Daily Reminder that a woman's life is a constant stream of sex, laughter, and pleasure

89  2018-05-25 by raspectwahmen

Women get to have sex whenever they like, with whomever they like, are validated constantly in real life and on social media, have large social circles, are accepted and preferred everywhere be it colleges or jobs, can make thousands of dollars simply for showing off their bodies (doesn't even matter if they are fat) and are never truly lonely.

Remember that when a woman is 'depressed' or 'sad', it's only because she isn't being given the attention or handouts that she's used to.


you guys are so ignorant.

true that

Clinical depression strikes regardless of circumstance though. Might want to amend that a bit.

They still get better treatment and support

That's not the point, OP is acting like chemical depression isn't a thing for whamen.

Clinical or chemical?

Both. The point is the condition can arise whether or not the person has a "good" life. Of course it can also be brought on by external circumstances but not all the time.

Isn't clinical =/= chemical? I also think chemical isn't the term in psychological field. I get what u think though

I mean brought on by chemical imbalance in the brain and not a shitty life.

Genetical basically.

You know how many people have CLINICAL depression? 2%? Less? What a dumb comment.

"Yeah billionaires can get cancer too, so it's not like they have better life than me 40k in debt" - normtards grasping at straws


this is literally untrue. women attempt suicide far more often than males. mails just suceed at it more often. and poll less happy on all metrics, and have higher rates of clinical depression and mood disorders. incels think women are happy bc they get constant sex. women don't value sex like men do. so them having constant sex doens't make them happy. see what I mean? women value intimacy and pair-bonding. so the fact they get pumped and dumped by so many dudes actually makes them MORE depressed than if they were celibate. this is not a dis, it's just trying to five u insight into how females work and to not be so jealous of them bc they are fucking miserable. and not happy or full of pleasure.

Get your facts right. Men make up 7/10 suicides.


I said women attempt suicide more often. men commit it more often. men have testosterone and are more aggressive hence use things like guns and ropes. women don't have the 'balls' to do this and use less successful methods like pills.

were you dropped as a baby?

no. this is a perfectly reasonable statement. if women, on average TRY to kill themselves more but don't succeed. it doesn't mean men are more miserable bc they try to kill themselves less often but just happen to succeed at it. do u see my point? women are miserable, too. in fact statistically more miserable than men.

I cited a source, you are talking out of your ass. What you are saying is completely unfactual and doesnt make any sense. I want you to show me some accredited data that testosterone causes more successful suicide. Show me the evidence.

lol literally are talking out of your ass.

You didnt even read the article, its says the data on unsuccessful suicide attempts is unknown and unrealiable. It also says men are more likely to attempt suicide because men are more impulsive.

This article does not mention testosterone. It does not day women are more likely to attempt suicide. You cant just do a quick google search to try to find evidence to back up your bullshit, and then not even read the fucking article.

well it did actually say women were diagnosed with depression more often and polled as having far more suicide ideation, while men committed it more. here is a another link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gender_differences_in_suicide

why do u think men are more impulsive? and use guns more in their attempts? could it be..testosterone? i mean, it's common sense. why is this triggering?

how many fokin times do i need to debunk this attempt bs?

dude, it's right there in the 2nd link? women attempt it more often. who cares? its not a big deal. u should be happy women are miserable. lol

they attempt more because they fail more. compare suicude by the same method, you'd still find men killing themselves more. besides, women are on birth controls. depression is one of the side effect. imagine if most of the men used SSRIs. then men would out number by even a bigger number.

nah. i don't feel happy for others misfortune.

I agree. I think if more men used more SSRIs, they'd probably commit suicide more. medication can be life-saving in dire situations, but they also can have bad side fx. and birth control really does eff up women's systems. we all need to role back time to when things were simpler.

Testosterone isnt the only difference between men and women. Testosterone does not equate to violence.

Women are more likely to be diagnosed because they are more likely to seek diagnosis. Men are told to man up. http://www.apa.org/monitor/jun05/helping.aspx

i mean, it's common sense.

