My Chad uncle causing chaos in the family again.

39  2018-05-25 by NekowMai

Stealing money, cheating on my aunt with like 6 different women in the span of two years, verbally and mentally abusing his family, witholding money from his wife and spending it on Staceys and alcohol and drugs, has been accused of fucking highschool girls while in the role of chairman, got involved with some shady ass schemes and almost got arrested. List goes on. Pretty sure the motherfucker diddled his own daughter which has turned into a 17 year old Chad chaser in her own right.

Now my aunt is having a psychotic break and Chad uncle is staying at Stacey's house not giving a fuck while my mom and dad and grandma have to pick up the pieces and play emotional and financial crutch AGAIN.

Such a great personality though. GREAT personality. She sure chose well huh. Flawless creep radar. I bet her daughter who is currently over at young Chad's house getting anally fucked to avoid the household drama we have to deal with will display equally flawless mate selection in the future.

Chad can do whatever the fuck he wants and still slay. Personality and character mean FUCKALL. End.


Great men are often bad men. Who would have thought.

Meanwhile normies blowing a gasket over the harmless loser virgin working at McDonalds.

The virgins are a fucking danger to society though OMG!!

Chad: Not the hero society wanted, but the hero it needed

the thing is before the state emasculated men, you'd have other men in the family who would beat the ever living shit out of this guy and put him in his place. we had partriarchs, brothers, uncles, who would keep the fuck up men in check. now, men can't do dick all, without getting in trouble by the cops. we can't even fucking tweet a mean word. i hate the state. men need to be men.

Lmao putting the cosh on us to beat up Chads. C'mon.

no, I mean, the other CHADS out there, the nice ones, should keep the jerks inline. that's how things worked in the olden days. now people just let their crap slide.

Just make your own Youtube channel already. If more guys heard a more rational woman saying these things, we could build the patriarchy again. Assuming you are not a catfish, I have never heard a chick come to these basic logical conclusions about how society degenerated.

in the right wing of twitter there are all kinds of girls like me. you should come hang out there sometime. lots of 'trad' (traditional) types that are anti-feminism. and want order restored.

Fucking where?

the political rightwing sphere

France just outlawed cat calling in the streets.

I know. it's really insane.

I am a member of the ENTP master race and would like to watch you pee some time. Maybe get a little bit on me too.

ENTP is Chad personality type fucking fakecel OUT.

lmao. i have a fiance, but, he is in fact EnTP, so I can confirm master race status. entp/infj match is literally all that mbti says it will be. perfection.

And his Stacy daugther will repeat the whole cycle as well and more Chad cum will be sticky all over the carpets.

Chad personality... Reeeeee!