A simple flowchart for all the lurkers

62  2018-05-25 by Ropeishope



Sticky this thread, dumb roastie /u/Board_Gaming

Nice, but there have been some chads in here since mainstream media started talking about us after the toronto attack.

Pretty accurate bro

Can you make it more readable

are you OK with your wife fucking DeShaun?


TIL I am definitively Chadlite. 5'10", run club game. AMA

Chadlites don't browse and comment in /r/theredpill. Nice try. Chads spend their time improving themselves or entertaining themselves for kicks. Kinda the way I'm calling you out. Maybe if you spin enough plates you can stop being a walkover.

Oh my b, just going by the chart teehee

Oh my b, I thought you were dead serious. There's a lot of guys who come in here saying they are Chads/lites and it's pretty funny how it ain't so.

I am a Chadlite (not a Chad). I have been with about six 9's and ten 8's... a bunch of 7's and sadly a few 6's as well.

I haven't been with a 9 in about 4 years though, so I don't know if I still qualify.

No you haven't.

Whatever helps you sleep at night.

Fuck Fuck fuck fuck fuck I’m a Norman

DeShaun lmfao

Plot twist: I fucked chad, what am I???

I find no flaw in it.

Removed for encouraging suicide.