Its not common sense, its not any sense at all. Whats triggering is how fucking stupid you are. I dont know why you are digging in deeper, when you are wrong, you need to own up to it. And you still arent reading the article, it says in the wikipedia page that men are less likely to seek treatment.

why do u think men are far overepresented in violent crimes in prison? like not even close than women. its not bc men have a 'crime gene' and women don't. women and men line up about 50/50 in non-violent fraud type crimes. but in things like rape, murder, assault, robbery etc men outnumber women. bc of biology. bc of their testosterone and andorgens. even women who have higher levels of T commit more crimes than women who have less. in fact violent crimes have been declining in the west as T levels have been declining. Testosterone is NOT a bad thing. it's a wonderful thing. it makes men be able to do tough and scary jobs women can't do. it makes them be able to operate better in stressful situations. it helped hunt and defend the tribe during evolution. fend off foreign tribes in wars. it by no means that just bc a man has T that he will commit crime, but it's just explains the people with more T will generally be more aggressive than people with less

More talking out of your ass. Do some research before you reply again.

and so we have no intelligent way of discussing people who don't seek treatment. the only things we can talk about are the ones who do, the ones who are diagnosed, the ones who self report, the ones who attempt, and the ones who commit. none of what I said was false. women report being more suicidal, they attempt it more, the are diagnosed more. and use different methods than men.

Women "try suicide" more because to them "trying suicide" is a cry for attention not an actual attempt at killing themselves. Men actually go through with suicide to escape this hellish abyss called life.

well since they get diagnosed with depression more often and report suicide ideation more often than men, it seems that they attempt it bc they in fact want to die. women and men are different creatures. just bc women have sex, doesn't mean they are happy. look at marriages. so many women are perfectly happy in a sexless marriage, while men aren't. guys thinking girls are so happy just bc they have access to more sexual recourse is not supported by any data or evopsych

Women know that society cares about them and making a "cry for help" with attempted suicide will bring them the support they need. Men know nobody cares about them and wants to help them even if they're suicidal so they only attempt when they mean it.

women aren't afraid to seek help tho. women will go seek help very early on and very often. they don't need a 'cry' for help when they know people are already willing to help them. I don't disagree that men need wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy more resources to help with mental health issues.

Exactly, so many people seek help that it's lost all meaning. Everyone seems to have "mental health" problems these days despite being entirely functional. Swallowing a dozen tylenol pills is a quick way to bump yourself up the priority list. I wonder if the times anon holds a loaded gun to his head for 30 minutes at 3AM counts towards the male suicide attempt statistic.

I hear ya. my point wasn't trying to be like 'oh women have it so hard'. it was just to, in a weird way, show that they too are not happy. the sexual revolution has been disastrous for everyone. there are stats that also show the more hook-up sex a women has, the more mood issues she has also.

they are afraid to seek help because when they try to get help for having been sexually abused, the social worker or psychologist will laugh at them.

that's untrue actually. and I'm not trying to be mean and counter signal you, i just don't want any men who have been through that hell to think that's true and not seek help. psychologists and social workers are actually really good with male victims of sexual abuse. I think men 'think' they'll be laughed at, which is why they don't report it. I want them to report it if it happens. they can get help. there are many books out there specifically aimed for male vicitims.

Your full of shit, you're not a male and haven't been through those experiences and been laughed at.

Go back to sitting in your bullshit university classes on bullshit psychology where you all think you are so superior to real life tradgedies. GFY bitch.

you have no idea what I've been thru irl. you're yelling and being a dick to someone who is trying to help by speaking statistical realities all the while complaining nobody will help. seems pretty illogical.

Sorry for upsetting you.

We have very different views on what professional help exists out there.

Professionals who dismiss abuse can and laugh at it can cause huge set backs.

I guess you were lucky in finding the right professional.

aww, ty. that apology means a lot. it actually brought a little tear to my eye. I hate to think of anyone suffering in any way. I didn't mean to come across rude either. my apologies.

