Phrases from femoids that annoy you.

40  2018-05-25 by GymcellingisCope1

I'll start:

"Who hurt u?????"


"You would make a girl happy someday, but not me though."

I've lost count of the times I've been informed I'd make a great boyfriend.

And that's why it's better not to orbit them. They like feeling validated.

Tbf there was one who I genuinely am not interested in. She's not a Stacy or even a Becky. But she doesn't like me either.

'Um, ACKshually...'

'You really don't understand women's bodies, do you sweetie?'

'Um, maybe it's because...'

'Have you ever considered that...'

'You aren't entitled to a woman's body...'

'The vagina doesn't stretch. Ugh, r/badwomensanatomy.'

You hit most of them.

do you think you are entitled to a woman's body?



bye pardner

yeh dont really know why i even am here. have fun doing... this

yeee haw

They're right though.


No self awareness

I am an existentialist I am very self aware.


S2G I hear this in the back of my head everytime a woman speaks now.

You have ascended to a higher plane of existence my friend

“Oh noes”

"You deserve happiness"

“Yo momma black”

"ur family LGBT"

"As a woman..." "My SO/husband/boyfriend..." "That's not how vaginas work, at all..." "Yikes." "This is why you're incel." "It's almost as if..." "Oh you poor little thing/victim..." "You're not entitled to..." "And you wonder why..." "... /s" "Y'all..." "...echo chamber..."

Im fuckin getting angry just reading this shit.

"yikes" "you're incel because of your personality' "I don't like chads"

"Maybe if you lower your standards" "Sex isn't that great even though I constantly have it"

Ending declarative sentences with a question mark.

"He just sucks" four (actually) different women randomly decided to hate me in my life for no reason. I only like one but it's made me not hate women but I'd be lying if I didn't find this retarded behavior annoying

the word "SLAY," just the fucking word "SLAY".

This one gives me a hernia

"Ewww" &"How dare he"

Seeing an ugly incel approaching them

"Ur ugly"

“YASS QUEEN” and “SLAY GURLL”. I’m not a cuckservative but millenial phrases bother the shit out of me

WOW IT'S ALMOST AS IF insert anything here, you will get upvoted by hordes of inceltears members

"you dont know any girls do you..."

"You are a good compiler programmer, but you have no idea how to compile a woman's heart."

"Where have all the good men *Nice guy Chads * gone" .

"Ohh my God Stacey, some creep kind-hearted incel just smiled at me. What a misogynistic pig!"


Holy fuck this. This the most.

oh my god

"I feel attacked"

social media post about liking chads


trendcels like me and you know these all too well lmao

I’m not an incel but I cannot stand when women talk about not being entitled to something. I remember seeing a post on reddit and this dude was venting about his frustration in the dating realm and literally his first sentence was “I know I’m not entitled to a date or a relationship but t just hurts” or something along those lines. I go in the comments and see some lady like “Maybe you should stop being so entitled, you know you aren’t obligated to a relationship with anyone.” This was the only time I saw other commenters call them out on that BS.

"You're a nice boy, but I don't think of you THAT way"


“You’re attractive, but not to me...or to anyone else for that matter.”