is reason enough to not use it. It'd be like if you decided to call non-incel users "Gentiles." It would look ridiculous. Also "normie" as the connotation of being "normal" and those that use it implied to be not normal, and such self deprecation is not looked upon favorably, hence the subreddits IT and the like.

eh, I don't agree. I'm going to keep saying "normie," because it's already so well established.

It's your call, of course. I just wanted you to be aware of what other users will imply from you when you use the term. Especially those that fall into the category of what you call "normies."

It’s over for short dudes

Good. Go back to countries where that's the norm. Keep Europe white.

I want to start a donation pool for you, maybe if every ince can donate a dollar or 2. But then again, you claim to be a part of this community for a long time and this is your first posts and first comments. You do not have any formal high school education yet write better english than me, the whole thing is suspicious

If you can verify somehow, I bet this community and the main incel site would love to help a guy out

This is a throwaway account. My main account had a little bit too much information about me and a Swede could most likely dox me. I learned most of my English from watching The Simpsons and playing RuneScape. I also learned a lot of English colloquialism by using reddit. And dropping out of high school doesn't mean I never went to school at all. I appreciate the sentiment, but like I wrote, I didn't make this post to be pitied or for donations. You can believe whatever you want to believe. And here's some proof for you, so you can go back to coping.

I dont see what the pic proves except that you're a wristcel like me. But yeah, seemed suspicious to me at first but if you're legit, then sorry for doubting and hope you can make it. It's a very tough life and you're gonna need a very tough constitution to make something out of it. Its fine if you don't want donations, but they might have helped. Anyways, cheers and good luck

As a European from a different small, wealthy, non-English-speaking country, I know quite a few people with middle school diplomas* who speak and write English better than people with university degrees. Generally they either watch a LOT of American TV or are online nerds, so OP's story definitely adds up.

*(If you do an apprenticeship, like to be an assistant pharmacist or a plumber or a watchmaker or whatever, regular schooling only goes up to age 15, and then you start work.)

Runescape 😍😍

Hopefully your brother is respectful of your sacrifice.

Your English is awesome! You sound really noble and smart to me. Maybe you can look at programming traineeships for C# or Java. If you have the brains they'll pay you to learn. After training you'll be in high demand.

For your looks, you have been dealt a really shitty hand. What can I say. Life will be 100 times harder because of it. Try to get rich I have the feeling you're smart. Than just buy a harem. Money buys everything. Not real authentic love but it will get you the illusion.

I wish you all the best from the depth of my heart.

I can second this, OP. Programming skills are in high demand. If you can learn Java it'll open up a lot of doors for you.

I wish I could save you. I wish I could save us. I know this is a meaningless sentiment, but I wish I could do something, anything, to right the figurative ship that is our lives and deliver unto us the happiness that we deserve.

You may feel alone, anon, but you are not alone. I am here, and others are here. Don't give up the cope.

Jag kan verkligen relatera, har tårar i ögonen efter att ha läst detta

someone gild this man please

Fuck alla normies, det du gjort för din mamma och bror är guld värt. Du är en mycket bättre människa än idioterna som ser ner på dig och ser dig som smuts. Big up, broder, du har I alla fall vårt support! <3

Idk if your story is real or not, but i am in same situation just being 24 at the moment.

It's kinda too much for us to catch up at this point, sorta pre determined destiny to be born a losing player in losing circumstances. For some people i aint honey and cakes unfortunately, sometimes life can be really ugly.

For me it's not even about sex anymore, i kinda got over this thing, since i never felt intimacy or kissing of a girl my mind copes perfectly as if it's surreal in this life for me.

I just cant bear an idea of being broke till the day i slowly rot away.

You're a great man. I understand as much as all incels the pain you must feel. But please realise what an amazing deed you have done.

I have to see that makes me less glib about all of this. I still think this whole movement is more harmful to people by far than need be, but that is a brutally difficult situation. And I really do agree that life circumstances and genetics have a huge effect on how people turn out, its not entirely some simple mind over matter thing. I still think you might be happier at least relatively and living a more satisfying life through other means than being incel. But I feel your pain that sounds unbelievably hard and I can see why this is nowhere near all in your head.

Nigga can't you just get a ho or some shit since it Sweden? Fucking gay bruh you can probably just bang chicks if you have money

I for one, commend your efforts and heart to do what you had to do. You are a humane person. But because we are on a sub bitching about women and life,people want to say we are demons. They are so judgemental they don't know any of our lives and what good we have done in our lives or how hard we had it.

You are a truecel and a brother, respect

Fuk. I am rarely moved, but...FUUUUK.

If you feel like this is who you are and who you want to be loved, copypasta this on all personal listings in your area with an email and your picture, etc. You sound like a tough fucker with good experience dealing with hardship and a tragic life story. I mean worst case scenario you're still single, best case scenario this is exactly some girl's fetish. Can't meet her if she doesn't know how to reach you!

I feel you dude.

I am middle eastern too but grew up in the west. Why don't you go back to the old country and buy a wife?