Why did you put quote marks around balls?

well it's a figure of speech. obviously women don't have literal balls, but not proverbial ones either :)

Good things they don't have them, sound like balls are very dangerous suicide devices.

na. they are wonderful without balls and the testosterone they produce, we wouldn't have civilization :)

Man that feeling of validation must be nice.

It's the best. I remember posing as a female in one of those early internet chatrooms. Even got one of those betas to send me a gift card for the catfish birthday. I never felt happier than when I was immersing myself into the role of a female. The constant love and validation was addicting.

Then I realized how pathetic LARPing was and sunk back into my lonely male life.

I larped as a stacy on fb. Shit was ridicolous, so many thirsty guys sending invites for dates, giving compliments etc... Just fucking different world

And they have the fucking gall to claim that their life is hard. I fucking hate women so much.

Yes. This is why you shouldn't feel offended if some girl you know didn't reply to your messages, because she probably didn't even notice them. I'm a guy and I get about 5 friends requests every day on FB from people who pretend to know me.

Yes. This is why you shouldn't feel offended if some girl you know didn't reply to your messages, because she probably didn't even notice them. I'm a guy and I get about 5 friends requests every day on FB from people who pretend to know me.

I’ve gotten erections from girls just being nice to me online(never saw my face lmao). Imagine having that 24/7.

Women who want a steady relationship and just get random one night stands are actually not happy. They continue the cycle in the hope that someone will stick around without realising that their behaviour is a detriment to the aim of getting in a relationship.

They can also be very lonely, especially the ones with low self-esteem who sleep with anyone just to try to get some sort of positive validation, which backfires when they realise they were just an easy lay. It takes a lot to get out of the low self-esteem mindset too.

Clinical depression and a few other mental health disorders including Bipolar (or manic depression) have a genetic component to them, so are non discriminatory on gender.

But they still have it better.

Apart from sex, how do they have it better?

Support, validation and one will be always there to talk to. They will pity u, and never tell u to man up. Often they get showered with compliments. They don't need to work as hard or even work. They don't need to be funny, rich, humorous and developing charisma....

Only the lucky get the luxury of not working, like the lucky guys get the exec jobs in offices with the huge salaries. Some girls also have the same crippling social anxieties as incels and you won't find them on insta or tinder. The shy and quiet ones get bullied by Staceys.

Girls have to do all the same work as boys in school and uni, and pass the same exams. They get backstabbed in bathrooms as often as they get complemented.

They have to do the same work but they're graded higher thanks to the women are wonderful effect, they can pass despite doing worse than a male who fails.

I haven't seen any proof of the higher grading thin in schools. Is there anything around that backs that up? I can only find one study about it on the net, and that's about middle school grading. There's lots of studies about females being better at university though, and lots of theories around note-taking and so on.

Anxious girls who get bullied, don't generally look to males for validation. They will hide behind books and become pretty invisible really.

Invisible until they do what every male on earth has to do, actually talk to somebody.

Yup, but sometimes that can be extremely difficult, as anyone here with social anxiety will tell you. Just because they are female doesn't make it any easier to overcome

Sure it does, you know you won't be rejected nearly as often as a man.

You should have asked me that ten years ago. Now I currently have as much luck as your average incel.

Welcome to a man's world, Jesus fucking Christ, wanna know how I know women have it easier? Because they bitch and complain about having to do shit men have had to do for literally million shares FA year. "You don't know what shy girls go through, you don't know what it's like to be invisible!" Really, bitch!? What you just described is known as having a penis for half the fucking populace. How do you expect us to respect you when you're too much of a pussy to do the shit that most men have to? And we don't get too bitch about it.

And yet, here you are, bitching about it.

Am I? No, I'm calling you out on pretending as if women have it as bad, like, literally you're first example of women having it as bad as undesirable men is to basically just describe what life's like for the average fucking guy, think about that for a moment.

All I said was that a woman's life isn't all sex, laughter and pleasure. You read the rest into it.

