The difference between an incel and a chad

58  2018-05-25 by VartanX


Incel Chico could take Incel Gandy in a 1v1 about who's more mysoginist

I thought this was about forward head posture. Thats a significant problem for incels.

at least this guy can get effective surgery. imagine the bone is missing in height, there is only leg lengthening, a procedure of complete madness

But it sucks he's just a centimeter from living life as royalty. He could have been born with the brow, bridge and chin. Nothing else would have mattered, just that, and he's set. But he has to pay $50,000 for that centimeter while chads get payed that much for being born that way.

It's like being first place in a race for so long, only to be beat at last moment. If you came in last, you could chalk it up to that race not being for you. The equivilent of switching race leagues would be lowering standards.

sp what other people are being born children of billionaires. life is not fair it‘s about whether you can actually change you situation

Yeah except not everyone can afford chin surgery. And insurance is a lot less inclined to pay for something when its only cosmetic and not medically necessary to live.

then work for it. wtf such a weak excuse

pretty hard to work for it when one is a poorcel living paycheck to paycheck working two jobs. Make sex and girlfriends free and this won't be a problem anymore.

You're dumb if you think he can ever look like the guy on the right.

obviously not bc these idiots have also altered his neck

A bigger neck is more attractive. They also made his brow straight.

yeah but this has nothing to do with more bone so

What the hell is it about the chin and brow that makes women go wild?

Sexual dimorphism.