These are the kind of people that welfare should be for. It should only be a crutch if you've actually been crippled. American welfare is thrown away at anyone who doesn't feel like working, has been incapacitated by drugs and alcohol, or had several kids before they could afford to live themselves. We apparently live in a world where you can't want sympathy if someone is suffering more than you, but I think you have every right to complain about the hand you were dealt.


I'm not an incel of any kind, but I can easily dissprove lots of the narratives in the post and in the comments, as I'm an middle eastern my self BORN and raised in Scandinavia (Denmark). ALSO raised in areas that are labelled as a "ghetto" here.

First off my deepest sympathies to you, OP. I (-And im sure alot from the opposite sex as well) have the utmost respect for the commitments and sacrifices you're doing for your mother. However, as another fellow Middle Eastern up here in the North, there are multiple things in your post that I def. cant approve.

First thing is whole thing with your mothers being forced to work. I'm not saying you're lying, but I'd expect shit like happening in the US or perhaps in some 2nd world country, but SWEDEN? In Denmark, by having the support from doctors the goverment has tons of incapacity benefits to hand out to you, Even to non-citizens. So I'm surprised that Sweden differs pretty widely from their neighbours in that aspect.

What struck me most, however, is the idea of how inferiour you (and apparently the whole comment section) are seeing yourself in comparision with the Scandinavians. Now, there are things that I to some extent can relate to, bc BELIEVE me I have witnessed the countless of disadvantages of being an middle eastern miniority in post-9/11 era here, but while it sure is more difficult for us, its FAR from impossible for guys with our roots to get laid out here. I myself and most of my friends are all "blatte" and we've been with a fair share of Scandinavians, Swedish girls included. Just yesterday night, my kurdish 5,4" friend pulled up high as shit at my door with some randomass girl. Shits ordinary, I mean its a common thing in the 'ghetto's" that Blatte's go and fuck around with various of Danish girls only to dump them in order to keep an illusion alive of them being good muslims to their families, and then marry a girl with Muslim heritage. Anyways, my point with these examples are to the huge amount of people here thinking that Middle eastern are hopeless in terms of sex/love in Scandinavia are full of horseshit. Race is n never an excuse for lack of love/sex, not in Denmark, not in Sweden, not anywhere in the world. If you're still not convinced, please come see me in Copenhagen.

Now lets talk about YOU. Okay, yea, you've been dealt a shitty hand of cards and it def. bring a little justice to your incelism, but not entirely. Why? Because of THIS exact mindset you're showing me: Lots limitations, but no possibilities. You're portraying the average Swede as some god. Do you honestly think its NORMAL to be in your 20's and fucking own an estate + car, travelled the world, having a degree AND a job? No. Litterally no one I've known or met has done all of that, and its honestly outta touch with reality thinkng thats the average. Then when it comes to yourself, its the litteral opposite: Its your looks, its your race, its your family situation, its your personality.......I dont know you, but seeing how you've sacrifised yourself for your famility, you've already shown you have far greater character than many, and that you're very much a leader. Thats pretty damn alpha, and most women dig the living shit outta that. The shit you've been through makes you stronger and more experieced in life than most in their 20's. Take fucking pride in that..

...Matter fact, take fucking in EVERYTHING about yourself; Your roots, your looks ALL OF IT. None of those are the source for your problems. Its your self-esteem and your toxic view on yourself. Speaking of toxic this sub will clench you to rot, as evident in the comment section, approving you to be basisally hopeless instead of helping you evolve away from it.

If you're up for some change, you're very welcome to come see me in Copenhagen, and I'll be happy to bring us some ladies company. But I cant promise you success. You need to get your mindset right and start focussing on your possibilities, and how to improve yourself.

Hey, humiq, just a quick heads-up:
goverment is actually spelled government. You can remember it by n before the m.
Have a nice day!

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Get real

First thing is whole thing with your mothers being forced to work. I'm not saying you're lying, but I'd expect shit like happening in the US or perhaps in some 2nd world country, but SWEDEN? In Denmark, by having the support from doctors the goverment has tons of incapacity benefits to hand out to you, Even to non-citizens. So I'm surprised that Sweden differs pretty widely from their neighbours in that aspect.

You obviously have no clue of how the social insurance agency of Sweden (Försäkringskassan) works. If I had to guess you probably don't even know how it works in Denmark either. Here are just the 10 first articles you find if you Google it:

  1. http://lakartidningen.se/Aktuellt/Nyheter/2018/05/Samsyn-saknas-mellan-primarvardslakare-och-Forsakringskassan-/

  2. https://www.na.se/artikel/opinion/insandare/lakare-forsakringskassan-arbetar-mot-halsa-och-evidens

  3. https://fastighetsfolket.se/2018/02/28/jag-onskar-forsakringskassan-skulle-lyssna-pa-lakarna/

  4. https://www.folkbladet.nu/1885997/forsakringskassans-byrakrater-ar-inga-lakare

  5. https://www.expressen.se/nyheter/lakare-slar-larm-om-forsakringskassan/

  6. https://www.aftonbladet.se/debatt/a/P3PAp6/f-kassan-jagar-sjuka-och-domer-ut-lakare

  7. https://www.aftonbladet.se/debatt/a/P3PAp6/f-kassan-jagar-sjuka-och-domer-ut-lakare

  8. https://arbetet.se/2017/12/20/forsakringskassan-hittar-pa-egna-regler/

  9. https://www.aftonbladet.se/debatt/a/Xmae7/sluta-jaga-de-sjuka-forsakringskassan

  10. http://www.sjukhuslakaren.se/%E2%80%9Dpatienten-ar-rattslos-mot-forsakringskassan%E2%80%9D/

All of them are pretty much describing exactly what I wrote.