You tried mentioning how shy girls can feel invisible, I told you that's basically just life with a penis, that's the point I was making, yes, if the shittiestaspects of a woman's life are identical to an average Guy's life, men clearly have it worse by far.

Oh, and you have it so hard.

In terms of dating, yeah, probably, and unlike these chuckleheads I actually am good looking. In terms of walking down the street being paranoid over nothing? I know you ladies got that market cornered.

Don't look at me for that one.

Hey, man, it's women that's always talking about how afraid they are walking home

Most women are. I'm not really bothered. I suppose it's because I used to live in small places with little crime, and these days don't get out much, so meh. It doesn't bother me.

I don't even fuckin get why, though, men are more likely to be victims of violent crime, hell, I actually have been assaulted a block away from my house and I'm not paranoid going home at night

You're less likely to be sexually violated during an assault.

But I'm far more likely to be assaulted to begin with, and more likely to be fucking killed during said assault

So don't wander about on your own at night.

I'm not afraid of it though

Lucky you. Loads of women would love the same lack of fear.

Maybe they should toughen up

Maybe men should stop attacking them

Maybe you should accept that assault will literally never go away and toughen up, like, lmao, if you fucking get murdered in Detroit do you say murder should end or do you say don't fucking go to Detroit?

If you get murdered in Detroit, you're not going to be saying much of anything, since you'd be dead.

You get what I mean. I don't fucking get it, not only do women bitch about everything, they bitch about things men have worse. Men are more likely to be assaulted and murdered, you don't see us complaining about how afraid we are. It's like, all women do is bitch about how much harder they have it, even though I know for damn near certain your white, Western ass doesn't have it worse than me, a black dude, just because you have a pussy.

So you think you are worse off than me?

Perhaps I am, I've not heard your story

Cancer twice (malignant melanoma and thyroid), gallbladder removal, sterility from the age of 20 because of the onset of a condition that is now filling my abdomen with scar tissue and cysts and which is slowly and painfully killing me...

I think you probably have it better than me.

It seems that I do, I am truly sorry that you must live in such suffering. My best friend's mother suffered through severe ailments as well, I saw how it effected him, nobody should have to live in this condition. I apologize for my earlier behavior.

It's quite alright.

I was only trying to say that women's lives aren't all sunshine and unicorns farting rainbows though...

They aren't, I'm just upset because I'm lonely and think I wouldn't have to be were I a woman

It's possible to be lonely in a crowded room I'm afraid. Even women feel lonely sometimes, and even random sex doesn't help. It's a sticking plaster on a stab wound.

I find spending time with my friends helps, but I don't get to do that as often as I'd like either

still doesn't change the fact that they have it better.

Even with the monthly menstrual cycle?

lol you can't be serious.

How? Do you want hormonal cycles and a week of cramps?

want to be bullied nearly everday about your face?

Done that. And my hair colour. And for having my nose in a book.

yeah. as if being called a ginger is "bullying"

Add having your hair pulled, plus all sorts of different names to go with ginger/copper hair, and all the rest, and it becomes wearing. Anyone here who is short will tell you how annoying it is to be mocked mercilessly for something you have no control over, and how mentally it grinds you down over time.

then why are you comparing being incel to having periods? lol

I didn't compare them. I just added that as another layer why women don't have a happy-happy, joy-joy life.

they still live better lives than men, though.

How? Disregard the sex bit for now.

come on. ..women have longer life expectancy and have a significantly lower suicide rate. still want me to list all the reasons?

They have a much higher rate of suicide attempts... And when you're living with no teeth, no hearing, no bladder control, arthritis, heart conditions, and all the rest as well as being more susceptible to Alzheimers? It's not much of a consolation.

women attempt more because they fail more. its simple as that. besides, women use SSRI'S which cause depression. and still men commit more. imagine men most men using SSRI'S, the suicide rates would be far worse.

am talking about women generally have better lives than men. not a woman to a man. statics show that they do have better lives.

sorry about your conditions. hope they get better somehow.

Men succeed more because of the choice of method. Nothing more fancy than that.