I myself and most of my friends are all "blatte" and we've been with a fair share of Scandinavians, Swedish girls included. Just yesterday night, my kurdish 5,4" friend pulled up high as shit at my door with some randomass girl. Shits ordinary, I mean its a common thing in the 'ghetto's" that Blatte's go and fuck around with various of Danish girls only to dump them in order to keep an illusion alive of them being good muslims to their families, and then marry a girl with Muslim heritage.

First of all that's not what "life partner" is, did you even read my post? I don't want to have sex with random intoxicated women, but if that's how you measure success, then congratulations. Secondly, do you know what Survivorship bias is? I'm sure there are plenty of guys "like me" who have had sex with Danish women. There are also plenty of guys who have won the lottery, does that mean I should spend my next salary on lottery tickets?

Race is never an excuse for lack of love/sex, not in Denmark, not in Sweden, not anywhere in the world.


You're portraying the average Swede as some god. Do you honestly think its NORMAL to be in your 20's and fucking own an estate + car, travelled the world, having a degree AND a job? No. Litterally no one I've known or met has done all of that, and its honestly outta touch with reality thinkng thats the average.

Actually that's literally the average in Sweden. That's not an opinion, that's a fact. If you don't believe me you can look it up yourself in the Swedish government's bureau of statistics, here you go:


I'm not even going to reply to the rest of your post, it just reads like the dumbest self-help book I've ever read. Maybe you should go to Yemen and tell the children that the reason they're dying of Cholera isn't because of unfortunate circumstances, but because they have a bad attitude to life. I'm sure they'll all appreciate it.

Hey, EnBortkastadIncel, just a quick heads-up:
goverment is actually spelled government. You can remember it by n before the m.
Have a nice day!

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You know I really felt for you after reading your post OP, but comparing yourself not getting sex to children dying of cholera is fucking ridiculous.

That's not what I did. I compared him telling me that a good attitude would somehow improve my circumstance to the hypothetical situation of someone telling children dying of Cholera that a good attitude would improve the child's circumstance. To "pull oneself up by the bootstraps" is inherently oxymoronic.

You effectively did. You compared someone giving you advice and sharing their experiences with women in the same country as you (which you oversimplified to pulling yourself up by your bootstraps) to telling children in a war torn country that having a better attitude would cure them of a disease.

No, stop trying to tell me what I meant, you don't know. First of all Denmark and Sweden is not the same country, maybe you should try to stop being ignorant for a moment. Secondly I compared giving me the advice of pulling myself up by my bootstraps to telling children in war torn country the same thing. If it's offensive to tell them to do something absurd, why doesn't the same thing apply to me?

I meant region, my bad. Yes, you likened your situation to that of children suffering from a deadly disease. Whatever you meant, it came across as incredibly arrogant.

Russia and Ukraine are also in the same region. And so are India and Pakistan, China and Russia, Mexico and the US. What are you trying to say? You're just proving yourself to be even more ignorant. And If you choose to interpret what I wrote as such it's your prerogative, but you're still wrong. In fact I even clarified what I meant, yet you continue to criticize me for your own interpretation of what I wrote instead of my clarification. If anything you're the one who's coming across as incredibly arrogant and ignorant.

Whatever you say mate

Actually he is right. The only thing they have in common is that they are Middle-Eastern of origin. Doesn't mean anything as with all cultures there are always going to be winners and losers. He never clarified exactly what his social economic background was nor the exact ethnicity.

OP, from your arguments in the comments I can tell you are a very smart person. Please stay strong, keep at the grind, you’ll make it!

You obviously have no clue of how the social insurance agency of Sweden (Försäkringskassan) works. If I had to guess you probably don't even know how it works in Denmark either. Here are just the 10 first articles you find if you Google it, all of them are describing pretty much exactly what I wrote:

Why so offensive and insulting? I made it clear that I didnt think you were lying, but yet you're acting as if i've exposed you. In Denmark, its pretty damn simple. If doctors say you aren't able to work, the goverment will find solutions that is fitting for your psychical condition.

First of all that's not what a life partner is, did you even read my post? I don't want to have sex with random intoxicated women who don't want to have anything to do with me when they're sober, but if that's how you measure success, then congratulations. Secondly, do you know what Survivorship bias is? I'm sure there are plenty of guys "like me" who have had sex with Danish women. There are also plenty of guys who have won the lottery, does that mean I should spend my next salary on lottery tickets?

So your flawless logic sees sex if not with your "life partner" as being with "random intoxicated women, that dont want to have anything with me when they're sober"? Wow, i feel genuinely feel bad for you. You cant even go back to the Middle East, as even there the newer generations have progressed from your medievel views. And yes I wrote what you read. Did you read what I wrote? I'm adressing the lies that you (which you now seem to backpaddle from) and ppl in the comments are spreading about Middle Easterns are facing hopelessness in terms of love/sex in Scandinavia, when its quite the opposite. Dont brush your own hopeless state over all of us.

Actually that's literally the average in Sweden. That's not an opinion, that's a fact. If you don't believe me you can look it up yourself in the Swedish government's bureau of statistics, here you go.**

So you ACTUALLY think all that shit you wrote IS average? I repeat, YOU actually think its AVERAGE for a Swede in his twenties To OWN an estate AND a NICE car, have travelled the world, have a degree and WELL PAYING job? If you really believe this it takes away all your credibility. If i posted this in r/sweden, im sure they'll tell me that your "facts" aren't in harmony with the society they know. The link you've posted just is a frontpage to Swedish stat collecting site. You might as well just have linked www.google.com. You've just put it up as decoration, so it looks like theres actual substance to back your delusional view on the Swedish society.

I'm not even going to reply to the rest of your post, it just reads like the dumbest self-help book I've ever read. Maybe you should go to Yemen and tell the children that the reason they're dying of Cholera isn't because of unfortunate circumstances, but because they have bad attitudes. I'm sure they'll all appreciate it.

So you being unable to have success with love/sex in Sweden is now somehow comparable to psysical life-threatning illness' in Yemen? Is that really the intellectual standard for this sub? Christ, your stupid. And is this how you adress someone that just complimented and tried to help you for the better? By exposing yourself with ignorant parrallels and insults? All this is doing is that you're just further confirming my claims about how its your attitude and mindset thats the cause of toxicity thats brought you nothing but misery. Instead of coming out of your comfort zone and taking responsebility, you and rather sit on reddit, and exploit yourself as hopeless individual lacking self-awareness in every damn aspect and then write "cope" whenever someone tries to speak a little rationality into you. Wake the fuck up. Your biggest enemy is yourself.

Hey, humiq, just a quick heads-up:
goverment is actually spelled government. You can remember it by n before the m.
Have a nice day!

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First of all, you're the one with the inferiority complex. You keep describing yourself as a "blatte" (pejorative term used for ethnic minorities), and you keep writing about how you're still able to have sex with Danish women despite that, as if it's a great accomplishment. But then in the same breath you write that being a "blatte" isn't a problem. So why is it such a great accomplishment for you to have sex with Danish women if being a "blatte" wasn't a problem in the first place? Why did you feel the need to mention that your who had sex with a Danish woman was 5'4" and Kurdish if none of that mattered in the first place? Why didn't you just write "My friend who has a great attitude" instead? You don't even understand that everything you're writing just confirms everything I wrote about how it isn't just about your personality and ambitions. Your whole text is just a testament to how you didn't understand a single part of my post or this subreddit at all. So I'm not going to respond to you anymore, since you seem to have a difficult time understanding texts you read.

Im using the term Blatte bc its too tiring to write politcal correct terms as "Ethnical Middle easterns in Scandinavia" and as im a Blatte myself, and this sub isn't too high on political correctness anyways, I dont see any problems with it.

First of all, you're the one with the inferiority complex.

"I'll be a 27-year-old, 5'2" bald Middle Eastern man without a high school diploma, with zero friends and no sexual experience, who's working a dead-end job and is sharing a bedroom with his mother. If I want to find a partner to share my life with I'll be competing against the average men my age. The average man my age is a handsome socially capable Swedish man who's 6'+, has a university degree, owns his own condominium, has a nice car and a well-paying job, has traveled the world and has plenty of sexual experience. But at least I'll have my shitty toxic personality from all the years of hardships and suffering, and that's all that really matters, right?"

Yea, totally me with inferiority complex.

you keep writing about how you're still able to have sex with Danish women despite that. I litterally mentioned that ONE time as counter-argument against the lies you're labelling towards the Blatte's in Scandinavia.

But then in the same breath you write that being a "blatte" isn't a problem. Funnily enough, what I did mention multiple times in was that being Blatte DID face a fair share of problems in Scandinavia. This shits getting real comical.

Why did you feel the need to mention that your friend who had sex with a Danish woman was 5'4" and Kurdish if none of that mattered in the first place? Wow. Just wow...........That was the whole point. I mentioned his height to portray an example that neither his height nor his background did actually matter. Had it mattered, he wouldn't have had the girl with him.

Hey all of this is from my first comment. Why aren't you adressing any of the argument to comment you've marked to actually reply to? Is it because, thay you know that your bs statements have all gotten exposed, and you know that by trying to back up for it will only reveal more of the ignorant, self-destructive 'iam very smart' individual that you truly are.

So I'm not going to respond to you anymore, since you seem to have a difficult time understanding the texts you read. Haha, wow this is ironic. Especially considering that you're the one not being able to counter any of my arguments properly. It also doesn't make it easier to read your comments when keep on editting them.

The average girl in Scandinavia is at least 5'8". I seriously doubt that your 5'4" friend gets any play unless he's selling drugs or something.

I'm also an Arab, 5'5", and my real life experiences tell me that your friend is an anomaly.