Thank you for the thought, but they're not getting better. I appreciate the sentiment though

i mean compare both suicides by gun. it is the most used suicide method in the US for both men and women. if you compared the two, then you'd find that men still commit more suicide. the second used method for men is in the US is suicide by hanging. women's second most suicide method is by overdosing. that's why women attempt more. because of that shit on methods.

japan for example doesn't have this issue. both genders use the same methods. hanging, then comes jumping from a high place. still men commit suicide more. same as most countries. if women suddenly stopped using SSRIs then i guarantee suicides for women would be much lower.

yeah, well, even if there is some chance that things would get better, i hope it happens.

SSRIs are used to correct brain chemistry that causes suicidal idealisation.

i meant birth control pills.

Those don't cause depression.

they do. look it up.

ok forget the birth control pills. my point still stands.

We're back to the "men succeed more because of the choice of method" thing then.

more like women fail more. try comparing the sane suicide methods, you'd get the same result.

It makes no odds on the method. Men choose the more instantly lethal things like guns. Women are more into less messy deaths on the whole. They will therefore go for tablets which take time, and it also depends on what you're taking and so on as to how much will kill you. Many people will underestimate tablet numbers and types.

yeah, but you can't use ''women attempt more'' as an argument. they attempt more because they use a method which isn't as lethal as a gun or by hanging.

in japan, for example, the most used method for suicide for both genders is by hanging, then the second most used is by jumping from a high place. if compared the gender ratio in suicide, you'd still find a huge gap between the two.

The number of attempts (including successful ones) shows that women attempt suicide more often, but succeed less often than men. What's so hard for you to accept?

because it doesn't change the fact that the methods differ? if you want a fair comparison, then just compare them by the same lethal method. my example was japan. if men and women all started using only drug overdose as a suicide method, then men still will have more attempts and more suicide. why can't you understand my point?

It doesn't matter about the method. It's the intent that matters. Women have more attempts overall than men. Look it up if you don't believe me.

But wait. They have it better


You literally just explained how above. They still have the opportunity to get validation every once in a while.


You can't argue that.

You have the opportunity for validation without sex. I explained why it wasn't a positive thing above too.

Yes and they have the opportunity for validation without sex. As well as validation through sex. They even get to have orbiters.



Why can't you understand.

You can get validation as a human being from friends and family.

Jesus Christ. Go sleep. Both men and women can get that. However, women also have the option to get validation from sex as well.

Either things have drastically changed from when I was younger, and my younger friends are complete anomalies, or there's a lot less sex going on than you think.

You keep dodging the point and won't concede. I don't know how old you are but Margret sounds like a grandma name, so yeah shits changed since then.


My grandma's name was Margaret...

You're a redditor, odds are you're just a fucking loser and your friends were too

Well, doesn't that speak volumes for you?

I just happen to be ill. What's your excuse?

I'm on summer vacation and babysitting my dad's dog, so, nothing else to do right now

Go out and walk the dog.

I did that twice within the past 2 hours, and I don't think it counts as twice since the first walk was nearly an hour long and the second was half an hour later, now I plan on putting him in his crate for a minute so I can get something to eat.

So get off here and go eat then.

Might need to walk him again first, which means waiting till about 2:30 or so to eat, also, I can use Reddit on my phone? That's almost exclusively how I browse Reddit. And, why do you even care what I do?

You seem to care about me spending time on here. I thought I'd return the favour.

Please do not try to shame women, they are free to explore their sexuality and to do whatever they want.

There are tons of guys who want such a relationship but they’re too ugly to register as β€œmen” in their book.

Or they're not getting out and about, going to pubs and clubs, or doing whatever to get under the noses of the girls who want a relationship.

Although when they do, they're called "orbiters" and "cucks", and if they get in the relationship, they are called "betabux" and told their girlfriend will cheat on them for someone better.

Literally everything you said is false.

Just remember, when an incel states something as a fact it really means he doesn't know what he's talking about and the truth is most likely the opposite of what he's claiming.

Women get better support for depression, but it's not true that they don't get depression.