High IQ response again, absolutely destroying this idiot.

High IQ response

Based OP, shutting down all forms of doubt in this thread. I genuinely wish you the best of days OP.

You're a good dude

Man, I fucking hate what you've went through. It sucks, and no one deserves that.

Having said that, I dealt with it, too. My Dad died of cancer when I was 13. Our income from that point on was less than $8,000/year in the US for a 3-person household. I changed the neighbors' oil and mowed lawns and shoveled shit in barns until I was old enough to legally work.

From that moment until Mom died three years ago, I worked as many jobs as it took to make sure she was ok and didn't do without. I dropped out of college to take care of her when she was sick. I sold my car to make the house insurance payment and walked miles in the snow to get her prescriptions and what little groceries we could afford during the winter.

I didn't hit the genetic lottery. I'm not a classically beautiful man by anyone's definition. I have no affluent friends or family that I could go to for help when I needed something. The area I grew up in has two lucrative professions: healthcare and drug dealer. I was neither.

I'm not here to compare stories or to say my is tougher. I'm here to say that despite all I dealt with, I got through it without lumping myself in with a group of people that spew hate and vitriol at most of the world's population. Automatically hating women or any man who can 'get with' women is asinine at best.

I just kept pushing forward, didn't let my shit situation keep me down 24/7, and made small strides to change the things I could. I ended up in a nicer area with a house, a beautiful wife and three gorgeous little babies (they take that part after their momma). But I'll be fucked if I'm going to let a bad situation make me hate literally billions of people because of going longer than you think is fair without touching a vagina.

You've got two options every day when you wake up: better or bitter. You can choose to try to be better that day, or remain bitter that day. You chose 'bitter' today. Try 'better' for the next few days and see what a difference it can make.

Automatically hating women or any man who can 'get with' women is asinine at best.

OP never once mentioned that he hated women.

But I'll be fucked if I'm going to let a bad situation make me hate literally billions of people because of going longer than you think is fair without touching a vagina.

OP never mentioned that he hates anyone, nor did he say anything about "going longer than he thinks is fair"

I ended up in a nicer area with a house, a beautiful wife and three gorgeous little babies (they take that part after their momma)

You sound like a nice little beta provider bitch. Let me guess, you work and she stays home with the kids right? Please.

You're absolutely right. He never mentioned hating women. But when I see a sick fuck hanging around a Plan meeting in a white sheet, I just assume. That's my bad.

And actually for a good while, my wife worked while I just hung out with the kids because she made quite a bit more money than me at the time. I work now and make more than she does but she still works.

I have no idea why I'm engaging with you in this other than curiosity, but I'm also probably not what you'd consider a beta. Yeah it's true I'm not classically beautiful, but I've never been a 'little' anything. I'm 6'5", about 230 and a lot more muscle than fat.

Just seems like you decide to pick out a few qualities you don't have and decide that's why women don't want you. I'm sure it has nothing to do with your horrible outlook and piss poor attitude.

I hope you get divorced and lose your kids.

if he lives in the west it's inevitable

Haha damn that's harsh. I hope make it well into your thirties and never get laid!

Oh, wait...

You ended up living a nice Middle Class life, good for you. It's not possible for him because of his ugliness and ethnic background, that's the point.

Good thing you prefaced you didn't want my pity, because I wasn't going to give you it anyway.

absolutely fucking brutal I'm so sorry to hear about your situation dude

Someone please help this man my heart hurts this is so fucking unfair

Pain and failure are excellent teachers if you let it. You're not a hideous, balding imp living with his mother. You're a loving family man who catapulted your siblings to the top through strife and sacrifice. Shave your head, exercise before work, get some Proactiv (growing a short beard can help too), attend your local religious community center to meet a woman of similar ethnic background, and work on yourself as a human. Women aren't this unattainable mystical creature. They're just people.

Uh...have you not read a single thing about the blackpill? Women aren't just people. They are highly optimised genetic material replicating machines that will only go for what's best for their future brood.

Women don't want some pitiful creature. They want genetically gifted Chads or rich betabux. He is neither of the two.

Who are you expecting to care?

Bro, don't think like that. You gave your brother a chance. Hopefully he'll return the favor. You've done good, and if a woman learns this, she'll know you are a good man and a keeper.

Middle Easteners should not be in Sweden. Kindly fuck off.

Honestly bro, keep fighting the good fight. What you did is inspiring and I hope you know that you still have alot of life left to get back on track.

Hey, wharhammer44, just a quick heads-up:
alot is actually spelled a lot. You can remember it by it is one lot, 'a lot'.
Have a nice day!

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You have/had it bad bro. You're a better man than I will ever be.

Crazy story, my guy. Good work on getting ur bro into college. Hopefully that brings returns somehow. Your dedication is inspiring, I'm sure you helped out someone just by sharing your story.

St.blackops2cel bless this man

Women in modern society live the easiest lives in history.

This is the part where you say women your mom included deserved it?

There is nothing to say to this besides to acknowledge the shitty hand you have been dealt and life and to appreciate how well you have handled your situation. Incels get a shitty rap but these are the stories people need to hear about them.

Salaam brother,

I don't know if you're Muslim but nonetheless have faith in yourself, have faith in others and I don't mean to he preachy but maybe have faith in God. I know its not taken seriously in a post modern world but remember, all the people who snapped and hurt themselves and others, the thing they have in common is that they lost faith in absolutely everything. So whatever you do, whether is never trusting another person again, have faith in something; God might be a good start. In the end it may carry you out of this shithole and a chance is better than nothing.

Mamby Pamby advice aside: you should drop all hope of female companionship, all hope of friendship and even of anybody giving you a chance. And get comfortable in the reality of how fallible you are.

Then, you focus on the one thing that really matters: money. You can no longer pursue formal education, but education is education whether you get it in a college or online. With that being said, use your internet connection and LEARN TO CODE. I was in a similar position but I learned web development and started doing gigs for dirt cheap or even free. Once I accrued a reputation, I suddenly got an internship and I'm killing it rn. I'm also in a machine learning program for neural networks. Get something learned and I garuntee youll be able to get your foot in the door atleast. You have 3 years til you're thirty, don't be a pussy, the shit you been through, you're tougher than 99% of the faggot ass niggas out there. Make a goal that by the end of those 3 years you'll have a skill that people will actually pay you to for and get that skill no matter what.

When you get some paper, things change. You'll never be as good looking as a Swede, nor as charming, but remember, when moneys involved, everything suddenly has a price, and that's when you can outbid those motherfuckers.

So be smart, be strategic, play the long game, your actually still kinda young. The reality is you're not worth jack shit right now, and that's a death sentence, but not if you're smart. Patience and hard work my freind, patience and hard work.

Inshallah you'll be a different person.

Hey, samurai96, just a quick heads-up:
freind is actually spelled friend. You can remember it by i before e.
Have a nice day!

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You'll likely excuse or take exception to this comment but I fail to see the effort you've put into actually trying to get laid. I mean if that pussy grabbing citrus golem of a president can do it then you've got to try.

maybe try getting your story out there, not just on incel boards and braincels. im sure people will feel for you and some amy even relate. from there you can find things you have in common with these people and maybe start a relationship (P.S. Having a; nice car, condominium and travelling the world are not average. not devaluing your story, im sure your life has been very difficult and im sorry for you. at least you have your family, and youve had them with you for your life. im sure everything will turn out okay for you.)

Sincerely, Cameron The Can.

I'll be a 27-year-old, 5'2" bald Middle Eastern man without a high school diploma, with zero friends and no sexual experience, who's working a dead-end job and is sharing a bedroom with his mother

No idea how things are in Sweden but here in Germany someone in your situation would qualify for subsidized loans to get a high-school diploma. Once you no longer have to provide for your brother that might be a realistic option.

Well you're just poor dude. It has little to do with gender and inceldom. Immigration gone wrong because of untimely illnesses in the family. Very unlucky. At least your brother will be like a son, and once you don't have to support him and he can support your mom, you can travel. Even a minimum salary in Sweden can allow you to travel.

Your mother could have latched on to another beta male like you and sucked him dry to provide. She's a failure, you're a failure.

tells of unfortunate situations

dad is dead, mom is injured af

brother has hope, is doing a good thing by helping out their mom and being a decent human being

"this is wht i cant get laid"

How about you fucking try. Study while taking care of your mother, get a ged equivilant, and set yourself up for success. Nobody gaf if you are balding of has a big nose, they are already anxious enough about themselvea. If its embarassing then shave your head. If you have acne, control your diet and fresh towels on your pillows every night. Fuck dude. Stop being a dummy

Remember that if OP were female, he could have solved all of his issues by latching onto a man.

The story of every Asian foid trying to latch onto a white betabux.

i don't pity you when i read your story, i respect you. you did the right thing and i think that makes you a very good person. i hope your little bro is able to help you out once he finishes uni and gets a job (which will be due to you taking such good care of him). please try to reconnect with former friends, everyone needs human contact, and i'm sure they'd think you're pretty cool. i definitely do.

How to Get a Girlfriend by Mr. Forthright:


(PS - I'm totally considering dating/marrying a girl from Southeast Asia. But she has to be a feminist and not know how to cook or clean, because that's male patriarchal oppression. Also total bonus if she gets fat after we get married and then constantly nags; I want the real Western relationship experience I've always dreamed of but in broken English and in Thai/Indonesian/Tagalog/Khmer/Lao/Vietnamese/ or Chinese!)

l cried.

May God give you and your family peace.

I hate your situation. You can thank the rest of middle eastern women for the social administrative office ignoring your moms pain though. The amount that cheat themselves to benefits is absolutely astounding.