A woman will absolutely have an easier time getting some random dude to fuck her once and then never talk to her again. What if that isn't something that will satisfy her at all? What if she wants a relationship with a like-minded individual?

Then she's not going to have as easy a time as you think.

It's not any easier for a guy to get a relationship. It's much harder, in fact, because (get this) if no one finds you sexually attractive, your odds aren't just low, they're zero.

Getting laid is all I expect now. Hopefully some day.

I'm sure you're right. It's impossible for almost all men to get laid. That's why every man I know, regardless of how bald, short, fat, dorky, anti-social they are are married or in relationships.

Unless you are literally deformed in some way you aren't doomed. You might have to try harder and endure more rejection, but it's far from impossible.

"Almost all men"

Damn, I wish I hadn't said that. Oh wait, I didn't.

You just have this ridiculous idea that it's impossible for men to find relationships but trivially easy for women. It is trivially easy for a woman to find someone to pump and dump them.

It is not trivially easy for anyone to find someone they connect with on a relationship level. And often physical appearance isn't the most important factor in finding that person, despite incel dogma.

Can you stop fucking misreading what I'm saying? Actually confront me, and not the incel boogeyman you appear to be replying to.

Women date across and UP. Men are happy to go across the board. This means a woman is going to have a much better chance of getting with more men. It also means that top tier guys, who can afford to casually dump a girl, will do so.

You're also repeatedly devaluing sex, as its something utterly trivial in of itself. Ha. Tell that to us. The idea of someone wanting to have sex with the likes of us is extremely unlikely. Not impossible, but a ridiculously stacked game.

It is EASIER for a woman, EASIER. Focus on what the word means.

Men: 'try harder and endure more rejection'

Women: 'easier time getting some random dude to fuck her once and then never talk to her again. What if that isn't something that will satisfy her at all?'

So, women's struggle is to find the right one (not to mention maybe she just want casual with no strings attached) but men's one is to find anything?

So, women's struggle is to find the right one (not to mention maybe she just want casual with no strings attached) but men's one is to find anything? Women's life looks easy to me.

Most men don't struggle to just find anything. Unless you are solely looking on Tinder like most incels because you know your social skills won't get you anywhere in person.

Even if I accept that women have a trivially easy time dating, so what? You can't do anything to change it. This is the world you get to deal with. You can figure out a way or just throw your hands in the air and claim it's impossible while everyone around you moves on.

You can't do anything to change it.

That's a very defeatist attitude you have there. Of course there's something that can be done about that. Fighting for equality and a more fair world is always worthwhile.

Or are you saying that any and all civil rights movements were pointless and the oppressed people should've just dealt with their lot in life?

All proposed incel solutions are insane and basically involve slavery.

So yes, if your problems can't be solved without forcing other people to do your bidding then you will need to suck it up and deal with it.

There are no insane solutions, just having power or not having power. Women are an extremely priviliged class and deserve to be taken down a notch. Power between groups have shifted all the time, just a matter of time. And the more crazy women get with their current power, the more men they ostraciz, the faster change will come.

I think a better idea is just blackpilling everyone so women just tone down their lookism. People can get over their racism, why not this?

Also, don't waste your breath, BuildACunt ignored my last comment after repeatedly arguing against a strawman. Room temperature IQ.


Cut to ten years from now. Average men and average women are still fucking, falling in love, and marrying. A tiny group of incels is still reeeeeeeeeeeeeing about the downfall of all civilization because they can't figure out how to socialize effectively.

Even though every time social change happens there's a group of doomsday cultists screaming about the end of days somehow it never happens and most of us continue on just fine.

Not sure how it is in the US. But in europe islam is taking over because the idiotic society feminists and their cucked enablers have built is not good at bringing men and women together and producing chidren. There is no endgame or longterm viabilty of feminism here.

How far can we shift these goalposts???


Well it is true for women with good personalities.

What you describe can be put into a single container called "female privilege." It is greater and more powerful than anything we can muster as men.

You are awake to this. Never forget it.