Brother, a5i, Im not a virgin, so at first I thought that incels were just fools who are ideologically possessed so I came to this sub to cringe and mock incels . But I have nothing but the utmost respect for you. You became a man when your family needed you. You suffered for your family and made sure they have food and shelter. You could have left them, but you didn't. So as far as I can tell, you make shit happen and will continue to do so. I am sure you're fully aware of your options so I will not disrespect you by trying to give you advice. But the reason I have a right to say anything is because besides the obvious, I've been in a similar situation. But honestly, fucking leave this sub and all incel communities, it reaffirms pathologized assumptions and will fuck you in the head. Like honestly, you're a trilingual realist who is self aware and is dependable as fuck. You are a minority here. There's not many real men here. You deserve better. الله يفتح عليك

Not really an inceltear woman but i do really love this sub- and not for irony. I (31/F) learn a lot here. It’s excellent insight into what men around me may be going through, and how I can make shit easier on them- (if not by being their virgin Stacy bride-) then by not making things worse by acting like they- or their plight- don’t exist. OP your family background is really intense and couldn’t have been easy to push through. You’re a solid dude for caring about a sibling like that. I gotta say when u describe urself u have the exact features of this Guy (33/M) one of my good friends has been trying to get with for years. They’ve slept together but he “doesn’t want to commit.” He’s 5’2”, middle eastern, balding, large nose, no education. I will say I haven’t noticed too much acne ever but you can get that legit cleared up in 3 months max with as little as a prescription. I dunno. But maybe shit isn’t hopeless. And thanks for sharing.

Not to belittle your story if it's true, but anyone can write anything on the internet.

Damn. Speaking not as a normie, but as a human to another, I hope your life gets better. Stay safe and remember the good times.

Any good looking person would have given up a long time ago in your situation. You are both strong and a family man.


Not sure how moral people are taking away from a really sad story about failing benefits and healthcare systems is that women are evil. Not a water tight sociological analysis.

I got to the 4th paragraph, then I tried to skim.

The attention span in Sweden is more than us here in the USA.

In the end, I answer your question with, 'Yes' BTW, anyone in America with a condo, car, and Did you just say you were Gay? Did I read that right? Holy fuck man, fags are not here, you got the wrong link or something.

Just found this subreddit and this is the first post i’ve seen, I guess i’m a normie, for sure not a beta. It seems like you put yourself in a shitty situation. Were you forced into it, in a way yes, but ultimately it was your decisions that led your life this way. You’re aware of your faults and I find it weird that as a hard worker you would just accept this all? Yeah you’re short and bald but tbh fuck it, at least try. You could do fuck all for 10 years and still be young my man. Habibi, fuck everyone else and just mold yourself into the best version of yourself. It might still be shitty, it might not. Your call though, do you.

Can't speak to the sexual side of it - but in terms of money/career - if your story is true then you are the type of guy who has the balls to grit his teeth and make it through. It won't be easy - but you need an education plan (high school, trade school or university) asap. If you can do that then you can limit the damage to 10-12 years behind financially. It might mean that at 40 you'll be where most 28-30 year olds are. But that's better than the alternative of never catching up.

Good luck.

Stopped reading when you wrote ghetto.... In Sweden.... Fuck off

I am sorry but what does that have to do with the black pill? Would your father not had died if you were better looking? Would your mother not had brake her back? It sounds like you've gone through a lot in life, including a lot of racism, but it's just b*s to put the name black pill over everything bad happening to you and call out normies 'to see' how the black pill is 'real'

Fan sorry mannen :(

Det är kört för dig brorsan.

But at least I'll have my shitty toxic personality from all the years of hardships and suffering, and that's all that really matters, right?


I'm visiting this sub from Canada as a 55 year old balding guy.

I think you are right to recognise that the easiest thing you can change yourself is your own attitude. (not meant as a slander)

My job ends a week from tomorrow, and by working on how I present myself to employers, I hope to find another job.

If my desire was to find a female partner, I would work on how I present myself to available people.

I have been told that "looking for a job is full time work" - meaning that I need to focus and work hard on finding a job. My best success would come if I present myself well. This will include gaining work skills that a future employer may value.

Thinking about finding a partner, it is probably really hard work with no guarantee of quick success. My best success would come if I present myself well. This will include gaining social skills that a future partner may value.

Attention seeking whore at its best

All this would be fixed with universal basic income.

He'd still be short and balding. And UBI would put even less emphasis on the importance of finding a partner who can work a steady job. But yeah it probably would help with his acne (i.e. he could pay a doctor) and having enough money to go out with friends and enough time to maintain friendships.

I mean UBI would fix most of his life problems, but probably have zero impact on the incel part.

I'm a mud living in sweden

lmao serves you right

Stop shitting up white countries, you jewish biological weapon.

Whatever happened to Sweden being the socialist paradise I always hear about on Facebook?

Seriously. Life is really cruel, some really have it easy all their life, and some unfortunate ones like us that can't even climb up to the higher sections on the hierarchy of needs. I'm sincerely hoping that at the end of the tunnel, that you find happiness.

fake story but effective

Sometimes life just deals you shitty hands. I'm sure your brother and mother will never forget what you did for them.

This is true undeniable inceldom, sorry dude. Anybody who has a better situation than you should take a second to evaluate just how over it is for them in comparison.

You don't have a wife.

I feel for you. Sweden is one of the hardest places to game, the competition is just too high.

Hey guy.

I’m not an incel but your story is similar to mine. It’s never too late for a change. I never finished high school myself but there are plenty of high paying jobs hat don’t required a standardised formal education.