A lot of words are specific designed to put down men. Such as the word loser/bum. You'll never hear a woman called a 'loser' or a 'bum', those are words specifically used for men. The whole language is even designed against us and for women,.

Nope. *daily reminder that some womens lives are a constant stream or sex, laughter and pleasure.

Take out your edit and you're good.

You can't say 'women' its like saying 'all incels think rape is okay and wanna kill off women' because some do.

I can say 'women' because the female is a privileged group and is favored in every way. Everyone already hates incels and think we're rapists, pedophiles, and terrorists. Nothing will ever change that perception, since we are the disenfranchised and hated group. No one hates women though, so generalizations made about them are pretty much true.

because the female is a privileged group and is favored in every way.

Rape victims ain't.

Everyone already hates incels

No y'all just think we do

thinks we're rapists, pedophiles, and terrorists.

Only some of you have those opinions and act like that, just like everyone else

Nothing will ever change that perception, since we are the disenfranchised and hated group.

Not true.

No one hates women though

Uhm?? Thats ridiculous there are so many people who hate women

so generalizations made about them are pretty much true.

Generalisations about any group are never truem

y'all'd 🀠

(I am a bot beep boop. Yall count: 102)

PM me Suggestions!

This is getting nowhere. Kindly fuck off.

This is getting nowhere.

"I can't deny what you said"

Kindly fuck off.

"Please leave and stop embarrassing me"

Ok fam buhbai

lmao at this shit. If I knew I wouldn't be wasting my time fam...

Aw but what if you made me realise all girls are shit and we should help incels and i became a slave to a former incel?


Me reaction to almost everyone on this sub ^





Ima let you have the last word since I know you won't be able to help yourself, then I'm blocking you. Thanks for proving me right and further intensifying my hatred of women.

Ima let you have the last word since I know you won't be able to help yourself,

Awe ruining my fun

then I'm blocking you.


Thanks for proving me right


and further intensifying my hatred of women.

Wow harsh im just playing boi

Reminder that a woman can get anywhere, if she's willing to suck enough dicks.

Shame on men who enable this kind of shit.

"Depressed" woman:
I have slept with over 20 guys since the breakup and I'm still not feeling better =(

Depressed men:
I'm 20+ and I desperately want to know how it feels like to have a loving GF

Completely different worlds. There was an experiment done about twenty years back about some feminist who disguised herself as a man for a year. By the end she said that being a woman was far easier and that she was never more thankful for being born female.

You're spot on here, "completely different worlds" a female will never understand the struggle of a man, they've never had to deal with it. They get privileges constantly, and it's still never enough. How many times have you told a girl she is pretty only to hear "No I am not". No amount of validation is enough, they are insatiable.

Or someone close to her died. Or she has a terminal disease. Or she feels worthless because she is poor and can’t get a better job.

The reaction society gives to these women, by coddling them and loving them is different from what men get. Men are told to shut up and be manly instead. But women’s feelings are just as valid as ours.

When a woman is 'depressed' or 'sad', it's only because she isn't being given the attention or handouts that she's used to.

This to a t.

I've had this conversation many a time with a favourite Stacy of mine at work. I said to her that I'd love to be you just for 1 day , a la Being John Malkovich, just to be able to experience feeling wanted by the opposite gender, going on Tinder and instead of swiping right 200 times only to wake up the next morning to "you have no matches ", have the phone literally blowing up with likes and messages... having an endless stream of the opposite sex stopping by the desk to chat and flirt every day (as she does )... have opportunities to get laid every single night out (as she does and I've seen it). Then she started dishing out advice about how I need to make sure my car is clean. FFS. Fyi it's actually very clean. So I guess the pussy should be rolling in now.

People who are priveliged like her are almost invariably completely blind to it. She acts as if I could achieve same with small steps with a "just world " mentality when she knows full well that she and her ilk are about as accessible as celebrities to sub prime men such as myself.

Youre deluding fake from reality. No girl gets this, rarely. And those arent nice girls, and they dont care about anything but themselves. But youd rather the .1% over the nice girls who would do anything to be popular and looked at? Girls dont experience celibacy and adversity about sex, and going through puberty and being loved before the age of 20, which by the way is a false dream anyone can hope for. What type of deluded society do you come from?

It's way more than .1pc though innit. Ok this sub can be cartoonish and stupid in its theories about how different it is for men and women but you can't deny that there is a difference. It's not an equal dynamic at all. I suspect the women that experience the celibacy are having it because they can't find a man that meets their standards not because they can't find anyone at all. But for the likes of me it genuinely is hopeless. It's not just girls like the aforementioned Stacey who I accept are "our of my league " but also perfectly ordinary /average girls no better looking than me, who will always want the best loooking man they can try and won't ever give me a chance even if they find me funny etc. An ordinary looking man can't get an ordinary looking woman now. It's out of whack. And btw I dont like your whole "really hot women aren't nice" thesis either. No reason why they shouldn't be and nor is there any reason less attractive women should be either. Personally I've never noticed any correlation. And being unattractive can hurt your personality by making you bitter. I am living proof of that:((((

girls cant get guys who are out of their league..whats the difference?Literally proving my point. Some woman can not get partners at all, despite preference or personality or popularity status. If you were a girl youd understand growing up being surround by the cliques, which really were popular kids, the pretty people at the top, everyone else below. But they turn into .1%, they dont matter, they are at the "top of a pyramid" that usually once you leave HS it disappears, no ones popular anymore, everyones just struggling in their own way now. Yet inceldom seems never have grown up of that ideology % to confuse all girls with staceys. A female in the 1990's started and used the word Incel for the first time to describe who she was how she was. Oh but females, all females can get any male of their choosing? How about no. Society did it to themselves, girls dont actually look like what social media makes em out to be, pretty popular girls on insta are airheads, they dont grow up and the rest of us just sit back and watch men who never dealt with some issues//made up a society full of fuckboys and niceguys. Whatd you except?

Girls can very easily fuck guys out of their league. Guys are a lot less picky than girls and won't mind fucking a girl that's a little uglier than he is if the opportunity is there. And girls know this so they wait for their turn with the hot guy, then once they settle down within their league they aren't satisfied anymore and divorce their husband or cheat on him with guys above her league again

Pig Woman Experiment ..

It's just like any privilege, if you are basically born with it you are blind to its existence.

Thanks for the reminder

np my nigga

They get free restaurant meals several times a week bu they still want to be paid more than a man even if it's a man who has to buy everything for them: jewelry, groceries, pay their rent, restaurant meals, fur coats etc.

Women prop up the antidepressant industry. In spite of the ease with which they get pleasure, they are miserable

They are constantly supported by other females, I know this plays into your validation remark. But for a male, when you take another male your problems it's just "grow some balls pussy" you are virtually on your own. But for a female telling a female their problems they are supportive as shit. Living with girls/sisters I know this. They help each other out so much more. It's probably one of the reasons there are more male suicides and overall early deaths. They are constantly being shitted on my society by other men and females. If you aren't some top tier male you are going to have trash tossed in your direction pretty much all the time.

Im angry.

well since they get diagnosed with depression more often and report suicide ideation more often than men, it seems that they attempt it bc they in fact want to die. women and men are different creatures. just bc women have sex, doesn't mean they are happy. look at marriages. so many women are perfectly happy in a sexless marriage, while men aren't. guys thinking girls are so happy just bc they have access to more sexual recourse is not supported by any data or evopsych

I mean brought on by chemical imbalance in the brain and not a shitty life.

lmao at this shit. If I knew I wouldn't be wasting my time fam...

Girls can very easily fuck guys out of their league. Guys are a lot less picky than girls and won't mind fucking a girl that's a little uglier than he is if the opportunity is there. And girls know this so they wait for their turn with the hot guy, then once they settle down within their league they aren't satisfied anymore and divorce their husband or cheat on him with guys above her league again

Pig Woman Experiment ..

Go out and walk the dog.