Jump on freecodecamp and maybe look into the skills that digital nomads use. Don’t write yourself off just because you’re behind, people don’t apply themselves consistently, it’s very easy to get ahead of the curve if you’re determined


b-b-b-but personality..?

I hope you find happiness. You got dealt a really shitty hand.

You and your family are invaders.

Sweden is the country of some of the most beautiful people in this world. What do you expect when you are a midget dirty arab. I‘m glad this is happening to you.

Maybe one day you dirty subhumans will leave Europe for good.

Muh i was born here. So what ? If i‘m born in China i won’t be chinese either so fuck right back off to your disgusting country.

Thanks :)

That is absolutely horrible. You’ve been dealt a horrible hand my friend. That is something nobody can deny. I’m a normie, but I would in no way say that incel is a choice (always). It is a cop-out for some, but I get it. Life is tough enough without having to worry about making yourself appealing enough to gain the attention of a woman you are actually attracted to. This is harsh, but it is your reality. Selflessness isn’t always something that invites reciprocation from the world. You made your sacrifice and this is part of it. It’s the price of being a great person. I mean it. You are a great person. Many would have done what was best for themselves, but you sacrificed your quality of life to secure a quality life for your family. Be strong, friend. I’m sure you have a wonderful mother and brother who love you to the moon and back. Stay strong.

Hi OP I don’t know you, but you sound like you have a heart of gold where it concerns your family. From what I understand, you have sacrificed a lot to make life easier for your mom and brother while shouldering a lot of responsibility and regret. I hope you can practice some self-care now that your brother is going to university and will hopefully be receiving study allowance and/or work part time to be financially independent.

I don’t know if you’re interested in self-help (and this is in not out of pity) but if you ever get a chance to read The Courage to be Disliked by Ichiro Kishimi/Fumitake Koga I found the book to be a challenging read to deal with some of my fears and insecurities. All the best.

Bullshit story, Sweden has social programs for people like you so you don't have to work your ass and just enjoy the money for nothing.

You are a great brother and son dude. You are stronger than most of us.

Thank you for sharing, you have widened my perspective

You are in Scandinavia...what on earth did u think was going to happen? They have the best looking men in the world. Any non Nordic man is shit out of luck compared to the locals.....not even close.

For what you have done for your little brother and mother, is the meaning of a true man

You can get your high school diploma by attending a night school. There are plenty of good looking bald guys. Think about Benedict Cumberbatch, lots of women think he is hot, even though he looks like an alien. Go to a doctor and get treated for your acne. You write your own story, don't blame the circumstances for what you are doing with your life.

You are full of shit. Women are the problem here and you know it. Women should improve themselves instead of being parasites.

I am not normie. I am incel because I look like taliban ugly man.

Excuses for what?

Whos belittling and berating this guy? You are literally making up abuse to justify hating yourself.

Who said anything about women? Or personality? And what does your personality have to do with women being terrible?

"Apples taste tart so I hate slinkies!!!"

That's not what I did. I compared him telling me that a good attitude would somehow improve my circumstance to the hypothetical situation of someone telling children dying of Cholera that a good attitude would improve the child's circumstance. To "pull oneself up by the bootstraps" is inherently oxymoronic.

Fam why didn’t his mother just go out and find a beta man to suck funds from? Many on this sub assume that’s as simple as walking out onto the street and asking am ugly stranger if he’d like a husband

If you can read this story about a mother busting her ass to provide for her kids and getting screwed by the government programs designed to assist those who are unfit to work, and your reaction is “women are generally evil”, I can give you a hint why you might be incel

Btw, I feel for OP. This dude seems like an awesome person. But I don’t understand how any person could read what he wrote and have an instant gut reaction like this

The average girl in Scandinavia is at least 5'8". I seriously doubt that your 5'4" friend gets any play unless he's selling drugs or something.

I'm also an Arab, 5'5", and my real life experiences tell me that your friend is an anomaly.

Stay mad white boy.

I looked through /u/BetUrProcrastinating post history. He has spent almost a year on this account, mainly on incel subreddits. What's strange is that in the beginning, he was making actually well thought-out posts, explaining his social anxiety as the reason for his incel-dom. He seems like a pretty smart, normal guy, looking for advice and doing what everyone does when they have a problem they want to solve. But his post yesterday, after reading OPs story, was to say "fuck normal people."

This is not a normal reaction. No one says "fuck lottery winners" when someone wins the lotto and they didn't. Jealousy is normal, hatred of those people is NOT. And this subreddit fosters that hatred.

Like I said, if he spent his time in actually positive subreddits or going to therapy/doctors who actually CAN help with his anxiety, he could be the person he wants to be instead of the incel that browsing this subreddit keeps him as. This is the most self-destructive place I've seen on the internet.

I don't think there needs to be a term. What's the term for people who don't have red hair? Or the term for people who don't like art? They are just "people." By using terms like "normie" it makes it "us vs them" and serves only to increase the mental chasm that self-imposed incel users use in order to distance themselves from what they both hate and desire most.

I speak the truth women are scum and I cannot wait to get a wife from a poor country so I can make her life hell.

I can second this, OP. Programming skills are in high demand. If you can learn Java it'll open up a lot of doors for you.

So women are terrible because they want to produce better offspring?